C!Mcyt Oneshots (REQUESTS ARE...

By Iamalazypandaaa

7.9K 282 170

(REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!) Fandoms: Life Series (Traffic Light Smp) Hermitcraft Empires 1&2 New Life Smp Afterlife... More

Adorable -Scarian (3rd Life)
Aurora - Flower Husbands (Empires 1)
Reunion - Rancher Duo (Empires 2)
Billboard -Mean Gills (New Life)
E.T. - Flower Husbands (Empires 1)
You say I shouldn't love you (But I do) - Scarian (Double Life × Hermitcraft)
Bigger Person - Scarian (High-School Au)
I love you, I promise. - Ethubs (Hermitcraft)
The Best Underwater Kiss Of All Time - Flower Husbands (Empires 1)
Irresponsible - Solidarian (Limited Life)
You Have My Heart - Scarian (Secret Life)
I love you (I'm just scared) - Solidarian (Multiple Smp's)
Winner Takes It All - Scarian (Secret Life - Session 9)
Eyes don't lie, say you're mine. - Mean Gills (Secret Life)
I still love you - Flower Husbands (Secret Life)
The Florist Sends His Regards - Flower Husbands (Secret Life)
A Christmas To Remember - Ethubs (Hermitcraft)
Once You Play God, They're Gonna Crumble (One By One) - Scarian (Vigilante Au)
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you. - Scarian (Hermitcraft)
Misunderstanding - Treebark (Secret Life/Hermitcraft Season 9)

Lonely - Pearlescentmoon (Double Life)

328 9 4
By Iamalazypandaaa

Requested by user56174930

They were on a break during session 3. Pearl sat atop her base, she watched as people ran around with their soulmates. Happy, smiling, laughing, and all those dumb emotions. The worst part about being alone with the soulmate mechanic, Pearl thinks, is that its not just pain they share. Its emotions too. She can feel Scott's emotions, she can feel everytime his heart jumps talking to Jimmy, or when he's happily running along and talking to Cleo, she can feel when he gets super excited talking about his build plans.

Pearl hates this. Pearl hates all of it. Pearl wants to rip her heart out of her chest sometimes or take a leap off of the edge of her treehouse just for it to end. The only thing she wants in life is for this game to be over, Martyn left her, Scott didn't want to be soulmates with her, the rest of her friends call her crazy, (which she kinda is, but we're not getting into that thank you!) Worst of all, not even Grian nor Jimmy will talk to her. Her own brothers.

She knows this is a life game, she knows it's not that deep and she knows that in the previous game they only really talked once or twice but they make a conscious effort not to talk to her. She hates it. She hates this game. She hates the Watchers. She hates that everyone else gets to be happy while she sits here alone. Essentially exiled. Pearl sighed and pulled her knees to her chest, she could feel how happy Scott was right now and she hoped he couldn't feel how broken and empty she was right now.

Scar ran by down below, Grian was close behind smiling and giggling. Scar grabbed his hand and yanked her brother into him, the two collapsed to the ground laughing more. Grian cuddled up on top of Scar, the two were happy. Everyone was happy. So why couldn't Pearl be? Why'd she have to feel so horrible? Why was it only her that was suffering? This was completely unfair. Pearl suddenly heard some creaking inside her house, she swung down off the roof and went inside being greeted by Scott.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, crossing her arms.

Deep down she was glad he was here to see her but she knew it was for nefarious reasons.

"I wanted to check in on you," Scott said, he slowly approached Pearl.

"Why would you do that?" She spat, scowling at him.

He left her behind. He ran away from her. He abandoned her. Why should he care about her.

"You..you do know I can tell what you're feeling right?" He asked softly, seemingly un-wavered by Pearl's hostility.

"Yeah? So? I can tell what you're feeling too," She pushed an accusing finger into his chest then crossed her arms, "I know how happy you are without me," She said.

Scott's gaze softened, Pearl felt his mood switch from concerned (what?) to guilty.

