Naruto Shippuden (Male Reader...

By YourMother72

157K 4.9K 2.3K

It's been almost three years since (Y/N)'s disappearance. No one has been able to find him, and Minerva has a... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI

Chapter XXXIV

1.5K 69 14
By YourMother72

Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Naruto and Murai glared at each other.

Murai: Hmm... You look like someone I should know about...

Naruto: Huh? What's that supposed to mean?

Murai: Who are you?

Naruto: <confused> Naruto Uzumaki...?

Murai: <gasps> Uzumaki—? So that's why you're here! This is the destroyed village of your ancestors!

Naruto: Yeah, you could say that. But are we gonna fight or just talk?

Murai: <hand sign> Wind Style: Dust Storm!

Naruto: <smirking> Now we're talking!


(Y/N) threw a bunch of debris away from him. He picked up a crushed book.

Sakura: Hmm... What is that?

(Y/N): Don't know. Maybe it could be useful to whatever the hell Minerva's looking for.

He opened the book. Immediately, there was a drawing of two people shaking hands with two symbols over each person's head.

Sakura: That's the Uzumaki Clan symbol over the person on the right.

(Y/N): And if I remember history class, the other is the Senju Clan symbol.

Sakura: The clan of the First and Second Hokages!

(Y/N): Minerva did tell me that the First Hokage married someone from the Uzumaki Clan.

Sakura: So is this representing a marriage pact or something else entirely?

(Y/N): It does seem like the Senju and Uzumaki had close ties with each other, which is why the First Hokage married an Uzumaki.

Sakura: It does look like that.

(Y/N): The First Hokage's wife was also the first Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails too.

Sakura: <shocked> No way!

(Y/N): Yes way. At least, that's what Minerva said, and I don't have any reason to doubt what she says.

The white haired male flipped the page and a drawing of the Nine-Tailed Fox was seen.

Sakura: I guess after one of their own became a Jinchuriki, the village became, uh, is "proud" the right word?

(Y/N): Don't know. I was around when that happened.

Sakura: To think this clan existed, and no one told us anything about it at the Academy.

(Y/N): You'd think Lord Third would've told Naruto even some of this, but from Naruto's reaction to this, nope.

Just then, Sai landed next to them on a giant drawn bird.

Sai: (Y/N)! Sakura!

Sakura: Sai? What is it?

Sai: Naruto and I ran into those bat women!

(Y/N): Bat women?! Yugen's followers!

Sakura: What are they doing here?! And where's Naruto?!

Sai: One of the two women flew away to tell someone about us, and Naruto stayed behind to fight the other one.

(Y/N): Shit! Does that mean more of them are nearby?

Sakura: This isn't good... Why are they here?

(Y/N): Sai, take me to Naruto. Sakura, you go find Minerva and Akio. They're going to be in danger if they're found by these women.

Sakura nodded. (Y/N) jumped onto the drawn bird.

(Y/N): Let's go.

Sai nodded and the bird took off into the air towards Naruto.

Sakura: Oh, great. Now I have to find Minerva in this giant place!


Naruto and Murai jumped and punched each other in the face at the same time.

They both grunted and flew backwards into rubble.

Naruto: I wish I could use my Rasenshuriken right now!

He got up and glared at Murai, who stood up, wiping the dust off her orange dress.

Murai: You're no pushover, even though you're just a brat!

Naruto: Hey! I'm 16, I'll have you know!

Murai: Don't care! You're a diaper-wearing snot-nosed toddler who shits himself all the time!

Naruto: What?! 💢

He created a Shadow Clone of himself and charged towards Murai, creating a Rasengan in the process.

Naruto: YAAHH!!!

Murai leapt into the air, turning into her bat form and zooming down towards Naruto and his clone.

As she rammed into the two, her sharp claws destroyed the clone and stabbed into Naruto's shoulder.

The blond boy grit his teeth in pain and head butted her.

Murai cried out and let go of the younger boy, who moved back away from her.

He threw a group of shurikens at the woman, who dodged them all and charged forwards.

She grabbed his arms and lifted him up high into the air.

Naruto: Hey! Lemme go, you crazy lady!!

