Multiverse of Madness

By TheAnonymousDragon

12.6K 364 176

[I Feel A Void Now That It's Over..This Was Fun And Took Like 2 Years But Also Sad..It's All I've Worked On F... More

Information on stuff. (⁠・V・⁠)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Note on Grian and Scars newest episodes
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty +we made it yay+
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty (yay)
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine +eyyyy+
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred (what?!)
Chapter One-Hundred-And-One
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Two (Finale)
Incorrect Quotes <3

Chapter Thirty-Six

95 2 0
By TheAnonymousDragon

EX reached outside. He kept his wits sharp
Dream followed him out.

"I'm pretty sure I left him here. I asked him to stick around this area." Dream lied. EX and Dream walked around the corner into the alleyway of the Council's Offices. EX turned around to say something buuuutttt.......
Then someone hit EX on the back of the head, knocking him out. They stole his helmet and left him there, unconscious. Punz dropped Hels' communicator next to him and left. Dream smirked in a way that would make the hair on the back of your neck stand, he left making sure he wasn't seen by anyone around to see him or get in the way of his plans. But he was seen by someone...They watched that go down in distance but didn't know what to do, since they didn't know who any of those guys were. Wonder who it was?

The meeting had concluded. Iskall and Scott were nervous for X. But X seems to be staying calm knowing he could lose his admin licence and status meaning the loss of his job.

"EX. You still around here?"

"He's not here" Iskall stopped next to Xisuma as everyone else left the building past him.


"You think maybe Dream did something to him?"

"Hes not below it. I know that much"

"Let's look around, see if he's here somewhere"

"No, i'll look alone. I have a feeling they've tried to kill him"

"Do you need me to do something?"

"Go back to Hermitcraft and grab a spare helmet for me would you? If they have actually tried to kill him, they've most definitely stolen his helmet"

"Of course. I'll be as fast as I can be"

"Thank you"

Iskall85 left the game.

"You alright X?" Scott came walking up behind him, coming out of the building.

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking." X was just about to leave when Scott spoke.

"Are you sure? I mean this is a pretty big deal. You could lose a lot trying to take him down"

"I'm sure. It's whats needed. I don't mind losing my admin licence or status or even my job if it protects my players."

"Why do you have to be such a god-sent angel X, especially when we're in hell most of the time"

"I'm assuming I should take that as a compliment not an insult"

"Why would it be an insult"

"Past experiences, apologies Scott. I'm sure you're busy as am I. I should get going"

"Alright. Cya" Scott left then X started looking around the area for anyone. The person from the distance saw X, they realised they looked similar to the one knocked out round the corner. They took a deep breath and walked over to the stranger.


"Oh. Hello, is there something I can help you with?"

"N-no but there is something I can help you with"

"What would that be?"

"Your friend, they look similar to you but red and a darker grey suit"

"Yes! Do you know where he is? I've been looking for him"

"He's in that alleyway. He's been knocked unconscious and they stole something from him"

"Did it look like a helmet?" Xisuma guessed. He had a feeling they would try to kill him for knowing something he shouldn't.

"Yes it did, very similar to yours actually" This person wore a white hoodie with two purple striped up each sleeve, they had dirty blonde hair, similar to Grian's. And they wore sunglasses.

(Can you guess who it is?)-Author<3

"Could you lead me to them? If you wouldn't mind?"

"Sure, this way"

They led X to where his twin was. "Is that who you're looking for?" They pointed to the passed out EX with no helmet.

"Yes! Thank you" X ran up to his bother. He took a deep breath and took off his own helmet, he put it on EX and held him in a sitting position.

"Should I call someone?"

X nodded as he tried to feel a heartbeat. The person ran off and ran around until they found someone who could help. Then they spotted Iskall looking around, wondering where X had gone off to holding a spare helmet.

"Hey you?!"

"Uhh yes?"

"Please follow me. There's these two guys that wear helmets similar to the one you're holding."

"Lead me to them! They're my friends!"

