Percabeth Dirty One Shots and...

By Lex4205

436K 2.4K 1.6K

Percabeth dirty one shots and Drabble replacement I own nothing. All the original authors will be credited ... More

The Roommate Agreement 1
The Roommate Agreement 2
The Roommate Agreement 3
The Roommate Agreement 4
The Roommate Agreement 5
The Roommate Agreement 6
The Roommate Agreement 7
The Roommate Agreement 8
Roommate Agreement 9
The Roommate Agreement 10
In The Bedroom
Percy's Goddess
Long Way Home
July Rain
For Her Sake
The Things We'll Remember About Quarantine
i don't want you like a best friend
Pizza Delivery
Made your mark on me
Percy x Annabeth
He Calls Her "Sugar" because she's the sweetest thing
It's Not Serious (i swear) 1
Ins(is) 2
Ins(is) 3
Ins(is) 4
Ins(is) 5
Ins (is) 6
ins (is) 7
ins (is) 8
Ins(is) 9
Ins(is) 10
Ins(is) 11
ins (is) 12
ins (is) 13
Ins(is) 14
Ins(is) 15
ins(is) 16
Back To Black
Okay, it's serious (The First Date)
OIS: first times
OIS: Jealousy, Jealousy
OIS 4: Dinners and Diatrides
Naturally Beautiful, Like You, Annabeth
When you get me alone, it's so simple
Made your mark on me
Better Than Ambrosia
A Crazy Christmas
Yours To Keep 1
Yours To Keep 2
Twin Sized Mattress
Being Productive
Blissful Morning
Ribbons and Lace
Broken Ego, Broken Heart 💔
Kickstart My Heart 1
Kickstart My Heart 2
Kickstart My Heart 3
Kickstart My Heart 4
Illicit Affairs
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 1
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 2
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 3
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 4
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 5
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 6
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 7
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 8
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 9
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 10
All of You, All of Me (Intertwined) 11
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 12
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 13
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 14
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 15
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 16
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 17
All of You, All of Me (Intertwined) 18
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 19
All of You, All of Me (Intertwined) 20
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 21
Heatwave 1
Heatwave 2
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 22
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 23
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 24
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 25
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 26
All Of You, All Of Me (intertwined) 27
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 28
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 29
All of You, All of Me, (intertwined) 30 (last chapter)
So Bad But He Does It So Well 1
So Bad But He Does It So Well
So Bad But He Does It So Well 3
Untitled Part 112
So Bad But He Does It So Well 4
So Bad But He Does It So Well 5
So Bad But He Does It So Well 6
His bare neck
my hot blood's been burning for so many summers now
Wink (and im yours)
Pretty much the most impulsive first kiss of all time
Skeleton in the Closet (Ice Ring)
I Can Breathe Underwater
Ice Ring 2 (guilty as charged)
Willful Ignorance (ice ring 3)
Friend or Foe (Ice Ring 4)
Ice Ring 5
ice ring 6
Ice Ring 7
Ice Ring 8
Ice Ring 9
Untitled Part 131
Percabeth's very horny Lockdown Christmas 1
Welcome To The Jacksons; 'Merry Christmas'
Ice Ring 10
Ice Ring 11
Ice Ring 12
Ice Ring 13
Ice Ring 14
Ice Ring 15
Ice Ring 16
Ice Ring 17
Ice Ring 18
faster than a hairpin trigger
FTAHT 2 (Faster Than A Hairpin Trigger)
What is going on?
Good Boy
when it's good, it's really something (can we get back to us now?)

Your Voice, That Touch, This Night, Got Me Higher Than The Skyline

3.1K 4 31
By Lex4205

A/N: (😏😉) First things first, we DO NOT KINK SHAME HERE!!!! HOWEVER. I DID have a little chuckle when I found this. If it's your 'thing,' more power to you, if it's not, there's more stories in this book, you are more than welcome to. That being said, enjoy.

