Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs...

By _Kim_Haru_

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Y/N L/N is an optimistic girl, with dreams of a better world, and the hopes that she can make a difference. D... More



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By _Kim_Haru_

December 9th

When Mary appeared inside of Willow's living room she was far from happy. She wasn't even content. She couldn't believe she would have to get her hands dirty, again. It had been a while since she had to end somebody for Y/N. She was hoping she wouldn't have too.

Mary had been so gratified with the time she spent in Y/N's home. Day after day, growing closer and learning about each other. She hoped that she wouldn't have to get more blood on her hands to keep things that way. Then, Willow came along.

Irresponsible, invasive, irritating Willow. It was just like her to come crying to Y/N when she lost her apartment. It was just like her to intrude on Mary and Y/N's relationship. Mary was certain that Willow had some sort of radar that went off whenever they were in an intimate situation.

Mary didn't mind Y/N's family being in the home. They weren't a problem. Most importantly, they weren't a threat. Willow was. Even if she didn't have feelings for Y/N - which Mary didn't think she did - she was still an obstacle. If Willow had stayed out of the way there wouldn't be a problem. If she had went somewhere else in search of a home, things could have been different.

But, this was how it had to be.

Sliding a kitchen knife out of her winter boots, she quietly made her way through Willow's apartment. She felt her hatred grow by the minute as she saw all of the packed up boxes that were scattered throughout the home. Willow was really planning to go through with this.

"Bitch..." Mary muttered under her breath. Once she had reached Willow's bedroom - the door was wide open - she entered and quickly scanned the room. Two suitcases were zipped up and placed neatly at the end of her bed which was unmade and messy, indicating that she had just woken up.

Then, she saw Willow.

Her back was turned and she sat on the floor packing up a small box that would contain her jewelry. Her hair was unbrushed and she wore a tank top with grey sweatpants. Mary was thankful she hadn't worn her boots with the elevated heel because it would make it much easier to sneak up on the unsuspecting adult.

Mary's knife was on Willow's neck in mere seconds, not giving the dark haired girl anytime to react as she tensed up and her breathing hitched. Mary's voice was sharp as she spoke. "Do what I say and I'll consider sparing you."

Willow's head slowly moved up and down in a nodding motion and Mary continued her instructions. "Stand up." Mary kept the knife on her neck as she did so. Mary placed her hand over Willow's mouth and pulled her closer in a harsh and uncaring manner. "I'm going to take you somewhere and I don't want to hear a fucking word out of you. Do you understand?"

Willow nodded and Mary proceeded with her plan. She teleported the two of them out of the cramped bedroom and into the deserted forest where she intended to carry out the heinous actions. Mary looked down at the frozen over lake in front of her. This was the place that Y/N had found ever so beautiful. And Mary was about to taint it.

Willow was unable to see Mary's face which only raised the fear levels within the poor girl. Mary pointed down at the lake. "I want you to break this ice." Willow hesitated. Mary pressed the knife deeper against her skin, drawing blood and making Willow wince. "Fucking do it."

Willow raised her foot and stamped as hard as she could against the ice. It broke almost immediately creating a large area of freezing water exposed in the cold winter air. Mary removed her knife from Willow's neck. "Turn around."

Willow did, her eyes going wide and her mouth falling open as her attacker was finally revealed. "You're that girl!"

Mary grinned. "You're observant."

Then, her knife was plunged into Willow's chest.

Willow choked, looking down at the knife in shock and terror. "B-But-" She coughed as her coppery blood filled her mouth and drizzled down her chin. "You said-"

"I said I'd consider it." Mary snapped. She dragged her knife down past Willow's chest and into her stomach, forming a long open wound down the woman's torso. She yanked her knife out and found herself giggling at the horror filling Willow's eyes. "I hope you like to swim."

Mary pushed Willow backwards and watched as she fell into the frigid lake beneath her. Tossing the knife in with her, she knelt down and stared into Willow's pleading eyes as she froze over the rest of the lake with her magical gift. Then, she watched Y/N's friend sink to the bottom until she was so deep that she couldn't see anything except the blackness of the void below.

