Save Me

Por nnzh687

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Sunwoo and his other siblings move into their new home, and he meet with Haknyeon and their siblings, their n... Más



66 3 3
Por nnzh687

Sangyeon, Chanhee, Kevin and Jacob were all in the living room together. Sangyeon was reading a magazine while drinking coffee, while Chanhee was scrolling through his phone with Kevin, looking at pictures on social media. Jacob was in the kitchen, cooking something for them all to eat. The apartment was a little homey and warm, despite how small it was. It wasn't very fancy, but it was good enough for them.

"What are you cooking for lunch, Jacob?" asked Sangyeon.

"Just a simple lunch" said Jacob.

Chanhee, who sitting beside the window look outside. He saw a truck in front of the apartment.

"Someone move in?" asked Chanhee.

Kevin leans over to see.

"New family? Maybe our new neighbour," said Kevin.

"Oh, yeah. I heard from the landlord that the unit beside us will have a new family move in. It is today?" asked Sangyeon.

"Seem like it. I can see the owner and others. There six of them" said Chanhee.

"It's look like a sibling," said Kevin.

"Then, want to help them? They our new neighbour" said Jacob, walking out from kitchen.

"That would be a good idea. I don't have any work right now" said Sangyeon.

"Same for me," said Kevin.

"Then I'll help too," said Chanhee.

"Then, let's go. How about Haknyeon?" asked Jacob.

"Tell him we helping our new neighbour. If he wants to help, let him. If not, then don't force him. Just let him know" said Sangyeon.

"Okay. I'll go tell him now".

Jacob walks to a room.

Six people with addition two worker moving the boxes in the truck to their new apartment. Their new home on 7th floor. They are moving out from their old apartment because of three reasons. One, Eric and Sunwoo, the twin, are going to attend the college near their new place. Second, it might be great to move out from the old house because it small for six of them. The older gather the money to buy a new house. Third, they had to move because it involved something that was bothering them, more specifically Sunwoo.

"Here you go".

Changmin gives a box to Sunwoo. Sunwoo grab it and start walking inside the apartment. He reaches the elevator and punch the button. He waits for about a minute before the door open. He walks in and push the button number 7; it will take him to the 7th floor. When arrive, he walks to his house then see his brothers, Younghoon and Hyunjae, talking to someone.

"Oh, hey Sunwoo. Meet our new neighbour" said Hyunjae.

"Hello. I'm Sangyeon".

"It's nice to meet you" said Sunwoo.

"Nice to meet you too. If you don't mind, me and my siblings want to help you moving the boxes" said Sangyeon.

"We're really appreciate it. Thank you. Eric is sick right now and he don't want to let Juyeon go. So, we a little short people" said Younghoon.

"Glad we can help. Guys! Come on!" called Sangyeon.

Four people came out.

"Hello. It's really nice to have a new neighbour," said Jacob.

"Yeah. Can't wait we can be friends," said Chanhee excited.

"Me also" said Younghoon.

"I'll go put the box first then I come back to bring another" said Sunwoo.

"I wanna check on Eric first. You guys go first" said Younghoon.

"Okay then".

Before he walks, he looks at one of them. He wears an oversize black hoodie. He been looking down the moment he walks out. He seems doesn't like to interact with someone. He also even not making eyes contact with any of the. He thought he might an isolation person.


Sunwoo put the box at the living room. In the living room, Juyeon and Eric also there. They sat at the sofa with Eric lying down on Juyeon lap. Sleeping.

"How Eric?" asked Younghoon.

"Sleeping. Sorry I can't help" said Juyeon.

Juyeon wanted to go downstairs and help, but he couldn't leave Eric alone. Eric was clinging tightly to Juyeon's hand, even while he slept.

"It's okay. We have an additional help from the neighbour" said Younghoon.

"Did you meet them?" asked Juyeon.

"Yeah. A while ago. They seem nice" said Younghoon.

"Then that's great" relief Juyeon.

"They all siblings like us. All five of them. They been staying here for about 6 years now. Oh, and their youngest is one year older than you and Eric. You guys could be friends after this" said Younghoon.

'Friend with that weirdo? I don't want to'.


Younghoon knew what Sunwoo was thinking.


"You know it's not good to say bad things about someone. Even more so with our new neighbours" said Younghoon.

"I'm said I'm sorry" said Sunwoo.

Younghoon sigh. He knew why Sunwoo was a bit emotional right now. It's not his fault for feeling that way. He knows.

