Sparks Fly | ✓

Galing kay gracaxcix

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Hendrichs is an egotistical man hiring a skilled mechanic for his automotive shop, more specifically a male m... Higit pa



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Galing kay gracaxcix

"Hey Henny." Misha waved her hand flirtatiously at him as he opened Shanae's door. He smiled, shaking his head at his girlfriend's new acquaintance and patrol partner that she refused to call her friend. Though her bronze skin, and copper red hair did nothing but accentuate the beauty that she was - Hendrichs found her playful advances nothing short of amusing.

"Hey Camisha, I don't think my lady appreciates you tryna holla at me." He told her, before drawing Shanae in for a soft, short, but lingering kiss.

"Hi baby." He smiled at her, his sunglasses covering his eyes.

"Hey handsome. You look nice." She paused, drawing closer to him, closing her eyes as she breathed him in. "You smell very good too. No wonder Camisha is tryna steal you from me." She smiled, taking his glasses off, and placing them above his forehead so she could see his gorgeous light brown eyes.

"Lucky that I only got the hots for one lady huh?" He smirked, saying that a little louder than he needed to.

"Hmm. You heard that, right Misha?" She smiled, looking back over her shoulder.

Camisha, still seated in her car smirked, playfully rolling her eyes. "It's all good. One day y'all will see the vision, and we'll all be a throuple. I'll see you Monday Ms. Shanae."

"See you Ms. Madam." She shook her head, a slight smile on her face as Camisha drove off.

"You ready to meet the fam?" He smirked, his eyebrows slightly dancing.

"I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my life." She sighed, her one leg resting on the step of the car.

"There's no need to be nervous. My mother might be spicy because she knows the background behind us, but everyone else should be chilled. You'll be fine." He touched her shoulder, gently rubbing it.

"I can handle spicy. I just want a stamp of approval is all." She bit the corner of her lip, her heart beating slightly louder than it usually did.

"My stamp of approval is all that matters sweetpea, can't nobody change that but you." He smiled, resting his hand on top of the car door.

Heat spread across her cheeks, a smile soon following. "Stop it, I like it." She whined, and he laughed, rolling his eyes.

"On a serious note though, if we're dating for marriage, I'd want your family to like me - cause these are people I'm gonna be around forever. You get what I mean?" She expressed, her eyes boring into his. She absolutely loved his eyes, they held everything and more.

"I won't even lie, I love that you're concerned about my parents liking you, even more, that you now see us as a couple working towards marriage. Never knew I liked reassurance from you, till now." He tucked her loose loc behind her ear.

"Of course. It's only natural that I see myself here, and us there, because these last few weeks have been nothing short of amazing with you. I know it's the honeymoon phase, and whatever else people call it. It's supposed to be blissful, like people say, but this has been my favorite honeymoon phase of all the relationships I've ever been." She freely expressed herself, never removing her eyes from his.

"You've never switched up on me. I honestly thought this would be risky considering how we're such dominant people, but somehow we've naturally found our balance and I can't help but be excited for what's to come. I find myself looking forward to everything that involves you, and that's saying a lot." A hint of a blush spreads across her cheeks, and he couldn't even hide the grin that sat on his face at the sound of Shane's affirmations.

She'd always been able to show him how she felt about him, but she'd never truly opened up about her feelings toward their relationship. To hear her perfectly articulate it all, without feeling shy, but with such boldness... he couldn't help but be so enamored by her.

The growth that he'd been seeing her go through, it pushed him to want to do better — not only for himself, but for her as well.

"It's been my best honeymoon phase too, because even though you frustrate me, it's in you frustrating me, that I grow as a person, and learn you. Even though I was attracted to you when we first crossed paths, I never saw us here."

"On a real note though!" She placed her half closed fist against her mouth, "I just wanted to strangle you on day one, wasn't even thinking about you being fine."

He threw his head back in laughter. "Should have known that day that I'd finally met my match."

Her heart swelled at the sound of his words, so much so that a three word sentence almost tumbled out of her mouth.

However, she could not allow her heart to admit to her brain the reality that was about to come to life. Neither could she allow herself to admit such words to Hendrichs, not when the time was so short.

"Don't make me fall for you now, with your sweet words that make my soul smile." She playfully rolled her eyes, a wide grin on her face.

He took her hand, intertwining it with his, keeping his eyes on their hands. "They aren't just sweet words though, I mean everything I ever tell you."

