My Everything (Scarlett Johan...

By ayemem215

259K 5.7K 719

You're a lawyer who used to be a top model when growing up. You stopped modeling to finish school and start y... More

Wedding Inspo


1.6K 30 11
By ayemem215

Scarlett's POV

I wake up in bed wrapped in one of y/ns arms. I lift up my head and see Rose cuddled with y/ns other arm on the other side of her. I didn't even hear her come in last night. Y/n put her to bed after a movie but right before we were going to go to bed we heard a loud crash in the backyard. Turned out it was half the structure that was being built for a bigger cabana had fallen and y/n convinced  herself she would be able to put it back together.

Two hours and half a bottle of tequila later she did it. She also cut her hand, that I had to clean up for her and then told the funniest joke I wish I could remember. But I do know I almost peed my pants from laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I hear y/ns horse voice say breaking me from my thoughts.

"That joke you said last night. I can't remember it but I know I was cracking up" I laugh again

"If you don't remember it how are you laughing"

"No clue but I remember your face when I fell to the ground twisting my legs around myself to not pee" I laugh again "can you tell me the joke again?"

"Nope you'll wake up Rose. Besides it wasn't even that funny I don't want to repeat it and ruin it" she says as she chuckles. She's got a point.

"Fine. Want to run to Raymond's for breakfast? Rose has been asking to go there." I ask her

"Sure but let's give her a couple minutes before we wake her. She had a bad dream and snuck in here almost giving me a heart attack." She states

"Oh no did she just stand next to the bed staring at you until you felt it and woke up?" I ask giggling knowing she does that to me all the time.

"Yes!!" She whisper shouts "I seriously thought she was a ghost child and almost drop kicked her" she laughs

"I'm glad you didn't do that now" I say and we both giggle.

Y/n draws shapes on my back and it's so hard not falling back asleep. Just as I'm drifting off our bedroom door flys open scaring me shitless. Y/n pops up putting herself inbetween us and the door and puts her hands out like she's ready to fight.

"Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt" I hear but recognize the voice. I peak around y/n to see Kate and Sonia dressed in all black with nerf guns on their hips.

"I love nerf guns!!!" Rose squeals finally waking from the ruckus.

"Sorry little lady. This is to ensure your mom gets out of bed and gets out of the house and hopefully she will cooperate and we won't have to use these" Kate says in a hilarious southern accent. 

I crawl forward on the bed to be even with y/n and say "I'm not afraid of a nerf gun and I still get a couple more hours until you guys can take me away"

I hear Sonia's gun making noises then out of nowhere she fires a shot right at my boob.

"Ow! What the fuck!" I yell. That thing actually hurt.

"Get up and come outside" sonia says aiming the gun at me again. I hide behind y/n and she just laughs.
"Woah don't use me as a shield." She yells and runs off the bed grabbing Rose with her.

"Thanks babe" I say giving her a sarcastic look.

"Get her!!!" Rose squeals and Kate and sonia unleash their nerf guns on me. I dodge most of them hoping out of bed and taking cover in the closet. All that black widow training did pay off. I quickly throw y/ns Columbia hoodie on, I should say mine, and walk out of the closet with my hands up.

"Okay okay you got me" I say "can I at least get changed and do my skincare" I say

"Nope we having everything for you." Kate says picking up a small duffel bag. I look at y/n and smile knowing she packed that but wait that means she was in on it!

"Hey! You traitor"

She smiles and blows me a kiss while Kate and Sonia drag me out of the bedroom. I see rose and y/n follow us out until we are in the front driveway. There's a huge black bus parked in it and I can hear the bass coming from the inside of the vehicle.
I turn around to say bye to my girls but Kate pulls me back.

"You'll see her later wave byeeeeee" she says dragging me to the door.

"I love you!" Y/n calls out before I get taken hostage and shoved up the stairs of the bus. I walk onto the bus and immediately get attacked by screams that make me flinch. It's Lizzie, Flo, Kate Sonia and to my surprise Chris Evans!

"They dragged you along for this too!" I say evidently hugging him.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." He says hugging me back.