"Hey, I don't blame you or anything, but we moved here not to look for trouble. You know why we moved, right?"

Sunwoo nodded. It's something that causes him to behave this way. He is not the type to get emotional. Because of that incident, he became like this.

"I'm sorry" said Sunwoo, this time more sincere.

Younghoon tap his head.

"It's okay. It's not your fault" said Younghoon.

"She won't come here, right?" asked Sunwoo.

He seems afraid now. Tears gathered in his eyes. Younghoon wipe his tears.

"It's going to be okay. You safe here. We do all we could do to protect you. That woman won't come here. She doesn't know you here" said Younghoon.

"What if she came? She will do anything to get to me" said Sunwoo afraid.

"No. Absolutely not gonna happen. All of us will protect you" said Younghoon.

"Yes, Sunwoo. We will protect you. Just trust your brother" said Juyeon.


"How about this? You take a rest with Eric. Then after we settle with everything, we order food. Your choice" said Younghoon.

"Sound good. Juyeon hyung, let me take your place" said Sunwoo.

"You sure?" asked Juyeon.

"Yeah. Let me take care of him" said Sunwoo.

"Alright then"

Juyeon switched places with Sunwoo. He let go of Eric's hand and let him hold Sunwoo's hand.

"Be careful"

Sangyeon gave a box to his youngest, Haknyeon.

"Just leave it at the living room when you arrive" said Hyunjae.

Haknyeon just nodded his head and head to the elevator.

"Is Haknyeon shy? Or he doesn't talk at all?" asked Changmin.

"He been like that since our parents died. Don't worry. He's a nice kid" said Sangyeon.

"We all love him. Our descended parent also loves him" said Chanhee.

"How long had it been?" asked Changmin.

"Almost 6 years. After our parent died, we all move to here and stay just five of us," said Jacob.

"How about you guys?" asked Kevin.

"Our parent is working oversea. Just us taking care the youngest," said Changmin.

"Sunwoo and Eric will be studying in the college near here, right? Same as Haknyeon. He's on his final year now," said Jacob.

"Oh, really? They can walk together to the college after this. Sunwoo might a bit piss off, but Eric wouldn't mind," said Changmin.

"Don't talk your brother like that" said Hyunjae.

"Oh, how about we make a party dinner? In our new place," said Changmin.

"That would be great. I hope all of you can come for dinner after we settle in" said Hyunjae.

"Of course. We glad to be invited," said Kevin.

"Just tell us the date later" said Sangyeon.

Haknyeon walk out from the elevator and meet with Juyeon and Younghoon.

"Oh, hi. You must be the youngest, right?" asked Younghoon.

Haknyeon nodded.

"What's your name?" asked Juyeon.

"... Haknyeon" said Haknyeon, low voice but still audible.

"Haknyeon. Nice name" praise Juyeon.

"... Where do I put this box?" asked Haknyeon.

"You can just put at the living room. Sunwoo and Eric are there. You might wanna greet them" said Younghoon.


"It really nice to meet you, Haknyeon ah" said Juyeon and walk in the elevator with Younghoon.

Haknyeon continue walking to their home. The door is wide open, easy for him to just walk in without open the door with full hand. He walks through the hallway and arrive the living room. He can see Sunwoo and Eric. Eric still sleeping and Sunwoo just sit, hand strook his brother hair. This scene had a calming and comforting feeling to it, as it showed the love and affection between the brother and the close bond they shared.


"... Where do I put this box?" asked Haknyeon.

"Just put it down anywhere. We will unpack it later" said Sunwoo.

Haknyeon just walk to somewhere in the living room and put down the box.

"By the way, I'm Sunwoo. This is my twin brother, Eric. His real name Youngjae but he like to be called Eric" said Sunwoo.

"I'm Haknyeon. The youngest sibling" said Haknyeon.

"Haknyeon hyung then. I heard you study in the same college as us" said Sunwoo.

"Yeah... I heard"

The atmosphere in there is a bit awkward. Sunwoo didn't feel too good with someone new, and Haknyeon kept to himself for the most part. If Eric, who was an extroverted person, was awake and present, the atmosphere wouldn't be awkward, since he would be able to converse and help break the ice.

'What am I gonna say it again? This is sooo awkward'.

"I'll go back down now" said Haknyeon.

"Oh, yeah..."

After a few awkward moments of silence, Eric suddenly began to cough and whimper in his sleep. Sunwoo didn't know how to react, and tried to comfort him as best he could, even though it was not his strong suit. Meanwhile, Haknyeon was about to go, but he heard Eric whimpering.