She visibly swallowed, a wave of how serious this was hitting her. "Then I feel like..."

"Like?" His thick lashes swiftly moved, as he looked up to meet her eyes again.

"I feel like I'm slowly..." She swallowed again, fear crippling her ability to speak so smoothly and confidently.

"I feel like I'm where you're at as well. I get what you're saying." He helped her out, having seen the fear that was in her eyes.

"I'm slowly falling for you Hayes. So fast. I feel like I'm going to crash and burn." The rawness of her confession could not be missed, neither could her widened eyes as she looked at him.

Her throat felt like it was dry. She'd literally shown him her ace. She'd completely been vulnerable with him.

"Looks like we'll be crashing and burning together sweetpea, because I'm falling for you as well, if I haven't already." A small smile sat on his face, as their eyes danced together from side to side.

"I'd ask you to kiss me right now, but I'd have to arrest you for public indecency with the way I'm feeling." She boldly told him, biting the corner of lip.

He laughed, rolling his eyes. "Why am I the only one being arrested officer when you're the one feeling unholy?" He raised an eyebrow, and she sucked her teeth before smiling at him.

"Did you bring my clothes sir?" She placed her foot inside the car before taking her seat.

"I did not get the chance to, but before you get all annoyed and bite my neck off, we'll quickly pass through the mall and get you a pretty dress and sandals." He smiled.

"I mean...can't turn down free clothing." She smiled, and he shook his head before closing the door for her.

It didn't take time before he was in his seat, and starting the ignition of the car. "Ready?"

She let out a breath, a nervous smile climbing onto her face. "As ready as I can be. It's your whole entire family, and I'm the new fish in the tank."

"Mike, Amaru, and Logz are all there as well, it's not just my family." He told her, driving off from the side of the road.

"I hope you told your homie that he better not try talk to me. I know people can get bold when you're trying to have manners." She looked at his side profile, her tone monotonous. The switch in it did not surprise him at all, up until this day Shanae still refused to say anything beyond hello to Amaru.

She'd asked Hendrichs to tell him not to try anything with her, because she'd truly hurt his feelings.

"He knows. He's really being respectful of your wishes you know." He glanced over to her, before looking back to the road.

"I'm glad. What time is Gianna and her family landing?" She immediately changed the topic, and he only shook his head deciding not to push it any further.

"In an hour's time. We're still on track to go collect them from the airport." He informed her.

"Interesting question..." She smirked, quite curious what his view was like when it came to this.

"Ask away..." once again he glanced over to her, curious to see her facial expression.

"In your perspective, right?"


"When family's around, who sits in the front seat?" She raised an eyebrow, keeping her eyes on his side profile.

He chuckled, raising his hand to rub his chin briefly, before resting it on her lap.

"This question always makes its rounds around twitter, and it always gets the ladies upset. I'm gonna be honest with you though, and you do with that information what you feel like."

"If we're with my family, my dad's getting the front seat. If it's with G's family, like we're gonna be in a moment, it's Uncle Gino. If my mom is with us, then it's my mom. If it's Lena, then it's obviously you. That's just how I view it." He shrugged, looking her way, only to find pursed lips on display.

"And if we're hypothetically married, is it still the same thing?"

"You asked for my view mama, I'm just being honest with you. Everything would stay the same."

"And with Logan and all your other male friends?" She pushed further, hoping his answer would not upset her.

"Of course you'd have the front seat. If it's a double date trip though, there'd have to be discussions on everyone's preferences."

She scrunched up her nose, trying so hard not to be agitated by his last statement.

"I'm guessing your views differ?"

"I get the respect with the parentals. Just don't get the whole 'things differ when it's a double date' notion. It's just a front seat, why does it have gender preference?" She stressed, leaning back into her seat. She didn't feel like looking at him anymore.

"If it's just a seat, why are you so pressed about it though?" He dismissed her concern. "Don't make me out to be some misogynistic guy just because of my views, which you asked for by the way. It annoys me, won't even lie."

"We too grown to be fighting about front seats Hendrichs."

"I'm not fighting. You asked for my opinion, and I gave it." He gently squeezed her leg, his eyes never leaving the road.

"I won't lie, I'm a bit annoyed by the whole Logan gets to sit in the front seat scenario. It's not sinking well in my brain." She admitted, very aware that this conversation could be regarded as childish at her big age.

"I just meant it in a sense of, if you're having a really cool vibe with whoever Logan finds himself dating, wouldn't you want to be sitting with her, rather than with me? You get what I mean? Not that it's a given. Hence I said, it can be discussed."

