Does a Honkai Cry? (Dante & V...

By MunKumi

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Dante and Vergil unknowingly transported themselves into a brand new world. Learning their ways im their new... More

Prologue: "Seperation"
Chapter 1 : "Legendary Devil Hunter"
Chapter 2 : "The Alpha and The Mysterious One"
Chapter 3 : "Phoenix's Ash"
Chapter 4: "Familiarity"
Chapter 6: "Disruption"

Chapter 5: "The Angel"

699 27 15
By MunKumi

"Soon my Angel came again;

I was armed, he came in vain;

For the time of youth was fled,

And grey hairs were on my head."

A long journey is ahead, for the three gracious heroes rise from the ashes after an excruciating battle. They rise from the ashes from where they have fallen. Amidst the enchanting land, the majestic cavalry crumbles in perfect unison, their harmonious fall a symphony of magic. All of this was said was all of what Dante is thinking of right now. He tries his best to lighten up to mood as the three try their best to ignore the sound of endless creaking as the elevator goes up.

Awkwardly looking up, it felt like an eternity. It was clear that the elevator was moving, but they felt as if they had been standing in the same place for the last few hours. Himeko tapped her foot to ignore the flow of time, Dante brushing his hair, using the elevator controls as a mirror, and Tesla, annoyed at Dante for using the controls as a mirror.

Himeko: I'm sorry to break the peaceful silence, everyone. What's your brother like, Dante?

Dante: Well, you can already tell. I hope so. Just think of everything you know about me and then turn them all upside down.

Tesla: So, basically: He's the evil version of you?

Dante: Wait... hold on, I can't believe you're right. How come I never thought of that?

Himeko: She did mention this other "Dante" assisted us. For some odd reason. Is he usually like this?

Dante: I hope it's usual now. If one ass-whooping isn't enough, what's so bad about giving two? I mean, this ain't our world. So, in some worst-case scenarios, he would be somewhere out there doing what he likes.

Tesla: The evil you would be calm, collected, and introverted. Honestly, I would prefer him over you any time.

Himeko: Can we not call his brother "Evil Dante"? As true as it is, it sounds insulting toward my savior here.

Dante: Heh, look. She's complimenting me. Nice.

Tesla: God, you're so clueless when it comes to signals... By the way, what's your brother's name?

Dante: Gilver.

Himeko: I... have to admit. That's a fake-sounding name.

Dante: I know, you just gotta rearrange the letters and you got yourself his name.

Tesla: Why are you making this a game? But since we're all probably in this elevator until-- THE HERSSCHER DESTROYS ALL OF HUMANITY! A game would be nice.

The elevator, which is not halfway through, continues its short but long journey toward the top. Dante could easily reach the top in a blink of a second. Right now, they all sat down on the floor, creating a circle formation as they attempt to guess Vergil's name correctly. Not so long, Himeko accidentally named it correctly, and the game ended sooner than expected. The unexpected game ended with Himeko victorious, but Tesla was startlingly furious.

It went on for a while until they finally reached halfway through. But enough was enough as Tesla decided that climbing on the walls was way faster than waiting. It was true since they do not have the luxury to waste more time. Dante had a better idea, he activated his Devil Trigger, flying their way to the top with ease. He saved about 10 minutes of waiting.

How Dante never thought of this from the start is unknown. They both believe he only purposely made it longer for the sake of having a little fun. It felt odd, why was he so casual about this? Does he not care about the Herrscher or Kiana? The truth lies within his actions, which they are yet to witness.

Tesla: Over there, could it be!?

Her pupils constricted when she spotted a communication tool. It will allow them to communicate with the Hyperion and meet the "Mophead" she mentioned. Like a lion after a deer, she went right for it. She pressed a button and waited for the Hyperion to respond. But it was useless; the beeping continued endlessly. Static after that lengthy wait was all she received. She kicked the metal can in exasperation and then curled up into a ball on the floor.

Dante: I'd be pissed off if I was her too.

Himeko: Couldn't have said it any better.

Dante: I'll be holding her like a football to our next destination. Any idea where to go from here?

Himeko: Fu Hua did say there's something in the lab that could save everybody. More or less, it's essential to defeating the Herrscher.

Dante: They're not dumb enough to let it be out in the open for anyone to enter, though. They gotta have a firewall in case anything goes out of control.

Himeko: Most likely. It might be where the answer lies.

Dante: Damn, I feel smart today...

As they were discussing their next step, Himeko spotted something odd in their position. Even though the floor was identical to the previous one, except that it only had a view of the world below. She discovered, strangely, a slash. The slash itself was floating in space, which makes it peculiar. Tesla noticed the cut and is enough stunned by it to get up.

