My Baby (Sun/Moon x Reader)

بواسطة Xmimi89eR

23.8K 1K 1.4K

Their planet was forgotten--Destroyed, someone had told them. They were taken a very long time ago, taken and... المزيد

My Heart is Too Soft
Loud Noises and Warm Hands
Doubts and Bears
Of Wolves and Chickens
Conflict Will Tear You Apart Eventually
Seven is the Number of Heaven
Angel of My Heart
I Think I Lost Something
Stir and Rest
Confronting is too Tiresome
My Offer Still Stands
Little Stars
Duck Duck Goose
A Bandage for You, a Bandage for Me
Lost and Found
Successful Restlessness
After Clouds
Swinging Our Worries Away
Late Night Snacks, Late Night Talks
Choices I Get
Learn and Unlearn
Kitten Out the Window
First Impressions
Tickles and Night Kisses
New Dawn
Sugar Babies
Baby Steps
Big Cars, Small Cars
A Grave is Six Feet Below
Snow White
(Lack of) Safety

Caressing so Gentle

556 32 21
بواسطة Xmimi89eR


It wasn't that she was bad. No, not really.

Both of them knew they were nothing more than glorified pets to her, something she could show off to her rich friends and family, something she could use as her little workers whenever she didn't want to do something. But, she wasn't bad. She never used that device on them nor did she hit them. Her words stung more than they'd admit, but both would take that over the physical ones.

Mrs. Lawrence liked malls, it was why they were familiar with them. Her treks there always took so long and her bags of gifts and clothes were a ton to carry, so, she takes them with her. Sun or Moon would help carry them or take them to her car to empty the bags before going back and doing so again. It was no fun, those things were a lot heavier than they look sometimes, but they managed to do it regardless.

That time was no different. Mrs. Lawrence went to her favorite salon, the one manned by that Glamrock that they dared call a friend, so now they had to take everything she brought to the car.

It will take multiple treks to and fro, but they can do it, they always do. Taking the car keys, which they clinch into like a lifeline— if this thing got lost then they'll be in serious trouble, they start their work. First run was no different. They took everything in both hands and ran over to the car, put everything in, then went back up to the second floor to take the rest.

Roxanne's eyes kept locking with them every time they got back to take more in their arms as the wolf worked on styling their owner's hair. She was working slow, Moon had noticed, to buy them time so they wouldn't overwork themselves in fear their owner would finish and yell at them.

Sun flashed her a smile, albeit a little wobbly, as he came to take the last few bags. His breath was a little ragged but that was no new thing— their body wasn't the most healthy, so it made sense to them they'll get tired easily. They did this a lot more, so they're used to it.

Or so they thought.

Hopping from the escalator, Sun slowed down when he kept panting. Their legs were wobbly but he pushed in outside and towards the car. It was no different than any other time— the feeling of weightlessness and their racing heart over little things. Though, it was still annoying, if you'd ask them. They were fine! No little running would make them that tired! It was ridiculous.

Reaching the car, they shoved everything inside and in place before closing it, heaving a sigh.

It was night, as always, the time their owner liked to go out. People wandered about, not looking their way at all, everyone knee-deep in their own bags and awaiting their taxi. Sun walked back in, feeling lightheaded. Something felt like it squeezed their heart, a shudder went through them. The feeling was unpleasant and Sun was forced to take a rest on the side beside a shop.

They wouldn't take long, promise! Just a small rest so their racing heart and breath would slow down.

A few seconds turned into a minute. A minute turned into two. Their breath kept getting faster.

Two turned into five and Sun tried getting themselves to stand, only to have their legs give up on them and force them to sit again. Panic began to seep in, not wanting to take too long. Ooh, their owner is probably finished by now! They'll be in so much trouble if they got too late.

Trying to keep their breaths slow was fruitless, they no longer can control that. Their chest heaved faster and faster, sweat gathering over their forehead and neck. It was becoming harder to even stay sitting, and Sun started to shift around, wanting a position that'll keep them upright.

Were things always this dark? The mall was always bright, so why did the lights suddenly feel dull?

Shaky hands kept touching their face, a move that they weren't sure why they were doing. Maybe out of anxiety, or maybe of how hot they suddenly felt.

People around began to mumble, but no one came close to them. It felt like hours has passed, but their condition only had gotten worst. Sun tried to appear normal— the last thing he wanted was to cause a scene! But that was harder said than done as their body was acting all on its own. That wasn't fair! They were always good at keeping things at bay, so why now was any different?!

