Sinclaire Academy [ CH AU ]

By lvy_127

6K 139 370

Sinclaire Academy is a well-known elite school in Hangrove. This is where one's social status, Rank. and bloo... More



309 10 35
By lvy_127


[ America's pov ]

ON a beautiful Saturday, Phil drove his car out of the student parking lot and passed through Sinclaire Academy's private road. Viet sit on the passenger seat while me was in the back seat.

Today will be my first day to go out of the academy since l started studying here, so l decided to wear my comfiest clothes-a simple t-shirt that written ' NATO ' and wearing a pants. Today will be my first time to go Town Square too. it's the main shopping district in Hangrove and most SA students hang out there during the weekend. Because I'm a homebody and I immediately entered the Academy before I could even settle in our new home, I haven't been there yet.

Before we left, I called mother to say goodbye that I was going shopping. She agreed, as long as I first buy the things I need before I spend for my snacks. Mama really spoils the plan sometimes. It just so happens that my two-week stock of chocolates has run out.

I turned to the window and watched what we were going through. SA's private roads are wide. mother and I almost got lost when she brought me here on my first day. I feel like it's nice to walk around here because there are many trees around and the air is fresh, but that doesn't seem like a good idea. If I had done that, my feet would have fallen off before I could reach the end of this long road.

It is said that this private road was made to hide Sinclaire Academy from the eyes of outsiders. It is said that you can only see the academy when you're halfway down the road because it is covered by tall trees.

"Shall we go shopping first or go to the cafe you mentioned?" Viet asked Phil when we reached the main road.

"I suggest we go to the cafe first then go shopping. We could go back after to chill and buy pastries to take home," I answered. Phil told me earlier that the cafe we are going to makes the best cheesecake, and thought of mouthwatering pastries was making me excited.

l saw Phil smiled from the reaview mirror. " l Agree! " She exclaimed.

l looked back at the window. I admired the view outside while Viet was busy with her phone and Phil was singing along to the sing on the car radio. My phone suddenly vibrated, indicating that I had a text message.

' Queen Z ' stands for Queen Zealand. New Zealand put that name on my phone when she gave me her number the night we talked in the open field. My eyebrows furrowed as I read her message. I immediately sent her a reply.

After a few minutes, my phone vibrate again so l opened it, Carly's reply blew me away.

I didn't reply to her because I knew what she was saying. 'Don't doubt my choice' she said. I know I make unusual choices often. Sometimes, I don't think about my decisions anymore. Was she talking about that?

Thinking about what New Zealand meant, I didn't immediately realize that we were already here in Town Square. My spirit just woke up when Phil parked his car in front of a cafe called La Patisserie.

When we entered the cafe, I immediately smelled freshly-baked pastries. Phil picked a spot near one of the glass windows for us to sit on. I can clearly see the view outside from here . I could see people walking in and out of the stores, couples strolling together, and kids laughing. I found comfort while watching them because they look so normal.

Town Square looks like it belongs to a different era. Because it has a vintage vibe. There are few cars that pass here, because the roads are small, so it must be nice to walk around this place.

"What do you want, Ame?" Phil asked. She was sitting across from me.

"What do you suggest?"

"They serve awesome cheesecakes here. Their red velvet cakes are great too. "

l wanted to try their cheesecake, But l haven't had red velvet cake in a while. Red velvet cake Can I just order red velvet cake? Or maybe I should get both? But if we come back here later, I need to leave some space in my stomach. Why is it so hard to decide what to eat?

"Do we still need to take you to court so you can make a proper decision?" Phil joked. It must have been noticed that I was having a hard time deciding.

Don't doubt your choice. New Zealand's words suddenly floated in my head. Is this what he is referring to?

"Just mine for cheesecake. Blueberry if you have it."

Phil stood up and went to the counter to order. When he was gone, Viet suddenly spoke. "I'm OP in your conversation," she said before letting out an awkward chuckle.

"By the way, you're not eating."

"I hope I'm like other vampires who can eat human food," she lamented while looking at the window.

"What do you mean?"

"Most vampires goes through a stage where our body decides if it wants human food or not. its part of puberty." She inhaled deeply. " When l was a kid, I could eat human food, but as I grew up, my body slowly rejected it and started preferring blood."

" So, your body just rejected human food? "

She nodded. " A few years ago, my tongue developed distaste for human food and l started craving animal blood more. Whenever l would try to eat human food, l would puke. l was a total mess back then because my body was undergoing changes, so my mom advised me to stop eating human food and just live on animal blood alone. l started feeling better after doing that, " She said. " Some vampires are lucky because they can have both human food and blood. Sadly, l'm not those. "

l looked at viet with pity. It's obvious from her voice that she misses eating human food. I'm sure if that happens to me, I'll lose it. It's so good to eat! But hearing those words from Viet made me realize that even though vampires are higher than us humans in the Pyramid, not all of them have it easy.

Could New Zealand be the same? I have never seen her eat so I don't know. Whenever she was in the dining hall, she did nothing else but sit in her usual spot with his group. Maybe she just doesn't want to eat?

A plate of blueberry cheesecake suddenly appeared in front of me. I looked up a little and saw that Phil had landed it. He had a tray with only food. He placed a plate of strawberry cheesecake and a glass of frappe in front of him and then handed me another glass. I took it.

I was about to taste the blueberry cheesecake, but I felt awkward when I realized Viet didn't have anything in front of her while Phil and I have all these sweet goodness. Knowing that she couldn't eat even if he wanted to made me feel sad.