Dante: This was Vergil's work...

Himeko: Your brother was here? Any idea why?

Dante: At this point, I have my hands up. No idea what his motivations are.

Tesla: But it is still clear he is motivated by something. Maybe you and he both have the same goal.

Dante: Yeah, I hope so...

Maybe he is preparing for a rematch? Knowing how butthurt he is when he loses, it's clear this rematch isn't with me. Dante thought to himself. Tesla also discovered cybernetic parts that belonged to the usual mechs guarding the site. She concludes that Vergil, Dante's brother, had already passed through here. Additionally, it seems intentional that the cut was made. Like it was pointing out the right course.

Dante was disappointed that he didn't get all of the actions, though. However, it's key that they quickly get back on course. And to their expectations, it was another elevator ride. Thankfully, it moves more quickly than the last one. Dante was sitting at the very edge, dangling his legs in the air towards the world below, while Tesla and Himeko were having a brief conversation.

He eavesdropped on some of their banters. "Assault Squad," she said. He cannot help but think that she is somewhat of a mentor. It is admirable that she is a Leader of three poorly matched kids. Dante sort of related to that since he had Vergil's unplanned offspring. He tried his best to relate his personal affairs with Himeko. He couldn't help but continue to hear Himeko belittle herself. It says a lot that she endures all the calamities around her. But I can't help but feel that he shouldn't be aware of everything. I hope they don't mind him listening in.

Not for long, what appears to be a facility that matches their description. Heavily guarded, it was. That was the lab Fu Hua mentioned, despite knowing that just being here should serve as a warning. The moving platform comes to a halt. The only thing left they have to do is step inside.

Himeko: This uncanny sensation again. This must be the right place.

Tesla: Before we get inside, let's get some things sorted out. We'll--

Dante: Barge in, bash everything, spread my awe-inspiring spirit, find the truth. We're pretty much good to go.

Tesla: Wait a moment! ... Actually, that sounds about right. What you're missing is that we'll take the stuff back to the Hyperion.

Dante: Loot and Run AND visit the Hyperion. What could be better, huh?

Tesla: Don't forget, we're gonna pummel, kick-ass--

Dante: Kiss ass?

Tesla: NO! And we'll send her back to which hell she came from. Mission accomplished!

Dante: I've been to hell several times. Sorry, demons can talk, and she isn't welcome there.

Himeko: You're saying she's not welcome there because she won't be there? Don't forget, Tesla, we're here to save Kiana too.

Tesla: I believe he didn't even mean that-- Actually, I don't care anymore.

Himeko: Here we go, Dante. I hope you're ready for some fun.

Dante: I have no idea if you're referring to the brouhaha we're gonna commit or having fun with you. I like the idea of both, so...

They both dashed with great force like they were competing in a marathon. Tesla could only follow behind bit by bit. She couldn't catch up with them either way.

The first thing they come across was the normal mechs guarding from the previous floor. Dante swiftly demolishes them all with only one strike. That entire time, his devilish grin stayed on his face. But Himeko fights the opposite. She shouts after each strike and fights at a much more brutal pace. Their contrasting fighting styles elevated the commotion in the lab.

They both soon realized that the lab does not even feel like a lab. It felt and looks more like a factory or a warehouse. Despite this, they continued to go deeper into the heart of the lab to unveil the truth. Their obstacles, on the other hand, are peculiar. They were fighting against weak mechs. Too weak to be considered well-defended. Himeko easily sliced through each of them without making a struggle or fuss about them. More than true defenses, they gave an appearance of reserves.

Someone's been here already, Dante thought to himself. Knowing the patterns that made their campaign seem like someone else's remains, he cannot help but think about him. He did all of this, right? He doesn't talk about that particular notion.

Dante: That idiot... what does he think he's doing?

Himeko: Dante? Are you alright?

Dante: If you're off to bed you know your roommate hasn't ate yet, you leave leftovers and the counter...

Himeko: That's your weirdest analogy yet. What does that have to do with anything?

Dante: If someone leaves a leftover, that means they are for you to take. Like pizza... you know?

Himeko: Okay, the pizza part was unnecessary. I see what you mean here. Do you think that somehow your brother is involved in all of this?

Dante: He wouldn't do anything like that, would he? Don't tell me he's asking for an "IOU."

Himeko: Or perhaps he's doing it just for you? You know, brotherly love? That's what families are for, you know.