Letting out a long breath, she looked down at her clothing. She was relieved to see that no blood had snuck its way onto her. She was already late to see Y/N, she didn't have time to head back to the pole and change.

She just hoped Y/N wouldn't be too devastated.


Y/N sat at her vanity with two plates in front of her, growing increasingly worried - and impatient - at the lack of Mary's presence. This was unlike her. She was typically there before Y/N even woke up. Her foot tapped the floor as she chewed on her bottom lip.

Was this about the fight? Was it about Willow? Was Mary mad? Or, was she just running a little late? Y/N held her face in her hands as she released a drawn out sigh. Had she completely ruined the lovely romance that had barely even begun?

She started to doubt herself. Was she in the wrong for inviting Willow to stay? Should she have asked Mary first? She stared at her reflection, growing considerably on edge as her uneasy eyes bored into her soul.


Y/N jumped before she took notice to the tall woman standing behind her in the mirror. "Mary..." she breathed out. Scrambling out of her chair, she rushed over to Mary and pointed an accusing finger against her chest. "Where have you been?"

Mary chuckled as she removed the impatient adult's hand away from her in a tender manner. "I apologize, my dear. I had some things I needed to take care of."

Y/N pressed her lips into a thin line as she crossed her arms over her chest. "That's all?" Y/N asked. "Just things?"

Mary nodded as she brushed Y/N's hair out of her face. "There's not a problem is there?" Mary cupped Y/N's cheek and tilted her face ever so slightly so the two were making eye contact. "My darling~"

A rush of heat formed on Y/N's face and she bashfully averted her eyes. "N-No, not at all." Y/N swallowed the nervousness building within her as she opened up to the woman about her scattered way of thinking. "I just might not come today."

Mary appeared genuinely surprised by Y/N's assessment. "Why would you ever think that?"

"Well, yesterday...the fight," she bit her bottom lip as she tried her hardest to explain in a way that wouldn't hurt Mary or change her mind about a certain person staying. "I thought you were upset and, truthfully, I understand why you would be." She brought her gaze back up to Mary, watching her expression change to one that was soft and slightly troubled. "Seeing as you are...quite a big part of my daily life, it would've been deferential of me to - at the very least - consult you about it before I made a decision." Y/N sighed. "If I'm being completely honest, I wasn't expecting you to show up. I wasn't the nicest during that argument and then..."

Mary spoke gently. "Then...?"

"Then, there was the matter of my magic." Y/N frowned as the memory resurfaced. "How I could've hurt you. I could've hurt you, badly..." Y/N let out a shaky breath. "I mean, my magic completely destroyed my shower head and put a hole through my wall." Y/N looked up at Mary in dismay. "Imagine what it could've done to you."

Mary delicately shook her head. "Nonsense." She smiled sweetly. "Dearest, I think you're forgetting that I have experience. I avoided the situation with ease, you don't need to worry about hurting me."

Y/N wrapped her arms around the woman's waist, not realizing the comfort that she so desperately needed until she was receiving it. "But, if I had..." Y/N pulled Mary closer to her own height and buried her face in her neck, not wanting to think of such awful things. "God, I don't know what I'd do." Y/N's voice wavered as she felt water well up in her color changing eyes. "I-If I lost you-"

"You don't have to worry about that." Mary stated. "I will be here as long as you want me to be." And, long after.

Y/N let out a small chuckle. "I'm such a mess." Y/N sniffled. She wiped her eyes growing suddenly self conscious about her emotional state. "Don't look at me."

Mary's hands affectionately caressed Y/N's waist. "It would be a shame if someone as beautiful as you couldn't be gazed upon."

Y/N couldn't help the way the corners of her lips twitched, itching to beam brightly. She denied Mary's claims with a firm shake of her head. "Beautiful? No..." she suspired. "No, I'm all splotchy." She wiped at her damp cheeks as her wet eyelashes fluttered in an attempt to dry her dreary eyes.

"Splotchy or not..." Mary leaned down to Y/N. "You are the only woman whose beauty had captivated me from the very first glance."