Murai: If that's what you want...

She let go of Naruto, who plummeted towards the ground.

Naruto: <hand sign> Shadow Clone Jutsu!!

One clone appeared on the ground, ready to catch the real Naruto, while another clone appeared on top of the real Naruto.

The clone pushed off of Naruto's back towards Murai. The clone made a hand sign.

Naruto Clone: Wind Style: Vacuum Bullets!!

The clone took a deep breath before exhaling, causing multiple small and sharp blasts of wind to shoot out of his mouth.

Murai tried to dodge, but some of them managed to pierce her skin.

She grunted in pain before grabbing the clone and slashing him with her claws, destroying it.

The real Naruto was caught by his clone, and the two of them stared up at Murai.

Murai: We share the same chakra nature affinity, eh? <hand sign> Wind Style: Air Bullets!

Multiple bullets of air formed around her before shooting down at Naruto and his clone.

The real Naruto managed to avoid them, but his clone got hit by some and was destroyed.

Naruto: This lady's really getting on my nerves now!


Kurisu rushed into Yugen's lair, panting. She was back in her normal form.

A few women were in there. They all looked at her, surprised at her sudden appearance.

Ose: Kurisu, what is the matter?

Kurisu: <panting> Leaf... Leaf the Hidden Eddy Village...

The women looked at each other, surprised.

Furuse stepped forward, her arms crossed. Her long magenta hair was in a braid that fell down her right shoulder.

Furuse: And you couldn't defeat them yourselves?

Kurisu: W-Wha...?

A dark skinned woman with bright sky blue hair, pink eyes, and a pink dress closed the book she was reading and scoffed.

???: You know the rules, Furuse. If anyone approaches the Hidden Eddy Village, even if they're the weakest person who ever lived, we are to report them to the others and the Mistress.

Furuse: And I find that rule stupid. We all just got even more powerful thanks to the Mistress. A couple Leaf Shinobi should be no problem for us to deal with.

???: Kurisu was only following the rules. Do not reprimand her for that.

Furuse: <sighs> You're such a stickler for the rules, Tengan.

Kurisu: Where is the Mistress anyway?

Yugen walked into the room, followed by two other women, one being Horikiri.

Yugen: What is it? You're supposed to be on patrol, Kurisu.

Kurisu: Mistress! There are Leaf Shinobi in the Hidden Eddy Village! Murai is dealing with them as we speak.

Yugen: Very well. Send Tengan and Ogino with you as backup if it's needed.

She motioned to the other woman behind her, one with blue eyes, curly black hair that reached her lower back, and a lilac dress.

Ogino: <pouting> Ugh. Sounds like a hassle.

Yugen: Yet you will still do as I say.

Ogino: Of course...

Kurisu: Wait! One of the Leaf Shinobi mentioned (Y/N)...

The other women froze in place when they heard the name. Yugen smirked.

Yugen: Did they now? Does it mean he's there in the village?

Kurisu: I-I don't know for sure...

Ose: Even so... If he is there...

Yugen: Horikiri, Furuse, go with the other three. If he is there, you two will be needed.

The two women nodded.

Kurisu: We have to hurry!

Yugen: Go. If (Y/N) is there, one of you report back to me quickly. I'll go there myself. Make sure he doesn't leave. Kill the others with him.

Women: Yes, Mistress!


Sakura rushed through a bunch of rubble, looking everywhere she could for Minerva and Akio.

Sakura: <groaning> Where the heck are they?

The sound of crumbling rubble was heard, then a crash, and then a shriek.

Sakura: Oh, no!!

She hurried over to the place where the sound had come from.

A still standing house has partially collapsed on itself, crushing the doorway.

Sakura: Minerva?! Akio?!

A familiar voice was heard from within the house.

Minerva: <voice> Oh! Sakura! Thank god! Be a dear, and get Akio and I out of this house. I sorta got us trapped.

Sakura: <sweat dropping> How did this even happen?

Minerva: <voice> Let's just say, don't lean on old crumbling walls... <chuckles>

Sakura: Uh, okay. Stand back, and I'll get you out of there.

