Bởi sasukeandsakura4evr

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When her sister set her up, to have a one-night stand with one of the most eligible scariest business tyrant... Xem Thêm

The Return
The Encounter
The Event(I Will Not Sign)
Truth, Secret, and Lies
Dinner and a Meeting


82 3 2
Bởi sasukeandsakura4evr

6 weeks later

Fugaku decided this year he will host his annual business function at Congress Hall Hotel. Usually, he just has a small function, however since he has now expanded his businesses throughout the us, and overseas, he had some very interested invested wanted to attend. But that wasn't all, off-course small-owned business owners also wished to attend the function, they were hoping that they too would be partnered with the Uchiha Cooperation, however, nothing is ever that simple.

"Why am I so stressing out over this, Itachi already told me everything was fine, so why does..." Sakura's thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. "Yes come on in" Sakura responded.

"Sakura here is the final list, I would like you to take a look at it, let me know if there are any changes that need to be made so I can update it immediately," Fugaku told her"

"Yes Sir" Sakura replied taking the document from Fugaku. Seeing something seems off with Sakura, he asked: "Sakura? Are you alright? You don't seem to look like your usual self"

"N-No I'm fi–" Sakura couldn't finish her sentence, She started to fall forward, Fugaku quickly catching her. "Sakura!, Sakura can you hear me," Fugaku asked her concern. Sakura could see Fugaku's lips moving but no sound, then suddenly everything went dark.

Sakura woke up a few hours later by the sound of a machine beeping, she slowly open her eyes, squinting a little to the bright light above her. Blinking her eyes a few times, Sakura's eyes finally adjusted to the surrounding fluorescent light, "good you're finally awake" Mikoto said, Sakura turn to see Mikoto's perturbed eyes staring back at her. She frowns in confusion. "W-What happen?" Sakura asked.

"You passed out, you gave my father quite the scare Sakura" Itachi told her stepping out of the shadow and walking towards her. "I don't understand, where am I?" Sakura asked looking around the unfamiliar room.

"You're at one of our private hospitals" Sasuke answered. Sakura quickly turns to look at him.

"You guys own a hospital!" Sakura asked astonished.

Itachi laughed "There are a lot of things you need to learn about us Sakura, however, why didn't you tell me you were feeling overwhelmed, I would have helped out more with your workload!" Itachi reprimands her. "I didn't want to, I mean, it's my job and I-I..." Sakura's words trailed off. "I am sorry I didn't mean to cause trouble" Sakura timidly replied. "Sighh, Okay that's enough, stop badgering my wife, she needs to get some rest now," Sasuke told them.

Itachi and Mikoto stared at him in disbelief, as did Sakura. "Okay, what happened to my cold-hearted little brother?" Itachi asked. "Shut it Itachi! Can I not show concern for my wife now!" Sasuke retorted. Still, Sakura remains speechless. "Is he for real?! What game is he playing!" Sakura thought.

Mikoto smiled, "That's great that you guys are finally warming up to each other, does that mean I would be expecting another grandbaby soon?" Mikoto asked.

Sakura who was sipping on some water spits out her water. "W-What d-did you say!" Sakura asked dumbfounded. Mikoto was smiling away at Sakura's expression. But it was the look on Sasuke's face that got everyone's attention, the look of lust that was on his face towards Sakura made the room very awkward.

"Why the hell is he looking at me like that? He better not even think about it, we are not sleeping together!" Sakura thought as she glared at him.

"Okay Itachi let's give them some alone time, Sakura dear, I will see you tomorrow, Dr. Michael said you should be okay to go home tomorrow, but you have to take it easy for a few days," Mikoto told her.

Sakura sat up straight "Wait I can't, what about the event? I can't take time off, I have to finish the rest of the...." Sakura stop talking when she saw three stunned eyes looking at her.

"You will be going home to rest Sakura! We will get someone to take care of the rest! Besides the event is 4 weeks away, I am sure Jake misses you" Sasuke told her, pushing her gently back down on the bed. "I agree with Sasuke Sakura, I already told you everything was fine, whatever document and other planning that needs to be done, I will finish it up, you just focus on getting better" Itachi reassure her. "They're right dear, you need to relax more, spend more time with your son and husband, tell you what how about you guys go on a family vacation together, we have the beach house in the Bahamas, how about you take her there son," Mikoto said.

