Eyes don't lie

By Wish091

21.5K 824 316

I'm telling you ridhu , I'll kill your brother , idiot brat I know he is a senior that doesn't gave him right... More

character sketch...❤️
1.A Journey of Self-Discovery
3.Unlikely Collaborations
Stepping beyond comfort.
A Glimpse of Serendipity
Shifting Perspectives: The Devil, The Crackhead, and The Coffee Date
Breaking Walls, Unveiling Emotions
Harmonies of healing
Unraveling Emotions
Birthday prepration..
Whispers of Destiny: A Melodic Encounter of Hearts
Echoes of Affection
chai and moon..
Trying to be happy..
special thanks ❤️
homecoming- shimla
homecoming,-- rajasthan
In the Shadows of Night
Painted Hearts
Bound by Friendship, Guided by Love
Embers of Emotion
Dancing in the rain
the storm
Shattered Bonds
After 6 years
Dream house
A Glimpse of Remembrance
A Healing Conversation
Lost in the Moment
A Flood of Emotions
Professional meet
she hates me !!
The Missing Pieces
Unveiling Truths
Shadows of regret
strange feelings
Under the moon
Conflict of emotions..
Bonds and Boundaries
(Announcement- New story✨✨)
A Surprise Reunion
Healing hearts
birthday wish...
birthday wish..(part 2)
Loving you was a loosing game
confession ❤️❤️
A night to remember..
Surrendering to Desire(Armaan)
confusion annd only confusion
it's yesss!!
new beginning
haldi and mehndi
Embrace of Love: Navigating the Night Before Goodbye
Longing in Every Glance
Tears and Comfort
The Night Before Forever
Love Sealed in Vows
Finally Yours
Epilogue: A New Beginning
new book - announcement✨✨✨✨

the Outburst

342 13 6
By Wish091


Khwahish: (smiling) You know, Ridanshi, I find it fascinating that you have such a diverse heritage. Half Rajasthani and half Punjabi! How did that happen?

Ridanshi: (laughs) Well, my grandmother is from Rajasthan, and my grandfather is Punjabi. It's an interesting mix of cultures in our family. Love marriages were not very common during their time, but they managed to find each other and create a beautiful life together.

Khwahish: Wow, that's amazing! Love knows no boundaries, right? It's heartwarming to hear stories like that, even from the past. Love truly has its own ways of bringing people together.

Ridanshi: Absolutely! It just goes to show that love transcends cultural differences and societal norms. It's all about connecting with someone on a deeper level and accepting them for who they are.

Khwahish: Speaking of diverse backgrounds, let me tell you about mine. I live in Shimla, but my roots are in Prayagraj. So, I guess you can say I belong to two different worlds.

Ridanshi: That's interesting! Shimla and Prayagraj must have such distinct cultures. How was it growing up with that blend?

Khwahish: It was a unique experience, Ridanshi. I got to witness the beauty of both Himachali and Uttar Pradesh traditions. 

Ridanshi: It sounds incredible, Khwahish! I love how our backgrounds bring such different flavors to our lives. 

Khwahish: Ridanshi, I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's your brother Armaan like? I'm curious to know more about him.

Ridanshi: (sighs) Armaan... He's the son of our bade papa and badi mummy. Well, in the past, he wasn't like this. He used to be a lot more friendly and approachable. But something changed, and now he's perceived as rude by many. Even at home, he prefers staying away and spends most of his holidays here, at the college.

Khwahish: (listening intently) I see. It must be difficult for your family to witness such a change in his behavior. Is there any specific reason behind it?

Ridanshi: (sadly) Honestly, I'm not sure. It's like he built these walls around him, and it's hard to get through. He's become distant from everyone, including our family. I wish I knew what happened or what led to this transformation.

Khwahish: (compassionately) It's tough to see someone you care about going through such a difficult phase. 

Ridanshi: (smiling weakly)  It's just that sometimes it gets overwhelming, and I worry about him.

Khwahish: I completely understand, Ridanshi. Sometimes, a small change of scenery or a sweet treat can help uplift our spirits. How about we go out for some ice cream? It might bring a smile to your face and give you a little break from everything.

Ridanshi: (brightening up) That sounds like a wonderful idea! Ice cream always has a way of making things better. Let's go and indulge ourselves.

As they walked towards the ice cream parlor, Khwahish hoped that this small gesture would bring some joy to Ridanshi's heart and provide a momentary escape from the worries surrounding her brother. 