Mary walked closer to the snow globe and looked at the person inside. It showed a woman, dancing around her home as she put up Christmas decorations.

She had H/L, H/T, H/C hair and stunning E/C eyes. Her skin was a marvelous S/T that matched perfectly with her hair color. Mary was mesmerized by the beauty of this woman.

Everybody knows a Turkey and some mistletoe
Help to make the season bright
Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow
Will find it hard to sleep tonight

"Who is that?" Mary asked. Santa didn't answer. "Tell me. I want to know."

They know that Santa's on his way
He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh
And every mothers child is gonna spy
To see if reindeer really know how to fly


And so I'm offering this simple phrase
To kids from 1 to 92
Although it's been said many times, many ways
Merry Christmas to you~

"She's pretty," Mary smiled. Santa furrowed his eyebrows and gave her a confused look. "What? Do you think she's ugly?"

"I-I didn't say that," Santa denied. "Why are you so interested in what I'm doing?"

"I'm not interested in what you're doing," Mary stated. "I'm interested in what she's doing."


They were mere inches apart. Mary's lips nearly touching Y/N's, close enough to make her swoon but far enough to leave her wanting for more. "Has anyone ever told you..." Y/N's voice was hushed and mousy as her mind raced. "That you have a lovely way with words?"

Mary smiled. "No, but hearing it from you is all I need." Mary's lips brushed up against Y/N's as she spoke. "My love, I-"


Y/N sighed. "I'm not even surprised anymore." She sheepishly gazed up at Mary. "Next time we ought to go somewhere more private, don't you agree?"

"I'm afraid so," Mary nodded. Y/N turned away from the woman and made her way to the door. "Wait." Y/N paused in her tracks before turning to face Mary with an eyebrow raised.


Mary approached her, the sound of her boots against Y/N's wood floor being the only sound present. Mary's hand cupped Y/N's cheek and she tilted her head up before leaning down and placing a soft kiss upon her lips. Mary smiled blissfully as she whispered, "I needed something to hold me over...until next time."

Y/N couldn't fight the heat that rose in her cheeks. She opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by another knock. It was probably for the better, if she had spoken she was positive it would've come out as jumbled stammers.

Y/N opened the door and it was revealed who had interrupted her and Mary. "Lucas? What's up?"

"May I come in?" Lucas asked.

"Uh-" Y/N looked behind her, Mary was gone. "Sure."

Moving to the side, she allowed her older brother into the room. Lucas stepped inside, taking a quick scan of Y/N's room as if he were looking for something. "Are you going to tell me why you're in here?" Y/N asked. "Or is this supposed to be like some weird game of charades?"

Lucas brought his attention towards Y/N and away from her bedroom, pretending he hadn't noticed the many discrepancies scattered around Y/N's bedroom. Such as the red trench coat that hung on her closet door or the strands of white human hair on Y/N's bed. He was very observant and - to Lucas - these things were impossible to miss. If it were Brock or Valeria, they would have ignored it or not even noticed. When it came to Ella, she was too focused on other things to notice something as small as a strand of hair. Not Lucas, though. He knew something was off about the situation. He chose to keep his mouth shut. If he observed from afar it would be easier to get to the bottom of whatever Y/N was doing locked away in her room constantly.

"Val, Brock, Ella, and I are going to that coffee shop down the street." Lucas explained. "We wanted you to come along seeing as you missed the movie, yesterday."

Y/N sheepishly scratched the back of her neck as she dipped her head with a stifled laugh. "Sorry about that, by the way." Y/N cleared her throat. "I would've come, but I had some err-"

"Yes, errands," Lucas nodded. "I remember your excuse."

"It wasn't an excuse," Y/N stated. "I actually had errands to run."

Lucas nodded with a slight roll of his eyes. "Well, do you want to come?" Lucas narrowed his eyes as his conjecture of Y/N's situation grew by the second. "Or, are there more errands you need to run?"

Y/N crossed her arms with a smug stare radiating off her features. "I'd love to come." Y/N grabbed her coat off of her bed and put it on as she continued talking. "So, do you want to shut your cocky ass up or is that just not possible for you?"

