By Msmarv28

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When Evelyn Graham is asked to perform a complicated surgery on a new patient, she never imagined HIM. He's... More



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By Msmarv28

I'm not completely heartless. No matter how angry I may be with a person. So, when Evelyn needed me after losing our son, even though it was hard for me, I was determined to be there for her.

I stayed with her every day while she was in the hospital. Even when she wouldn't talk to me and did her best to run me off. Then I took her home and made sure she wanted for nothing while she recovered.

I made her breakfast, lunch, and dinner the week following the loss of our son. Taking time away from work to help tidy up her home, make sure she makes it to her follow up appointments, and give her medication whenever she needed. All while she remained both stoic and silent.

Even when I told her I needed to get back to work, she wouldn't acknowledge me. So, I left without so much as a thank you from her.

In fact, I haven't spoken to or seen her in over six months.

"What are you thinking about?" Selena asks from where she lies perched on my chest.

I'm not fool enough to open that can of worms. So, I shake my head.

Knowing Evelyn was pregnant with my child, and we're only in our first year of marriage has given Selena a bit of an insecurity where the dark beauty who damn near destroyed me is concerned. She's afraid I'll go back to her. Even with me having nothing to do with her these past six months.

Straddling me, she smiles down at me as she reaches for my todger to bring him to salute.

And it's taking every effort I have not to grow flaccid.

A new development that is affecting my ego and my sex life.

Selena has been gracious about it so far. Saying things like 'it's okay' or 'we can just try again later' or 'this happens to every guy at some point in their life'. But this type of thing doesn't happen to me. I'm an erection on command type of guy.

A 'the wind blows and I'm harder than asphalt' type of guy. Only, my todger and my brain are not working in tandem with each other.

"I must get to the office," I tell her.

My excuse to exit gracefully while I still have my dignity intact.

"No." She groans. Pouting like a child. "Stay here with me and let's try again."

That's exactly what I'm afraid of.

"I wish I could, but money doesn't make itself."

Reluctantly, she rolls off of me and I pad to her bathroom to shower. Allowing the water to beat down on my head while I try to clear my thoughts. Only, rather than clear them, my thoughts drift to the last time I shared a shower with a woman.

With Evelyn.

Her soft brown skin was so smooth it felt like silk beneath my fingertips. I can still see the way she looked at me. Holding my gaze while I explored every inch of her beautiful body.

Closing my eyes, I allow myself to get lost in the memory of what it felt like to fuck her.

The sounds and the faces she would make.

There was always a challenge there.

In her eyes.

In her body language.

In her actions.

And in the way she would bite down on her bottom lip to stifle her moans. Determined not to let me know how truly satisfied she was. Forever willfully defiant in every way.

Damn it all to hell.

Opening my eyes, I take in the erection I'm sporting. Unsure of what to make of it, or the timing of said erection. The door to the shower opens and Selena invites herself inside. Pleased with what she sees. And I immediately grow flaccid in her presence.

Closing my eyes, I try focusing on Evelyn's image in order to keep my erection. I even go as far as to cup Selena's mouth with my hand to stifle her voice in order to replace it with the sounds Evelyn used to make.

Albeit involuntarily.

But it still doesn't work.

It's like a limp noodle in my hand.

Frustrated, I find myself conflicted about what all of this means. Even as I kiss Selena goodbye. Filling her with the hope that its stress-induced impotence.

My phone rings the moment I enter my waiting car and I instruct my driver to take me to King Technologies.

"Good morning, Mr. King." My assistant, Kelly, greets me through the phone. "You have a full calendar today and your first appointment is waiting for you outside your office."

"Let them know I will be there in ten minutes. Then provide them with refreshments and whatever else will make them comfortable until I arrive." I instruct.

"Yes sir. See you soon."

After hanging up the phone with Kelly, I look out the window to see the hospital where my son died. Every time I pass it, I get this unfamiliar feeling that eventually leads to me thinking about Evelyn and how devastated she was following the loss of our son.

Even though I'd rather not think about her at all.

I did not handle things in the best of ways between us. I ghosted her, as Americans would say. Partially because I was angry with her, and partially because I would've done anything for her. Including taking her back and giving her the opportunity to betray me again.

No woman is worth everything I've built.

Pushing all thoughts of Evelyn, our son, and the tragedy that unfolded to the back of my mind, I check back into reality just as the car comes to a stop in front of my office and Benji greets me on the sidewalk.

He escorts me to my office with the rest of his team, and I greet one of the hottest new software developers, with the brilliance of Elon Musk.

Bishop Riggs.

He's fresh out of high school, he hasn't even started college yet, and he's already made a name for himself.

"Greetings, Bishop. Follow me and let's get started." I open my office door to let him in.

"No need." He offers me an apologetic smile. "I just wanted to tell you face to face that I've already entered into contract with G Technologies. They made me an offer I couldn't refuse. And not only is CEO Evelyn Graham stunning, but she was actually on time."

This little wanker is taking a jab at me.

Bishop Riggs and his team head for the elevators and are gone in the timespan it takes for me to process what just happened.

Did Evelynn Graham and her team just steal my golden goose?

Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my phone to text Stuart to meet me in my office. He shows up several minutes later surprised to find my office empty, and asks, "How did it go?"

"It didn't. He came here to tell me he already went into contract with G Technologies."

Stuarts eyebrows disappear into his hairline. Stunned I've been outmaneuvered by the beauty I used to share a bed with.

By my estranged wife.

"What now?"

"I want to know everything there is to know about their agreement. Plus everything there is to know about Evelyn Graham and what business ventures G Technologies are involved in."

"Yes, boss. I'll get right on it." He replies.

