My Brother My Mate?

By Arielc101

402K 14K 1.1K

Ariel is a werewolf, she lives in the Raven Hail Pack. She was an only child for five years of her life, but... More

To all my Readers!
My Brother My Mate?
6th birthday one to remember
My brother?
8th birthday prank?
A random Wednesday right?
10th birthday Carly?
My first day of... 7th grade?
15th birthday boyfriend... Sh!t
The breakup?
Present Day....
My brother My Mate? What?!
Secrets out
Big bro?
Um no?
Bad dreams...
Brought back to life
I'm sorry! Can you forgive me?
You do?!?
I love you too....
A nice day with my mate...
Ready to talk?
New people new... People?
You act like a kid... And you have one
QnA bonus scenes
New Book
Not an update!!!


13.1K 459 38
By Arielc101

We had a great time making pancakes, and throwing them at each other. But let's just say it takes longer than you think to clean our kitchen. It's 11:45 and I have to say I am really tired. I grab my clothes and take a shower and try to get the batter out of my hair. Eventually I got really hot, so instead I decided to have a cold shower. I don't understand... at the snap of your fingers it will be true to you?

That just seems... suspicious, I turn off the shower and put on my tank top and shorts. I fall on my bed grabbing my phone off the bedside table. Snap of your fingers? Is that some kind of an expression? I look at my hand and snap my fingers, with the dim light of my phone I could see... A small puff of smoke? I snap my fingers again, but to see a slight light at the tips of my fingers.

I was to distracted to realize that it actually burned my fingers with each counting second. I waved my hand and the small light disappeared, but the heat didn't stop. Ow ow ow! I run into the bathroom and run my hand under cold water, causing the burn to die down. Ouch... I walk back over to my bed. I could feel my body heating up, in almost an instant it felt like my body was engulfed in flames.

I tried not to scream and wake anyone up, I sit up and lean my head up against the dashboard. I could start to see black dots start to could my vision, I take deep breaths and try to keep my eyes open. I grab my pillow and cried silent tears, my heart beat faster when I heard a knock at the door. No one can see me like this... So vulnerable and helpless....

"Hey Ariel, sorry but your backpack got covered in batter." I could faintly hear Xavier as the pain caused my hearing to muffle.

"Ariel?" I could see Xavier put my backpack down. He stops and stares at me, "You're in heat.." He growls. I could see his eyes turn gold, Carly purrs. 'I want mate.' she says surfacing. Please no! Don't... "Make it stop..." I say just above a whisper trying to cope with the pain that had taken over my body. I look up, to see Xavier had left. He's gone? He left me? I cry into my pillow, wishing for comfort and relief.

Surprisingly I could feel the burn die down, "Shh it's ok.." I could hear Xavier from behind me. I could feel him wipe away my tears, as sparks danced across my face. It becomes worse by the second. "M-make it stop.." I cry.

"Are you sure?.." he asks holding me.

"I don't care, help me please..." I cry into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." he growls, before I could say anything he ripped off my shirt. What?! I could feel a slight breeze, then it all died down. The burning sensation calmed down, and the pain in my stomach was now a dull throb.

I could feel his fingertips tracing up the side of my arm. The sparks he sent dancing across my skin help calm it down, it sent shivers up my spine. I silently sob into his shoulder. "I'm sorry I can't fully make it stop..." I could feel his hand on my stomach, my back on his chest, and our legs tangled together.

I felt calm and I wish it would never end. I lay my head in the crook of his neck, he bends his head down and places kisses along my neck. I let out a small moan, I could feel him smile. "You are mine...and only mine" I hear him say.'We are your's! All your's!' I hear Carly say.

"No one will ever get the pleasure of hearing you moan..." he says sucking my neck.

"Oh, we have a possessive Alpha don't we?" I ask putting my hand on his chest, he growls and got a hold on my hips.

"You have no idea..." he growls, before I knew it his lips were smashed on mine. Sparks eventually turned into fireworks as his tongue flicked across my bottom lip. I rejected, earning a death growl from him. I smiled, but I soon regretted it when he grabbed my butt. I gasped, and he took the opportunity and explored my mouth. I don't know what it was but it felt like I have now seen a new side to Xavier.

The mean, possessive, loving, mate side. I could hear him start to growl, I pull away stunned and out of breath. He pulls me back on his chest, and I lay on his shoulder. I could feel his hand move along my stomach, I sighed in content and snuggled up next to Xavier.

Before long I could feel my eyelids become heavy, and of course I fall asleep in Xavier's arms.


"She found her mate Dammit!" I hear someone yell. "It's going to be impossible now!"

"What about her powers? She will find out about them in no time...."

"She already has one power, imagine what the king could do... They killed our two best fighters without their powers, image what they could do together."

"No, we need to kidnap her now! Tomorrow..." I could see the man's eyes go red. "You can kill her..." he said looking at me. He grabs a knife and throws it at my head. Blackness clouds my vision once again, but before I was surrounded I saw....

I sit up heart racing, I look around the room. I'm ok I'm ok, I could feel myself get the shivers. I look down and remember what happened before, I still needed to put a new shirt on. I could slightly feel the air conditioning turn on. I slowly lay back down, I feel sore and stiff trying to move. I check the time, 5:46. I carefully flip onto my side to see gold eyes staring back at me.

I jump a little, "Sorry." I saw Xavier smirk. "Are you ok?" He asks brushing my hair behind my ear. "Bad dream and a little sore..." I sigh.

"I could tell..." he pulls me closer and kisses my forehead, he gently traced circles on my upper back. "When did you wake up?" I ask hugging him.

"I didn't."

"What do you mean?"

"...Your dreams are horrific."

"You were stalking my dreams? Is that even possible?"

"You can't do it?" He asked surprised.

"No...." I grumble. Lucky I wish I could stalk dreams, all I have is that stupid fire thing. "Fire?" He asked.


"What fire thing?" He asks.

"I didn't say that, I mean I thought it, but I didn't say it."

"But I just heard you..."

"Huh..... I snapped my fingers and there was fire." I say looking at my hand. "Really?"

"Uh yeah..." I say shrugging. I get up and grab a shirt from my closet, I sit at the edge of my bed. I could see Xavier sit next to me at the corner of my eye. "Well let's see it."

I snap my fingers and I could see the light of the fire grow in my hand. I wave my hand and draw letters, small letters that float through the air...

F-I-R-E. "Cool..." P-I-E

"Now I want pie..." Xavier says.

"Me too..." I say smiling, we both get up and run downstairs.


Hey YOU! Yes you! I know you're reading this, and I bet you're smiling... I bet you're thinking about pie... Me too, ANYWAY! I wanted to thank you all for the many votes and comments!

Vote.Comment.Follow! Thank you! I will be giving out shout outs soon if you want. <3 Do you like this book?

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