Lucas chuckled as he made his way to the bedroom door. "We're ready when you are." He closed the door behind him leaving Y/N to let out a relieved sigh.

"Mary?" Y/N spoke. "You can come back, he's gone." Y/N was un-phased as she watched Mary reappear in front of her. She had done it what seemed like a thousand times before and now it was merely the norm. "Will I ever be able to do that?"

Mary smiled. "What? Teleport?" Y/N nodded. "Hm, I don't think so..." She wrapped her arms around Y/N's waist, rubbing her thumb up and down on the small of her back. "But, I'd be happy to bring you wherever you'd like."

"I don't know..." Y/N teased. "The last time was a little-" she thought for a moment. "How do I put this lightly?" Wrapping her arms around Mary's neck she couldn't help but beam as she gazed into her blue, crystallized eyes. "Nerve-wracking."

"Well, there are ways to ease those...nerves," Mary whispered as she buried her face in the crook of Y/N's neck. "Any ideas?"

Y/N bit her bottom lip as she sucked in a sharp breath. "W-Well, I-" Y/N swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, momentarily preventing her from talking - or stuttering. "Th-There's...always the option of-" Y/N went silent as Mary placed a gentle kiss on her neck.

"How's that?" Mary's voice was lean and smooth. Seductive and serene, like the calmness of ocean waves or the comforting sounds of birds chirping in the early hours of the morning.

"Yes~" Y/N mumbled, her lips barely parting as she leaned into Mary's touch. Her lips gently moved against the flesh on Y/N's neck making the young woman feel incredibly vulnerable. As if she were putty in Mary's hands. God, how she loved it.

"My love," Mary murmured. Y/N shivered as the older woman's lips caressed her skin with such passion and lasciviousness that Y/N felt almost overwhelmed by the sheer intimacy of their carnality. "My darling~"

"Mary, I-"

Y/N nearly jumped out of her skin when another knock was heard at the door. "Y/N! We don't have all day!" It was Brock.

Y/N huffed. "I'm coming!" Y/N snapped. "Impatient ass!"

Y/N heard Brock chuckle on the other side of the door before he spoke again - this time to whoever was with him at the door. "Pissing her off is so fun."

"I heard that!" Y/N shouted.

"I know!" Brock replied, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Leave me alone!" Y/N called back to her pestering older brother. "I'll be out in a minute."

There wasn't a response, so Y/N assumed that he had left. She smiled at Mary, placing her hand on the side of her arm she felt completely flustered by the thew of Mary's upper arm. "I guess I have to go. They're waiting for me."

"Have fun," Mary placed a kiss on Y/N's forehead as she lovingly brushed her thumb across her cheek. "You won't be gone long, right?"

"No, of course not," Y/N assured. "We're just going for coffee. Besides I need to be back in time to help Willow move her stuff in."

Mary suppressed a look of sudden guilt and replaced it with a kind smile. "All right." She sighed. "I'll be waiting."

Y/N turned and walked towards her bedroom door. However, she felt the overwhelming need to stop and face Mary once again. So, she did. "You're not mad, are you?"

Mary raised an eyebrow as Y/N walked back in her direction. "Mad? Why would I be mad?"

Y/N glanced down. "Because I'm leaving." She pressed her lips into a thin line as she began to overthink. The last thing she wanted was an upset Mary. Her emotions never seemed to be handled properly whenever they derived from something that she deemed negative. "Its never seem to handle things well when I leave. I mean, there was the party that you weren't too thrilled about. Not to mention, the argument that we had yesterday wasn't very fun for either of us. I just don't want a repeat of that."

"That's what this is about?" Mary asked. "These are your siblings, I don't mind you spending time with them."

"You don't?"

"Not at all." Mary answered. "Besides, like you said, it's only coffee." She swallowed the immense amount of worry she felt at the situation. Y/N leaving? Going to a coffee house? What if she met someone? Or got lost? Or hurt. "I'm fine. I-It's fine."

Y/N tilted her head to the side, seemingly unconvinced by Mary's persistent assurance. "The stammering really sells it."

Mary rolled her eyes. "Funny."