By @Hazardousstorm on ao3

Annabeth bites the inside of her cheek as she looks at the variety of options CVS has for chips. She could get Doritos (the true classic for movie night), Cheetos (her personal favorite), Tostitos (Percy's favorite), or something completely new (like Sun Chips). It's a struggle every time they do movie night at her place, since she doesn't have an infinite stock of Sally Jackson's amazing cookies, but she would hate to ask Percy to bring food when she's hosting.

EDM lightly blares through her bluetooth earbuds as she thinks, the store is only slightly busy despite being a Saturday morning thanks to the fact its main demographic is college students that think 10 am is early. Not that she's much better usually, but today she forced herself up to clean and do a snack run before Percy came over around noon.

As she stares at the chip selection of this corner convenience store just off campus, her phone suddenly starts to play A Decade In Blue by Eiffel 65. Without even looking, she answers the call with a tap on her earbud. "I'm surprised you're up, Perce." She chuckles. "I'm at CVS right now grabbing snacks, what's up."

On the other end of the line, she can hear Percy breath a little heavily, which immediately brings a frown to her face. After a second, his voice comes through, and does nothing to ease her worry. "Hey... Um... I- Shit, sorry I don't know how to ask this..."

Annabeth puts down the Doritos she was about to buy, and already starts to head towards the exit, ignoring everything else she had planned to buy. "Are you okay? What's up Percy? I'm on my way."

"Wha- Annabeth I'm fine." Percy sighs, and Annabeth can practically hear his eyes roll. But the sigh is more strained than it should be, so Annabeth's need to protect her boyfriend doesn't die down. Of course, it doesn't help that he's an adorable little omega that her alpha heart has longed for since freshman year of high school, and that she's only grown closer to since they started dating a year ago. Regardless of what he says, even over the phone she knows he's not his usual self. He groans, though this time it is closer to his usual exasperation. "I promise. Don't go storming over here just for me."

As if she hit a wall, Annabeth stops mid stride, already half a block towards his apartment. She really has got to calm down when it comes to her protectiveness over him. "Right..." She takes a breath and forces herself to calm down. He hasn't even said he's in trouble, or that he wants her help. "So. What'd you wanna ask me?"

There's a long pause, long enough for Annabeth to wonder if he walked away from his phone, before he finally sighs again. "Can we do today at my place? It'll probably be easier that way..."

The thought immediately deepens the frown on Annabeth's face. Such a last minute change of plans never sits right with her, and he knows that. "What's up Percy? Why do you wanna host today, you hosted last week." She moves to lean against a wall to let the variety of people that are up and walking around this early pass by.

"Nothing's up." He laughs, clearly nervously from what Annabeth can tell. She knows that laugh. It's the laugh he's had his entire life, the one Annabeth has heard countless times enough to know he's lying through his teeth. Not only that, but he doesn't want to be lying but doesn't know how to speak his mind.

Time to go about things a different way. Annabeth keeps her voice calm and steady, hopefully helping calm him down a little. "Okay... Well, how 'bout I come over now and we just start watching a bit early?" And maybe he'll be able to talk a bit easier in person.

Even though she can't see him, she can practically see him nodding in relief. "Yeah. That sounds good. Door's unlocked."

Not 20 minutes later, Annabeth punches in the code to enter his Apartment complex; having been given it by Percy the day he moved in, cause the two of them are practically always at one of their places. With familiar practiced steps, she climbs the two flights of stairs to get to his one bed apartment and opens the door.

Immediately she's hit with a smell she doesn't think she has ever smelled. Which is odd given how long she has known Percy. She knows how he smells, how his home smells. And this is similar. It has the undertones of Percy -the fresh saltiness that almost resembles the ocean- but over that is a scent she can't place. It's sweeter, almost like fresh fruit maybe, though she can't see any signs Percy chopped any fruit in his tiny kitchen that's right next to the door.

That actually makes her realize something that's missing from this scene. There's the pristine kitchen that Sally taught Percy to keep, complete with the overflowing sink cause he keeps forgetting to do dishes. There's the mess of a living room ; strewn papers, his laptop, a pile of laundry (probably clean knowing him), and a couple blankets. All blue accented or themed of course.

