Electric Tacos (Wattys 2023)

By JohnnyTuturro

167 28 8

Ricky and Mateo are both slacking in school and in danger of failing their most feared subjects. After a reve... More



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By JohnnyTuturro

It was the night of the school dance, and Ricky was getting ready in Mateo's bedroom.

He was finishing off his art research, which he'd been doing in the library with Mateo. Something about architecture; Spanish, Mexican, and Tex-Mex vernacular architecture.

He slammed the book shut and put it back on Mateo's desk. "That's enough for one day."

Mateo nodded as he slicked back his hair with the last of his Tres Flores before spraying himself with some cologne. He was standing topless in front of his mirror, wearing a pair of tight, ripped jeans.

George Michael's Faith album was playing in the background, and Mateo was dancing, and miming along to I Want Your Sex.

Ricky raised his eyebrow and laughed at him as he finished 'ironing' his white t-shirt across Mateo's bed with a beer can. He put it on before sitting down on the bed.

"You're so weird." He said to Mateo, who turned around and glared back at him. "What? It's the truth, Ese."

"We've already been over this, Rate-My-Booger Cruz," Mateo said as he poked his head into his closet and pulled out three shirts that were hanging, before setting them on the floor. "Which one?"

Ricky burst out laughing. "They all look gay."

Mateo sighed. "Even the palm tree one?"

Ricky nodded. "But it looks the least fruity."

Mateo smirked and looked at Ricky. "You can't call me fruity. You're into fashion."

Ricky shook his head. "I don't want you getting picked on and looking like an idiot, that's all."

Mateo picked up the shirt and held it up to the mirror. He shook his head after a few seconds. "You're right. I should just wear a white t-shirt like you and my leather jacket."

Ricky rolled his eyes and put on his black trilby hat. "You're obsessed with George Michael."

Mateo shrugged. "And? He's a sex symbol, and everyone likes him, and his clothes are cool–"

"--He's like an adult, though and your balls only started to drop after your birthday this year."

"Callate, Ricky. I'm a late bloomer, and I'm gonna age like a fine vino." Mateo winked back as he took out a white t-shirt from the drawer under his shirt rack.

"Whatever you say." Ricky groaned as the 'Monkey on your back' song came on. "Why are you staining this playlist with your George Michael jerk-off songs anyway?"

"Because they're waay better than your stupid rap songs. Slick Rick? More like Mediocre Brick." Mateo said, as he sat down beside Ricky and put it on.

"He's a better storyteller than George Michael, he knows the streets. He has a unique flow."

Mateo disagreed. "George Michael creates atmospheres with his beats and lyrical prose. He takes me to another world full of sensuality beyond the physical realm."

Ricky fake retched. "Ay, that's gross. Too much information."

Mateo smirked. "Well, you challenged me, so I gave my honest answer."

Ricky knocked his knuckles on Mateo's. "Well, that was too much information. Anyway, it's good to know that I can finally tease you again soon."

"I'm so glad to finally have this pinche sling off, you know?" Mateo smiled. "I might finally get to do sports soon."

"Yeah, did everything go well with the Doctor?"

"Very well, he said I can have it off by Christmas. Best gift."

Ricky smiled. "Good, Lopez misses you on the team. He wants you better for our next Imps meeting in the New Year."

"I think I can manage that. I'll be glad to be back soon too, and not have to listen to Hector and George talk about this stupid play I'm half part of anymore."

"Hell yes. I can't wait until Valentine's Day when all this crap's over. This damn play. My acting career."

Mateo grinned. "Well, you're definitely getting more expressive, and your singing voice is improving thanks to me."

"And so are your Science grades, thanks to me. You can actually conduct an experiment without becoming a safety hazard now."

Mateo yawned and took a sip of the lukewarm coffee on his bedside table. "I'm gonna need this tonight for energy."

"In case you have to hide from angry men?"

Mateo glared at him. "Thanks for saving my ass along with Tito, but I ain't doing that again. That experience was traumatic as hell."

Ricky nodded. "True, but at least you didn't get a boner this time."

"Yeah, no ... I've had time to process things, and I'm kinda out of love with Tito now. He's not my type. I'm starting to see him more as a brother... if I can't actually have him..." Mateo admitted. "He's too old for me... and it's taken me a long time to get over him, but I think I'm ready tonight—"

"—Okay, you're overthinking this—"

"—I mean, he's in the gang—brotherhood—whatever he calls it and that's too dangerous for me to be involved in—and if he gets hurt I'll get sad—it's just too much for me to process, you know what I mean?"