"Look, if you're worried just tell me." Y/N spoke softly. "Talk to me. Don't you think that's the best way to get your feelings across? Y'know, without hurting the feelings of the other person?"

Mary paused. "I hurt your feelings?" She felt a sudden pang in her chest. That was the last thing she wanted.

"No, no," Y/N denied quickly. "That's not what I meant. I just mean that communication is important. Don't you think?"

Mary let out a relieved sigh. "I'm just worried that something may happen."

"It's a coffee shop," Y/N stated. "It's not like I'm going to get mugged or something." She thought for a moment before letting out an amused giggle. "That was a good pun, wasn't it?"

Mary couldn't help but smile. "It was clever." She brushed Y/N's hair behind her ear and smiled meekly. "But, I'm just worried about your magic."

"My magic?" Y/N repeated. "Why would that be a problem where I'm going?"

"If you were to get upset," Mary said. "Something could happen and if I'm not there..."

Y/N's breathing hitched and she placed her hand over her chest as her mind raced. "I didn't think about that..." she bit her bottom lip. "You should come."

"I can't-"

"No one will know who you are," Y/N said. "I won't call you Mary, we'll make up a name. Come on, I need you there."

"Need me?"

"Yes, Mary, I need you," Y/N stated. Mary loved hearing that. "I can't control it, but if you're there I'll be fine. I know I will."

"My dear, you know I can't." Mary sighed.

Y/N groaned. "You can't just freak me out and not do anything about it." Y/N looked around her room before catching sight of her winter gloves that sat on her nightstand. "Gloves!"


"I could use gloves!" Y/N clarified. "It should block the magic if something happens. I mean, it worked in Frozen, why wouldn't it work now?"

"I don't think that's-"

"Do you have a better idea?" Y/N sassed. Mary shook her head sheepishly and watched as Y/N grabbed the gloves and put them on. "Plus, it won't be suspicious. It's winter, everybody's wearing gloves!"

Mary couldn't help the guilt that was biting at her. She hadn't meant to freak Y/N out. In all honesty, she wasn't even worried about the magic. She just hated the idea of Y/N being out of her sight - even if for only a little while.

"Well, guess I'm off," Y/N shrugged as she made her way to the door. "You'll be here when I come back, right?"

"Yes," Mary nodded. "Go have fun."

"I'll try," Y/N stated.


"She thinks she knows everything about everyone!" Valeria complained. The five siblings sat at a round table in the new coffee shop, chatting about various topics as they drank their vastly different coffees. "Always in everyone's business!"

"Sounds like someone I know," Brock commented.

"I'm not nosy!" Valeria snapped.

"Right," Y/N rolled her eyes. "Wasn't it you who came snooping around in my room two days ago?"

Valeria rolled her eyes. "That's different. You're my sister, I can be nosy to you."

"So, Y/N," Ella steered away from the conversation at hand as she attempted to start a new one. "Your friend, Willow, you said her name was?" Y/N nodded. "She's moving in today, right?"

"Yes," Y/N answered. "She's really sweet, I think you all will like her." She paused for a moment. "She is a bit out there, but I don't mind it. In fact, sometimes I enjoy hearing her slightly dramatic take on things."

"When is she coming over?" Lucas asked.

"Well, I told her to head by in the morning," Y/N explained. "But, it's already ten o'clock, so I'm assuming she's sleeping in."

"Oh, really?" Lucas asked. "I just assumed she was already at the house."

"Why would you assume that?"

"Well, I thought you were talking to her," Lucas began. He took a sip of his coffee. "In your room."

Y/N's breathing hitched. "I-In my room?" Lucas nodded with an almost haughty smile. "I...wasn't talking to anyone."

"Really?" Lucas asked. He pushed his glasses up onto his nose and leered at his little sister. "Because I believe I heard the words "you'll be here when I come back?"." He narrowed his eyes. "Bells ringing?"

"I was talking to Pawsley," Y/N lied.

"You and that cat," Brock shook his head. "I still can't believe he's alive."

"Hey!" Y/N hit his shoulder. "Pawsley may be...seasoned, but he's very healthy for his age!"