But there's no Percy.

Normally he'd be in the living room, already browsing for a movie, or in the kitchen prepping some snacks. On an especially rough day, he'd already be snacking on something on the couch, bundled up in his Finding Nemo blanket (his safety blanket). But never has she come over to him not even out in the 'common space'.

"Hey Perce? Everything okay?" Annabeth calls out, dropping her purse on his tiny kitchen counter as she hesitantly steps through the living space towards the bedroom door.

She hears no response, but the smell gets stronger as she gets closer to the bedroom. The weird smell is definitely coming from there. After a few seconds of nothing, she calls out again, louder. "Percy? Talk to me, what's going on." The combination of him acting weird earlier and this entire scenario is really putting her on edge now.

Suddenly, she manages to catch a faint muffled noise that almost sounds like a small animal whining, but deeper than any small animal she knows. That does it, regardless of the breach of privacy, Annabeth has to figure out what's happening and potentially help whatever poor creature is suffering in Percy's bedroom.

It's only as she pushes the door open and is met with the scent in full force that she realizes her mistake. There is no animal. The noises are coming from Percy, as is the sweet smell that Annabeth had smelt. Of course it's stronger in here, Percy's practically naked and grinding against his comforter in desperate jerky motions.

"Percy?" Annabeth manages to say, despite feeling like she's frozen in confusion and concern. She has never once seen Percy like this, not when they've had sex at least.

For some reason, that gets his attention -or maybe it's her presence in the room with him. Regardless, he looks up to her and freezes, staring up at her with wide eyes and blown out pupils. "Anna-" He swallows and seems to take a second to come to reality. "Annabeth... Wh- Why are you here?"

Annabeth furrows her brow, but doesn't move from her spot in the doorway. Something's up, that much she is sure of now, but she's completely lost as to what. "You asked me to come, remember? We're gonna do movie night here."

"Right..." He nods, but his eyes look past her, as if he isn't really here. He blinks and looks down at his bare torso, his shorts and boxers around his ankles, and his generally sweaty and disheveled state. As if without thinking, his hips jerk forward to grind against the comforter before he startledly looks at Annabeth. "Sorry, god this is so not how I wanted to do this..."

"Do what?" There's a few thoughts on what might be happening in Annabeth's mind, from him having taken ecstasy to him being in heat. But she doesn't linger on any of those thoughts. So she focuses on trying to help her clearly distressed boyfriend. "Are you okay? Should I get something or... maybe I should go? We can raincheck if you-"

"No!" Percy cries, seemingly very upset by something she said.

He rolls off the bed and stands, effortlessly kicking his shorts and boxers fully off and standing naked in front of her. It's not a sight she hasn't seen before, they've had sex more than a few times; but for some reason right now it's taking everything in Annabeth to not jump him. She's definitely making a mess of her panties with how horny she feels looking at his naked muscles, tense and taut and ready for her to feel.

Unfortunately, Percy decides to stop just out of arm's reach. "I... I don't know how to ask this."

Annabeth licks her lips, her throat suddenly feels very dry and she is fighting to focus on Percy's words, his concern and worry. Her horniness should be worrying, she has never felt this horny or this needy for anyone, but honestly she doesn't care as long as she can keep Percy safe and happy and -preferably- fuck him. "It- It's alr- okay. Just say wha- ask what you wanna."

"Okay." He nods again, clearly psyching himself up.

If Annabeth had a bit more wherewithal in this moment, she would do more to comfort him, but as is she does her best to not look like she's desperately imagining all the ways to fuck him right now.

Percy takes another breath and clenches his fist. "I just wanna say, I had planned to ask this way before it came, and give you time to answer, and prepare or whatever. I really was. But it came early and I only realized what was happening this morning and it seems faster than usual I think and-"

"Whoa. Perce. You're playing the pronoun game." Annabeth chuckles breathily. "What's it? What came early?"