"Okay, I'll take the front seat then." She placed her hand over his, intertwining them.

He smiled, shaking his head. She was truly something else.


She stood to the side and watched Hendrichs embrace, greet, and laugh with his family at the airport. They'd just walked into the lobby where they had been waiting for them – and she did not know what to do with herself.

"Shane, right?" a gorgeous brown-skinned lady who looked to be her age greeted with a smile. She'd branched away from her family who were still focused on catching up with Hendrichs.

"Yes ma'am. You must be Gianna, the favorite." Shanae smiled, not sure if she should extend a hand, or offer a side hug.

"That would be me! You are so pretty! I was telling Hendrichs that he bagged a baddie, can I hug you? I'm a hugger." She excitedly responded, obviously trying to make light conversation, and chase the awkwardness away.

"And he did! I was just thinking you're gorgeous too." She stepped into Gianna's arms for a short hug, right before she felt Hendrichs' presence as well as the rest of the family.

"Such an awkward place to make introductions, but family this is my lady — the one who's caught all my attention..."

"Okay now Hendrichs!" His aunt, Gianna's mother, Brandy cooed.

A warm smile simultaneously sat on his and Shanae' s faces.

"Her name is Shanae, everybody but me, calls her Shane." He continued.

"What do you call her?" Gianna jumped in to tease him this time around.

"Gigi." Her dad smiled, but still gave a warning not to overstep.

"He doesn't mind!" She tried to defend her question, and Shane smiled.

"Nice to meet you Shanae," he stepped forward, "I'm that boy's uncle, Gianna's father Gino. I'm glad to see that my son has finally stepped out and gotten into a relationship."

He gave her a side hug, a sweet bright blush surfacing on her cheeks.

"You're making me very shy when I'm usually confident, what would you prefer for me to call you sir?"

"Oh, not she's well-mannered too Henny boy. I like her. You can call me Gino, and if you stick around long, unc, and dad is just as great." He boldly told her, and everyone laughed.

"Don't mind him please, I'm the aunt and extra mom. In our family, my sister's kids are more my kids, than they are my nephew and niece, hence the mom and dad statement. I'm Brandy. Good to meet you Shanae." She swiftly pulled her into a short hug.

"Definitely answers my question. Good to meet you Ms. Brandy." She responded with a cheerful smile, trying not to be awkward.

"You'd have met Sabrina, Devin, and Karter today, but they too busy to see me." Hendrichs told Shane and Brandy rolled her eyes at his statement.

"He's so dramatic, I don't know how you manage to actually be in a relationship with him." Brandy laughed to herself, holding onto her husband's arm.

"I ask myself that question every time."

"Oh, is that right?" His hand snaked around his waist, drawing her closer to him.

She laughed, "Why you acting surprised Hayes?"

"I really love that you're acting out in front of my family hey. We can go to the car, mum really has no clue that you guys are here."

"And I'm surprised hey, cause my sister can really smell out a surprise whenever it's coming her way." Brandy commented, walking with no bags since Hendrichs and Gino were doing the heavy lifting. 

"I'm so happy that Hayes finally stepped up and asked you to be his girlfriend? Was he sweet about it?" Gianna whispered to Shane, pulling her a step behind from the group. 

On a normal day, Gianna's curiosity would bother her, but she knew how close Gianna and Hendrichs were, and decided in that moment to be accommodating in every sense. Outside of Lena, no one had been this intrusive when it came to the details of their relationship. 

"He definitely charmed me into saying yes, but I think that was honestly just a formality. Ever since he came to Boston, thanks to you from what I heard, we fell into it naturally - and that's what really gets to me." She freely shared, tucking her hair behind her ear. Her black sunglasses that she'd persuaded Hendrichs to buy when they got her dress sat on her forehead as well. 

"I love when it's just a formality, but a formality that must be met nonetheless - because you're not getting my whole heart without giving me a title." Gianna expressed herself to Shane. 

"You not getting my whole heart until I know it's safe to give in. That's for damn sure." Shane scoffed, responding to Gianna's statement.

"I wish I could control it though, like that would be a blessing if I could control my heart like that." She sighed, shaking her head.

"Are you still with Miles? I think that's what Hendrichs said his name is."

"Oh, he told you about Miles?"

"I don't know if I was supposed to mention it? But he mentioned Miles."