"Who told you that?" Valeria asked. "Pawsley?"

"No," Y/N stated. "The vet did. In fact, the vet also said that Pawsley won't be passing away for another couple of years. Maybe longer. So, you're just gonna have to deal with him."

"That cat hates me," Brock pointed out. "If he hates me, then I should get to hate him."

"He only hates you because you used to splash water on him every chance you got when we were young." Ella said.

"Thank you!" Y/N smiled. She glanced over at Lucas, who was staring at her with suspicion filtering through his pupils. She hoped he wouldn't bring it up again. She was able to steer the conversation away from that topic and she didn't know how else she'd be able to avoid it.

She prayed that Lucas wouldn't try to investigate further into the situation.


Y/N let out a sigh after she had closed the door to her car. Finally, she was free of Lucas' painful gaze. He was definitely onto her. She would have to tell Mary. She would know how to deal with it.

"Did you have fun?"

Y/N jumped as her head darted to the side to see who had appeared in her passenger seat. "Mary!" Y/N rested her head against the wheel as she attempted to slow down her heart rate. "Fuck, you gotta give me a warning or something. I'm used to it at home, but not in my car!"

Mary chuckled. "I'm sorry, my love." She placed her hand on Y/N's thigh. "Although, you are incredibly adorable when you jump like that."

Y/N smiled. "Hm, flirting to make up for it, are you?"

"Is it working?"

"Maybe, a little," Y/N bashfully replied. "But, I've got bad news. Lucas is onto us."


"Apparently, he heard us earlier today," Y/N explained.

"What did he hear?" Mary asked.

"Only the end of our conversation," Y/N answered. "When I asked if you'd be at home when I came back. I'm so relieved that's all he heard." Heat rose in her cheeks. "God, if he heard anything else I would just die." She shook her head. "But, that's not all. It's 11:30 and I haven't heard from Willow. She hasn't returned any of my calls or responded to any of my texts."

"I'm sure that she's fine," Mary stated.

"I'm going to check on her," Y/N decided. "I mean, this isn't like her. She isn't the most reliable person, but she always keeps me updated." She glanced back down at her phone. "She would've told me if she was running late or if something else came up."

Mary's jaw clenched. "I'll come with you, then." She looked out of the tinted car windows. "But, I'm going to tell you now that it's probably nothing."


"Okay, you just wait here," Y/N instructed. The two women stood outside of Willow's apartment, Y/N shivering from the cold weather as Mary stood un-phased. "I'll be as fast as I can."

Y/N knocked on Willow's apartment door, waiting impatiently for her friend to answer. But, there was nothing. She knocked again, this time putting her ear up to the door. She hoped that she would hear some sort of rustling or a disarrayed Willow shouting that she was on her way. Nothing.

"Fuck it, I'm going in," Y/N decided. The door was unlocked, making Y/N's nerves skyrocket. But, she tried to not panic. Willow was frazzled nearly all the time, it was possible that she had simply forgotten to lock it.

As she made her way through the house, she felt increasingly uneasy. The packed boxes that were randomly placed around and the tension in the air that made her throat constrict was unbearable. And, as she entered the bedroom, she knew something was wrong.

Jewelry was strewn out next to a box - messy and tangled - as if she were interrupted during her packing. "Willow?" Y/N called. "WILLOW!" Her breathing picked up and she finally decided that it was reasonable to panic. "Mary! Mary, I need you!"

Mary was in the room within seconds, immediately taking notice to Y/N's fear. "Yes, dearest?"

"She's not here!" Y/N exclaimed. "And, look at her jewelry! She'd never just leave it like that! Something happened."

"Y/N, my love, take a deep breath," Mary advised.

"I-I have to call the police," Y/N decided.

"Are you sure?"

"Am I sure?" Y/N repeated. "Yes, I'm sure! She could be in trouble!"

"What if she isn't?" Mary suggested. "Then, you would've created a whole scene over nothing."

"Yes, but what if she is and I don't call?" Y/N asked. "That could make the situation worse. I'd rather take my chances with the embarrassment of making a scene."