"My heat."

The pieces magically fall into place, so obvious in hindsight that Annabeth is tempted to bang her head against the door for the crime of being so stupid. The smell she has been enjoying since entering Percy's apartment is Percy . Or more precisely, his slick. His pheromones. His heat manifested. And the reason she's so horny is because her instinctual need as an alpha is to take care of an omega's needs during heat, and it's so clear right now Percy is desperate to get off.

Before the thoughts of pleasing and being pleased by Percy can overcome her, Annabeth asks. "Why'd you tell me to come over if you're in your heat. You can cancel till you're done, and I can make sure-"

"No!" Percy interrupts again, just as desperately as before. "No. I..." He trails off, face getting more flushed by the second. He mumbles something Annabeth can't catch, and seems to realize he wasn't audible, and clears his throat. "I wanted you to be here this time... If you want to! I know this is kinda super sudden and all that..."

It's obvious Percy wants her to stay, even though he's trying to downplay it for her comfort. Which is sweet that he would set aside his need for her, it really is. It's adorable. But Annabeth loves him far too much to break his heart, even if it were just for this moment. And besides, she has been wanting to jump him since she opened the door.

Annabeth smiles and steps forward, "Of course I'll stay Perce." She brings a hand to cup his cheek, and only feels the heat between her legs grow as he nuzzles against her hand. "But I don't have any supplies or anything. Don't we need a lot of stuff if you're going into heat?"

Percy shakes his head, while simultaneously entering her space more fully and letting her hold him. "I have pretty much everything, I'm always stocked just in case." He murmurs into her collarbone, and if that action alone doesn't do it for Annabeth the fact she can feel his dick press into her stomach as she hugs him does.

"Okay." Annabeth doesn't waste another second. She releases Percy and lightly pushes him back until he's pushed onto his bed. With lightning fast speed, she pulls her top off and shrugs off her jeans, and then quickly relieves herself of her underwear. A second later, she's straddling him and hungrily leaning over him. "Tell me what you need."

She watches his Adam's apple bob deliciously, the sweat giving his neck a lovely shine she wants to kiss and lick and bite- well, that's for later. He stares up at her, with reverence as if she were a goddess. "Filled. Knotted. Pleased. Teased. Your pet. Whatever. Your mercy." His words come out haltingly, short and cut as if his mind is barely able to process complex sentences.

Annabeth's smile turns wicked. "Oh sweet pup. Don't worry, momma will take care of you." She lowers her head and peppers kisses along his neck and down to his collarbone. His head immediately flies back as his moans fill the air, sweet honey to her ears. Before she gets too far though, a thought comes to her head and she pulls back, waiting till Percy seems somewhat cognizant -if not also frustrated by the pause- before asking. "I know heat tends to make omega's a bit... unrestrained, but you know the safe word if I'm ever pushing things too far?"

"Blue." Percy smiles, pride clear in his expression -probably at the fact he could answer her correctly. He really is falling into this subspace quickly.

Not that Annabeth will complain. "Good boy." She returns to her exploration, slowly lapping and kissing his collarbone and neck. Her kisses quickly turn to bites, her lips sucking against his taut skin as she savors his salty sheen. All the while, he writhes and groans and moans beneath her, trying to grind against whatever part of her he's able. And, while she wants to tease him, she also really really wants to jump straight to the fun parts.

As a happy middle ground, she uses one hand to clutch his shoulder and hold him in place, while the other snakes down to grasp his dick. Percy's eyes fly open as he gasps, apparently not having seen that coming, his back arched as far as he can while Annabeth's holding him. She savors the position for a moment before pushing him fully back against the bed and sitting on her knees between his legs.

With what she knows will be a frustratingly loose grip, she lazily starts stroking his shaft, careful to not tweak his likely oversensitive head just yet. It's a little dry, and the temptation to use her mouth for some semblance of lube is tempting. But before she can, the smell in the air reminds her of one important fact. Percy's in heat, and his body is practically making its own lube already.