"You're my friend Pearl, I would never just abandon you like tha-" Pearl cut him off.

"Oh, but you did!" She said, "You did abandon me! Everyone did, Scott! Literally everyone in this god damn server abandoned me!" Pearl wiped a tear off her face. (When did she start crying?) "Because I'm just the crazy girl who lives in a tree house all alone! Well fine! I'll be the crazy girl that lives in a tree house alone! Fuck you! I'll be what everyone wants me to be! I don't need any of you anyway!" Pearl had raised her voice a considerable amount, yet, Scott didn't seem phased.

"We didn't mean to make you feel that way Pearl, we just-" Pearl cut him off a second time.

"'You didn't mean to make me feel that way' my fucking ass! You all go off on your pride and prejudice bullshit and I'll sit here all alone because that's what I'm good at! You're all embarrassed of me anyway! Why should I give a fuck about any of you anymore!?" Scott didn't respond but Pearl felt his mood shift again, from guilty, to pained, sad, hurt. "Don't try that fake sad shit with me Scott!" Scott's face stayed the same expression, emotions not evident in his face but she knew, she went too far.

"You know what Pearl?" Despite the anger and just pure hurt that Pearl could feel from him, his face remained dull and emotionless, "I came up here to apologize, maybe help make you feel better because I could tell that you weren't feeling ok. But what I didn't come up here for, was to be yelled at and accused of something I am trying to explain to you. It's a game Pearl, a game where we all have to kill each other, it's a sick joke created by the Watchers. None of us meant to make you feel crazy but honestly, I am not going to sit here and get treated like shit by you," Scott moved over towards the ladder, "I'll see you when this is all over," And with that he was gone.

Pearl dropped to the floor in an instant and sobbed, if she hadn't lost him before she defiantly lost him now. Pearl could feel Scott's anger, his pain, and now his guilt as she cried and screamed on the floor of her tree house. Days went by as the sessions went on and it was only in the end, when Scott had killed himself, that Pearl realized just how much she regretted hurting him that early on.

When Pearl respawned on Hermitcraft she realized she'd wouldn't get to apologize to him until the next life game. Pearl curled up on her bed, pulling her knees to her chest and resting her head on the top of them. She didn't register that someone had entered her bedroom until she felt arms wrapped around her. She looked up, eyes red rimmed, tears spilling down her face. Someone was hugging her, rubbing her back, whispering reassurances to her.

When they pulled away Pearl realized it was Grian, her twin brother, he took her hands and smiled at her softly.

"Pearl, what happened?" Grian asked, the ghosts had a choice to spectate the games or just go home. Grian must have chosen to go home.

"Scott killed himself so I would win," I said.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry Pearl. Are you ok?" He asked.

"Are you?" Pearl asked, "You and Scar we're pretty tense,"

"This isn't about me," Pearl raised a brow, Grian sighed, "We're ok, I'm- I'm ok. I exsplained everything to him and he understood. We're gonna be fine. Now answer my question Pearl,"

"I'm ok....." Pearl paused, "You left me," She said.

"What?" Grian's face contorted into confusion.

"You. Left. Me. When I was alone, nobody wanted to talk to me? I was just the crazy girl in the tree house? You left me, you called me crazy," Pearl shifted her gaze to the bed so she didn't see the sadness that filled Grian's eyes.

"But...you were acting crazy..." He said, Pearl gasped softly as tears filled her eyes.

"Get out Grian," She said, still looking at the bed.

"But Pearl-" Pearl cut him off and looked up into his eyes, anger was burning bright.

"GET OUT GRIAN! NOW!" Grian quickly got up and ran out of the room.

Once Grian was gone Pearl burst into tears. Maybe she was crazy? Is that all she was? She didn't know, what she did know was she was alone again. Why did she do that? She shouldn't have yelled at him. Now she's alone again. Pearl felt like she would be alone forever.

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