Stage Crush

By yuhxgrande

53.9K 2.4K 553

"Hey it's Rico with ninety eight point nine, I'm phone with.." he began letting me say my name "Y/n" I repli... More

Caller number nine
How the hell
Apparently thats the thing
We'll be there too
We have to
Night 2
Thank you for coming
Just days after everything
Lets take a trip
It's hard to talk to you
Apartment hunting
Young love
I'm good at surprises too
Just let me know
This is it
No invite?
You know more about me
It's ready now
I'm already tired
House warming
I'm going to sit right here
This is my plan
Have you ever been?

Who are the mystery girls

1.9K 97 25
By yuhxgrande


As the sun peers through my curtains and wakes me up, I can't help but to feel around for my phone in order to check the time. Once I find it laying next to me, I see that it's almost noon. I usually never sleep this late, but I know it's due to the fact that Liz and I just got home a few hours ago. I sigh as I rub the tired out of my eyes and begin to get out of bed in order to take a shower.

Once I'm awake enough to be able to stand straight, I grab my towel and some clothes before making my way to the bathroom. Despite the Vegas heat, I set the water temperature to hot because I don't think this airport smell will leave if I don't burn it in hot water. I hum to myself as I massage the shampoo into the scalp and let the hot water run down my achy body. I probably spent a little longer than I should have in the shower, but I knew deep down I needed it. As I step out of the shower, I immediately go to the sink and do my skin care after I put my clothes on. Once I was all finished with that, I opened the bathroom door and the steam soon followed me as I walked out

"Holy shit!" I jumped as I saw Liz sitting on my bed and scrolling through her phone

"Oh hey" she replied as she looked up

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I came to show you something, but I wasn't going to disturb your shower" she shrugged

"You could have at least knocked on the door to let me know you were here" I told her

"I did, but you were hitting some Ariana Grande high notes and I didn't want to disturb that" she pointed out

My cheeks tinted red in embarrassment

"Did you even get enough sleep?" I asked changing the subject as I began to brush through my hair

"Yea, I feel really energized now" she stretched

"That's good" I told her

"Did you get enough?" She asked me

"I think so" I replied

She nodded

"So what did you want to tell me?" I asked

"First off, I wanted to talk to you about something" she began

"Go on" I urged

"Well you know how I told Gracie that she can always stay with me if she ever wants to come visit" Liz reminded me

"Mhm" I hummed in response

"I was thinking that we should start looking for apartments. I know it's pretty expensive out there, but what if Taylor also wants to come visit. I think I would be quite silly we say they can stay with us at our parents house" Liz explained

I thought about her idea for a second. It wasn't a bad one, and I have a good amount of money saved. Plus I'm sure my parents as well as hers won't hesitate to help us

"I like your idea" I told her

"You do?" She asked sounding shocked

I nodded

"I was prepared for you to shoot it down immediately" she told me

"Not at all. It makes sense" I told her

"So you agree. We should start looking?" She asked

"Yup" I replied

She squealed as she jumped up and down

"I cant believe we might actually be doing this!" She exclaimed

That caused me to laugh

"I'll start looking on Zillow tonight. You do the same" she told me

"Okay" I smiled

"Okay, now I have something else to tell you" she added

"What?" I questioned

"We're all over TMZ and pop culture news websites and all that" she told me flat out straight

"I'm sorry.. what?" I asked

"Look" she pulled her phone out and began showing me

Sure enough we were. There are pictures of Liz and I in the VIP tent with Gracie and pictures of us walking around the venue

"There's even article defining you as the Lover girl" Liz showed me

"That's.. wow" I said not really knowing what else to say

"Look" Liz played me a video of one of the TMZ guys

"We all know by now that Taylor Swift is on The Eras Tour. We also know that her and her boyfriend of six years have recently broken up. But what's new are these two faces in the VIP section with singer, songwriter, Gracie Abrams. Who are these mystery girls? New friends of Taylor or Gracie? Lucky fans? Taylor has yet to discuss these photos and the girls have not yet been identified, but stay tuned and maybe we'll have some answers for you!" The TMZ guy said with excessive hand movements