"Come this way." They led Iskall back to X and EX. Iskall put the helmet on X's head while he was trying to do CPR on EX. X paused for a moment to put his helmet on properly and to thank Iskall and the mystery person.

"Thank you Iskall and uh apologies what's your name?"

"Oh. It's Quig."

"I'm Iskall, that's Xisuma and EX"

"Are they related?"


"Ah so that's why they look identical to one another"

"Mhmm, thank you again for the help."

X took out his admin panel and sent EX home to bed. He'll wake up eventually, he just needs the rest.

EvilXisuma left the game

X stood up and composed himself again, trying his best to bury his concern for his brother and concentrate on Grian instead.

"Are you going to be alright X?"

"I'll be fine, thank for your concern Iskall. And thank you Quig for your help."

"Anytime. I should be getting back to my friends so uhh nice meeting you both." With that Quig left.

"I'll meet you back in hermitcraft, take a while to collect your thoughts and calm down. I know you want to hurt who did this to him."

"Of course I do Iskall. They tried to kill my brother! PERMANENTLY!" X accidentally shouted. Luckily Iskall was one of the hermits who wasn't/weren't afraid of shouting.

((For the underlined words: Read whatever word that makes the most sense with this sentence cuz I genuinely can't figure it out ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ))-Author<3

"Then you also know why you can't punish them."

"Of course I do..iskall..." X sighed heavily. He crouched down again, this time defeated by his emotions. He soon stood back up straight after Iskall left.

Iskall85 left the game.

"He went too far this time. Nobody touches my hermits" X muttered to himself before rejoining hermitcraft.

Grian joined the game.
Mumbo joined the game.
Dream joined the game.
Punz joined the game.
EvilXisuma joined the game.
Iskall85 joined the game.
Xisuma joined the game.

Xisuma immediately went back to his house. There he found EX lying in bed, in the same position he teleported him. X sighed. He pressed the button then took off both his own helmet and EX's. It was a lot more comfortable.

Grian on the other hand locked himself in his house. He covered all of his windows with banners so they acted as curtains. He replaced his door with an iron one with no button or lever to open it from the outside with. He was going into the deep state of depressed aka 'The 5 Stages Of Grief'.

TommyInnit: uncle Grian's mood has like completely dropped.
WilburSoot: he finally had enough of you Tommy. Hahaha
awesamedude: oh shut up Wilbur. Idiot. Don't listen to him Tommy.
TommyInnit: I know better than to listen to him Sam.
Tubbo_: is he okay?
Mumbo: give him some time. He'll be fine.
Iskall85: Joe, you know what X does right? As in admin duties.
joehillssays: yup. Why?
Iskall85: X and EX are gonna be unavailable for a while. He's gonna need you to take over for a bit.
Technoblade: he's finally taking a break?
Ph1LzA: doesn't that usually include leaving the server not staying on and pretending to have a break.
Xisuma: I'm not taking a break. I'm fine Iskall.
Mumbo: too much has happened today for you to be fine.
ZombieCleo: X please just let us help you.
Xisuma: I'm fine, not another word about it. Has anyone heard from Grian, Dream or Punz since we've been in the hub.
Mumbo: G locked himself in his house. Dream and Punz left and came back around the same time as EX.
Iskall85: Mumbo I like you (as a friend) so I mean this the nicest way I can. Shut Up!
Iskall85: X dont you even dare. I know what you're thinking!
Xisuma: what could I possibly be thinking Iskall. Am I thinking that two buffoons tried to have my brother killed and thought they'd get away with it....??
Purpled: ....what-
Ponk: what two buffoons??
Xisuma: ask your admin and his right hand man what I'm talking about. And I'm fine. I promise. I don't need a break.
Iskall85: don't do anything you know EX would do and definitely don't do anything you know X wouldn't do.
Xisuma: I'm going into the server's code for a while. If you need help ask someone else. There's plenty of people around.
joehillssays: you can come to me y'all. Keralis and TFC are also available if you have any questions.
TommyInnit: where are you? Like right now.
joehillssays: I'm working on my base. Do you need me?
TommyInnit: can I come see what you're working on? Please.
Tubbo_: can we both please..?
Ranboo: can I come please. I can't be training for much longer
joehillssays: of course, go to the shopping district portal, I'll show y'all the way.
TommyInnit: k
Tubbo_: okay.
Ranboo: omw

Xisumas name darkened as he went into the server's code. His name appears afk but hes actually just doing someone technical to do with the server.