Y/N pulled out her phone and dialed the police, growing frigid at the voice of the operator. "911, what's your emergency?"

"Uh, I think my friend is missing," Y/N stated.

"You think?"

"Yes, I haven't seen her since yesterday and she isn't returning any of my calls or texts," Y/N explained. "I went to her house and the door was unlocked, but she's not here."

"All right, miss," the operator began. "What is her name and age?"

"Uh, Willow Bowman and she's-" Y/N paused. Was she 23 or 24? "And, I think she's 24. If not, she's 23, I'm just not sure." She suddenly felt awful for not knowing the exact age of her friend. Sure, she was never that close with Willow. But, that didn't stop her guilty feelings.

"Well, she is above the age of 18," the operator started. "And it is standard to wait 24 hours before we can start an investigation when it comes to adults."

"What?" Y/N asked in disbelief. "So, you can't do anything? For 24 hours?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Come on, there has to be something!" Y/N exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, there isn't." The operator said. "You'll just have to wait the 24 hours until we can start the investigation."

Y/N scoffed. "Okay, thanks," Y/N hung up the phone and muttered under her breath. "For fucking nothing."

"What happened?" Mary asked.

"For people over the age of 18, they have to wait 24 hours before they can even start an investigation." Y/N explained. "She could be halfway across the country by then!"

"Do you seriously think she got kidnapped?" Mary asked.

"I don't know!" Y/N said. "I don't know. I just know that something about this whole thing doesn't feel right."

"Listen, I'm sure once the investigation starts, they'll be able to find her." Mary assured. "She might even come back before then. There's always the possibility that she just went somewhere."

"Yeah...I guess." Y/N shrugged. "I don't feel good about this, Mary."

Mary wrapped her arms around the distressed girl in front of her. "I know," she sighed. "I'm sorry that the police aren't being helpful."

"It wouldn't be the first time," Y/N stated with a huff. "You don't know this, but back in November my aunt and uncle died. Then, this one girl I met also passed away. The police haven't solved any of the deaths and they thought I was involved." She grew increasingly angry as she relived the previous memories. "Then, my nephew went missing and they didn't find him. He came home on his own...turns out he ran away, but my point still stands."

"That's...awful," Mary sympathized as if she didn't already know all of that information.

Y/N pulled away from the embrace and continued to look around the room. Maybe, she could find something. A note or Willow's phone. As she inspected the room, she only found herself growing more upset. Then, there was that feeling, again.



"I think it's going to happen," Y/N said.

"What? What is?" She questioned.

Before she could speak, her hands began to burn. She gasped and attempted at pulling her gloves off, but she wasn't quick enough. Blasts of energy shot from both of her hands and singed Willow's pillows that rested at the top of her bed. She looked down at her gloves only to find two holes in each of them. "Well, shit."

"That's not going to look good in the investigation," Mary pointed out. "It might misdirect them."

"Oh, fuck," Y/N whined. "You're right! What do we do?"

"Get rid of the pillows?" Mary suggested.

"But, that will look suspicious!" Y/N sighed. "I don't think we can do anything." She gazed up at Mary with pleading eyes that made the older woman melt. "I really don't want to be number one suspect this time around." She bit her bottom lip. "But, knowing Andrew, I will be."

"Andrew?" Mary asked, pretending to be oblivious about the aggravating male.

"Oh, right," Y/N said. "He's one of the officers that was on the other cases I mentioned. He was dead set on putting me behind bars. Chances are...this time won't be any different." She smiled weakly. "Let's go home, Mary. I need a nap."

Mary chuckled and threw her arm over Y/N's shoulders, pulling her into her side as the two of them left Willow's empty apartment. Y/N was prepared to open the car door, but Mary stopped her. "Let me drive."

"Are you sure?" Y/N asked. "I don't mind driving, I do it all the time."

"Exactly," Mary said. "You could use a break."

Y/N giggled. "That's sweet, Mary." She sent a teasing gaze her way. "Just don't crash my car. I don't want to add totaling my car to the list of things that went wrong today."

(A longer chapter today. I usually do around 2,000-3,000 words, but today it was 5,771! Hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

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