"Mother! You know I can't do that!" Sasuke replied. "And why not little brother?" Itachi asked knowing full well the reason. "Yes, Sasuke why not?" Mikoto asked glaring at him. "Mrs. Uchiha, we are not exactly comfortable with each other yet, and plus Sasuke has his important meetings coming up, also I can't pull Jake out of school in the middle of the term" Sakura countered. "Hmmm, that is true" Mikoto responded. Sakura signed in relief, but Itachi wasn't about to give up. "Well I can handle all business meetings and Mother can handle Jake, you two didn't have a real honeymoon, here is an opportunity for that" Itachi retorted. Mikoto face lit up.

"Great idea Itachi! I will call Angela to make the arrangements" Mikoto said excitedly. "Mother don't you think you're taking this too far!" Sasuke asked annoyed. "Not at all, now that will give you two some time, and no greater time than the future, once you come out of the hospital tomorrow, I will have Angela book your tickets and make sure the Beach House is ready" Mikoto replied.

"Mother!" Sasuke growled. "Itachi! You're a married man now, that's the decision you both decided, you two can't go back now, so I suggest you make the best of it! Sakura, get some rest and I will see you later, later little brother" Itachi told him exiting the room with Mikoto.

Sasuke ground his teeth in frustration "shit! What the hell should I do now? I can't have them meeting each other!" Sasuke thought. Sakura who picked up on his tension sighed. "You know you don't have to do this? I can go alone and you can go wherever you want" Sakura told him looking down at her hand. She didn't know why Sasuke rejection hurt, but she wasn't about to show it in front of him.

Sasuke turn to look at her, "You don't know my mother, once she made up her mind about something, she's like a hound from hell" Sasuke replied, taking a seat next to her bed. "And besides I think it would be good to take a break, don't you think?" Sasuke asked her with a smirk. Sakura quickly watches him "What the hell are you up to Sasuke!" Sakura questioned him.

"Nothing at all, I am just saying it would be nice to finally have a honeymoon vacation with my wife" Sasuke retorted. "Don't even try it Sasuke! Our agreement still stands!" Sakura counted. "Hmm very well then, get some rest, I will be here when you get up," Sasuke told her going to seat in the lazy chair.

"Wait are you actually staying?" Sakura asked incredulity. "Yes, is that so surprising?" Sasuke replied.

Sakura just stared at him incredulously "Are you going to rest or are you just going to keep staring at me? '' Sasuke asked her. "Whatever!" Sakura replied as she fell back on the bed and turned to the opposite side where Sasuke was.

Sasuke just chuckles at her action before drifting off to sleep.

A few days after Sakura came from the hospital as promised Sakura and Sasuke did go on vacation, however, Sasuke convinced Sakura to go to the Turks and Caicos Islands instead of the Bahamas.

hours later the plane landed at Providenciales International Airport, after the pilot announce their arrival, the passenger got ready to come off the plane.

Fast forward to the car "Are you feeling better" Sasuke asked Sakura remembering how sick she looked earlier. "I don't know, my stomach still feels like it's in knots" Sakura replied. "You're not going to throw up in here are you?" Sasuke asked her sarcastically. Sakura just glared at him, but she was feeling too queasy to entertain Sasuke right now.

Seeing how sick she was Sasuke felt terrible. "Come here, let me help," Sasuke said. Sakura eyed him suspiciously. "What the hell are you up to Sasuke!" Sakura asked feeling another wave of nausea coming over her. "I swear I am just trying to help, you are too anxious, if you don't relax the medication will never work, so come here, let me help you" Sasuke answered.

Sighing heavily Sakura moved over to where Sasuke was sitting.

"Okay, now what?" Sakura questioned. "Now I need you to lay your head on my lap and close your eyes whiles I count down from 60" Sasuke responded. Sakura looked at him like he was a weirdo, but after a while, she did as she was asked. By the time Sasuke got to 50 Sakura was already relaxed and asleep. Smiling down at her he thought: "Well didn't think that would actually work" Sasuke thought, brushing Sakura's hair off her face.

Hours later the car pulled up at Ambergris Cay Private Island Resort, Sakura was still sleeping so he carried her to their room. Sasuke stared at Sakura for a bit before going to take a shower.

Meanwhile to Itachi

"Look like they changed location, hmm, nice try Sasuke, if you want to be married and still have affairs, then you will have to face the consequences of your action," Itachi thought as he send the location to Glace... "Itachi are you sure this is a good idea? What if this makes things worse?" Mikoto asked him a bit concerned.

