Naruto Uzumaki:Archer of Kono...

By AndrewSinclair0

46.7K 1.1K 159

Naruto gets dropped off into the woods by a Shinobi. Left for dead, he finds a family willing to teach archer... More

Lost in the Woods
Missing Child in Konoha!
Training with the New Family
Return to Konoha
New Home and Friends?
Genin Team assigned Final Test
Mitzuki's Demise
Missions and Preparation for the Wave
Land of Waves Part 1 (Nothing is as it seems)
Land of Waves Part 2 (Building Trust)
Land of Waves Training
Land of Waves Final Confrontation
Back to the leaf!
Nominated for the Chunin Exams!
Chunin Exams Part 1
Chunin Exams: Forest of Death
Preliminaries: Sizing up the Composition
End of the Preliminaries!
Jiriaya the Toad Sage
End of Fate Beginning of War
Konoha Crush
Death of the Professor
The Sanin Has a Request!
Finding the Missing Sannin
Old Lady Tsunade!
Home at Last
War Against Sound!
Victory Against the Sound
New God of Shinobi: Return of Naruto
Surpassing the Leaf!
Jinchuriki's Bonds
Celebrating Victory
Battle at the Temple
Regroup! The Enemies are Moving
Threat Realized
I've Always Fought Alone
Over confident Enemies
Snake versus Toad
Dark Side of the Soul

Bad News From the Sand 🍋

623 8 6
By AndrewSinclair0

Smut warning ahead of time! I have it marked so you can skip if needed!

Waking up the next morning Naruto was greeted by Shikamaru in the kitchen. Seeing his boyfriend made him feel beyond happy, "Shika! He pulled him into a hug. Separating he kissed him, "What are you doing here so early?"

"I thought we could go on a date. Seeing how we don't have any plans." Naruto chuckled, "Sounds great!"

Sara walked in and looked between the boys, "You two heading out?" Naruto gave his mom a massive grin, "Yup! We are going on a date."

"Okay have fun! Don't make me have the safe sex talk with you." Naruto felt himself turn beat red, "MOM!" he could hear his dad laughing from the living room.

Pulling the blushing Shikamaru out of the house and into the village he made sure not to make eye contact. Getting outside and down the road he let out a sigh, "Sorry Shika. That was so embarrassing."

"It's okay." He said trying to keep the image of a naked Naruto out of his mind. "So what do you want to do?"

"Figured we could go eat and then see where the day takes us." Naruto grinned, "that sounds great."

Heading to a little curry shop they sat down to eat. The young woman running the counter saw them and waved, "Oh my god you're the demon boy!"

Naruto prepared to leave but she stepped out from the counter, "You saved my husband's life during the Chunin exams. We were only dating than but I never thought I'd be able to thank you."

With a soft smile Naruto bowed back, "I'm just glad I could help." She hugged him before going back, "So what can I do for you boys?"

"Well we are on a date so we were just going to eat some lunch together." Looking at the Nara and then back at him she grinned, "You and the Nara heir! Oh my god so cute!"

Picking what they wanted both boys found a table and waited. Shikamaru filled him in on some of the missions heissed and Naruto told him about his insane training.

"So tell me about your sage mode?" He asked between bites. Naruto smiled, "Safe mode isy strongest technique so far. It drastically increases my speed, strength,cand durability. I've practiced enough I can gather the nature chakra quickly. My sensory abilities and Ninjutsu increase even further. I also can sense attacks and the kind of attack. I also don't have to actually hit you to do damage. If I don't hold back I can kill a person with a punch."

"So you were already overpowered and now you're damn near unstoppable. Troublesome blond." Shikamaru shook his head but had a fond smile.

"Not like you and Mito have been slacking. I heard you guys took down a squad missing Nin." Shikamaru looked at his boyfriend, "You heard about that?"

"Of course I've kept tabs on you " Naruto said with a devilish grin, "I believe they described their saviors as a beautiful young Uchiha and a quietly sexy shadow user."

Shikamaru wasn't able to hide his blush,"Well now that we are done eating what do you want to do now?"

"Cloud watch on the Hokage Monument?" Shikamaru grinned, "Sounds great."

Making their way up to the Hokage monument they got closer and closer as they got to the top. Laying on their back their bodies touched while they relaxed and watched the clouds.