"You can tell he hates his job" I laughed

Liz laughed too before she spoke

"Has Taylor called you?" She asked me

"Not that I know of" I said grabbing my phone from my bed and seeing that I do in fact have three missed calls and seven messages from her

"Oh, I guess she did" I replied

"Call her back" Liz told me

I nodded as I pressed the call button. It rang a few times, but after the third ring, the singer picked up

"Y/n! Oh my god. I'm so sorry" Taylor started apologizing

She didn't even give me a chance to speak before she started again

"I should have known this was going to happen. Now you're in the public eye and so is Liz, and people are going to start following you guys on Instagram, and-" Taylor rambled before I cut her off

"Let's just take a deep breath" I told her

Liz as I listened to her breathe in through her nose and out through her mouth a couple of times

"It's not that big of a deal. I knew that something like this could happen" I started

"It's not? You did?" Taylor asked

"Yea, and Liz is right here if you don't mind" I told her just so she's aware

"Hi Taylor" Liz greeted

"Liz, I am so sorry" Taylor apologized once more

That caused Liz to giggle before she spoke

"Like y/n said, its not a big deal" Liz assured her

"I feel awful" Taylor admitted

"Don't" I said

"Yea, don't" Liz agreed

"I've been trying all morning to get the articles taken down" Taylor said

"If you can't, then don't stress about it. If you can, then great" I told her

"Tree is trying her best" she told us

"It'll be fine. Don't stress" I told her calmly

"People know you're the Lover girl.." she trailed off

"Oh.. I'm the Lover girl?" I questioned in an attempt to flirt

"Well yea, I thought it was pretty obvious!" Taylor laughed 

Liz looked at me with a smirk

"I'm just kidding" I laughed

"Sorry, I'm just stressed" the singer admitted

"Don't be" I said

Liz nodded as she agreed with me, but Taylor couldn't see it

"You're parents are going to be pissed" Taylor said

"I'll tell them later" I told her

"Maybe I should be there" she said

I couldn't help but to laugh

"How are you going to do that?" I asked

"I'll fly" she said

"Oh no. Please do not. It's not that serious" I said

"Are you sure? Because I will" she asked

"I'm sure" I told her

"Alright" she agreed

"They probably wont even care" I told her

"Hopefully" she said

"They wont. Her parents are super chill" Liz said

"What about yours?" Taylor asked my friend

"Mine already know" Liz replied casually

I looked at her because she didn't tell me that her mom already knew

"How did you think I found out?" She asked me

"Maybe because you watch TMZ everyday" I told her

"My mom saw it before I did" she said

"I didn't know she watched TMZ" I stated

"Oooh yea. She loves it" Liz laughed

I nodded with pursed lips as Taylor giggled in the background

"I just feel awful" Taylor stated once again

"Don't" Liz and I said in unison

"I promise I am working to get them taken down" she told once more

"We appreciate it" I started

"But it's not necessary" Liz said

"I'll keep trying regardless" Taylor told us

"Thank you" I told her

"Of course. It's my fault anyways" she said

"Then its my fault too" I said

"And mine" Liz added

"You guys are sweet" Taylor said

You could tell she had a smile on her face just by the tone of her voice

"I have to get going. Tree is calling" Taylor stated

"Okay" I said

"Text me later" Taylor said

"Will do" I replied

"And call me if your parents want to talk to me" Taylor said

"Gotcha" I told her

"Bye" she said

"Bye" I said ending the call


Liz and I have just been hanging out in my room as we waited for my parents to come home. When I told them I needed to talk to them about something, they said they would try to come home at the same time.