So with the hand not wrapped around his cock, Annabeth rests her hand on his thigh and playfully lets her nails drag down. Percy has never been too interested in scratching before, but based on the high-pitched moan he lets out, right now he's very into it. Annabeth briefly grazes his balls, just enough to make sure he knows she could, before sliding past them to her real goal.

And what a goal it is. Even before she reaches his asshole, she can feel his delightfully warm and smooth slick. Without hesitation, she curls her fingers enough to gather some, and pulls her hand back out from under Percy. By this point, he's a writhing mess that is still saying some words here and there; mostly "please" and "more" and "god harder please" but she knows what he really wants.

The temptation is high though as she looks at the slick she gathered. It doesn't look like much, but it smells so sweet and salty that Annabeth's mouth waters. Before she even thinks about it, she has lapped the slick off her hand and is actually moaning at how good it tastes. To call this nectar of the gods would be an understatement. It would be an insult to how perfect Percy is and how amazing his slick tastes.

There's a choice Annabeth realizes she needs to make, between continuing to take things slow and tease Percy until he's even further past the breaking point than he already is, or to flip him over and taste this glorious slick from the source.

Why she thought of it as a choice, she doesn't know.

She releases Percy's dick -much to his vocal chagrin- and flips him onto his stomach. Immediately, he starts grinding against his bed. Annabeth runs her nails down his back, causing him to arch into her hands with yet another high-pitched moan. It's music to her ears, but still, she has a job to focus on. She leans down to press her breasts against his back. "It's okay my sweet pup. Momma's taking care of you." She coo's into his ear, "But you want to be good for me, right?"

Percy nods excitedly, nearly headbutting Annabeth if she didn't move in time, "Yes mommy."

"Good boy." She lets him preen in the praise for a moment before she continues, a soft but hungry smile on her lips. "Now, while I get a taste of your slick, you'll need to not cum, do you understand? Mommy wants to taste your cum too, after."

Percy moans into the bed, but still manages to nod. The rough jerk of his hips against his sheets also slows in his acknowledgement, which is plenty enough for Annabeth. So without further delay, she quickly kisses down his spine, relishing again in the salty sheen of sweat that he's already covered in. Not that she doesn't also grope and run her hands along his muscular back either, because she definitely couldn't resist the urge to worship his gorgeous body even if she wanted to.

Before long though, Annabeth reaches her goal, the supple ass that Percy always insists isn't all that great. She will disagree with him till the end of time, and she would argue that right now his ass might just be the greatest ass she has ever imagined. Even greater than that maybe, she thinks, as she spreads his cheeks and runs her tongue over his asshole.

If tasting his slick on her fingers was like nectar of the gods, lapping it up from the source is pure ecstasy and perfection. The taste is even stronger somehow, even sweeter and more heavenly on her tongue. His asshole puckers as her tongue dances over it, squeezing out more for her eagerly awaiting mouth. And best of all is Percy's pleasurable groans as he pushes his ass back in pursuit of her tongue, low and hearty compared to the high-pitched moans he let out earlier.

For what feels like an eternity, Annbeth savors this position; with her face between his ass lapping up his -should be illegal how good this tastes- slick. Her tongue switches between teasing the poor omega by licking just around the edge of his asshole, and giving him what he wants by darting in and out of his asshole with unrelenting need.

Annabeth's own dick, already as hard as can be, brushes against the bed, shooting a bolt of pleasure through her body. As fun as grinding against the bed, like Percy is, would be, Annabeth decides to go for a different option. So, despite wanting to linger and eat his ass forever, she pulls back and admires the view she has.

Percy, splayed out in front of her, his ass slightly raised and a hand -that she hadn't noticed earlier- snaked down to jerk himself off. Of course, Annabeth can't permit that. But she can have some fun with stopping him too. Afterall, she's the alpha here.