Xisuma strengthened the firewall with another layer of coding and another one just for good measure. While there, he tried to figure out something about 'The Rift', he tried to figure out anything about how to make the rift move to teleport people to the Dream SMP.. He also tried to figure out how to get some of the council members in without being seen similar to 'The Watchers and The Listeners'.
It took like 2 1/2 in hours in total.. his name lightened back to white. He decided to go check up on Iskall and apologise to him. He had really calmed down after coding for a few hours. He headed out of find Iskall only to realise he was offline. Hes probably working on his modded server again.


Xisuma was restocking on rockets since he was running low when he heard a commotion outside.

"What's going on?"

"X! Tell him to apologize!"

"No X Tell him to apologize!"

"Apologize for what? What's going on?"

"He called me a bad and fake salesman."

"No I didn't! He called me a moldy short stack of pancakes"

"No I never"

"What? Who told you that you called each other that?" X asked, interrupting them to stop them from continuing their argument.

"Punz" Scar and Bdubs said at the same time.

X deeply sighed in a huff of anger. *These two need to stop messing with my hermits.* "I'm afraid you've been tricked"

"Tricked?" Scar looked at him confused.

"Me? Never." Bdubs said.

"Punz is clearly trying to turn you against each other. Has he been talking to anyone else"

"Just about everyone except G. Since he's you know"

"Yeah I know, alright thanks. Please warn anyone you see that Punz is doing what he's doing"

"Yes Dad!" Scar flew off.

"Right away Dad!" Bdubs followed him.

*I need to find Punz and Dream... I could really use EX's advice for this....* X thought as he flew to Scarland. These two were going to learn a lesson or two about why going after his hermits was a very very very baaaaaad idea.

+In Scarland+

"Hey Mr Suma" Tubbo shouted while waving.
"Sup" Techno said training with an armour stand against hay blocks.

"Hello" Ponk said nearly under his breath.

"Heyo" Sam waved.

"Hey y'all. Has everyone still got enough food?"

"Think so, we haven't even made a dent in those shulker boxes you gave us"

"Ah good, good. I had a small question if all of y'all didn't mind"

"Go ahead." Tubbo said.

"Have any of you seen Punz or even Dream. I'm looking for them?"

"Why?" Tubbo asked.

"I need to have a serious chat with both of them" X explained, burning his anger so he didn't direct it towards the wrong people.

"Have they done something to you or your friends?"

"Unfortunately they have. Punz is going around getting my hermits to turn on each other."

"Did Dream and Punz actually try to kill your brother??" Ponk asked.

"Yeah. They knocked him unconscious and stole his helmet. He would have died if we hadn't of found him in time"

"What does the helmet do, sorry if that's personal" Ponk asked.

"It's complicated, maybe one of your friends can explain to you later."


"Let me come with you at least? They might try something with you" Techno asked.

"If you wish to, I don't mind"

"I'm also coming. Punz is well Punz. He might try to sneak up on you" Sam stated

"Alright then" X appreciated the help 2v3 seemed like better odds than 1v2. "So do you any of you know where he is.?"

"He was headed towards spawn last time I saw him" Techno said.

"He said something about something, if I could only remember what" Ponk said, annoyed at himself.

"It's okay Ponkie..." Sam comforted his friend.

"It's alright, I'll find him."

Xisuma thanked them for the help anyways and left, headed for Spawn. Techno and Sam followed him sticking to either side of him incase something were to happen during flight. No matter how short twas.

Words: 2300
((Remember to stay hydrated and eat if you're able to. Always Remember You Are Enough! You Are Loved! I Promise It's True You're Awesome!))-Author<3

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