I turn around and hug Kate and Sonia. as much as I'm already missing my girls at home I know tonight will be worth it. "Thanks for being here everyone" I say and Flo stand up. "There's only one right way to start this day off.......SHOTS!" She cheers excitedly. Fuck it I'm going to have a day.

"Pick your poison Scar" Flo says holding up a couple bottles. "Let's start with vodka, light and smooth so I don't puke too early." I say and everyone laughs.

Flo quickly pours 6 shots and we all hold them together to toast.

"To having the best day ever and celebrating that Scar finally picked the right one!!!" Sonia toasts which makes me laugh.

"To Scar!" Everyone cheers before taking their shots. Lizzie hits the remote on the stereo and Happy by Pharrell comes on while the bus finally pulls away from my home.

I'm sat between Kate and Chris and sip on a Bloody Mary while I watch Flo try to dance while holding on to the side bars. She's a ball of energy I'm glad she's here. "What's the plan?" I nudge Kate asking.

"Nope. It's all a surprise. But we can't start a day on an empty stomach. So food is first. And that's all your getting out of me." She teases and holds her drink up to cheers mine. We clink glasses and take a sip as I vibe to the music and wait to see where we head.

A couple minutes later the bus stops and I see we're at Raymond's! I was craving this! "Seems like I picked good" Kate teases me because I'm sure she notices the smile on my face. We all pile out of the bus and into Raymond's where we're greeted by Martha and Henry.

"Hello everyone! I've set a table up in the back corner for you guys and food will be right out." Martha says and gestures for us to go and sit. I hug her really quickly whispering a thanks before I go and sit.

"Oh bloody hell." Flo moans as Martha places the baked goods and coffees in front of us.

"Is that crumb cake!?" Chris asks excitedly.

"Yes there's an apple and a raspberry." Martha says and Chris grabs both making me laugh. I look over the selection but notice no cinnamon buns and that's what I was really craving.

"Oh I forgot something!" Martha says and hurries back to the kitchen. She returns a minute later with a smaller plate and places it infront of me. It's a cinnamon bun with a little note stuck in it by a toothpick. Everyone stares at it and I realize this wasn't planned by Kate.

"Open it!!" Sonia and Lizzie say at the same time.

"Okay okay" I laugh and open the note.

My dearest Scarlett,
I just wanted to tell you that today is going to be a fun and adventurous day, and I hope this breakfast will remind you of the moment I knew I was going to marry you. remember to have fun and drink waters between your alcohol! I love you. sei il mio tutto. 🤍

I sniffle my tears away not wanting them to drop and ruin the mood. They aren't sad tears but I wouldn't want to worry anyone. Not like that mattered because all eyes are on me waiting to explain. I hand the note to Flo who is next to me and she pouts with her lip out as she reads "awwww that little wanker is a sweetheart" she teases and passes the paper along. When it gets to Chris he asks the question I was waiting for. "What's that mean written at the end?"

"I think I rather keep that my self" I say with a smirk.

"Oh scar cmon!" He pleads. "It's probably something dirty" Lizzie says which makes Flo and Sonia nod in agreement. "Or maybe it's something sentimental let's leave her alone" Kate says and I smile at her silently thanking her.

"And that's why she's the matron of honor" I tease and stick my tongue out at them.

We enjoy our breakfast and after saying our goodbyes we get back on the bus. The music starts cranking right away and we pull off to our next destination.

"Before we play a little game I wanted to give out the first present of the night!" Kate says handing me a cute white and gold bag with a ton of gold sparkly tissue paper.

"Aw Kate you didn't have to do this. I hope no one else got me anything because you guys being here is the best present I could ask for."

"Shut up and open it!!" Sonia yells.

"Gosh Scar you're so emotional" Chris says wiping a fake tear.

I pull the tissue paper out and reach my hand in feeling a silky texture. I pull out a cute thong and bralette set that says BRIDE in gemstones on the panties and also has the date in gemstones.

"Ooooohh" "Aw so cute!" I hear as I hold it up to show everyone.

"This is so cute Kate!! I love it! I have nothing that even says bride so I'll take this on our honeymoon" I say excitedly and hug her the best I can on this bench in the bus. I put it back in the bag so it doesn't get dirty and Kate grabs the bag putting it inside a bin under the seat so it doesn't roll around.