She clutches his balls in a quick grab, squeezing just enough for it to be more painful than pleasurable; drawing a startled yelp and groan out of Percy. With her other hand, she reaches around him to pry his hand off his dick, and take it in her hand instead. "Now now pup. What did momma say? No cumming without my permission." She releases his balls and hums. "How am I going to punish you for such careless disobedience?"

As if a switch flips, Percy immediately freezes and whimpers, "I'm- I'm sorry mommy. I ju- just-" He stammers, panic evident in his voice.

With a sigh that's more amused than upset, Annabeth releases his probably painfully hard cock and moves up to lay against his side. Her mouth right next to his ear as her dick presses between her stomach and his ass cheek. She coos as comfortingly as she can given both of their states. "It's okay pup. Momma knows what you want. But you do need to be punished, so can you tell me where you keep your dildos and plugs?"

Instead of an answer, Percy reaches towards his nightstand with an almost desperate whine. Probably because he knows the punishment won't really be punishing, at least not directly punishing. The only way it's punishment is that Annabeth is delaying what both she and Percy really want.

Annabeth kisses him behind the ear and quickly shifts them around so she can search his nightstand with ease. As she quickly surveys the toys Percy has accumulated for both his pleasure and for his heats, her attention is drawn back to the man in question as he groans. A quick glance reveals he's reverted back to grinding against his hand and groping his ass. Definitely not what she wants to happen. "No. Stop pup, you aren't supposed to be doing that. Who knows if you might cum just from that, and ruin all the work momma's done."

He at least looks a little remorseful -through sweat matted hair and panting breaths- and does stop touching himself so directly; though he doesn't fully stop grinding against the bed. Or moaning for her to come back, ignoring the fact she's barely a foot away from him. Given his pitiful state, and her own deep need, Annabeth decides to just grab a random buttplug, and two condoms and call it good for now. Besides, the two will have at least a full day of fucking before Percy starts fully coming down from his heat; there'll be time for other toys later.

As quickly as she can, she moves to sit between Percy's legs again, this time with a simple fairly large red buttplug and a plan. "Okay pup, be good for momma and relax okay?" With her empty hand, she spreads his cheeks enough for her to easily slide the plug in; helped of course by the copious amount of slick Percy's producing. Slick that Annabeth takes a second to gather with her hand and lap up once the plug is cutely nestled between his cheeks.

The quick detour of tasting her new favorite treat done, Annabeth flips Percy over to see his shocked flushed desperate face. He moans out something that sounds suspiciously like "more", but she ignores it to tear one of the condom wrappers with her teeth and set the other one someplace reachable but not loseable. Then, with a practiced ease, she slides the condom over his dick, giving it a few squeezes before shifting forward to hover her hips over it.

Annabeth wants nothing more than to just lower herself onto his cock, but knows now more than ever it's important to be sure. So she looks at Percy and waits for his gaze to focus on her. "Is this alright pup? Do you want this?"

Faster than ever, Percy nods frantically. "Yes mommy. Please fuck me. Pl-"

Consent received, Annabeth wastes no more time in grabbing his dick and guiding it into her as she lowers herself onto him. "Remember pup, no cumming just yet. I still want to taste your first orgasm." She reminds him as she starts moving, though he might not hear her with how loudly he moans and thrusts up to meet her movements.

This is what Annabeth is most familiar with in this entire situation. Given Percy's prior hesitancy in being with her during his heat -a hesitancy she will never be upset with him for having- most of the time the two have fucked in the past has involved Annabeth being penetrated. And of course plenty of foreplay from both fronts, but that's a given. So there's something almost comforting with riding Percy now. The taste of his slick lingers on her tongue, her lips and jaw are sticky with slick, and both are far too desperate for this to be 'normal' but that doesn't change how familiarly pleasurable his cock feels as it fills her.

Annabeth loses herself to the motions, practically not noticing her breasts bouncing or her hair in her face as she rides Percy for all he's worth. Moving even faster when he brushes against her g-spot, shifting slightly so he can hit it more consistently.