The urge to throw up approached, much to Sun's horror. His hand went to hold on his neck, then chest, then mouth. He can't throw up here! It'll be a disgusting mess and they'll feel guilty for whoever's going to clean it! That wouldn't be fair. It'll be so selfish— they have to hold it down, they have to hold IT DOWN—

"Oh— Oh God! Honey, are you okay?" A voice asked, urging Sun to look up— which he immediately regretted and gazed back down. Was it getting darker? It felt like it was. Oh, was he ignoring the person speaking to him? He doesn't think he can speak, not with the urge to throw up right behind his throat. "H— Hold on..." The voice spoke again to someone else before it got louder— closer. "Can you hear me? A-Are you okay?"

The voice's owner came into view for a second, making Sun realize he had an audience— or, well, three audiences that actually talked to him. Two girls, which he thinks are Humans, and a little Android with her hair braided. Sun couldn't linger his gaze, not with how dizzy he felt.

"A-A ba-bag." He stuttered out, cringing at how cracked his voice came out. "A bag, I need a bag." It felt horrifying— he can't throw up here! At least if they had something he could use...

One of the girls looked at the others— none of them had any. "O-Oh, we don't have— y-you need to come with us, where are your parents?" She asked in a soft tone, coming to try and host Sun up, to which he couldn't resist at all, much to his fear. "Oh, s-stay with me, okay? Don't be scared. Can you point out where your family is?"

She thinks they're kids.

Sun didn't give that much thought, because, regardless, he didn't have parents.

"We should get him there," The other girl spoke, her voice much like the other. Sisters, maybe? Whatever. Their voices were soft and tender and Sun liked that more than he'd admit.

With both girls' help, they took him by the armpits and helped him walk. "Are— are they close? Could you point them to us?"

Sun looked up, whining at the sudden movement. His body did not like that as his vision swamped around. The world tipped back and his sight was dark— it was getting dark. Static filled everywhere they looked and Sun rubbed at his eyes, whimpering in displeasure the more they moved. Looking up, he used a hand, which was way harder to move than it should, and pointed to the escalators.

"They— they're upstairs? The second floor?" The first girl asked, voice low and soft. Ooh, Sun didn't want to seem so dramatic! This shouldn't be something this big! They were just tired! It wasn't fair.

Nodding, Sun tried to open his eyes again—

They're open.

His eyes are open— then why can't he see anything? Sun's breath hitched as static was all he saw, anywhere and everywhere he looked it was only static— tears slowly wetted down his cheeks, feeling cold against his feverish skin.

"What's your name?" The girl to the left asked, and Sun was confused why she wanted to know that.

"S-S-Sun." He choked out, his voice unrecognizable. "I-I can't s-see!" Sun whimpered in fear, feeling everything drown around him, body ever weightless yet heavy.

"This is the first time I see something like that." The little Android said, much to the girl's disappointment as she shushed her. Sun's vision cleared a second to show the Android looking at him in confusion. She was a little girl, he wouldn't blame her for being confused.

"It's okay Sun, we'll get you there. Just— Just stay with me, okay? You'll be fine." The girl to his right said and he reached out blindly, feeling helpless and ashamed of his pathetic behavior. A hand held his and he wanted to hold tighter, but was unable to. "Do— Do you know where they are? Can you point them to me?"

"He can't see. Sun, do you know the name of the shop they were in?" The other girl asked.

Sun lifted his head up, not realizing when had he dropped it. A pathetic attempt to look around was fruitless, and all he saw was static and a tiny bit of light at the upper corner of his eyes, but he wasn't even sure if it was real or not. "R-Roxy's..." He whimpered, breath labored and fast. "R-Roxanne's s-s-salon—"

"I can see it right there. Don't worry, we're close. Keep it up, it's fine." The one to his left said, and, oh, he wished it was fine. Mrs. Lawrence will be mad at them for making a scene like that! But they couldn't do anything— they're trying so hard to gain their sight back but they're unable to.

"Sun!" Another voice called. It was— it was Roxy. Sun lifted his head up again, catching a glimmer of the wolf's gray fur before their vision was blackened again with static. Strong arms held them fully up, much stronger than the girls', and Sun realizes it was the first time someone held them up gently like that. Unfortunately, the urge to throw up was still there and Sun's last wish was to ruin Roxy's clothes, so he limply pushed away from her, urging the she-wolf to put them to the ground as they heaved, stomach turning.