Minerva: <voice> Akio, back up. Farther than that. To where I am!

The pink haired girl raised her fist and brought it down on the rubble.

Sakura: Cherry Blossom Clash!!

The rubble exploded into tiny pieces, with some flying everywhere.

Minerva and Akio were coughing when the dust cleared. Sakura walked over to them.

Sakura: You guys okay?

Minerva: <coughing> We're fine. Geez, that's a lot of dust!

Akio rubbed his nose and sneezed.

Sakura: Anyway, things have taken a bad turn here. Like, really bad.

Minerva: Mm. How vague.

Sakura: Naruto and Sai said that they ran into Yugen's henchwomen here! And Naruto is fighting one as we speak!

Minerva: <shocked> What?! They're here?! Why...?

Sakura: I don't know, but (Y/N) and Sai are going to help him. I need to stay and protect you two.

Minerva: Good idea. I don't feel like dying today.

Akio nodded in agreement.

Minerva: Well, I guess we better stay here. Who knows how many of those women are around. Maybe Yugen herself is here...

Sakura: That's a scary thought.

Minerva: But why would some of Yugen's followers be here of all places?

A laugh was heard. The three looked up and saw two bat-shaped figures flying towards them from the sky.

Sakura: Oh, no...

The two figures landed on the ground, turning into normal women.

The laughing one had straw blond hair tied into numerous braids. She had light green eyes and a maroon dress.

???: What a surprise! Nothing like coming back from a mission and seeing three randos here, eh, Hashimoto?

The woman next to her, Hashimoto, shrugged indifferently. She had dark brown skin, curly dark orange hair tied up, purple eyes, and a light blue dress.

Hashimoto: The pink haired girl is from the Leaf Village, judging by that headband of hers.

Minerva stood in front of Akio, protectively. Sakura, in turn, stood in front of her.

Sakura: Your Yugen's henchwomen, right?

The blond woman gasped, dramatically.

???: So they know who we are! I bet they don't know us individually though. That hurts my heart!

Hashimoto: I don't think they care, Gima. And it's not a big deal that they don't.

Gima: Whaa?! Are you turning traitor, Hashimoto?

Hashimoto: <deadpan> No. Shut up.

Gima: <anime tears> How rude!

Sakura and Minerva looked at each other, confused.

Hashimoto: I suppose we should just kill them right now.

Gima: Yup, yup! Shouldn't be too hard! They look weak. Especially that old lady.

Minerva: HEY!!! 💢

Akio had to hold Minerva back from angrily charging at the two women.

Minerva: <pissed> I am not old!! Want me to rip both of your vaginas off and shove it in each other's mouths?!

Gima and Hashimoto blinked, before the former busted out into laughter.

Gima: <cackling> I like her a lot!!

Hashimoto: Wait a minute... She seems familiar... I swear I've seen her before.

Gima: Whaddya mean?

The tall woman thought in silence for a moment before putting her right fist in her left palm, comedically.

Hashimoto: Ah. She was being kept prisoner by the Mistress and has a relation to (Y/N).

Gima: Whoa. I think you're right.

Sakura glared at the two.

Sakura: I won't let you harm them! You'll have to deal with me first!

Gima: Is that supposed to scare us, girly? We could probably rip through you in seconds.

Hashimoto: Don't be overconfident, Gima. She could be very strong.

She stared at Sakura for a second.

Hashimoto: Never mind. She looks weak. We can kill her in five seconds.

Sakura: <angry> HEY!!! 💢


(Y/N) scanned his surroundings from atop the bird Sai had drawn. His eye caught something.

(Y/N): Sai! Look! There's a bat woman!

Sai: Yes. That's the one that stayed behind to fight Naruto.

(Y/N): Perfect. Maybe we can take her out before the reinforcements arrive.

He waited until the bird was right next to Murai before jumping off of it.

He wrapped himself around Murai from the back, surprising the woman.

Murai: What the hell?!

(Y/N): Hey, there. Sorry, I'm just kinda killing you right now.

Murai: Huh?!

(Y/N): Lightning Style: Electric Needle Spark!!

He raised one arm into the air, creating a bolt of lightning that electrocuted Murai.