Dante: The last thing I want to happen in this world is for him to say "I love you" to me. I'm sure he doesn't hate me or anything, maybe a more "It's not that I love you or anything" kind of way.

Himeko: You two need serious family counseling.

Despite the conspiracies they formed, they continued their way farther into the lab. But something doesn't feel right for Dante. He still felt this sensation that someone was observing him. For him, this made it very personal. like his experience had been written in a work of literature. A scene is being gradually prepared for him with that in mind. He has always enjoyed being the center of attention.

The mechs kept on engaging like a flock of birds. a never-ending onslaught of impending wreckage. They are somewhat bothersome but bearable with someone like Dante. He's finally settled on a strategy. Moreover, he founded a lead. Himeko caught his eye, and he turned to face her.

Dante: You don't mind being alone for two or five minutes, right?

Himeko: And I figured you've made a plan. You better come back alive, got it?

Dante: Hey, I didn't even get the chance for you to heat me out!

Himeko: And so what? I've already trusted you from the beginning, almost anyway. On the other hand, I think you've got everything under control. For a newcomer, you know more than I initially thought.

Dante: Right. Okay. Having someone on my side, especially a heavy-duty sword swinging hottie.

Himeko: Oh, please! Beers on me when we're finished with this. Actually, something more enticing, like tequila?

Dante: Oh, you like tequila... does that mean you'll give me a shot?

Himeko: I've heard that already. Now go now, I'll have brief with Tesla while you're away.

Dante: And I thought I was good at pick-up lines...

After an encouraging pat on his back and a slap on his butt, he dashed forward to one of the chambers in the labs. He focused more on the residue of the previous battle. The air itself, no, the very fabric of reality itself, was ripped apart. This outcome could only be achieved in one way.

The Yamato

The slashes are conveniently formed into a lead. It was quite odd, considering how over-the-top Vergil's ego is, but it comes to the inclusion that Vergil is an ally. From one chamber to the next, each one containing various experiment data logs. Despite the fact that he is not reading all of it, it is obvious that someone is abusing the Herrscher's power.

After browsing through the chambers tirelessly, he stumbled upon an eye-catching discovery. Something belonging to him, something he would cherish, something he will embrace. A poetry book. Even better, an exact copy of William Blake's poetry. He could tell it was not the one his brother always had, but he takes a look of the content. It was the exact same. Only one question remains: What was he doing here? Actually, I think he gave this book to his rebellious offspring.

He can't make heads or tails of what happened here. He can't make up his mind. He wasn't totally befuddled, though. He can either find his brother and hear him out, or he can finish what's left and deal with the Herrscher. Dante was not the type to make wise decisions. He picked up the book from the table, flipped aimlessly through the pages. It should not have come as a surprise that the book was full of poetry, a genre that his brother greatly enjoys. Though, he felt a hint of nostalgia from the book.

Dante: You've been reading this when were just kids? I gotta say, I thought yanking this out of your hands for a duel was the only thing that matters. Heh, I liked that moment.

He closed the book and gazed at the cover. The cover was made of plain leather and featured a prominent letter "V" that filled the entire space. He searched through the desk where he had found the book, hoping to locate a white marker. When he found one, he added the letters "E-R-G-I-L" to complete the cover. He smiled and giggled at the small change, thinking it was more into character.

Dante: Hard to think that was the last time we saw our mother... Even with all this, I can still feel the warmth of her touch right now. If only you felt this too, brother...

Fu Hua: He did, actually.

Dante: ...Wait a second-

At the moment, Fu Hua's hand were still patting Dante's back. Their eyes met. She remained silent while Dante was clueless of what to make a reaction out of this. I mean, he could just asked why she was here and when she was here. Instead...

Dante: Your hands are warm. Keep at it.

Fu Hua: If the purpose is to comfort you, perhaps I could continue a little longer.

Dante: I feel like I have been craving this feeling for a very long time, actually. It's hard to move on if you were me. Wait, you did the same thing to Vergil? So he WAS here?

Fu Hua: You are quick with your answers. Yes, he was here. His precise motivation is difficult to discern. My hypothesis is that he is preparing a path for you to approach him. Possibly a path carved specifically for you to follow.

Dante: Why is it that fate always drive us together? So, what am I gonna do now? Find my brother and hug it all out?

Fu Hua: You and him, are no different. I felt this similar feeling when I approach him like you just now. You two are aiming for similar goals, but your methods differs from one another.

Dante: Pssh, all he wants is power and that's basically it. You're not comparing my goals to him. Well, at least not now.

Fu Hua: Then how about this, tell me what are your goals at the moment? Your universe somehow collided with ours. Your goals from before may be different from what you have now, right?