"Speaking of honeymoon where are you guys going!" Chris asks.

"Rose will be with Romain that week and since it's the week after Christmas he will be in France. So we are going to fly with her out there and drop her off. Then spend two days in Paris before I surprise her with the next four days in Southern Italy." I say

"No way she doesn't know!" Kate gasps

"Nope she thinks we're going to spend it only in Paris. She's excited for that though. But she would love to go to Italy, she's fluent in it, I'm almost positive she has relatives there too. Like fourth or third cousins. So I think she will be surprised but love it." I explain.

"That's so cool!" Sonia exclaims. "She'll love it" Lizzie says and that's when my nerves relax. If Lizzie says she will like it I know she will.

"For the first game! It will be how well do you know your bachelorette!" Kate yells and everyone cheers.

"I'll ask the questions and Scarlett whoever you hear call it out first point to them and they get the point." She says and everyone nods there head.

"First question. What is her favorite color"


"Flo said it first. It's red." I say and point at Flo.

"Ugh" Lizzie rolls her eyes.

"Here's a prize Flo!" Kate says throwing something to Flo.

"Oooh coconut rum!" She says looking at the shooter in her hand.

"You told me it was green" Chris whines.

"I've never said that." I laugh.

"Next question. What age did she make her debut as an actress?"

"Oh man she was-"
"Shut it Chris" Kate snaps at Chris.

"Wow this is a new side of you Kate" I say laughing.

"I'm gonna say 12" Flo says

"It's 9"

"Sonia got it" I say smiling at her.

"Wooo! Gimme gimme" she says holding her hands out to Kate. Kate picks a random shooter out of a bag and hands it to her.

"Pink Whitney oh my god!" She says making a sour face. "I'll take that later on" she laughs.

"Next question! Favorite food!"

"Wings" Lizzie and Flo both scream

Kate tosses them both shooters.
"For a bonus shot..what's her favorite flavor."

"Regular! Buffalo!" Lizzie shouts

"Medium buffalo with fresh garlic on top" Flo screams after and I laugh

"Both are correct but Flo is more specific." I say to Kate and she throws the shooter to Flo

"Ha! In your face!" She tease lizzie. Flo opens it and downs the small shooter and makes a face after she swallows. She looks a the bottle and shrugs.

"Mint vodka. Not bad" and we laugh at her.

"Next question! If scar could have any super power what would it be!"

"To see through y/ns clothes anytime she wanted!"
"Read minds!"
"Duh super strength."
They all shout and start arguing who's is better.

"I like Flos thoughts. I would love to see y/n naked all day long but I don't think I'd get much work done."I laugh. " but I think I'd pick flying!" I say pointing at Lizzie. She dances in her seat and catches the shooter Kate throws at her.

"Guysss I haven't got oneee" Chris whines and I laugh at his babyness.

"Ok ok last one. Here's your chance Chris." Kate says. "What is her favorite movie?"

"MAMMA MIA!" Chris screams and nearly makes Kate fall over.

"He got it" I say cracking up and this I grab one from the bag and pass the shooter to Chris.

I stick my hand in and grab one for myself and cover it so I don't know what it is.

"Ok everyone take one before we get off the bus" I say holding up the shooter in my hand. I wait until everyone opens there's and they are ready.

"Okay 1,2,3" we all take the shot and I feel the burn before I taste it. Ugh Fireball. I'm gonna black out tonight.

"Wooooo!" Flo yells and jumps shifting from one foot from the other like she's getting ready to box. I'm pretty sure lizzie dry heaves and Sonia hasn't opened her eyes yet. Kate took hers like a champ but roll my eyes when I see she took a shot of plain tequila. Pussy.

Woah am I drunk already? Ha!

"Let's go!!" Chris says and we all head off the bus. We step out surrounded by trees and I'm confused to where we are. When we walk around the bus I see the sign. PAINTBALL

"Oh fuck yes!" I squeal being super excited.
*time skip*(sorry)

"You guys are Avengers it's not even fair" Sonia whines getting on the bus.

"I've been an avengers for 5 minutes they have been one for 10 years!" Flo gambles back.

"You won when we were on a team together" Chris shouts.
"Yeah but last round wasn't even fair! She was hiding in a tree!" Sonia shouts pointing at me and I can't hold back my laughter anymore.

