π†π‘πžπ­π­π¨ 𝐭𝐰𝐒𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 οΏ½...

By Mrs12Morant

19.7K 496 350

What happens when a girl has a crush on a guy from her friend group? Will it cause drama? Will it end in hear... More



573 16 16
By Mrs12Morant

"Twins bro?! She's fucking pregnant with twins?!" Tae paced her room back and forth in disbelief. "Now she really gone be taking up all yo time."

"Ma you know you come before anything." Ja'quan grabbed Tae trying to ease her.

"Naw nigga she come first and you know it."

"Ok Ma. How bout...you come stay with me for the whole week." Ja'quan bit down in his lip.

Tae said no because she knew like he knew, if Cam said she needed something he'd be running after her.

"Man Tae I fucking can't with you. You a crybaby ass bitch, I'm sick of you always complaining. She my baby moms too and if you don't like it oh fucking well!" He was now screaming in her face.

Tae yelled at him to get out so he did.

Weeks had gone by and it was finally time for Tae to know the gender of her baby. She hadn't spoken to Ja'quan since they got into that argument. She sent him a text telling him to come to the appointment with them but he never responded.

"Hurry up girl we ain't got all day." Ms G shouted.

"I'm coming ma hold on."

Tae quickly threw on a half shirt then walked down stairs. She got in the car, rolling her eyes once she seen Keith was in the car as well.

"Ma he gotta come?" Tae asked her mom. She told her yes he had to come and to sit back.

They arrived at the doctors and got called in almost immediately. "Ashantae Griffin." The nurse holding the clipboard said. "I'm Ms Ronald's I'll be your nurse for the day." She smiled shaking Tae's hand.

"Just let me know when you're good and comfortable." The nurse said as Tae laid back.

"I'm ready." She took a deep breath, lifting up her shirt.

"Ok we're just gonna look around for a bit." Ms Ronald's gave Tae an ultrasound.

"Can you tell the gender?" Tae's mom asked.

"It's pretty hard to tell but it looks like you're having a boy." The nurse cheered.

"Thank god cus I can't do no more girls, one is enough for me." Ms G raised her arms.

"Well you're all done here, congratulations." The nurse walked out the room leaving Tae, her mom, and her moms boyfriend.

"You gone tell that boy?" Ms G asked her daughter. Tae told her she probably wasn't because he didn't deserve to know. He was more focused on Cam and her babies anyways.

After her doctors appointment Tae got home and texted Ja'quan. She explained that their baby was a boy and the baby shower was gonna be on the 19th of next month.

Once they left from the doctors, Ms G had to rush over to work. It wasn't that far away from their house so it didn't take her nothing but maybe 8 minutes to get there. She took her boyfriends car so hers was still parked in the driveway.

"Ma can I use yo car to go to the store?" Tae asked. Her mother told her to go ahead, the keys were on the nightstand in her room.

"Thanks mom, I'll text you later, bye." She hung up then went to grab the keys.

"What you doing in here?" Keith grabbed Tae's hand before she could grab the keys.

"I'm using my mamas car. Move." She moved his hand with her other hand.

"Not without giving me something first." Keith pushed Tae on the bed.

"Get off of me!" Tae shouted but he didn't get off. He began pulling Tae's pants down as she kicked and squirmed. "I'm telling my mom!"

"Tell her, she ain't gone believe you. Shit I'll tell her you came on to me." Keith got off of Tae. He picked up the phone calling Ms G to tell her that her daughter was 'acting out'. Ms G told Keith she would be there in 10.

"Just enough time for me to do what I need to do." He pushed Tae back on the bed because she tried to run out.

Tae's mom pulled up a little earlier than expected and Keith played his role good. He lied and said Tae locked him in her mothers room and tried to have sex with him.

"For real Tae?" Her mom looked at her with disgust. "After everything I've done for you?"

Tae opened her mouth to speak only for her mom to slap her.

"Get your disrespectful ass out my house."

Tae hurriedly Ran upstairs to pack a bag. Ja'quan was the only person who Tae could think of right off the dome to come get her so she called him. He didn't answer so she decided to walk. His house wasn't that far from hers.

"Q it's for you." Cam said as she opened the door. She seemed irritated but Tae didn't pay attention to her.

"The fuck is you doing here?" Ja'quan sighed. Tae explained her situation to him so out of pitty, he invited her in.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked her. She shook her head no.

"So he just tried to rape you, he ain't hit you or nothing?"

"No Q he didn't." She was so sad.

"That's good. He ain't put it in did he?" Ja'quan continued to question.

"No Q I'm fine he didn't really do anything."

"Ok well that's good. I'ma go get you a blanket so you could sleep on the couch." Ja'quan said to Tae.

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