You Are My Obsession Till Ete...

By poojagg11

177K 6.9K 483

Pihu Gupta, a 21-year-old girl, possesses a gentle demeanor that radiates sweetness, innocence, and shyness... More

Character Sketch
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 29
Chapter- 30
Author's Note
Chapter 34
My Dear Readers
My Dear Readers


4K 129 5
By poojagg11

Author's Pov,

Pihu silently sat on the chair, her gaze fixed on the table, avoiding any eye contact with Rudra. Her heart raced with a mixture of fear and uncertainty, feeling like a helpless bunny trapped in a lion's den. The room was heavy with tension, the unspoken power struggle between them palpable.

Rudra, his eyes fixed on Pihu's every move, observed her expression with a mix of fascination and loved filled eyes. The intensity of his gaze bore into her, as if trying to unravel the thoughts that raced through her mind.

In a commanding tone, Rudra directed the maid who stood nearby. "Bring the breakfast," he ordered, his voice laced with authority. The sound of his voice sent a shiver down Pihu's spine, causing her to flinch involuntarily. The maid quickly scurried to fulfill his request, knowing better than to defy his orders.

As the maid placed the breakfast spread on the table, the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air. The platters were filled with an array of delicious delicacies, each dish meticulously prepared to satisfy even the most discerning palate. The breakfast spread boasted a variety of dishes, including masala dosa, aloo parathas, idlis, and sambar, along with buttered toast, tea, plump mangoes, juicy watermelon slices, and glasses of refreshing orange juice.

As the maid hurriedly left after setting the table, leaving Rudra and Pihu alone, the air grew heavy with unspoken tension. Rudra broke the silence with a soft voice, wanting to have a normal conversation with her. It was their first time eating together, and he said, "Pearl, I ordered this breakfast for you, not knowing your preferences. I hope you like it." With gentle care, Rudra served food onto Pihu's plate and then onto his own. "Let's eat," he said a glimmer of hope for a moment of normalcy between them.

As Pihu sat silently, her gaze fixed on the untouched food, Rudra's expression turned cold and stern. "Eat, Pihu," he commanded, his voice sharp with authority. "I don't like to repeat myself again. So, just eat and don't make me angry, or you won't like the consequences."

Despite the fear in her heart, Pihu mustered the courage to speak firmly, "I don't want to eat anything. I'm not hungry. Just let me go."

Rudra's jaw tensed as he suppressed his anger due to Pihu constant stubbornness "You will eat, and that's my order not my proposal to be accepted or rejected by you. I also won't allow you to leave until you've finished your breakfast."

By listening Rudra, Pihu's anger surged, she refused to back down. "I said I won't eat, and you can't force me. I am leaving, and no one can stop me," she declared, standing up defiantly.

But before she could take a step, Rudra swiftly caught hold of Pihu's hand, pulling her back onto his lap. Her struggles were in vain as he tightened his grip, causing her pain and tears to well up in her eyes.

Pihu's heart pounded in her chest as she felt trapped in Rudra's unyielding grasp. The pain in her hand and waist was eclipsed by the fear that surged through her veins. "Let go of me!" she pleaded, her voice shaking with a mix of fear and fury.

But Rudra remained resolute, his grip unwavering. "I said before, your every action has consequences," he stated coldly. "Now stop struggling, because you aren't going anywhere now. Before, I thought about giving you time to accept me, but it seems you've forgotten your promise from yesterday—that you would do whatever I will ask you. So, forget about going anywhere. I am not letting you go anywhere, so, just sit silently and let me feed you."

Pihu's heart sank as she felt Rudra's possessive grip on her, but she knew that resisting him further would only lead to more trouble. So, reluctantly, she stopped struggling and allowed him to feed her.

As Rudra fed Pihu, he couldn't help but soften slightly at the sight of her vulnerability. The cold, distant mafia leader momentarily gave way to a man who held an inexplicable affection for this woman. With each delicate morsel he placed before her, his touch became more tender, like a gentle caress that carried the promise of protection and warmth.

Pihu, on the other hand, ate fearfully, her heart pounding with anxiety. She couldn't deny the intensity in Rudra's actions, the way he watched her every move with an unwavering gaze. It was as if she was a captive bird being doted on by its captor.

As each morsel passed between her lips, Pihu's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. Rudra's earlier words reverberated within her, reminding her of the promise she had made to obey his every command.

Pihu couldn't help but ponder Rudra's recent change in demeanor. He had mentioned the possibility of letting her go today, granting her some time, but now he seemed determined to keep her captive. Her mind raced with strategies to escape his clutches permanently, to regain her freedom.

With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Pihu resolved to confront Rudra. She knew that her only chance of escaping lay in convincing him to let her go, to make him believe that she was ready to accept him. It was a risky game, one that required carefully chosen words and convincing emotions.

As the breakfast came to an end, Rudra reluctantly loosened his hold on her, sensing Pihu's momentary escape. In an instant, she got up from his lap, eager to seize the chance to leave. Rudra, too, prepared to head to work, but before he could make a move, he leaned in slightly to place a gentle forehead kiss on Pihu's forehead.