Phil placed a transparent cup filled with red liquid in front of Viet.

"What's this?" Viet asked while shaking the cup.

Was that blood?

Phil rolled her eyes at her. "Of the three of us, you are the most familiar with it."

"I mean, what kind of blood is this?"

"Fresh deer blood, your favorite. It's probably okay if you skip the blood dosage now, right?" Phil smiled at her. "You look like a meowing cat over there."

Viet squealed in happiness and she hugged Phil. "Thank you!" "You can only hug me for five seconds. One, two, three, four, five- time's up! Now, let go!"

Viet let go of her and happily drank the blood.

I just shook my head at them. I took a bite of my blueberry cheesecake and moaned shamelessly because of the sudden burst of flavor. Maybe this was really what new Zealand meant earlier. l didn't doubt my choice, and it was definitely worth it.


A DOZEN of stores, hundreds of fittings, and two numbing feet later, we finally found the perfect masks for the ball. I chose white because it was the safest color since I didn't know what dress to buy. We bought the masks and went to a store called Mad Moiselle. I hope we can find dresses here because I'm so tired. Everything I ate earlier is gone and I need to recharge now.

The three of us split up as we entered the store. A few minutes later, I heard Viet squealed somewhere. I hope that means she has found a dress she likes. I looked at the clothes on display. I avoided dresses that looked expensive and I just focused on what I could afford. I'm only going to use it for one night so I don't want to spend a lot.

"See anything you like, Bella?

I jumped when I suddenly heard a voice that came from behind me. Did someone just call me 'Bella?'

I turned to see who spoke and the beautiful face of a woman I think was in her mid-thirties or early forties opened up to me. Is she a vampire?

"Oh, my name isn't Bella. It's America," I shyly told her.

The lady laughed. " Bella means beautiful in Italian." she said.

Oh, she's already praising my beauty, I didn't know it yet. "I'm italy, the owner of the store. I can help you pick a dress if you want."

"Oh, don't stop. You might be busy."

"Nonsense. Come on, I know a suit that suits you." I couldn't help it when italy said that because she immediately pulled me to where the cash register was. She left me in front of it and then she entered a door. Seconds later, she came out holding a white box.

She opened the box and handed me the suit that was inside it. "Try this out," she said while grinning widely. Before my brain could even register what he handed me, she pushed me inside a fitting room.

I gathered my thoughts and looked at the dress she gave me. It was a beautiful black vest with white sleeves and yellow tie and lastly black pants. I measured it but I couldn't fix it because I couldn't reach the vest in the back. As I was struggling, I heard a knock on the fitting room door.

"Ame, are you there?"

"Viet, help!"

Viet entered the fitting room and helped me with the suit. We looked in the mirror together when he lifted put down the vest .

"You're beautiful. I have a crush on you," Viet gushed as she looked at me from head to toe.

"We won't lose, "

He gave me a thumbs-up. "Awesome choice, Ame."

I took a good look at myself in the mirror.The suit fitted me perfectly and it emphasized the curves I never knew I had, but wearing it made me feel uneasy because I was not used to wearing clothes as beautiful as it is. I went out of the fitting room, feeling unsure.

Don't doubt your choice. I just shook my head when I suddenly remembered New Zealand's text message earlier. I don't know why that popped in my brain now.

Italy clapped her hands with delight when she saw me. "You look beautiful!"

"Nice!" Phil commented that he was now carrying paper bags. I guess, that means, he and Viet have already bought their dress.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I normally avoid black vest, but this will do. It would be a shame if I were to object, especially since the owner of the store had already chosen it for me.

"Don't worry, Bella. You look beautiful!"

Phil and Viet waited for me outside while I took off the dress and paid for it.

for it. Before I could ask ltaly how much it was, she was ahead of me.

"It's free," she said while handing me the paper bag that contained the neatly-folded dress. There was a big smile on her face.

"Really? are you serious?" l shocked in reply. Do they really give out free clothes here in Hangrove? Is this normal? Or is this a prank? The suit looked so beautiful and expensive, so why would ltaly just give it for free to someone she doesn't even know?

"Yes, I'm serious. I've been looking for a man to match that suit for a long time. Every time someone comes into the store, I check to see if they have the traits I'm looking for to own that dress and no- I'm disappointed every time I realize it's not there. But when I saw you walked in the door earlier, I knew right away that that dress was meant to belong to you."

"Why? What's so special about this dress?" I wanted to ask her if the dress was cursed, but that would be rude so I stopped myself.

"It's the first dress I ever made."

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept it." I pushed the paper bag back at her. I couldn't just take something so important to her. I still have time to find another dress.

"Take it, Ame. It would be a great honor for me to have one of my creations worn by you," she said and then pushed the paper bag back to me.

Why does she want me to take such a nice suit? What's so special about me?

" l cant-"

" I'm serious. Take it. " ltaly said softly then she held both of my hands and placed it on the paper bag handle. " Now, go before your friends wonder what's taking you so long. "

" Thank you!" l sincerely bowed at her before leaving because l couldn't think any other way to express my gratitude to her. l smiled at her then l left the store.

As I was walking towards Viet and Phil's place, something suddenly came to my mind. What if New Zealand was talking about the dress and not the cheesecake in her text message? What will I gain by wearing this dress?

Ame's Suit!

yes. go prepare yourself for chapter seven. l guess? l don't know why my Friend suggest me a suit for America like that but its very cool tho.//

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