After hanging up with Stuart, I sink deep into thought. I need a strategy to beat Evelyn at her own game to take back the upper hand in our industry. And I know the perfect way to do it. Pulling out my phone, I dial the last number I'd ever expect to be dialing and set up a meeting for later this evening. When that time finally rolls around, like clockwork, Winnie Graham appears in my office.

And I roll out the red carpet for her.

"When I saw your name on the caller ID, I must admit I was a bit surprised." She watches me closely.

She knows I want something from her, and I know she'll give it to me for the right price.

"Shall we get down to business?" I ask.

"I'm listening."

"Evelyn's company, G Technologies... they took something from me that I can't get back."

"Then you should be calling Evelyn. Not me."

There's no bloody chance in hell I'll do that.

"My proposal is simple. I want to know what she's planning with her company, and who she's planning it with. In exchange for that information, I am willing to compensate you monetarily." I tell her.

Praying I've read her right, and she's desperate enough to sell her daughter down the river to make a quick pound.

"I'll tell you whatever you want to know for two percent of your controlling interest in Graham Corp." She flashes me a devilish grin.

What she lacks in motherly instincts, she makes up for with cunning. Hoping to weasel her way back in control over the company she damn near bankrupted.

Yet... I have no choice.

Two percent controlling interest in Graham Corp is a small price to pay for her loyalty. Besides, as long as Evelyn or I hold majority interest, there's nothing she can do with it.

"This is the first time I've seen you hesitate on an offer." Winnie eyeballs me like a spider would a fly.

"Evelyn and I aren't on good terms." I remind her.

"Yes. I know. What a pity."

"How is she?"

Winnie smiles deep and shrugs before purposely provoking my jealousy. "She's moved on... as have you."

"Who?" I take the bait.

"Some guy named Sam."

Gritting my teeth, I flash her a smile I'm far from feeling.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you actually missed her." Her smile deepens. "So, I'll tell you what... agree to my terms and I will tell you everything you need to know about what Evelyn's been up to."

Winnie holds all the cards here and she knows it. So, she waits me out. And as much as I believe I'm going to regret this I make a deal with the devil herself.

Satisfied, she leaves my office with our arrangement in writing. Promising to get me something on Evelyn and her company by the end of the week.

"Is that who I think it was?" Benji asks. Entering my office.

"Yes, it was Winnie Graham." I nod.

"Are you and Evelyn...?"

"No. Absolutely not."

"Then, why was she here?"

"She was here because I need her to spy on her daughter to find out how she stole Bishop Riggs right out from under me." I explain. "We needed his software to take our project release to the next level, and she beat us to it."

"So, you're leveraging her mother to spy on her?" He gives me a look of disapproval.

"All is fair in business Benji."

"I see a certain very angry woman in your future with a look of betrayal on her face."

"Good. Then she'll know how it feels." I retort.

Shaking his head, Benji exits the room. Leaving me with my thoughts. Several appointments later and I'm ready to call it a night. Only, I don't want to be anywhere Selena can find me. Not until my todger and I are seeing eye to eye on a few things. Like, when there's a naked woman in our bed, he is to perform as I command.

Everything more and nothing less.

I head to the penthouse at the top of my office building to rest uninterrupted. Turning off my phone and anything else I can be reached by. Something is wrong with me, and it has been for a while now. I just don't know what it is.

It's like I've lost my zest for life.

Like I've somehow lost my edge.

And I don't know when that happened.

Changing into some shorts, I lower my punching bag from the beam stretched across the ceiling, and I take my frustrations out on this leather clad bag of sand until I'm dripping with sweat, exhausted, and no closer to figuring out what the fuck my problem is.

The doors to my penthouse open and in walks my mum.

Right on cue.

Whenever I am out of sorts, she somehow always knows and shows up to help me put things into perspective.

"Mum." I grab a towel to wipe the sweat off of me before giving her a hug. "What brings you here?"

"Your dad, actually." She gives me a look that tells me this conversation will not be pleasant. "He's very cross with you, Alexander. You told him you had Bishop Riggs and word all over the net is he's entered into contract with your estranged wife. How in God's name did you let that happen?"

"Honestly, mum, I do not know. I didn't even know he was entertaining any other offers."

"Perhaps that girl you've been seeing to get over Evelyn has been more of a distraction than you need then."

I recoil, offended by what she said.

"Mum, Selena isn't a distraction. And I was over Evelyn a long time ago."

"Are you sure about that?" She quirks a skeptical brow at me.


"Yes. I'm sure."

"Then you won't care that there are rumors about her too, then?" She drops that loaded bit of chinwag in my lap to watch for my reaction. "She's been seen out and about with Samuel Tisdale. Your direct competitor and a person of great influence over many in this industry. A man who can influence someone like Bishop Riggs to jump ship with one phone call."

Bloody hell.

How does Evelyn know this when I have yet to catch wind of it?

It appears our marriage has given her a bit of relevance in others' eyes. And now she is working with my direct competitor to destroy me a second time.

"I will handle it mum." I assure her.

"You better. We need a big release to increase our profits this year. Had your dad or I have known she was the CEO behind G Technologies we never would have chosen her for your dad's surgery."

"And dad would have died, mum. We chose her because she's the best in her field. That hasn't changed no matter who she is." I find myself defending Evelyn.

"Well, now it appears as if she is the best in another field. And kicking your arse at it. Fix this, Alexander. Your dad chose you because he believed you were what this company needed. Do not make a liar out of him." She leaves me with that parting warning.

A kiss on both cheeks later, and she's gone just as quickly as she came. Having come only to reprimand me.

Game on, Evelyn... game on

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