Now back to Sasuke, who was getting out of the shower, when Sakura was waking up. "Look who decided to wake up," Sasuke said pulling up some loose pants.

Kyahh!!! What the hell Sasuke!! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!!!" Sakura said holding onto her chest.

Sasuke started laughing before he came to sit on the bed, "I put your stuff in the bathroom, for after your shower, I know you're still not comfortable dressing in front of me, so I put them in there" Sasuke told her as he turns on the tv.

Sakura blush a bit before quickly making her way to the bathroom.

45 minutes later Sakura emerge from the bathroom in her slik PJs "Why he had to choose that PJs of all the ones I had, seriously!!!" Sakura thought glaring at him.

Sasuke turn to watch Sakura with a lustful look on his face, "hmmm are you trying to tempt me tonight Sakura, cause if you are it's really working" Sasuke replied. Glaring at him Sakura replied "You jerk! You were the one who chose it!! Whatever, I am going to bed good night!!" Sakura said crossing over to her side of the bed. "What no kiss for your husband?" Sasuke retorted with a smirk. Sakura turns back to watch him, throwing the pillow at him "Shut up Sasuke!!" Sakura responded irritated.

"Oh okay, sorry, let's go to bed then " Sasuke replied before turning off the light and drifting off to bed.

Days later Sakura and Sasuke were enjoying themselves on the beach, Mikoto was right, she did need that time off, the scenery here is just breathtaking.

"Hey, are you going to daydream the whole day or are you going to enter the water," Sasuke told Sakura.

Sakura turn to watch him, blushing slightly, she could never get used to watching Sasuke without clothes on. "Alright, I am coming! Hold your horses" Sakura responded. Sakura dip her feet into the water testing it to see how chilly it was, Sasuke rolled his eyes, and then a mischievous look appeared on his face. And before Sakura knew it, Sasuke grabbed her by the waist and deep her into the water.

Sakura scream once she came back up for air, Sasuke was laughing at her shocked expression. Sakura glares at Sasuke and turns red with anger "Sasuke! Why would you do that!!! I'm leaving!" Sakura said making her way out of the water. But Sasuke hold her back "Oh come on Sakura, you know I was just playing with you, don't you know how to have fun!" Sasuke questioned her, his arm still wrapped around her waist.

Sakura blushed, "I-I don't want to stay anymore, you don't play fair" Sakura replied getting a little heated by Sasuke's touch. Sasuke lean forward and then whispered in her ears: "Okay so would you like me to play fair in the bedroom instead?" Sakura turns beet red at his words, breaking away from his hold, Sakura back away from him. "W-What are you saying!" Sakura said blushing. Seeing her reaction Sasuke bust out laughing, feeling embarrassed Sakura turn around and storm off towards their stay.

"Oh come on Sakura, you know I was just joking with you" Sasuke called out to her.

"Stupid Sasuke and his stupid jokes, I don't know why I even agreed to come here," Sakura thought as tears stream down her face, she wipe her eyes, "why the hell am I even crying!" Sakura thought as she enter the outside shower.

Sasuke felt bad after this, so he decided to go after Sakura, "maybe I overdid it, but it was funny thought" Sasuke thought chuckling. Walking up to the outdoor shower she quickly raising out himself he headed up to their suit. Without knocking Sasuke entered the bathroom "Listen Sakura I'm sor-ry" Sasuke words ended when his eyes fell on Sakura's naked body. Sasuke roamed her body from bottom to top until their eyes met. "What the hell Sasuke! Get out!!" Sakura yelled at Sasuke trying her best to cover her nudity. But Sasuke just stood there with a sly smirk on her face. "Why should I, I mean are you not my wife?" Sasuke replied folding his arm as he leaned casually against the door frame. " grhhh!! You're such a pervert Sasuke, get out for me to get dressed!" Sakura told him. "Nope, I guess you will just have to get dressed right here and now!" Sasuke responded smirking.

"Grhhh must you be so annoying! Fine! You want to play dirty! You pick the right one to play that game with dear husband!" Sakura replied with a sinister smirk.

Sakura took a deep breath, as she gather her courage. Sasuke watches Sakura intensively wondering what she's plotting.

Sakura backed up "What are you up to Sakura" Sasuke asked curious.