(next day)

Khwahish sat with her friends in the college auditorium, eagerly waiting for the play to begin. As they chatted excitedly, Khwahish mentioned the name "Armaan" as one of the characters in the play. Little did she know that this innocent remark would trigger a storm.

Suddenly, a wave of anger surged through the air as Armaan, who happened to be nearby, overheard Khwahish's words. His eyes narrowed, and his temper flared. Without thinking, he approached their group, his voice laced with fury.

Armaan: What did you just say? Why did you mention my name?

Khwahish, taken aback by the sudden outburst, looked up at him, her eyes wide with confusion and fear.

Khwahish: sir, I... I didn't mean anything by it. It was just a casual mention in the context of the play.

Armaan: Casual mention? Do you find it amusing to use my name for your entertainment? You have no idea what you're talking about!

Khwahish's friends exchanged worried glances, sensing the intensity of the situation. Khwahish felt her eyes welling up with tears, but she tried her best to hold them back. She didn't want to give Armaan the satisfaction of seeing her break down.

Khwahish: Sir, I didn't mean to upset you. I apologize if my words came across the wrong way. It was never my intention to mock or offend you.

Armaan: Save your apologies! I'm tired of people like you, who think they can play with others' emotions and use their names carelessly. You have no idea what it's like to be in my shoes.

With that, Khwahish could no longer control her emotions. The weight of Armaan's anger and harsh words crushed her spirit. She stood up abruptly, her voice trembling.

Khwahish: Fine, if you think so low of me, then I'll just leave. Excuse me.

Without waiting for a response, Khwahish turned and ran from the auditorium, tears streaming down her face. Her heart felt heavy, and her thoughts were filled with confusion and hurt. She made her way back to the hostel, seeking solace in the privacy of her room.

Armaan stood there, feeling a mixture of frustration and regret. He knew he had let his anger get the best of him, but he couldn't bring himself to show any remorse on his face. As people around him started whispering and discussing what had just happened, Armaan felt a growing sense of unease. He didn't want to be the topic of gossip or have his reputation tarnished further.

Just then, Ridaanshi approached him, her expression filled with concern. She could sense that something was off with her brother, and she knew she had to intervene.

Ridaanshi: bhai, what was that all about? You can't keep lashing out like this. 

Armaan sighed, his frustration evident in his voice.

Armaan: I don't know, Ridaanshi. It's just... everything feels so messed up. I can't control my anger.

Ridaanshi: I understand  bhai that you're going through a difficult time, but taking it out on others won't solve anything. You need to find a way to deal with your emotions in a healthier manner.

Armaan nodded, realizing the truth in his sister's words. He knew he had to make a change, but it seemed like an uphill battle.

Meanwhile, at the hostel, Khwahish sat on her bed, her eyes swollen from crying. She felt a mix of hurt and confusion, replaying the events in her mind. Just then, Ridaanshi entered the room, her presence bringing a sense of comfort.

Ridaanshi: Khwahish, are you okay? I'm so sorry about what happened. bhai can be difficult at times, but deep down, he's struggling with his own demons.

Khwahish sniffled, wiping away her tears.

Khwahish: It's just... I never expected him to react that way. I thought we were moving past our differences, but it feels like we've taken a step back.

Ridaanshi sat beside Khwahish, offering a reassuring smile.

Ridaanshi: Sometimes, people's actions are a reflection of their own pain. bhai has been going through a lot lately, and it's affecting his interactions with others. But it doesn't excuse his behavior. You deserve an apology, and I'll talk to him about it.

Khwahish appreciated Ridaanshi's understanding and support. She knew that Ridaanshi was trying her best to bridge the gap between them.

Khwahish: Thank you, Ridaanshi. I hope things can get better between us. I don't want to hold onto this hurt and resentment.

Ridaanshi smiled, holding Khwahish's hand.

Ridaanshi: I believe in the power of forgiveness and understanding. We'll work this out, and hopefully, bhai will find a way to confront his own issues.

As they sat there, Khwahish felt a glimmer of hope. She knew that healing would take time, but with Ridaanshi by her side, she felt stronger. Together, they would navigate through the complexities of their relationships, hoping for a brighter future where understanding and empathy would prevail.

Heyy guys I hope you liked today's update , plzzzz support my book I'm a beginner in this field so plz tell my mistake of had done something wrong in any part of this book .

I'm eagerly waiting for your comments and votes and do suggest me if there's a need to editing....

And tell me about some good movies or series for Netflix.....

Have a great day ahead

Be positive and spread love 

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