Redemption || Oberyn Martell

By Krazy_Kupid

194K 10.5K 517

The Red Viper and the Tempest. An unlikely match from the beginning. A moment of attraction, fleeting and m... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV

Chapter XXV

3.4K 213 16
By Krazy_Kupid

[XXV.] Until the End 

284 A.C.

When Cassandra imagined her wedding day as a child, she had pictured the cliffside of Storm's End. 

She had always known she was expected to marry for her family. Rather than imagining the person she was supposed to marry, she had busied herself with the details that it came with. 

Like every young girl, she had planned the most meticulous details. She had spent many days in the gardens, giggling with Ashara as they spoke of lavish weddings filled with dancing and all the sweets that they can conjure up. 

Though it was rare for them to witness weddings, they often used the balls and parties they attended to decide which details they would like to include. 

Cassandra could remember how Ashara would plan the most bizarre of events with many animals invited instead of guests and sweets instead of wine. 

As for Cassandra, she had wanted to marry in the late afternoon, with the sun beginning its descent as colors painted the sky in various shades. It always looked majestic when she would peer out of the window of her chambers. 

She had wanted to marry with a flowing white dress decorated with pearls threaded through the very material. She had wanted her hair to be in a decorated updo with jewelry decorating her arms and neck. 

That all changed when she became betrothed and what was once at the cliffside of Storm's End became the Weirdwood tree at Winterfell with snowflakes falling around her. 

A flowing white dress was replaced by a thick fur cloak and the faceless groom took on the somber face of Ned Stark whose smiles were as rare as his temper. 

For a while, she had been content with that image. It may not have been what she pictured but it was still a great deal better than what others expected, especially when most marriages between nobles are loveless and cold. 

Yet with the events of the past year, that image was extinguished into nothing and so were all ideas of wedding ceremonies and celebrations. In fact, the idea of getting married seemed almost bizarre.

Cassandra was forced back into the present when she felt hands settle a cloak on her shoulder, a cloak decorated with black and gold stags. Their antlers looped in elaborate shapes, the fine threading making it look extravagant. 

She smiled gratefully at the ladies who were helping her get ready. They had been with her every step of the way. 

From having a gown made to picking out the jewelry she was to wear up to choosing a hairdo that would still look beautiful with a clear veil. 

They were nosy at times but she welcomed their conversations as she often found it difficult to start talks of her own. 

After Lord Arryn had settled talks of the betrothal and the alliance, successfully ending the uprising, he wasted no time in returning to King's Landing. 

She wished she could say that she was surprised but in truth, far from it. He was loyal to her brother and loved him like a father would a son. 

Still, she hoped he could have granted her some needed advice as to what to do next. She was almost alone in an unknown land with no clue as to what to do next. If Owain was not with her, perhaps she would have hidden all day. 

As for her betrothed, he was not even worth thinking about. Ever since the night of the dinner party, Oberyn had avoided her like a plague. 

She had not known what had happened after they had spoken that night but it was as though he could not stand to be in her presence. 

Whenever they would be in the same room, he would make some sort of excuse to leave. Even when they would cross paths in the water gardens or the halls, he would falter before returning to wherever it is he came from. 

Whatever friendship she had hoped they would have faded into nothing. Over the course of preparations for the wedding, he had been decidedly absent for it all. 

Cassandra had subtly asked Arianne about it who had shrugged, not at all surprised that her uncle was off gallivanting around Sunspear all the time.

She had not known what it was he did during these escapades and she hoped that she would not have to for fear of the consequences of knowing.

Instead of dwelling on such things, she had busied herself with planning and preparing for the ceremony. It may not have been like anything she had been expecting but she was content. 

Her wedding gown was the color of porcelain decorated in Rhoynish fashion, with a low neckline and slit sleeves to show off her pale skin.  Thin gold rings decorated her fingers while bracelets adorned both her wrists. 

A necklace depicting a doe hung from her neck, a small reminder of home and her family. Stannis and Renly may not be here but they were never far from her thoughts. She hoped she could see them again one day.  