"Hmmmm, mee, I am up to nothing, I am just going to have a bit of fun is all" Sakura replied.

Sakura started to be very sexual with herself, making Sasuke very intrigued.

She sucked on her finger whiles fondling her left breast. Pulling her finger out her mouth, she slowly guided it to her core, inserting it inside, Sakura moaned from the sensation, seeing the sight before him, Sasuke couldn't help but found himself harden in his swam trunks.

Sakura continue to play with herself adding her thumb for added pleasure, she tilt her head back as she felt herself getting close, and with one more stroke and pressure on her clit, Sakura scream out her orgasm. Breathing heavily she look up at Sasuke who was rock hard, he was watching her with different emotions but lust was at the top of the list.

"Hmm look like you not as innocent as you lead on, soo what are you going to do about this" Sasuke questioned her, pointing to his very erect junk.

Taking a deep breath, Sakura smirked, well dear husband it looks like it's a cold shower for you, good luck with that!' Sakura retorted walking past him.

Grinding his teeth Sasuke turn to watch her "Oh I will get you back for this Sakura! Just you wait" Sasuke told her before walking to the shower to turn it on cold.

To the Harunos

That's not fair Daddy! Why is it always her? I wanted the company! And you told me I would have it!" Hinata whine

"SHUT UP!! You giving me a headache! I already told you it's a lot more difficult now that she's married to Sasuke Uchiha! However, I am sure I can come up with a plan to take care of all these!" Kizashi said with a sinister smirk.

"What do you mean Father what do you have plan?" Hinata asked curiously. "Don't worry about it, how are things with you and Naruto, is everything set for the wedding?" Kizashi asked.

"Father I changed my mind on Naruto" Hinata replied.

Furious Kizashi turns to watch his daughter, "What the hell do you mean by that!" Kizashi asked.

"Naruto is just not interesting to me anymore Daddy, I want to marry an Uchiha, Sasuke to be exact!" Hinata told her father giving him her best princess look.

"Hinata, you made a fuss about marrying Naruto for years! And now you expect me to call the wedding off!! Do you know how much trouble your action can cause for this family!!!" Kizashi said furiously. "Oh dear husband would you relax! Our daughter deserves the best don't you think? Besides I never wanted that Uzumaki fellow for our precious daughter, who would wish for Sakura's seconds! Now Sasuke Uchiha, yes that is quite the catch! Why go for the smaller catch when you can have the bigger one? Mrs. Haruno told her husband as she walked in on their conversation.

"Yes, Daddy, Mother is right! I want Sasuke Uchiha as my Husband!" Hinata said arrogantly

"Sigh! Princess it's not that simple! The Uchihas are powerful people, you don't just demand things from them, and beside your sister is already married to Sasuke Uchiha" Kizashi replied pinching the breach of his nose.

"I don't care!! Make her divorce him! I want him!!!" Hinata retorted stomping her foot like a child

"No worries baby I am sure your father will find a way to get it done, isn't that right dear husband?" Mrs Haruno asked.

"Listen this is not something that can be done, however, I have a plan, I will get you what you want sweet heart, however, since you're the one calling off the engagement, you will be the one to explain yourself to Naruto!" Kizashi said before walking away.

"What! But daddy!" Hinata called out but Kizashi was already out the door

"What do I do now Mother?" Hinata asked upset. "Don't worry my daughter, your mother has a plan" Mrs Haurno told her as she comfort Hinata.

But little did they know, there was a spy right there in their own home. "So they planning on calling off the engagement do they know, Master Naruto would love to hear this development." said the spy as he walk away from the living corner and made his way outside the house to make his call. The phone rang twice before Naruto could be heard on the other side

{Jimmy is everything alright?"}

[yes sir, I just thought you want to know the Haruno's intentions]

{very well I will meet you at our usual spot}

[okay young master, see you then]

{oh and Jimmy, make sure you are not seen leaving the compound}

[Yes sir!]

After Jimmy hang up, Mrs. Haruno walked up behind him, starling him a bit "Why the hell are you outside! Get back to work!!!" she told him before walking over to her car and getting in

"Yes M'lady" Jimmy replied. "It's just a matter of time, just a matter of time indeed." Jimmy thought as he whistled his way back inside the house. 

NB: hey guys,  sorry for the late update, thanks for all your support, I hope you guys like this part, as always, your feedbacks are always welcome. 

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