"I agree with Sonia. Flo literally dropped from the ceiling like a ninja. Are you sure you guys aren't secretly widows." Lizzie huffs being a little tired from getting shot every round.

"Okay children relax. Everyone's a winner here. And now that we've played well past lunch time let's freshen up and get ready for an early dinner." Kate says stopping the bickering.

"Chris slides the duffel bag toward me and I open it seeing my shampoo and conditioner and skin care along with an outfit. "I'm first!" I say racing to the small bathroom in the back of the bus. I quickly shower and wash myself. I don't mind washing my hair because I plan to put it back in a bun to keep it out of my face tonight. I pull the outfit out of the bag after I dry myself and laugh. When did I ever get this?

I slip on the cropped sequin tank and matching pants. Wow super comfortable but looks so classy and cute.

I walk out of the bus and Sonia hands me a pair on heels. They are white Louboutons I had in my closet but match it perfectly.

"Thanks. Any chance you know where I got this?" I say pointing at the outfit.

"Y/n picked it out for you" she says winking and walking into the bathroom. Chris is the last to be ready which is hilarious. He walks out of bathroom right when we Sonia  and Lizzie stand up and hand me presents.

"Guyssss" I whine and they both give me death stares.

I open Sonia's first and gasp when I open the box. It's a gorgeous fluffy white robe that has BRIDE and our weddingdate embroidered into the back. I flip it around and see it's embroidered with 'Scarly' on the chest part on the front.
Then when I pull the robe out there's a small little clip on the bottom. It's beautiful with white pearls and gems creating a pretty setting.
"That was your moms. She gave it me to give to you. It could be your something borrowed" she says making me tear up.

"Thank you. I love the robe. I needed it. And the clip. Thank you" I say and shuffle my way across the bus to hug her. I put everything back in the box and hand it to Kate.

Next I open Lizzie's. I eye her before I open it but she just smiles giving nothing away. I'm shocked opening it when I see a beautiful picture frame of y/n Rose and I. Y/n was holding Rose and her other arm was wrapped around me. It looks like it was in Robert backyard and she must have said something funny because Rose and I are looking at her and laughing. Her smile and eyes are right at me and even through the picture I can see the love she has for me.
"Wow Lizzie. I love it. Where'd you get this?" I ask looking up at her.

"I took it. Remember Robert was making you guys take a family picture for his wall. I snapped some candids and got that. "She says with a smile.

I scoot over to her and hug her tightly. "I love it. Thank you" I say and we share a moment before I'm pulled back over to Kate. "That's actually not all of it but you'll have to wait until the wedding for the rest." Lizzie says

"What! No way now or never!" I say back and everyone laughs

"Sorry Scar" Lizzie whines and I pout.

"Okay next game before dinner! We have a little drive before we get there so! Everyone grab a paper and pen ad wrote down something embarrassing that happened to you!" Kate says and everyone grabs a paper and pen and starts writing.

We all fold it up and place it into a hat Kate is holding. "Okay so scar will read one out loud and we have to figure out who it is." Kate says and everyone nods.

I grab a slip and open it up. "I once out drank a man for a bet then threw up all over him after chugging the beer."

"Oh my god" I laugh

"That's fucked" Flo laughs.

"I'm gonna say Lizzie" I say

"What! I can handle my liquor thanks. Wasn't me anyway" Lizzie says

"Oops scar got it wrong. You have to take a shot!" Kate yells.

"What that wasn't part of the rules!" I say
"It was I just didn't say all of the rules." Kate teases and hands scsr and empty shot glass.

Flo grabs the tequila and pours it for me so I don't have to decide. I hold it up to my mouth smell ing the liquor before ultimately throwing my head back and downing it.

"Wooo light work" I say back to Kate.

"Any other guesses?" Kate says.

"I'll bite. It's Sonia." Chris says and Sonia turns bright red.

"Son!!! Why didn't you tell me that!" I say mad

"I did you blonde. It happened in high school at Jacks party!" She yells back

"Ohhhh yeah" I laugh at myself for not remembering that.