She shrieked and started falling towards the ground.

The white haired male smirked and drew Crimson from its sheath.

Before he could stab her, Murai roared and threw (Y/N) off of her.

(Y/N): Quite tanky, aren't we?

He transformed into his alien form and flew towards Murai.

Murai: Wha—?

She was tried to dodge, but was still stabbed through the arm with Crimson. She cried out in pain.

On the ground, Sai landed next to Naruto and looked up at the sky.

Naruto: Aw, man. (Y/N)'s finishing the fight. No fair! I totally had her!

Sai: From above, it just looked like you were staring at her from the ground, though.

Naruto: <growls> N-No! I was planning my next strategy.

Sai: <smiling> Really? What was it?

Naruto: Uh...

A large shadow passed over them. They both looked up, confused.

They saw a large figure ram itself into (Y/N) and Murai.

The white haired male and Murai were separated, with both of them tumbling towards the ground.

(Y/N) steadied himself and landed in front of Naruto and Sai. His alien form disappeared.

(Y/N): <thinking> Can't stay in it for too long. Even if I'm not dying slowly to it, my chakra will still run out fast.

Naruto: What the heck was that?!

(Y/N): I don't know, but it was strong!

The figure landed in front of them, turning back to normal. Furuse smirked at them.

Furuse: Hello, there.

Naruto: Another crazy bat lady!

He and Sai got into a fighting stance.

(Y/N): Careful. This one's different than the others.

Furuse laughed.

Furuse: Thank you. You're right, of course. I'm not like the others.

Horikiri landed next to Furuse.

Horikiri: I'm not, either.

Naruto: Geez! How many of you are there?

(Y/N): Probably hundreds.

Kurisu landed on the ground next, arm wrapped around Murai. She gripped her bleeding arm.

Murai: Bastard...

Kurisu: So (Y/N) is here!

Horikiri: How exciting. It's been so long since I've had a truly challenging battle.

(Y/N): Why are you here of all places? This destroyed village?

Furuse: We don't have to tell you anything.

Horikiri: Makes the perfect place for our hideout.

She crossed her arms and lifted her head up, smugly.

Furuse, Kurisu, and Murai all gawked at her, horrified.

Kurisu: You're not supposed to tell anyone that!! 💢

Murai: Yeah! Even if they're going to die!!

Furuse: Moron!! Idiot!!

Horikiri: Oops.

(Y/N) and his teammates exchanged surprised expressions.

Sai: So Yugen's lair must be around here somewhere.

(Y/N): I don't think they're going to let us walk away now. Not that they would've anyway.

Furuse whacked Horikiri on the head. The blond girl yelped.

Horikiri: Asshole.

Furuse: Bitch.

Horikiri: Slut.

Furuse: Cunt.

(Y/N)/Naruto/Sai: 😐

Naruto: <sweat dropping> Why do the bat ladies always seem to hate each other?

Furuse and Horikiri proceeded to get into fighting stances as well.

Furuse: In any case, you don't stand a chance against us. Well, at least those two chodes don't.

Sai and Naruto looked at each other.

Sai: Are they talking about us?

Naruto: What's a chode?

(Y/N): I can take both of you at the same time!

Horikiri: Sorry, but I'm not into minors.

The white haired male blushed, while Furuse and Horikiri laughed.

Murai and Kurisu sweat dropped.

Kurisu: Murai, you're injured, so go tell the Mistress that (Y/N)'s here.

Murai: Is she going to come herself?

Kurisu: Yes. So hurry!

Murai nodded and transformed into her bat form before flying off.

Naruto: Hey! She's escaping!

Sai: I'll go after her.

Furuse: Not if you want to die.

She and Horikiri began to transform into their bat forms, which were huge, much larger than the other ones.

Naruto: W-Whoa! They're big!

(Y/N): Only Kaneshiro was larger than them...

Furuse: He may be bigger, but he isn't as skilled as we are!

Horikiri: You have the pleasure of fighting two women who were once Kage candidates of our villages.

(Y/N)/Naruto: Kage candidates?!

Sai: Oh, dear.

Kurisu: Um, I'm here too, you know...

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