"Is he okay?" asked Haknyeon.

"He has a cold and it been a few days since" said Sunwoo.

Haknyeon came to them closer.

"Can I... touch him?" asked Haknyeon.

"Yes. You can".

Haknyeon put his hand on Eric's forehead and was immediately surprised by how hot it was and how much he was sweating. He knew that Eric is sick, but he didn't realize that it was this serious and severe. He wanted to help Eric, but he didn't know how best to do that. His concern for Eric grew as he realized that Eric was in a pretty bad condition right now.

"This is bad. His fever is spike up" said Haknyeon.

Sunwoo start to worried.

"What are we gonna do?" asked Sunwoo.

"Kevin hyung".

Haknyeon quickly ran to the front door to call for Kevin, but as he made his way there, he noticed Kevin and Juyeon were already there. Both Kevin and Juyeon were surprised to see Haknyeon running towards them so quickly, and they watched him with concern. They were concerned about what he had to say and why he needed to speak to them so urgently.

"Hyung, you need to check on Eric" said Haknyeon.

"Why?" asked Kevin.

"His fever is spike up. He doesn't look good" says Haknyeon.

Kevin quickly entered the house, put the boxes he was carrying down, and came over to check on Eric. He took a minute to examine Eric's physical condition, and assessed how bad his illness truly was. Juyeon stood nearby, watching over the situation and trying to help where he could.

"Haknyeon, can you take my bag in my room? Juyeon, get me a wet cloth," said Kevin.

Haknyeon and Juyeon immediately started to move quickly, as Kevin told them what to do. Haknyeon rushed off to Kevin's room to find his bag as Juyeon sorted through the boxes and search for a cloth.

"He's gonna be alright, right?" asked Sunwoo worried.

"Don't worry. I'm a doctor. I can help your brother" said Kevin reassure to Sunwoo.

Haknyeon came back with his bag and a cloth.

"Here you go, hyung. Juyeon hyung, I brought a cloth" said Haknyeon.

"Thank you, Haknyeon".

Juyeon quickly took the cloth from Haknyeon and wetted it, before giving it to Kevin. Kevin took out a stethoscope and began checking on Eric, monitoring his breathing and listening carefully to his heartbeat. As Juyeon and Sunwoo looked on, they both waited anxiously for the results of his examination to see how Eric was doing and if he would be okay.

"His breathing is fine," said Kevin.

Kevin finally took off the stethoscope from his ears, then rummaged through his bag for something else. He pulled out a syringe and a small bottle of liquid that was most likely medicine. As Juyeon and Sunwoo watched intently, Kevin prepared to inject the liquid into Eric's body. They felt like they were holding their breath, not knowing if this would help or hurt Eric in any way. They were anxious and hoping for the best.

"This will do the magic. He will be fine after this, but he needs to see the doctor to be more carefully," said Kevin.

"Thank you" said Juyeon.

"You should thank to Haknyeon for realize it," said Kevin.

"Thank you, Haknyeon" said Juyeon.

"I just feel his temperature. I'm not the one that help Eric feel better" said Haknyeon.

"But if you didn't take action, Eric condition might be more serious," said Kevin.

"I just do what you been doing it to me" said Haknyeon.

Kevin ruffled his younger hair.

"What happened?"

They look all the other siblings came and confuse what going on.

"Is that so? Thank you for helping Eric" said Hyunjae.

"It's alright. Glad he's okay now," said Kevin.

"It's all because of Haknyeon" said Chanhee.

"I'm not do anything" said Haknyeon.

"Thank you, Haknyeon ah" said Younghoon.

Haknyeon just shut his mouth. He gazes down and slowly walk behind Chanhee.

"Are you shy because everyone keeps praising you" mock Chanhee playful.

Haknyeon just keep quiet. Chanhee know Haknyeon might think he doesn't deserve the praise. He knows what his little brother feels.

"Now, since everything had been brought up, you guys should take a rest" said Sangyeon.

"Yeah. Thanks for the help," said Changmin.

"You're welcome. Let's go home".

Sangyeon grab Haknyeon hand, and they walk out.


"Eric, you awake" said Hyunjae.

"How you feel?" asked Sunwoo.

"I had a bad headache earlier but now it's less," said Eric.

"That's great. We'll go to the hospital after this" said Hyunjae.


"I'm really glad they are helping us," said Changmin.

"Yeah. They are good neighbour. I hope we can have our peace without any problem" said Juyeon.

"I hope so too" said Younghoon. 

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