🍋 ⚠️ Smut ⚠️🍋
Naruto was very aware of his boyfriends body. Looking over he saw his beautiful face. The prominent jaw line and his hair tied back. Looking down his body his vest and combat pants left much to the imagination.

Though he noticed something. While they were laying he noticed that Shikamaru's dick had.come.tonlife and was pressing against his pants.

The thought of his erection caused Naruto's imagination to truly run. His own dick to harden. Shikamaru looked over and they made eye contact.

Shikamaru leaned over. Their lips softly touching. Naruto went back in for a second kiss but this time his lips hit harder. Shikamaru opened his mouth allowing Naruto's tongue to search his mouth.

Rolling over onto him he grabbed Naruto by his shirt. Lust taking over and pulling him up to his level. Breaking away he unzipped his vest and threw it off. Naruto pulled his own jacket over his head. Reaching up he helped push Shikamaru's shirt off. Hands feeling up his tined stomach.

Shikamaru slide his hands up Naruto's shirt as they continued to tongue wrestle. Peeling his shirt off and throwing it to the side. Taking in the view of Naruto's very muscular body.

Kissing from his neck down to his stomach Shikamaru sent chills down Naruto's spine. Unbuttoning his pants he slide pulled them down with his underwear causing his dick to jump out.

Before Naruto could comprehend what was happening he felt Shikamaru's warm mouth wrap around his head. Sliding down his shaft he sucked on his dick. Letting out a moan Shikamaru tried not to smile.

Going for a few minutes Naruto looked at his boyfriend, "I'm close Shika!" Stopping he stood up and.pulled a bottle of lube out of his pants. Unbuttoning his pants stepped out of them over his boyfriend, "What you planning on seducing me?" Naruto had a seductive grin on his face.

"No but I figured I should be prepared." He said back at his boyfriend, "It's what good tacticians do ya know."

Pouring lube in his hand he knelt down and rubbed it on Naruto's cock causing him to moan in pleasure. Before long Shikamaru was lowering himself onto Naruto. Feeling his head slowly break through Shikamaru's entrance.

Shikamaru let himself adjust as the pain shifted to pleasure. He needed more. Moving back up and than down again he felt Naruto rub against his prostate. Every nerve in his body vibrating.

They continued until Naruto couldn't handle it. Grabbing Shikamaru by his waist he rolled.the Nara onto his back. From that he started going in and out of his boyfriend.

Shikamaru started moaning as his body tightened. Before Naruto knew it he was shooting cum onto his stomach and chest. Unable to hold back Naruto came seconds after.
🍋 🍋 End of Smut! 🍋 🍋

Out of breathe he slowly pulled out of Shikamaru. Falling on his back next to him, "Wow."

Shikamaru nodded, "Yeah wow." Naruto started laughing. Shikamaru following soon after, "Let's get clean up yeah?"

"To bad we aren't at home. It's a drag cleaning with clothes instead.of a nice shower." Naruto cackled to himself as he cleaned himself off.

As he started putting his jacket back on. Naruto zipped it up just in time for an Anbu to land next to them. Looking between them he could tell what they had done, "Sorry to intrude. Shikamaru Nara. Naruto Oda you are both needed to the Hokage's office at once. There has been a development.

Following the Anbu to the Hokage's office they arrived to find Mito, Sakura, cand Temari from the Sand, "Granny Tsunade what's going on."

"There was an attack on the Sand village. I'll let Temari fill you in on the rest." Team 7 looked at Temari.

"We were attacked by an unknown group. Gaara engaged them but he had to chose between protecting the village or himself." Naruto felt his stomach clenched.

"He was captured. Kankuro has been severely poisoned." All the leaf Shinobi looked at the Hokage,c"You're being sent as aid. Sakura you are being sent to heal Kankuro and as backup."

"Team 7 your job is to eliminate the Akatsuki." Temari looked at Tsunade confused, "You knew what they were?"

Naruto answered for her, "If they are after Gaara then yes. I placed a seal on Gaara so I can engage right away. I also have a seal placed in Suna. Will Kakashi be joining us?"

"No, he is on a mission currently. I will however send him to you as backup." Naruto nodded, "Everyone grab on tk my back."

Once he felt a hand from them all he teleported them straight to Suna. Temari looked at them, "Good now we can get my little brother." Shikamaru sighed, "It's not that simple. We will need to get Intel on the guy that put down Kankuro as he is the biggest threat to us."