"Chris you got it correct now you can pick someone that has to take a shot!" Kate says

"Woah really!?" Chris says excited


"I choose Scarlett" he says pointing his finger at me.

"Jerk!" I yell! And get tossed a bottle of jack daniels.

"Should I really be mixing my liquorssss? I dunno??" I tease

"Don't be a bitch!" Lizzie squeals and I laugh. "It's weird hearing you curse at me Liz."

I take the shot of Jack and grimace at the taste. I did not like that one.

"Next one!" Lizzie yells and I grab one from the hat.

"One time I slapped a man for touching my ass but it turned out it was my purse bumping into me."

"Hahaha" we all laugh 

"That one's Lizzie" Kate says and I'm shocked because they don't know each other that well

"How's you know"

"It just seems like something she'd do while drunk and I took a gamble" Kate says

"You're right" Lizzie says and we laugh.

"Cool so I pick Scar to take the shot again" Kate says laughing at me. Flo pours me tequila again and I thank her. I take the shot and only feel a slight burn this time.

"Wooo still not a bitch!" I cheer and they cheer with me. I grab another slip out of the hat

"When I fell down a flight of stairs infront of my crush"

"Hmm this could be evans and could be Kate. Maybe even Flo!" Lizzie ponders.

"It's Evans!" I squeal remembering him telling me the story. "He fell infront of Alba on their second date!" I laugh

"She still brings it up" he laughs

"Yay I win. I chooose" I say pointing my finger around the room. "Lizzie"

"Only vodka please! I don't want to throw up" she pleads

"Fine" I say passing her the shot of vodka. She takes it and dry heaves again. Such a bitch drinker

"Three more left!" Kate says shuffling the basket.

"Okay this one says 'peed my pants on line for the bathroom and paid a girl 100 dollars to swap pants.' Holy shit!" I squeal

"Oh my god!!" Flo laughs and everyone else joins.

"I think itsss - wait no I retract that statement" Lizzie says.

"It's Flo!" I say and she shakes her head no. "Not me!" She laughs and I get a shooter thrown at me.

"You gotta take this one" Kate says and I look at it. "Wtf is this it's in Spanish" I say

"It's smooth you'll like it" Sonia laughs. I take it and it is smooth. But after I swallow it's like my chest begins to burn. "Oh fuck I'm on fire" I say and cough a little. Kate and Sonia start laughing and i freeze.

"What did you give me!" I yell.

"It's just a Spanish vodka that has a burning after affect" Sonia says like I'm not dying right now. She hands me some where and I down half the bottle before I feel relief.

"Kay don't give me that ever again, next one" I threaten as I reach for the next slip. It's only me and Flo left.

"I streaked down my road naked for 100$ but my grandma caught me sneaking back in butt naked."

I laugh knowing this is flos but I'm gonna play it off like i dont know. "It's either Scarlett or Flo" Kate says looking at us both.

"I wanna take a guess but don't want to do a shot." Chris says

"Cmon someone take one for the team and guess" Lizzie says.

"It's flo!" Evans says.

"Correct!" Flo laughs out!

"Oh god flo! Your grandma!" Lizzie laughs

"Yep my nanny. So many questions I had to answer that night." She laughs and everyone else follows.

"I obviously pick Scarlett to do the shot but you have to do it after we eat because we're here andddd I want you to get shit faced tonight." Chris says as I feel the bus stop.

"Wonderful" I say with a huge smile feeling a little tipsy. I stand up and fall back down laughing. "Whoops"

"Let me help" Chris says helping me stand and holds one of my arms. He helps me off the bus and guides me into a restaurant. We're seated in the back around a round table.
Water is immediately served and I get a menu placed infront of me. I look to my left and see Flo and look to my right and see Lizzie. Who's going to get me more alcohol? Flo!

"Psst Flo! Can you order me an alcoholic beverage" I say lowly.

She laughs before saying "sure Scar what would you like?"

"Martini- 2!" I say and she laughs.

"I can't just get two" she whispers

"One for you one for me" I say

"Ok ok I'll see what I can do" and she stand sip and walks out of the little room. The waiter comes around to ask for appetizers but Kate just orders 2 of everything on the list for the table to share.

"Scar make sure you eat something hearty here" Lizzie says to me.