Finally, her short dark strands were curled gently and held back from her hair with small pins. Veils were not typically worn but she had insisted on one. 

The translucent veil still showed off the form of her hair but kept most obscured, the Myrish lace-sewn sunbursts would surely garner the most attention anyway. 

Cassandra had made sure that her wedding would have elements from both her family as a Baratheon and the family she would be a part of, the Martells. 

She hoped that by doing so, the gods may bless the wedding or at least, ensure that the alliance would last for a very long time.

"You look so radiant, milady!" Owain exclaimed as he burst into the room, giddily laughing as he held a biscuit in his hand. 

"Thank you, Owain. Might I say that you look very handsome as well." Cassandra praised, looking down at the small boy wearing a gold tunic. 

She had made sure to ask the seamstress to make a wedding attire for him too. After all, he was her ward in a sense and she only wanted the best for him. 

Owain munched on his biscuit, getting some crumbs on his tunic. "I cannot believe it is your wedding. It is too soon." 

She barely held in her laughter at his innocence. He had yet to understand that the only reason she had been sent there was to be wed. "I agree. Too soon." 

While Owain busied himself with his sweet treat, Cassandra let her hands run over the soft fabric of her dress as she remembered a few memories from the last wedding she attended. 

"How can I not cry when you say things like that? Gods, I cannot wait until your wedding and I can be the one making you cry."

Elia had not known it then but she had been right in saying so. For as Cassandra remembered, she felt a few tears fall from her eyes. 

Her hand instantly wiped them from her cheeks before anyone could notice. The last thing she needed was to show off a picture of an unhappy bride. 

If Elia were here, she would be chastising her for crying on her wedding day before laughing about how Cassandra would be marrying her most beloved brother. 

Cassandra would do anything for the people she loved and if that meant taking her place beside Oberyn, then she would do it. 

Not just for her brother or the realm and not even just for herself. But also for the friend who had taught her that a life with love could be worth it. It had to be.

For Elia.  


It had been quite some time since Dorne held a wedding.

There was plenty of fuss being made about the second prince's nuptials. Truth be told, no one had expected the young prince to ever marry so the fact that he was getting married came as a surprise to many. 

The last wedding that had been held in Sunspear was that of Doran and his lady wife Mellario. A marriage that had been a result of a love match.

Although it did not look to be that way at present wherein the two could hardly be seen in the same room together unless truly necessary. 

While many knew of the circumstances of the betrothal between Oberyn and Cassandra, many still chose to believe that the two were fond of each other. Especially after hearing about a dinner wherein they shared a passionate kiss. 

News traveled fast in Sunspear, it seems. 

Oberyn kept his eyes forward as a high Septon continued to read the holy words in the book of the Seven-Pointed Star. He spoke of love, devotion, and everlasting bonds repeated many times over. 

He spoke the words said by hundreds before him to bring together families for things other than love. For money, for power, or in their case, for peace. 

The Dornish prince chanced a look at his brother who stood a few feet behind him. He remembered the words they had exchanged at their uncle Lewyn's funeral after the Hand returned his bones. 

Doran had reminded him that though this alliance would be pushing through, they would still have plans of their own. Plans that involved Prince Viserys Targaryen and the future of the realm. 

Oberyn refused to shudder as his brother's words rang through his mind. He could feel guilt rushing through his veins but Doran had been persistent in reminding him that his future wife could never know. 

Cassandra had told him that she had loved her brothers and Oberyn would be a fool to think that he could ever take precedence over them as her husband. 

His guilt was one of the reasons why he had so adamantly avoided her in the weeks leading up to their wedding. The last thing he needed was to complicate things any more than they should. 

He had been hurt when Cassandra said that they could only be friends but now he saw that it was only for the best. She was right. 

Feelings would only get in the way of what he and his brother were planning. If possible, he would cultivate a friendship with Cassandra but never would he be able to confide in her. 