Dante: Well... that's...

Fu Hua: Dante, what is it that you are trying to achieve?

He was hesitant to answer. He has his goals but he does not wish to share it. But his goals at hands, what does he achieve from it? If dealing with the Herrscher will not this world from breaking down, what is left of him after? What about his brother? While in the topic of his brother, what is he trying to achieve in this world too?

He then began his conspiracy. His thoughts scour the best options for an answer. As Fu Hua pointed out, Vergil experienced the same things he did. These "marks" certifying to the truth of this claim were also left by Vergil. No indication is given as to where he goes from here. And the slashing in the air ceases right here, where he is. But a similar answer also returns: What will Dante do from here?

Looking at the book he took, he opened it, flipping through the pages. Although he aimlessly browsed the book, he found what catches his attention the most. He didn't bother reading title, he skipped a few stanzas, reading the last few lines.

"So he took his wings, and fled;"

"Then the morn blushed rosy red."

"I dried my tears, and armed my fears"

"With ten-thousand shields and spears."

He tried to maintain an air of mystery, but he had to ask Fu Hua what he meant by what he had read. After a brief explanation that was just as difficult to understand. A mental toggle was flipped, and he felt a slight click. He is aware of the fate that awaits him. He put the book shut, a grin on his face, and turned to head out of the room.

Dante: So it is written, huh?

She was gone, he realized as he turned back to face Fu Hua, but not for good. Like an angel watching over him, he is confident that he will eventually run into her. Despite her best efforts to clarify her meaning, he is still confused. What could the poem's angel symbolize? Would Fu Hua be the one? His sibling? Himeko? He wants to find the answer as soon as he is done with his unfinished business, no matter what it is.

The angel, he will track down, and he will begin his search with Himeko. When he went back to the room where he'd left Himeko, he found it deserted. The room, littered with shattered mechs, looked like something out of a horror movie. His "instincts" led him to the previously unseen hole, which he subsequently explored. Which was a lie, for he actually started drilling down into the chamber below with his Sin Devil Trigger. Interestingly, it did the trick.

Once the debris and sparks settled, he entered what appears to be a chamber housing battlesuits. unexpectedly more of the security mechs were sent after him because of his trespassing. With one shot to the "eye," the problem was quickly remedied. He was bored to tears by it, as it brought back unpleasant memories of fighting alongside others against a businessman. Then he walked over to one of the tubes housing the battlesuits.

He inspected the holographic log that mentioned "HDA-002: Knight Moonbeam" and remarked that the battlesuits were stereotypically feminine. He couldn't help but wonder who could be claiming it. He got up and walked away, dismissing the remaining suits since he was too exhausted to read them all. The chamber's occupants were perfectly arranged in a row, left to right. The one in the center of the corner drew his attention because it was unoccupied. Obviously, it was stolen and put to good use.

That's a step, and at the very least it's a recognized one. As he turned back, a grin spread across his face. The rightful holders do actually possess it because it was stolen. He was not fooling around.

Dante's already considering the answer on who might be the angel is already. But he's not that easily graced by that figure, almost. One other thing he couldn't just set aside was the burning aura she emanate.

Dante: Surely the Herrscher's downfall after this won't be as painful as your fall from heaven, Himeko.

Himeko: I'm quite charmed, you're getting better at his, Dante.

Dante: Raining women is my type of rain, you know?

Walking past Dante, patting his shoulders before he followed along next to her. He just couldn't stop inspecting her from top to bottom. Beside the burning aura she radiate, this warm feeling was similar to that of Fu Hua's. This gives him a conclusion on a certain thing.

Dante: You talked to Fu Hua too, did you?

Himeko: Oh, that's actually a good guess. Although, you're right.

Dante: Talk about an angel that came to me while I pray.

Himeko: Keep your flattery for later, okay? Now, let's do our best to save Kiana. For me and you both.

She gestures at Dante as though he could help her out. Her smile was angelic, and he could tell by it that she had endured much of anything. A fine man like him has no right to turn his back on the world and watch as it crumbles. This is the definition of killing two birds with one stone. He reaches out and grabs her hand with his as well. His grin was the polar opposite of charming; it was the difference between an orange and an apple.

Dante: Yeah, let's save that kid...

Dante: ...Huh, Kiana...

"What an Angelic name."


(Note: IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! SORRY, SORRY, SORRY FOR THE LONG UPDATE!!! busy with school LMAO. I wanna thank ya'll for not dropping this story. LOTS OF LOVE MWA MWA SEE U NEXT CHAPTER!!!)

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