Stars start to dance across her vision as her legs start to scream from the exertion of riding Percy for however long she has been. Luckily, that pulls her back from the edge to realize Percy's probably dangerously approaching the edge. "Are you close?"

Percy just nods, hands gripping the pillow as tight as he can. In a movement that has no right to be as smooth as it is, Annabeth lifts off his cock and hops back to bring her head next to his thick long cock. With one hand, she pulls the condom off and tosses it to the side, while guiding his cock to her waiting mouth with the other.

If she was half as horny right now, she probably would toy with him some more right now. But her mouth is practically watering at the thought of sucking him off and tasting his first orgasm of the heat. So she leans forward to take his head in, and swirls her tongue around it before taking in his full length. His cock pushes down her throat, but she fights back the gag before she starts moving her head up and down.

She looks up to him with half-lidded eyes, the feeling of his cock in her mouth -and throat- feeling far too pleasurable for her to not lose herself to the sensation. He isn't looking at her though, his head is thrown back in pure ecstasy that somehow fills her with pride. The fact she alone is able to please him like this is a great accolade for her.

Just like when she was riding him, Percy thrusts to meet her motions, eager and desperate for each sensation. But this time, Annabeth pulls back fairly soon to properly taste and focus on his pre-cum. Surprisingly, it tastes different to normal; a bit sweeter and a bit more palatable. A welcome surprise for sure. Annabeth doesn't hesitate to look at Percy's gorgeous face -despite his eyes being closed in a continuous moan. "You've been such a good pup. Let go now, okay? Let me taste what I've been waiting for."

Annabeth barely gets her head into her mouth around his head when his dick starts pulsing. With a quick lick along his slit, she is rewarded by his cum hitting her tongue and the roof of her mouth. She waits to swallow until enough is in her mouth for her to properly taste him, letting her tongue swirl around his dick as she waits out his orgasm. Like his pre-cum, he tastes far better than normal, and she wants to savor every second of this. She swallows load after load, just barely keeping up enough to not let a single drop leave the sanctity of her mouth.

It wouldn't do to waste such a glorious meal after all.

When Percy's cock finally stops pulsing, his orgasm fully ridden out, Annabeth pulls back with an audible pop as his dick leaves her mouth. Annabeth sits up, eyes watching Percy like a hawk to make sure he's still okay. Shockingly, instead of him being limp and done, his cock stays hard, and his body only seems more tense and desperate now. He looks at her with the most painfully desperate gaze as he moans. "More. Mommy, fuck me. Please."

And really, who could deny such an adorable request?

Annabeth looks to Percy with a look of pure adoration; as if there's nothing in the world that she could love as much as she loves him, which is basically how she feels right now. A pull in her chest for him feels tangible with how much she wants to, not only fuck him but, be with him, comfort and take care of him, cherish him. Maybe it's his heat and the pheromones he's flooding the room with, but the sentiment is no less real for it.

The only thing stopping Annabeth from marking him right here and now is the fact they haven't talked about that yet, and -despite how much she wants to- she would never want to hurt him by forcing that on him before he was ready.

But he did invite her here to take care of him during his heat... And said he wanted to be knotted.

And again, who is she to deny such a request?

Without any more hesitation, Annabeth plucks the second condom off the bed and rips it with her teeth, all without breaking eye contact with Percy. She smirks predatorily at the visible shiver that runs down his body, basking in the feeling of domination that's already permeating her being. It takes just a moment to position herself between his legs, their dicks bumping against each other before she repositions hers towards his slicked asshole.

As she teases his hole with her head, he throws his head back and shouts loud enough that the neighbors might complain. "Fuck- Plea- More!"

That's all the encouragement Annabeth needs, feeling what little was left of her desire to prolong this and tease Percy crumble. She painstakingly slowly pushes her cock in, focusing on giving Percy time to adjust to her before doing what they both really want. It takes a few seconds for her to hilt into him, and it's just a second after that that she leans forward to peck a kiss at his jaw.

"Are you ready for me to take you?" She whispers against his jaw before trailing kisses down his neck, each one followed by a short sharp nip. All the while, her hands roam his body, falling somewhere between caressing and groping his muscles.