Naruto agreed, "Shika is right. What happens if we get there and get wiped out by poison. I can probably take one of them down on my own for sure. But even I can't overpower poisons."

"Fine come with me." Leading them into the med center they saw Kankuro playing on a table near death, "Damn it." Naruto looked down at the boy he had made friends with not to long ago.

"I can't believe you took out all those men like they were nothing." Naruto smiled, "It wasn't that easy."

"What ever m! I read the report on the assault. You were terrifying when we fought in the Chunin exams." Naruto blushed at the compliment, "It does add to your sexy nice boy look though."

"What?! How?" Naruto said crossing his arms, "You super nice and then bam destroy all your enemies!"

"Well I don't mean to be scary. If you threaten innocent people then you get hurt simple as that." Kankuro chuckled, "If you didn't have your boyfriend back home I swear I'd rock your world Naruto."

Nervously laughing Naruto rubbed the back of his head, "Well good thing I have a boyfriend at home then!"

Present Day

Sakura took over. Immediately telling all the nurses and doctors what to do. The door opened to the .room and Granny Chiyo walked in. Seeing Naruto she smiled, "Uzumaki. It's a pleasure to see you again."

Naruto turned around, "Granny Chiyo." He bowed, "It's so good to see you again."

"The poison is familiar. I couldn't find a cure what says she will. " Naruto gave a confident smile, "That's Sakura Harano apprentice to the Hokage."

"Mmmm maybe then." Looking over the team, "You're an Uchiha and you must be the boy who has Naruto's heart. He spoke of you frequently while he was here."

Mito grinned and Shikamaru hid his blush by looking as if he didn't care, "Um yeah he is."

"How's that a way to introduce your boy toy Naruto!" Mito said while hitting his shoulder. Naruto went even to an even further shade of red.

While Sakura got to work on a cure for the poison. Team 7 focused on finding clues on the Akatsuki that they were going to be fighting. Knowing any price of Intel was better than none.

Asking around Shikamaru and Mito looked for insight on their enemies. Finding a Jonin that had been firing arrows, "Excuse me can we speak for a moment?"

The man turned and looked at the young leaf ninja. Looking between him and Mito, "What do want?"

"We are looking into the ninja that took the Kazekage. What can you tell me about the man that attacked the village?"

Shikamaru could see he had an internal battle before coming to the decision to help, "I couldn't make out what he looked like. He was flying above us on some kind of white bird. He made different animals and insects all explosive."

Looking over to Mito to see some sort of realization, "Shika. Iwa have an explosive corp that can use clay that explodes when activated. I'll check the Bingo book for missing Nin from there "

"Okay. Get with Temari and let.hwr know we have a promising lead. I'm going to catch up with Naruto. See what he found where Konkuro was defeated."

"Hai." Disappearing in the blink of an eye, "So you think you can help?" Shikamaru smiled, "If we can't Naruto can. I don't know a single person as powerful as him."

Naruto arrived where they had recovered Kankuro. Peices of his puppets were scattered around. Creating four clones they began scouring the area for anything the enemy left behind.

"Boss! I found something!" Going over to the clone he looked at the needles that where in his hand. Similar to Kankuro's but with a slight variation.

"Naruto!" Turning to see his boyfriend approaching, "What did you find?" Holding his hand out he handed the needles to Shikamaru, "I think we are facing a puppet user. One more skilled than Kankuro to."

"How many can there be?" Shikamaru asked while he looked over the needles. Naruto let out a sigh, "I only know of two. Lady Chiyo and Sasori of the Red Sand. He hasn't been seen though in years."

"Well we found a lead on the one who attacked. Mito is checking over the Bingo book now with Temari." Both boys came to a silent agreement. Putting his hands on Shika's shoulder he teleported them to the Kazekage tower.

Mito grinned at here teammates as they showed up, "I figured out who it is we are facing." Naruto grinned, "Good cause I think we know the other one."

"You go first." Mito demanded with her hand on her hip, "We are pretty sure Sasori is one of the Shinobi."

"The other one is Deidra." Mito said making both boys think on how to fight them, "This will be one hell of a fight then."

Thanks for reading! Next chapter will be the first battle against the Akatsuki!

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