"Y/n, we're here" my mom called out

"Be there in a sec" I said

"Do you think they're going to be mad?' Liz asked

"Maybe. Maybe not. I don't really think so to be honest" I said not really knowing

"I think you'll be fine" Liz assured me

I nodded with a smile

"Are you coming?" I asked as I was heading for the stairs as she was still sitting on my bed

"Oh you want me there?" She asked

"Well duh" I laughed

She groaned as she got up from her comfortable position

"Do you think she's pregnant?" I heard my dad whisper to my mom as we were walking down the stairs

My mom made a 'are you stupid' face at him

"Definitely not" I laughed

"Oh hey, honey" my dad smiled

"Hey" I glared at him

"You know I was only kidding right?" He asked

"I know" I smiled

"Good" he nodded

"And hello to you Liz" my dad smiled

She waved

"What did you girls do today?" My mom asked

"Oh you know... got pregnant" I joked

My dad started dying laughing as my mom shook her head with a smile

"You really are your fathers child" she laughed

"Yea well" I said sitting down at the other end of the sectional with Liz

"So is everything alright?" My mom asked

"Yea I just wanted to tell you guys something about the concert" I began

"Well go on. I'm sure it's nothing bad.. unless you really are pregnant" my dad urged

"I'm not pregnant" I stressed

"Okay, okay" he put his hands up in a surrender

"So I think I told you guys that I have been texting Taylor Swift on Instagram right?" I asked

They both nodded

"Well when we went to the show, I didn't tell her at first and when she saw me in the crowd, she waved and made eye contact" I added

"How cute, so it was like a surprise?" My mom asked

"Exactly" I agreed

"Go on. I feel like I'm at the edge of my seat" my dad said growing inpatient

"When she saw me and Liz, she sent a security guard to come get us at the end of the show and took us backstage" I continued

Both of their jaws dropped

"You're joking" my mom said shocked

"It's true" Liz backed me up

"Yea, it's true. We hung out, talked, ate snacks, all the fun stuff. When it was getting close to her having to leave, she asked if we could come early for night two and that she would send a guard to come get us if we met her at the back of the stadium" I continued

"I bet you two were freaking out" my dad said

"I'd like to think we were pretty calm" Liz said

My dad rose his eyebrows like he didn't believe us

"We were" I laughed

"Mmhmm" he hummed still not believing us

"Okay, enough. I need the rest of the story. Did you two go early?" My mom asked

"We did. And Liz met a boy" I answered

"Oo la la" my dad teased

"His name is John and he's one of Taylors security guards" Liz smiled

I nodded before I continued

"We went early and I was alone with Taylor because someone was busy flirting with a guard in the hallway" I side eyed Liz

"We were actually flirting in the security office" she corrected

"Same thing" I replied

She shook her head

"So, what, did Taylor invite you to be a roadie or something?" My dad asked

"No, but she did ask where I'm from, if I'm in school. All of that. She even told me that I was hard to talk to because of how pretty I am" I stated

Just then, Liz gasped and slapped my arm

"You did not tell me that!" Liz exclaimed

"Oops, I forgot" I laughed

"Tsk tsk, tsk" she shook her head

"Anyways, when the show rolled around, we sat in the VIP tent with Gracie Abrams. Oh, by the way, we're friends with Gracie Abrams now" I added

My parents nodded slowly as they were still processing everything

"Which is why I'm telling you guys everything that happened. So because we were in the VIP tent, there were some pictures taken and now Liz and I are all over TMZ and people are asking who we are, and Taylor keeps apologizing and she was going to fly here to straighten everything out and make sure you guys weren't mad, and Tree which is publicist is trying to get the articles taken down, and she said I can call her if you two want to talk to her and-" I rambled

"Honey, relax" my mom placed her hand on my knee

"Yea it's not that big of a deal. We're not mad" my dad spoke

My mom nodded agreeing with him

"We're not mad at all. If anything we're happy you two got the experience. Did you tell your mom?" My mom asked Liz

She nodded

"And judging by how calm you are, she's fine with it?" My dad asked

"Yup" Liz replied

"As long as everyone is fine and everyone is happy, its not a big deal. Tell Taylor that" my dad assured

I couldn't help but to smile

"Thanks guys. I love you" I said leaning over slightly and hugging them

"We love you too" my mom smiled as her and my dad hugged me back

"Liz" my dad urged her over to join

She smiled and joined right in

"Should we get started on dinner? Liz are you staying?" My mom asked

"If that's okay" Liz shrugged

"Of course it is" my mom smiled

I looked at Liz with a relieved look before we excused ourselves to go to my room so I could let Taylor know how they responded

Just noticed that I haven't updated in like 2 weeks. You know you guys are more than welcome to tell me right?

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