Thankfully, Roxy understood what they wanted and crouched down, surprised at how limp they were in her hold and how unresponsive their legs seems to be. They sat on hands and knees, heaving and wheezing and whimpering. Nothing came out, thankfully, and they managed to stop by the third time.

"We— we found him on the first floor," He heard one girl say. "I think maybe it's an asthma attack?"

"Do you have candy? Maybe his blood pressure is low," Someone else said, one that Sun didn't know who it belonged to. His eyes looked around, seeing nothing, but his breathing started to slow down.

Roxy's big clawed hand fanned over their face, giving them a slight bit of more air they couldn't seem to get. Using her other hand, she unbuttoned their shirt, letting cold air hit their chest. "I can't see..." He all but whimpered out, scared as the feeling of their body started to become fussy. Were they dying? Was this how dying felt like? They aren't sure why this was their first thought, but their head felt like it tipped forwards and all their thoughts all but vanished for a moment, and Sun felt horror faintly at the back of their mind. Though, they didn't faint, not as they came to realize. Did dying feel like fainting? Probably. It was scary.

Brushing their hands over their eyes again, they refused the water that was offered— they couldn't trigger their stomach! They barely got it to calm down.

The static began to slowly, oh so slowly, fade away. They blinked multiple times, seeing Roxy's punk wear with its dark colors. Oh! He's regaining sight again! It was slow but it was something.

A familiar voice spoke, soft but he wasn't able to understand. Looking up, he found the two girls who helped him, one of them raising a hand to wave at Roxy.

Sun wasn't able to make out their faces well, especially with the masks they wore, but he could tell they were both sisters. Gathering all his composure, he spoke barely above a whisper. "Thank you..."

One girl smiles, he could tell by the way her eyes upturned, and her wave turned towards him. "You're welcome." Even her tone was soft, which made him realize no one had ever spoken to him like that. Roxy was soft when she wanted to be, but she still held up her strong and sassy personality, so she never really spoke softly, even if her words were genuine and soothing.

First time to be spoken softly to and first time to be held gently, even if it was for a few seconds. They guess it made them realize of something that's missing— something they never had, and that longing became tenfold harsher.

White eyes locked with their owner, and they froze. Mrs. Lawrence didn't look as mad as they thought, but annoyance was still visible. They shrank in themselves, ashamed and scared. Their rays sank down as their world tipped again in another wave of dizziness, this time much lighter. Roxy's hand still held them, warm against their sweat-drenched back.


Two things they didn't know they wanted until they experienced it.

Somehow they aren't sure if they wanted to or not.



"Sun? Dear?"

Sun blinked, twisting his expressions as if to will the memory away before looking at you. Worry painted your face as you shifted your hold around them, and Sun felt his breath hitch for a second, clenching closer to you. Soft-spoken words and gentle holds— he can't get enough of that ever since he got a taste of it. And here you were, offering them free like it was nothing.

It was bittersweet.

Though, feeling your hand on their back, you made it better.

"I'm fine," Sun tried smiling, which only came as a grimace. He squeaked when you shifted again to get them to lay closer against you.

You hummed. "You dozed off for a second there. We're almost done, don't worry." You say in a low tone, as if speaking louder would scare them.

Soft-spoken words. Gentle holds. It seemed so easy to give so why didn't they ever have that? If it was so easy to give, why was the world so selfish to starve them of it?—

"Sunshine, you're choking me," You snap them out of their thoughts again and they gasp, uncurling their iron grip from around your neck.

"S-Sorry! I'm sorry! I was just—"

You wave a hand before using it to usher them back against you. "It's okay, I'm not hurt! Though, you do have a strong grip, ya know?" You grin.

Sun blinked, bashful. "I— Really?"

You hum, putting a few extra things in the small cart you had. "Really. Super strong, actually, given the fact you're underweight. No offense, really, but I am surprised."

Sun's smile finally becomes genuine, a copper-colored blush paints their face as they leaned into you to hide it. This earns them a chuckle from you, feeling it and hearing it. They rested there, content and a little tired, but overall fine.

Moon was quiet as he always is, though, he still stands close to Sun in their headspace, soothing the worries if just a little, and Sun was ever thankful.


Toothbrushes and toothpaste, shampoos, whatever you lacked alongside whatever they did was bought in record time. You grab for the two bags and walk towards your car, open the door for Sun, then put everything in and turn the engine on.