"Gosh, it probably wasn't a good talk was it?" Gianna groaned, momentarily closing her eyes.

"No ma'am. You know very well how he feels about it. Your parents, do they know?" She gestured to the group that was walking ahead of them towards the parked Jeep.

"Nope. And I don't plan on them knowing any time soon. I just know my dad would throw a fit. Him and Hendrichs are like two peas in a pot — my self-appointed bodyguards." She rolled her eyes, and Shane smiled, shaking her head.

"I don't usually agree with men being overbearing when it comes to women, like, let me protect myself. However, from their perspective they probably don't see you as this grown woman – just that little girl they've always known. I say this because my dad is the overbearing one."

"Has Hendrichs met your parents?" She asked, standing to the side as Gino and Hendrichs packed the bags into the car.

"Unofficially —back when we went to Amaru's mother's funeral. He dropped me off at home and met my parents. My mom thinks he's hot, my dad just wants to die on the inside." She laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Don't know if my ears are deceiving me, but I hear people talking about me..." Hendrichs smiled, placing his sunglasses onto his face. He subtly moved to stand besides Shane, placing his hand on her bare back.

She slightly jumped at his touch, before looking up at him. He seemed unbothered, never looking down at her. However, she knew that he knew what he was doing.

"Nobody's talking about you big head. You like things." Gianna lifted her brow suggestively, and he rolled his eyes.

"I know you're not talking ma'am with that shiny forehead on display." Hendrichs retorted, and Gianna gasped looking at him.

"Definitely telling my dad." She dramatically rolled her eyes, turning around so she could get into the car.

"You good?" He finally looked down at her, his hand still on her back.

"I'm all good, why?" She smiled, having a pretty good idea on why he was asking.

"Just checking. Ready for the tough part?" He smiled as well, not giving a damn that he was keeping his family waiting as he spoke with his girlfriend.

"I kinda feel like it's gonna be chilled now. If your parents are like Gianna's, then I think I'll be good?" She lifted her eyebrow in question.

He slightly moved her glasses, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, before looking down at her again. "You'll be fine. You might even enjoy yourself, at least I hope."

And with that, he held the already open door for her, before she climbed in and he closed it behind her.


"Hey Hayes, you at the gate?" She spoke in a dramatically low voice. Gino and Brandy broke out into laughter, since the phone was connected to the car.

"Not you have me on speaker and you didn't warn me!" She continued as though it was just the two of them.

"Just open the gate Lena." Hendrichs told her, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Okay, I will — relax. Mom's in the kitchen, and you know she'll come out of the kitchen too."

He was about to tell her to open the gate again, but it slowly started opening itself up.

"Thanks Lena." He told her, before hanging up on her. He knew that she'd want to go over the plan again, as if they hadn't already done that.

Soon enough, they were parked, and they all paused waiting to see if Ayanna Hayes would step out of the house. Yet, she did not. Helena was the only one to come out with a wide grin on her face.

They all simultaneously opened their doors, with Hendrichs giving Shanae a hard look for opening it, instead of waiting on him. They silently greeted each other – with gentle laughs, and wide smiles, then Lena gave Shane a very long hug before wishing her luck for the day.

They decided to leave the bags inside for a moment, and they all silently followed Hendrichs and Lena who were speaking loudly to keep up the façade.

Approaching the door, Hendrichs allowed Lena to walk in first, before he followed along. "Family, I'm home." He announced, just to try and get his mother out into the foyer.

"Why you being so loud?" His mother immediately called out, probably in the kitchen.

"Cause it's somebody's birthday, and I'm carrying all these things, and your daughter won't help." He lied so perfectly, and Shane smiled, shaking her head at his theatrical behavior.

They all got ready to start singing as they heard footsteps approaching, Brandy moving closer to the front to ensure that she would be in her sister's line of sight. 

As soon as Ayanna's eyes fell on them, she gasped, and the song began. 

"Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang, hands clapping at the rhythm of the song. Ayanna's eyes glistened, before tears started rolling down her eyes. 

"Oh my goodness. Brandy? Gino? Gianna? What are you guys doing here?" She asked knowing that she was interrupting the song, but she did not care. She walked into Brandy's arms who also had tears as the two sisters moved from side to side in a warm embrace.

Five years had gone by since the two sisters had been in the same room - and though they had stayed in contact over FaceTime, that did not compare to physically seeing each other. 

Ayanna opened up her arm toward Gianna who had moved closer, then into her arms. 