Percy nods fervently. Hard and quick enough Annabeth is almost worried he'll bite through his tongue. She glances up to his face as she trails kisses along his body. His eyes are remarkably sharp as he stares at her, full of desire and something more Annabeth can't hope to place right now. "Fuck me. Make me yours. Breed me. Fill me with your pups. Please." He draws out the last word, filling it and his expression with desperation.

Annabeth isn't sure what shocks her more, the coherency of the statement, or his want to bear her kids. It shocks her enough that she doesn't move for a few seconds. Slack-jawed, staring at him in disbelief as he just wraps his arms around her. He pleads with her, which pulls her out of her stupor, and she realizes that regardless of what happens right now. She wants Percy in every way possible.

She doesn't hesitate to pull out a little, and immediately thrust forward. Starting with short, powerful thrusts and then slowly interweaving longer, slower thrusts until each movement is random in speed and distance. She leans back so she's fully upright and able to thrust easier and see all of Percy in his glory. There's no more foreplay, no more teasing. Now there's just Annabeth fucking Percy for all he's worth. Her hands still dance along his abdomen as his hands fly back to clutch the pillow like it's a lifeline.

There's nothing else in the world anymore except Annabeth, Percy, the wanton moans they're both letting out, and the magical point where Annabeth is in Percy.

Given how horny she has been, and the fact she hasn't cum once, Annabeth is fairly impressed she doesn't cum immediately from the sensation of Percy wrapped around her. He's amazingly tight and warm and wet and... Well, the point is that it's far better than anything else she has experienced.

She slows down enough that she can talk, but doesn't relent in her insistent thrusts. "Such a good boy. Taking all of mommy's cock; ready for her to breed you, ready to give her the pups she wants." She trails her nails along his side, down to his ass, before she grips them as tight as she can. With little effort, she flips him without pulling out fully, and lays against his back as she thrusts with him between her and the bed.

His moans are muffled by the sheets, but she'll endure the sacrifice for now. With the new angle, it's easier for her to thrust fully into him. For her to feel every inch of him around her, and maybe hit his prostate if his increase in moans is any indication.

Before long, she feels the telltale tug in her lower abdomen, and she moves to moan into his ear again. "So good. Such a good boy. You've earned my knot."

Percy thrusts back onto her cock with unrestrained enthusiasm, and that's the last push Annabeth needs to fall over the edge. With a groan into his shoulder, she clings to his body like it's her tie to the world and erupts in him. Quick hard pulses travel down her cock; the feeling amplified by the fact she's deep in Percy's ass. An ass that's pulsing and constricting around her as if desperate for her to never leave.

Not that Annabeth would even want to pull out right now. And before long, her knot swells just inside his entrance, making the choice moot.

The two are locked together, the knot tying them together like it should. And Annabeth at least feels more satisfied and happy than she may have ever felt.

Not wanting to suffocate Percy now that Annabeth is coming down from her high, she shifts so they're on their sides and she's spooning him. Both of their breath is ragged, and their bodies caked in sweat. Annabeth doesn't want to be anywhere else.

After a few minutes, Percy groans and rubs his eyes. Annabeth, who by this point is mostly put together mentally, chuckles and reaches up to caress his cheek. It's really a shame they're forced to be back to front right now, cause she would love to look into his beautiful green eyes and kiss him right now.

"Uh... Hi." Percy groans, his voice deep and gravelly as if he just woke up.

Annabeth can't help but chuckle. "Hi yourself." She props herself up on her elbow so they can kind of look at each other. He really looks like he's waking up. "How're you doing?"

A goofy smile stretches across his lips, and even before he speaks she knows his answer. "Amazing. That was maybe the best fuck I've ever had... And being knotted by you is a dream come true."

"Well, there'll be more where that comes from. You're still in your heat you know." Annabeth laughs before lightly tapping his shoulder. "But right now let's just enjoy this moment... And get some water."

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