The drive home was much quicker than the drive to the mall, even when you stopped by a gas station to refill and bought drinks for the two of you (which Sun had agreed on the sweet smoothies, something you weren't surprised at). The air was much lighter, now with Sun less anxious, thankfully.

It was nearing nine by the time you made it home, leaving the bags in the car for now since the both of you were tired.

Dinner was ordered, Sun eating much more than he did in the morning, thankfully, and by eleven you had their bruises covered in cream and their pills successfully swallowed (even if Sun whined about the thing).

Getting the bags out, you put them all in the hallway after two treks to and fro your car, much to Sun's insistent on helping you— he didn't like just sitting around and not helping! Not only was it rude, but he also liked helping in general. Even when you assured them it was fine, they still pouted at sitting and doing nothing as you did all the work.

Looking down at their leg, their pout turned to a frown. Well, no more getting dizzy because of running around.

Once everything was set in the middle of your sister's room (which you claimed to be theirs now), you sighed and put your hands on your hips. "Okay, that was easier than I expected." You turn to the bags and get the toothpaste you desperately needed. "Tomorrow you and I will solve through those, okay? It's getting late and you're probably sleepy by now, so take those," You hand them the rest of the bag, which contained all the hygiene stuff you bought. "Toothbrush and toothpaste in there. They're yours." Standing up, you stretch. "The pajamas are in the blue bag, I think." You pause, looking at the things. Yep, it's there. "Okay! Do you want any help with getting to the bathroom?"

Sun determinedly shook his head. He can do that! It was easy!

You nodded, a yawn escaping you. "Alright, honey, goodnight. If you can get Moon to sleep too that'd be great."

Sun could hear Moon groan in their head.

Nope. He isn't going to sleep anytime soon.

"Oh! And before I forget," You turn to Sun, just barely out the door. "Ugh, I should remember that— uh, are you okay with me calling you dear? I keep forgetting that not everyone likes to be called that," You scratch your neck sheepishly. It was just so easy to fall into this habit like everything else.

To your relief, Sun immediately nods, then shock his head, then pauses. "N-No! They're fine!" He smiles, tugging at his hands. "We like them."

You sigh. "Good... okay. I'm glad you do. And, Moon, we'll continue our book tomorrow, okay?" Sun gave you a nod, probably since Moon can't exactly answer you at the moment. "Alright, goodnight." You wave before leaving, giving them much space to sort through a few things. Tomorrow they'll have to sort these clothes and things out, but for now they can just get a set of clothes out and get ready for bed. Their rays twitched as they heard you head to the bathroom, probably to brush your teeth with the (finally) new toothpaste you've got (your old one was wheezing for life).

With that, Sun began to get the first thing they laid eyes on— hair ties. They can finally have their hair tied so it'd stop flying around like crazy! With that done, and a content sigh from Sun, he actually started to get the things he needed out.

A jingle makes him pause and he snatches the nightcap Moon had claimed earlier, setting it on the edge of the bed for Moon if he wanted to wear it later.

Alright! Now to the other things.

Pajamas were so soft! Some colorful and some duller in color but they were all so soft. Sun and Moon cherished the feeling of it when they finally had undergarments underneath and the soft fabric over them. They headed to the bathroom next, which is open when you had left it five minutes ago, and slipped inside. Brushing their teeth wasn't as... savory as it was, their gums bled a little and it stung too, but it was a feeling they missed having their sharp teeth clean.

Finally back in the room, they crawled into the sheets, flickering their eyes to the plants around. They were pretty, and the flower smell made them even more better. Orangish lights illuminated the greenish sheets they sat upon, warm blankets over their legs.

Sun was tired after a long day, but he was the happy kind of tired, not the bad one. He wasn't wheezing for air or having black spots over his vision, no. It was the tired they'd get after playing TAG or Hide n' Seek. It was fun. Today was fun, especially the part where Sun drew a duck! Ooh, it was such a good drawing— you said so too!

Shifting a little, Sun was about to lie down when something caught his attention. Red eyes trailed to the closet where the door was ajar, something barely poking out in the darkness there, and Sun's eyes sparkled as he realized what it was.

Perhaps they aren't sleeping so soon anyway.

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This is the continuation of the first story! So if you don't know what's happening, go read the first one if you want! Sun and Moon are finally free...
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sun and moon are separated in this story so they can do what they like (crying for the 5th time my hand FUCKING hurts 😿) this is over btw.