"Look at you! What a birthday surprise indeed. How are you my baby?" She asked Gianna, pulling back a little just so she could properly see her. 

"I'm all good, how are you? How are you feeling? You're a whole year older!" Gianna enthusiastically responded, a wide smile on her face. 

"I'm blessed to see this age, and to see you again. I last saw you when you were just a teenager Gigi, what the heck?" She looked around at the rest of the family as they laughed at her comment. 

Helena faithfully remained next to Shanae, just so she wouldn't feel awkward. 

"Gino, what's going on husband?" She smiled, stepping into his awaiting arms. 

"I don't know, just tryna figure out why the main wife hasn't been checking up on me?" He smiled, and she laughed before stepping back.

"I had to let Brandy do her thing for you, but I'm back now. No need to worry." She spoke with humor in her voice.

"Happy birthday young lady." He told her, holding onto her hand, and she smiled.

"Thanks Gino, even for sparing the time to come." She told him, before she turned her eyesight to the girl she'd seen amongst her family.

"Anything for you doll." He responded before going to greet Isaac who had walked in behind his wife, recording the moment as Hendrichs had asked of him.

In that moment, Hendrichs magically found himself next to Shane, making Helena move away from them with smirk. He immediately placed his hand at the small of her back, and she tried not to physically show how much his touch had sent a reaction through her body.

"Mum, you already know her from the picture — but I thought it was time for you to meet the woman who I plan to keep in my life in person." He smiled, a flustered look rising on his face and she raised an eyebrow at that. "Mama, this is Shanae, and baby, this is my mother — do I mention your name?" He looked to his mom, and she laughed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you baby. Thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday." She opened up her arms, and Shanae surprised, hugged her as requested.

"Thank you for allowing me into your home, and happy birthday." She responded, not sure what to call her since Hendrichs hadn't mentioned her name.

"Ayanna is cool, that's my name by the way. You're really pretty too and I've heard a whole lot about you, so it's good to finally meet the person in the picture, and chats I've had with my boy."

"He warned me that I should expect spiciness because you know the depth of everything." Shanae responded, turning to follow the rest of the family that had gone into the living room with Isaac and Helena.

"Of course you're gonna lead with that." Hendrichs commented, playfully rolling his eyes, but surprisingly calm.

"I mean I do. I won't lie about that. I won't lie that I wasn't the biggest fan of this whole situation when it started because mixing business and pleasure isn't always key. Especially when you don't know if it's just an attraction or a short term relationship, or a for life kind of relationship." Ayanna responded with no hint of malice in her voice. She was gentle and honest, which Shane really appreciated.

"I definitely get that." She nodded.

"I'm glad to hear though, that it's no longer an employee/employer type of relationship. I'm happy to hear and see that you've been making my son really happy which is something I've always wanted for him. To be genuinely happy, to be loved genuinely, not to be abused—"

"Mom." Hendrichs whined, a redness forming at the edge of his ears, as he tried to stop her from sharing like that, especially in front of him.

"No, I'm being honest, he has such a big heart underneath his tough exterior, he usually doesn't take time to take care of himself. So, I really hope you're also taking care of my son, and he's taking care of you That's every mother's heart." Shanae looked up at him, and found that he was looking at the floor, silent, and she smiled.

"He's been taking such good care of me, I know he has such a heart of gold. I see it in how he operates with everyone. When they're not tryna cross his worldviews of course."

He rolled his eyes at her statement, because she was still being spicy about how they met.

"I can only hope that he feels I've been taking good care of him as well. He definitely deserves all the love he gives." She raised her hand touching his chin, and his eyes moved to met hers with a smile.

"You do." He affirmed with a nod, and she blushed at his statement.

"Then I'm happy to get to know you Ms. Shanae, I know I kinda went head first into this meet and greet, but please feel free around the house. You should definitely come with the ladies into the kitchen when we continue making the food." She smiled, before heading into the living room, leaving the two behind.

She turned around to face him. "You really went quiet when she started sharing her heart for you."

"She made me feel like such a child when I'm supposed to exude masculinity." He gently smiled, and she did too, stepping into his space.

"Not invalidating your emotions, but I didn't see anywhere she did. She didn't lie one time about your heart, about who you are. About how you care for others. You are a gentle spirit, my gentle spirit. It's definitely the major thing I love about you baby."


"I never dreamed to be the first one to mention this, but I do love you Hendrichs. I'm aware this could merely be deep infatuation talking, but my whole being stands in agreement. I care about your happiness, your wellbeing, I find myself thinking how I can be better, not only for myself, but for you as well. You're it for me as well."

He pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her waist. She'd managed to completely set him off balance with her words, and the honesty he could see in her eyes.

"Marry me then, because I know for damn sure that I love you." He told her, and she rolled her eyes at him playing again.

"You can't talk about marriage like that Hendrichs."

"I'm serious." He told her, and she looked into her eyes, searching them, then she smiled.

"Ask me again in three months time, and maybe then I'll take you a lil' seriously. Slow and steady, for my heart's sake, please?"

"Slow and steady." He nodded, kissing her forehead, then her lips. "C'mon, let's join everyone else before they start assuming."

She smiled, rolling her eyes before taking his hand walking into the living room with her. All eyes fell on them, but conversations still continued, before they took their seats on a couch that was empty, and clearly reserved for the two of them.

"We should occasionally have these moments though, and not leave it for five, ten, fifteen years. We're old, who knows when it's going to be the last time you somebody." Isaac, Hendrichs' father shared, before Gino jumped in.

"You're so right brother, it's definitely something to rectify. Of course these kids won't frequently be there, because they are branching out, living their own lives. But we should still make time for family."

"Gianna and I spoke about a family reunion type of vibe, just so we don't lose touch like you're saying. Family is something that's been grilled in me, and is very important, I would absolutely love to meet all my cousins again, and have a genuine connection." Hendrichs spoke up as well, jumping into the conversation, even if he caught it in the middle.

"Like, Karter doesn't even know mom's side of the family at all. That's crazy, because family is supposed to be tightly knitted together." Gianna added, using her niece as an example.

"You're a whole grandmother Brandy. Imagine that?" She chuckled, shaking her head.

"I promise you're gonna love it when the time comes for you." Brandy smiled, "Karter is literally a joy."

"You heard that Hendrichs? Helena? Better start getting married and having babies please." She gave them a look, and they laughed, making Shane smile.

"Speaking of kids–" Hendrichs started.

"Hendrichs no." His mother immediately responded, and he laughed.

"The way you started that sentence though Hayes, be forreal." Shane looked at him with a small smirk.

"There is no kid. It's not like that at all. I just wanted to introduce Shanae to you dad." He moved so he could look at him, then he visibly swallowed. "Uhm. This is Shanae, my girlfriend, and she's going to be around for a while, and the reason I say that is because it's not just a romantic relationship, but rather a courtship."

"Is that right?" Isaac smiled, observing Shanae, who had her hand intertwined with Hendrichs.

"Yes sir. Shanae, I'd love for you to meet my dad."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Shanae. I'm glad to hear my son has finally found someone he's actually interested in marrying." He stood to his feet, and she did too, not too sure how she'd be greeting him.

If she was honest, he was very intimidating without even trying.

"Its good to meet you as well sir. Gotta say you raised an incredible son." She complimented.

"That is so cute!" Gianna gushed, as Isaac shook Shane's hand, amused by Gianna's outburst.

"I think all credit goes to my wife on how well he turned out. I'm glad to hear that he's representing the Hayes men very well though, and looking forward to getting to know you as well."

"I hope you're gonna be as nice when my boyfriend comes dad. I need that smile as well." Helena jumped in, and the whole room erupted in laughter.

"You know very well that's gonna be different. I feel so sorry for him because Gino, myself, and Hendrichs are all going to here." Isaac responded, taking his seat.

"Sorry to that man mama, it's about to be tough on him." Shane whispered to Helena, and she rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless.

"I'm so glad things went well for you. Courtship too?? Mad excited." She clung onto Shane's arm, talking under her breath as everyone else had a conversation above them.

"I swear your brother is gonna be the death of me." Shane rolled her eyes, before glancing at Hendrichs who'd just stood to his feet.

"Where you going now? Getting the bags?" Gino asked, about to stand to his feet as well.

"Logan and Amaru are here. I'm gonna go open the gate for them." He announced, holding his phone up, before he walked away from the couch.

"Wanna go help me out in the kitchen Shane? Gianna?" Helena naturally stood to her feet.

"Definitely, you coming Gianna?" Shane stood to her feet as well.

"I guess I have no choice but to." She sent a rather convincing smile to them, before the made their way to kitchen.


Shanae has met the family!
How are we feeling?

Hendrichs said Issa courtship now too🌚


drop your thoughts here📍

Thank you for reading.
Three chapters left.


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