Stage Crush

By yuhxgrande

54.1K 2.4K 553

"Hey it's Rico with ninety eight point nine, I'm phone with.." he began letting me say my name "Y/n" I repli... More

Caller number nine
How the hell
Apparently thats the thing
We'll be there too
We have to
Night 2
Thank you for coming
Just days after everything
Lets take a trip
It's hard to talk to you
Who are the mystery girls
Apartment hunting
I'm good at surprises too
Just let me know
This is it
No invite?
You know more about me
It's ready now
I'm already tired
House warming
I'm going to sit right here
This is my plan
Have you ever been?

Young love

1.7K 85 25
By yuhxgrande


After Liz and I looked at those apartments yesterday, we were going to talk about it with my parents, but they went out on a date night. Instead, we talked to Liz's mom and it went pretty smoothly and she even offered to help us pay for the deposit. She also told Liz that she is thinking about asking her boyfriend of three years to move in and Liz encouraged her. It was time for her mom to be happy after her step dad had passed five years prior.

My parents had told me that they would be out until pretty late so I decided I was going to stay the night at Liz's just in case.. I don't want to walk in on anything and then question my whole life.

"Liz" I shake the girl sleeping next to me

"Hm?" She hummed

"Do you want to go get breakfast burritos?" I asked

She immediately sat up

"From where?" She asked

"Burrito Kingdom?" I asked

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She cheered

I laughed at how excited she got

"Hurry go brush your teeth before they stop selling breakfast ones" I told her

"What time is it?" She asked

"Ten thirty, they stop at eleven" I told her

She nodded as she got out of her bed and began walking out of the room to go brush her teeth in the bathroom that just sits at the end of her hall. She didn't keep me waiting long because within five minutes, she came back with her hair brushed out, minty breath, and her pimple patches removed

"Ready" she said

I nodded as I got up from the bed and we began walking down the stairs

"You drive, I'll pay" I told her since my car was at my house and I didn't feel like walking over there

"Deal" she said as she grabbed her keys

We soon made it to her car and she immediately began to play music. This week she is on a Gracie Abrams kick and has non-stop been listening to her

"Have you talked to John?" I asked suddenly

"Yea, when you were sleeping, he called me" she told me

"What time did I go to sleep? I thought it was late already" I asked

"Girl, you went to sleep at like eleven thirty" she laughed

"I must've been tired then" I laughed back

"I guess so" she said

"What did John say?" I asked

"Nothing really. We just talked about stuff.. Oh and Taylor said to tell you hi" Liz spoke

"Taylor was there?" I asked

"Yea, I guess John is now one of her fulltime security guards along with his dad" Liz spoke

"That's interesting" I said

"Yea, but at least now when you hangout with Taylor I can be with John" she stated

"True" I told her as she was pulling in the drive thru of the burrito place

"Hi, welcome to Burrito Kingdom, what can I get you?" A voice spoke through the speakers

"I'll get a bacon, egg, potato, and chili breakfast burrito" I began

Liz looked at me and whispered 'me too'

"Make that two" I added

"Will that be all?" He asked

"Yup" I replied

"I'll have your total at the first window" he said

We didn't even respond before Liz drove up to the first window where we were met with a guy that looked a few years younger than us

"Eleven twenty five" he told us

I leaned over Liz and handed him my card and watched as he swiped it

"Here you are, have a great rest of your day" he smiled

"You too" I smiled back


"Oh my god, this is so good" Liz said as she dug into her burrito at my kitchen island

I couldn't help but to laugh

"You don't think so?" She asked

"It's good" I replied with a laugh

"Cause if you don't want it, I'll take it" she said

"No, I like it" I scootched away from her in a joking manner

"Alright" she put her hands up in a surrender

As we were chewing, her phone started ringing, but once she saw who was calling, she didn't move to answer

"It's John" I told her

"I know" she replied

"You should answer" I told her

"But I'm here with you" she told me

"It's alright" I smiled

"Are you sure?" She asked

I nodded as she reached to answer it before she missed the call completely

"Hey John" she smiled immediately as she put him on speaker

"Hey, what are you up to?" He asked

"Just eating a breakfast burrito with y/n" Liz replied

"Hi John" I waved even though he couldn't see it

"Hey y/n" he replied

As if on cue, my phone started ringing. Liz looked at me with raised eyebrows as a way to ask who was calling. I flashed her my screen and she mouthed 'answer it'

"Heyy Taylor!" I smiled

"Heyy y/n! How's your burrito?" She asked

"Too good" I told her

"You know I'm a sucker for burritos right?" She asked

"I did not" I replied

"Well I am" she spoke

"Interesting. I'll keep that in mind" I said

"What's in it?" She asked

"Egg, bacon, potato, and chili" I listed off the contents

She let out a hum

"And I'm and even bigger sucker for breakfast burritos" she sighed

"I'll buy you one when and if you come to Vegas again" I told her

"You better. I'm gonna hold you to it" she told me

"I will. Scouts honor" I replied

She hummed

"Were you sitting next to John or something?" I asked

"Yea, then I heard your voice and thought I should call you since you were sleeping last night" she replied