He would rather hide his guilt from her rather than place his trust in her, only for her to betray him to her brothers. There was too much at stake and he owed it to Elia. 

For Elia, he would treat her right. For Elia, he would be her friend. For Elia, he would be a good husband. But he would not allow himself to fall for her. He could not. He would not. 

She would always choose her brothers and he would always choose his vengeance. That was how things were and that's how their marriage would be. He would make sure of it. 

At the precise moment that his resolve was strengthened, the sound of the grand double doors opening filled the air, followed by delighted gasps and awed whispers.

Curious as to what had garnered such a reaction, Oberyn turned from the altar only to have his mind go blank at the sight of her. The words he always relied on abandoned him upon seeing her.

In the past, she had consistently dressed in golds and blacks, her dresses fashioned in the style of her house. She had always looked like a Baratheon, leaving no question for any of it. 

However, as Cassandra walked to him alone, she was a vision in white. A Baratheon yes, but also a Martell. As much as his brain protested, his heart could only shout a single sentiment. 

She looked like she was his. His to protect. His to adore. His bride. His wife. 

A feeling of protectiveness flared within his chest as she neared him with every step she took. Her body was framed by the beautiful arches of flowers surrounding the aisle.

His gaze did not leave her once, not wanting to miss a second of her as she got closer, too enchanted by her to even fathom thinking about anything else. 

When she finally reached his side, Oberyn smiled as he extended a hand toward her. Returning his smile, she placed her small hand in his and took her place beside him to begin the ceremony. 

They stood side by side as the High Septon blessed them and their union. "You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." 

In response, Oberyn deftly removed the cloak adorned by stags and accepted the cloak covered with golden sunbursts. His hands gently brushed against her arms as he placed the cloak around her shoulders, ensuring that her veil would remain in place. 

Her eyes glimmered with gratitude as she held onto his hand once more. He may not know what the veil stood for but he knew that she needed it and as such, he would stand by her decision. 

"We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife. One flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever." The High Septon spoke, gesturing for their joined hands.

Oberyn raised their intertwined hands, his gaze communicating words as he looked at her. Cassandra could not help but meet his gaze, wishing to hear such words aloud. 

"Let it be known that Cassandra of the House Baratheon and Oberyn of the House Martell are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder." The High Septon proceeded to wrap a white ribbon around their hands. 

"In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls binding them as one for eternity. Look upon each other and say the words."

As the ribbon unraveled, Oberyn only turned his hand to intertwine his fingers with hers. He reached for her other hand as well as they turned to face one another. 

Sapphires met shadows as their eyes met, a thousand words unspoken, hundreds of emotions flashing by like storms and sunlight meeting for the first time after an eternity of chasing the other away.

Despite knowing the words, having recited them in his mind over and over again, he could not help but be nervous about making a mistake. 

Almost as if she could sense his nerves, she sent him a small smile before nodding as they began instantaneously, the connection between them almost prompt. "Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger." 

"I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end." Oberyn finished as Cassandra responded in turn, a confused look on her face at him omitting the final words of the vow. 

He let go of one of her hands to cup her cheek, his thumb gently brushing against her pale skin as she waited for her confirmation. 

When she tilted her head, Oberyn spoke lowly. "With this kiss, I pledge my love." 

He leaned forward to capture her lips softly, basking in the feel of her and savoring the feeling of being able to call her his wife. 

When he pulled away, he pressed his forehead against hers, hearing her soft twinkling laughter like starlight. 

For a moment, it was just them. Not two parts of an alliance but simply a man and a woman being wed. 

Not even the roaring sound of applause could take away from the fact that in that moment, they were merely Oberyn and Cassandra joined together as husband and wife. 

Until the end. 


Hello everyone! AAAAAAHHHH they tied the knot and I'm so excited for the shenanigans they'll be going through as a married couple:>

Ofc, there'll be plenty of fluff otw but there's gonna be some underlying angst too so brace yourselves! This took way tooooo long but am gonna try to stay consistent:)) Stay tuned and sending you all my love <3!

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