"Ooh yeah of course" I say slightly slurred. The alcohol is hitting me now. I feel a plop next to me and turn to my left to see Flo is back with two martinis.

"They're pink!" I squeal and she laughs.

"Cheers sista" she says and clinks the glasses. She takes a sip while I down the whole glass

"Jeez Scar don't go bonkers yet!" Flo laughs while pushing her glass away from me.

"Oh come on it's a day to celebrate!" I whine

"Let's eat first then you can drink all you want okay?" Flo asks and I nod knowing she's right.

We order and the food comes out. I ordered a creamy Alfredo gnocchi and it's so delicious. I'm actually drinking water thanks to Lizzie and don't feel too drunk. But still tipsy so at least I broke that first layer. After dinner we order a couple dessert platters to share but when they bring them out someone places one right infront of me and the smell of his cologne is something I recognize.

I turn and face the person and gasp when I see who it is. I stand up and throw my arms around them to hug them tight and hear him say "congratulations baby sis"

"By three minutes!!!" I yells into his ear which makes him flinch and let go of me. we both laugh and Flo offers her seat but Hunter is a gentleman and says we'll talk on the bus.
After trying a bite of every dessert on the platter I'm stuffed and can't breathe.

"Thank god I wore stretchy pants" Flo says and I giggle at her accent.

"It's pants" I say and she laughs.

"No dear it's trousers" she laughs and I roll my eyes.

"Seriously guys. It's not a big deal" Lizzie laughs at us bickering.

"To the bus!" Chris shouts and has Hunter on his back. When did that happen!?

I'm hoisted from my chair by Flo and Kate and brought back on the bus. Hunter sits to my right and Flo to my left.

"Our last stop of the night is a club! Obviously! We have an open bar there but everyone can help themselves to what's in the bus. The drive is about 30 minutes away!" Kate. Says to the group who all cheer at her.

"Woooo! Kate this has been awesome!" Flo squeals

"Great job Kate!" Lizzie yells too

"So sis I got you a little something" Hunter says placing a box in my lap. I open it up and see a pair of red lace underwear. It looks weird though and there's a remote in the box too. I hold them up and look at him.

"They're vibrating underwear." He smirks and my eyes go wide.

"Hunter!!!" I squeal! "I can't use this knowing it came from you!" I laugh

"Why not!?" He laughs back

"I don't know. I- I just. Maybe" I say thinking about it a little. It could be fun.

"Oh good so my gift will be acceptable!" Flo claps and it makes me a little worried.

She hands me a bag and I laugh pulling out the contents. Handcuffs, lube, a pair of whips and a long box "I am not going to open on this bus." I look up at her with a shit eating grin on her face. She leans over and whispers "the lube is flavored" and winks.

"Oh dear lord" I laugh and show everyone the contents of the bag besides the box.

"I'll open this later" I say holding up the box.

"Nooo now! " Sonia yells.
"Yesss do it" Lizzie and Kate yell too.

I open the box and pull out a huge blue double sided dildo. It's gotta be like 8 inches on both sides.

"Damn Flo" I laugh holding it up.

"Wooo get it!" Some girls yell and Chris and Hunter hide their heads.

"Go big or go home" Flo laughs. I thank Flo for the gift and luckily Kate grabs it from me to put away.
Chris hands me an envelope and says "it's not a sex toy I promise" which makes me laugh.

I open it to see a paid voucher for a couples massage at a place in Malibu. Includes a free night stay.

"Wow Chris thank you! Just what we both need" I say smiling.

"Anything for you" he says

After some bad singing from everyone else and lots of shots we finally arrive at the club!

"Let's end this night the right way! Shitfaced!" Flo yells and everyone cheers in unison. I'm ready to let loose tonight.

I lean on Lizzie as we walk off the bus. "I miss my girls" I whine slightly drunk

"They are having a blast" she says showing me a picture on my phone. That's where that went. It was a picture of them eating pizza inside a fort and y/n even put a tv inside the fort. She's the best. I'm so glad I know they are enjoying their night so now I can enjoy mine.
Sorry I've been gone a couple days!

Only a few chapters until the wedding! But that's all I have written. Would you want me to continue on with their life? Maybe babies and some other things?

Hope you all have a great day!

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