"Yea, I'm sorry I missed you" I apologized

"No worries, I should've been sleeping too" she giggled

I laughed back as I was finishing up and looked at Liz and pointed to my back patio door as a way to tell her that I'm going out there so we could be part of our own separate phone conversations. Once she nodded, I opened the sliding door and walked to the chairs that sat around the firepit

"How are you doing?" I asked Taylor once we were alone

"I'm good, thank you so much for asking! How are you doing?" She asked me right back

"I'm doing good" I replied with a smile she couldn't see

"What have you been up to? You know besides eating burritos without me" she asked

I laughed with a shake to my head

"Liz and I went and looked at a few apartments yesterday" I answered

"Did you now?" She asked

"Mmhmm" I hummed

"And?" She asked

"And we found a really good one that is still close to both of our parents" I replied

"Is it expensive? I know rent is awful these days" she asked

"Not really, it's actually pretty affordable for how nice it is" I said

"If you don't mind me asking, how much would the rent be?" She asked

"Like fifteen hundred a month" I replied

"For how many bedrooms?" She asked

"Three" I told her

"Oh wow! That's.. wow" she said sounding amazed

"That's what I'm saying" I laughed

"I think you two should go for it" she told me

"We will. We just need to have a chat with my parents" I told her

"Yea, I understand" she replied

"You have a show tonight right?" I asked

"I do. Why, are you somehow here?" She asked

"Unfortunately I am not" I pursed my lips with a laugh

"Bummer" she replied with a frown evident in her voice

"Maybe another time" I said half joking

"Maybe" she agreed

"So Liz and John huh?" I asked

"I know. She's literally all he talks about" Taylor admitted

"No way really?" I asked

"Yes, like I know so much about her without even really talking to her" Taylor said

"Oh yea, like what?" I asked

"Like her favorite song in elementary school was the gummy bear song, she used to be in gymnastics, you two have been friends since kindergarten, her favorite color is lavender, but it has to be lavender, nothing darker, nothing lighter" Taylor answered

"Oh wow. It's that bad huh?" I asked

"Yes. I have to tell him to shut up sometimes" she laughed

"Welp, what can you do? You can't stop young love" I told her

"You really can't" she said in almost a whisper

A small silence fell over us, but it was a comfortable one

"What about you, are you seeing anyone?" She asked

"Oh yea, tons" I joked

"Really?" She played along

"Oh yea, a different boyfriend every week" I teased

"Mm mhm, interesting" she hummed

"Yep, just living my life you know" I continued

"Oh yea, I see" she added

"Mhm" I hummed

"Which boyfriend is your favorite?" She asked

"Uhh.. probably boyfriend number eight" I replied

"And what is boyfriend number eights name?" She asked

"I think it's like boyfriend Taylor or something?" I questioned

"Oh my god, shut up" she laughed

"What?" I laughed back

"No, just no" she replied

I let out a sigh while coming down from my laughter

"So it goes up to eight boyfriends?" She continued

"Fifteen actually" I corrected

Taylor let out a loud laugh

"What?" I asked with a light chuckle

"I've only known you a short period of time and I already know you're not like that" she said

"But I could be" I said

"But you're not" she fired

"Alright, alright. I'm not" I told her

"I hate to cut our conversation short, but it's already two here so I have to get ready to do rehearsals" she told me

"Okay, no worries" I told her

"But I will call you after the show, it should be what? Eleven where you are?" She asked

"I think so, yea" I replied

"Okay, so don't go to bed yet" she told me

"I won't" I replied

"I'll call you later" she said

"Alright" I replied

"Bye" she started

"Wait, Taylor" I said

"What?" She asked

"Good luck, you're going to kill it" I told her

"Thank you" she said with a smile evident in her voice

"Of course" I said

"Bye" she replied one last time

"Bye" I said


"No Liz tonight?" My dad asked as we all sat around the table getting ready to eat

"No, her mom's boyfriend was going over for dinner" I replied

He nodded

"So what did you want to talk to us about?" My mom asked as she put some salad on her plate and passed it around

"Well, Liz and I found a really nice apartment" I began

"Where?" My mom asked

I can tell she was hoping it wasn't the thirty minute drive one

"Just ten minutes away" I replied

She nodded

"And we really want to go for it. Deposit is only three thousand even, which means rent is fifteen hundred a month" I added

"And would you like help with this deposit?" My dad asked

"No, we have it covered, I guess what I'm asking for is permission" I stated

My parents glanced at each other and my dad sent my mom a nod

"You know we love having you here, but we cant stop you. As long as you keep up with your classes, you take the real estate licensing exam, and you continue to go to college. then you have our permission" my mom told me

A big smile started to form on my face as I stood up and wrapped my arms around each of my parents shoulders in an effort to hug them

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" I told them

My dad smiled before he spoke

"How many rooms?" He asked

"Three bedrooms" I told him

His mouth formed an O shape

"Three bedrooms for that price?" My mom asked

I nodded

"Who is the agent for that building. She is not making a good profit" my mom shook her head

"Yea well, let's not tell her that" I laughed

"You're right" my mom laughed back

"If you girls need any help with the deposit, you let me know" my dad told me

"Okay, thank you again guys" I smiled at them

They nodded

"When do you have to let the right people know?" My mom asked

"I'll do it tomorrow" I said

She nodded as we all continued to eat


Live, laugh, love boyfriend Taylor
Anyways, I'll have another update tomorrow, thank you for being here :)

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