As Rudra's lips touched her forehead, Pihu couldn't help but close her eyes tightly due to fear, unsure of how to interpret the conflicting emotions coursing through her. The tender gesture felt like a paradox—an expression of possessiveness and affection intertwined.

On the other hand, Rudra felt a sense of contentment as his lips lingered on her forehead. To him, this simple act of tenderness was a way to assert his power over her, a reminder of the control he held. In his eyes, it was a display of love, twisted as it may seem.

As Rudra pulled away, Pihu open her eyes and took a deep breath, gathering the courage to speak up. Her voice trembled with a mixture of fear and determination as she addressed him, "Mr. Rathore, now can I go? You said that you would let me go after finishing breakfast."

Rudra's expression hardened, his demeanor turning cold and distant. "No, you are not going anywhere. I said that because I thought you would fulfill your promise, but as you are not fulfilling your promise, so, you can't leave." he retorted, his voice firm. "And now, we are going to marry in one week."

Pihu's heart sank, panic and desperation welling up inside her. She knew that her chance of escaping was slipping away, and the thought of being bound to Rudra forever filled her with dread.So,she tried to manipulate Rudra by pleading him, her voice shaking, "I will do as you say, Mr. Rathore, but please, just give me some time to accept you. Please let me go for now. I can't marry you these early."

Rudra's gaze bore into her, his features unreadable. He seemed to contemplate her words for a moment, and Pihu held her breath, hoping that he would show a hint of mercy. Finally, he let out a sigh, a flicker of hesitation crossing his eyes.

"Fine," he finally said, his voice cold and distant. "You have one month. One month to think about your decision to accept me which means until the end of your final exams."

Pihu eyes widened in surprised as Rudra know about her exam, she don't even want to imagine what else he knows. But also relief washed over her as she realized she had more time to figure things out.

Rudra chuckled internally by seeing her reaction. But then he continued as his words took a darker turn, reminding her of the consequences if she tried to escape.

"Don't be surprised, My Pearl, I not only know about your college exam but I also know each and everything about you. So, remember don't try to be smart by trying to escape or defy me, or else there will be severe consequences. You have only one month, so think wisely because you are only mine whether you agree or not. "

Pihu nodded, a glimmer of hope flickered in her heart, hoping to use this month to her advantage. As she turned to leave, Rudra's voice, surprisingly gentle yet undeniably possessive, stopped her in her tracks.

"And one more thing," he said, his tone sending a shiver down her spine. "During this month, you are not allowed to leave your apartment without my explicit permission. I will have someone keep a close eye on you at all times. This is not only for your safety but also to ensure you don't attempt to escape." His words hung in the air, emphasizing the gravity of his control over her movements.

"Additionally," he continued, "I will personally drop you off at your college for your exams or send my driver with you, depending on my schedule. As I want to be with you, to have those few moments where I can cherish your presence and we can understand each other better."

Pihu felt a mix of emotions swirling within her – the glimmer of hope she felt earlier now seemed overshadowed by the weight of Rudra's possessiveness. She knew this arrangement would severely limit her freedom, but she also understood that resisting it now might have severe consequences.

With a heavy heart, Pihu realized that she had to tread carefully. This month would be a delicate balancing act between complying with Rudra's wishes and seeking opportunities to escape. She knew that her defiance would only lead to more control, so for now, she had to bide her time and plan her escape carefully.

As Pihu's emotions were a jumble of confusion and hopelessness. She couldn't quite comprehend what she was feeling at the moment. As she remained silent, not reacting to Rudra's rules, her mind was racing with thoughts of escape. She couldn't let herself lose hope; she had to find a way out of this situation. However, as she was lost in her thoughts, Rudra approached her and calmly said by holding her hand gently, "Let's go, My Pearl, I will drop you off."

Pihu didn't resist; she knew it would be futile. Her thoughts were consumed by her uncertain future, and she felt like a mere puppet in Rudra's hands. With a heavy heart, she followed him to the waiting car. Rudra opened the door for her and gently settled her in the back seat before getting in himself.

The car ride was tense and silent. Pihu kept her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside, but her mind was in turmoil. Panic gnawed at her from within as she wondered how Shivani would react to her sudden disappearance and how she is going to tell her about Rudra threat.

Also, she worried about the distress her family would face, not knowing her whereabouts if Shivani already informed them.

She didn't want to put them in danger, yet she felt trapped and helpless, unsure of how to protect them and herself.

On the other hand, Rudra worked on his laptop, but his attention was far from his work. Instead, he kept a watchful eye on Pihu. He wanted to alleviate her fear and anxiety, but he knew that any attempt to comfort her might only make things worse, so, he chose to work in silence.

His heart ached to see her like this. He longed to make her smile, to hear her talk, and to erase the anguish that clouded her eyes. But he was torn within himself, unwilling to accept that his own darkness and obsession were consuming both of them.
To be continued...............

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