Ricky cracked open the beer can. "Whatever you say, Carnal. Let's just enjoy tonight and see what happens."


Half an hour later, they were at the school dance.

The music was pumping; tables full of punch, chips, and leftover canteen pizza were laid around the sides of the dancefloor.

Chuck arrived along with Jay, Fur Ass, Max, Pammy, Yelena, and George.

Everyone was reunited for a night of fun.

Fur Ass went straight to the dance floor with Pammy and Yelena; George and Max joined Chuck, Jay, Ricky, and Mateo for some conversations.

Chuck was over at the table, grabbing some pizza and lemonade punch, which he spiked with the bottle of tequila he snuck in.

He passed around a cup to Ricky, then one to George, Jay, Max, and then Mateo. They did it hiding in plain sight, away from all the teachers. Especially Principal Lopez.

"Your primo's loco as hell," Chuck said to Ricky.

Ricky shrugged. "No idea why he went that far."

"He kneecapped Lazaro, freed Luis, and made Gerardo drive me back home again. I'm staying away from that life for a while." Chuck nodded. "We can gamble at your place."

Ricky nodded. "Down in the basement, away from Pops."

"And I'm going too," Mateo said confidently with a smile. "I can't let you win all the money."

"And I'll go as well," Max said. "I need the money more than y'all."


Max sighed. "Yelena's pregnant, and she doesn't wanna get rid of it."

"She is? Congratulations, Dearies." Fur Ass said with a smile. "I'm gonna be a Tio."

Max rolled his eyes. "Not if I hit your balls. Don't be announcing it to everyone."

Yelena nodded. "We want to keep it on the down low."

"I haven't even told Pops yet, and I wanna keep it that way, ok?" Max glared at Fur Ass, and then Ricky. "Keep this to yourselves. Celebrate quietly."

Fur Ass yelled. "Okay!" before going off to dance some more.

George raised his eyebrow at him and calmed him down. Pammy was laughing at Fur Ass before she kissed him and called him a 'cutie'.

Mateo rolled his eyes and sighed. He took another few sips of his tequila punch, before deciding to down the whole cup. He then asked Chuck to make him another one, which he reluctantly agreed to:

"Back off a bit, Duende." Chuck hissed. "You're gonna get us caught. This is your last one for a while, ok?"

Mateo nodded. "Thanks."

"Whatever," Chuck said. "Enjoy."

Mateo listened to the music and started to tap along to it. The warm-up oldies songs turned into something more modern over the next half an hour. The synths kicked in, and the drums and the strong basslines got him dancing and moving his hips.

He slowly made his way back over toward Chuck, who was talking to Max, Jay, and George. They were playing card games outside by the wall.

Chuck was smoking, along with Max. Jay and George were putting their cards out.

Mateo came out with an almost full cup. "You promised, Chuck."

Chuck sighed and filled the rest of it with tequila. "Aight, that's enough for now."

"I'm nearly there," Mateo said. "I'm dancing now."

"Good. You should go and dance some more." Chuck said. "Go find a girl or something."

Mateo nodded and started sipping it as he walked into the room. He had some more and then started to move toward the dancefloor. He shook his hips and butt.

Ricky was there, dancing with a random girl. Fur Ass and Pammy were kissing. Mateo groaned and took more of his drink, moving further into the dancefloor. He started to rub against some sweaty boys and girls.

Boys, Boys, Boys started playing loudly, and Mateo started to blush. He finished his drink and set the cup down on the side of the stage.

He started to move closer to the center of the dancefloor, but he stopped in his tracks to watch Ricky dance. The spotlight was on him, and he was lit up perfectly.

He was moving to the beat like a pro. His strong arms, swaying; with Jesus around his neck.

Mateo smiled as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. He started to walk more toward him, grinning and feeling excited.

Something had awakened inside Mateo; maybe Tito had distracted him from the reality of his situation, that he might have been hiding how he truly felt about one of his best friends...

... but he didn't want another Tito situation.

He just wanted to unwind and enjoy the night.

Dance some more, and have fun.

Move a bit closer to the action.

Mateo started to play with the earring in his ear, as he started to move his body and shake the stress away. He started fist pumping with his left hand, and he felt his legs wobble, and the euphoria riddled his mind.

He kept running and moving faster, and faster toward Ricky and he tried to get his attention by grabbing his ass. Pammy saw it and gasped as Ricky turned around and yelled "What the hell do you want, Mateo?"

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