Wenclair Oneshots

By _TFRay_

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!Not my stories! Wenclair Oneshots More

All The Woe's Astage
How does thy heart still beat?- Seriously how are you standing?
Enid Fever
Hurt comfort
Cloudy with a Chance of Waffles
A Stay In Bed
Hope You're Happy
Cold and Warm
Autistic Wednesday
Weeks Ago
Wenclair Minis
I oop- jumpscare
Hold still, my Sweet
Dysphoria days
The Moon's Light and Wolf's Shadow
Werewolf problems
Under the Weather
Chatfic (1)
Chatfic (2)
Wenclair Picnic
Wenclair tickle
Anything For You Cara Mia
Please Don't Hide from me
Actually, I do need you
on the gray scale
Happy new year!
Wednesday Hates French
Forehead Kisses
Sunlight, burn bright, first wick I lighte tonight
Come on, you have to admit!
It was amazing.
Go on, stop me!!
Friends...For Now
Heart to Heart
A Moonlit Picnic
Goo Goo Muck
Eye of Newt
Wolf ears
Fake Dating
Parent trouble but make it double
I love that smile of yours
'Ur Girlypop!'
I Miss My Loverman
You're a mean one, Ms. Addams
I'm just gonna keep waiting underneath the mistletoe
3rd of December, you gave me your sweater
Braid train! Chu Chu!
Family Line
Sick day
I could be a better girlfriend than him
Therapy is needed
Space song
I'm afraid of change
Smart, Perceptive, and chronically misunderstood
Love triangle? I can fix that
Christmas is here, bring some holiday cheer!
Christmas is here, bring some holiday cheer!
Just Another Wenclair Story
Cuddles and kisses
Knife to the throat
The first kiss
A girl and her werewolf
Confession Via Taylor Swift
Gift of The Wolf
Gift of The Moon
Teacher's Pet
Painful Sting and Soothing Kiss
How to Comfort Your Pup 101
Our Symphony
Don't Turn Your Back on a Wolf
What Happened Next
Kiss You On Your Stupid Face
A girl and her werewolf
Valentine's Day
Will the story ever end for the raven

Personality Swap

797 22 1
By _TFRay_

Credits to: contramundi01

The students of Nevermore thought they'd grown used to Wednesday Addams, that after seeing her stalk the halls, stare with unblinking eyes, and commit such novel acts as arson and torture with a casualness that implied years of experience they had grown numb to her. Surely nothing Wednesday could do at this point would really shock them, right? They were very much mistaken. Had Larissa Weems still lived she could have warned them. Never underestimate an Addams' ability to creep you out.

"Good afternoon, Xavier!" a light and exuberant voice said as its owner slid into the seat next to the tortured artist.

He didn't recognize the voice, so he looked over to spot who had taken Wednesday's usual seat. His eyes widened and he froze. It was Wednesday. She was still in her usual black version of the school uniform, her hair still in the signature twin blades, but her cold expression was entirely absent. Eyes usually so cold they appeared black blazed with a warmth that melted them into a soft brown. Cheeks that were so pale as to make you wonder how they hadn't yet sunken in were tinged with the faintest hint of pink, the warmth of life. And her lips, the only part of her that ever really held color were split into a wide smile, teeth bared not in anger or warning but in greeting. And her voice. . . Xavier hadn't recognized it because only one person at Nevermore had ever heard a degree of happiness in Wednesday's voice before and it certainly wasn't him. Those who didn't know Wednesday wouldn't have been put off by her appearance nor her greeting, but as someone who knew her Xavier was creeped the fuck out.

"Uh. . . good afternoon?" Xavier responds.

Wednesday giggles. Wednesday. Giggles. "Are you saying it back or asking me?"

"Yes. Wednesday are you okay? Did you eat one of Ajax's brownies or something? You're all. . . cheerful and it's weirding me out."

The giggle turns into a full laugh. "Am I not allowed to be in a good mood, Xavier? I can't be all mopey and stabby all the time, can I?"

"I, uh, I suppose that's true." He turns around to ask Enid what's going on and he's met with a very familiar Kubrick stare. He's just not used to seeing it from a blue-eyed blonde werewolf.

"Did you need something, Xavier? Class is about to start," Enid asks as she holds his gaze unblinkingly. The artist's eyes slide over to Yoko. The vampire lowers her shades to give him a look that says 'I have no fucking idea either and I'm just as scared.'

"Uh, yeah, but from Yoko. . . it's uh," he mouths the word 'Nightshade', "business. So Yoko, can we chat after class?"

Yoko nods and Enid rolls her eyes. "I still can't believe you're treating your puerile social club like it's some grand secret society," Enid says. Xavier just turns back around and spends the next hour focusing on their new science teacher's lecture on rendering plant toxins harmless with more attentiveness than he's ever put into his own art. Once the teacher dismisses them Wednesday and Enid do the first normal thing either of their friends has seen today, still leaving hand in hand with Enid leaning her head to slightly rest it on the shorter girl's.

After class the artist and the vampire make their way to the Nightshade's library, Yoko doing the secret snap in front of the Poe statue since it usually takes Xavier a few attempts to snap properly. They make their way down the spiral staircase and find Bianca, Ajax, Kent, and Divina waiting for them. They all look just as worried.

"They've had to have switched bodies, right?" Bianca asks as soon as she notices them. No one needs to ask who she's talking about, not even Ajax.

"There's no way Wednesday would wear that much color, even in Enid's body," Divina says.

"If they did swap they're not trying hard to hide it," Kent adds.

"Enid still responded to her own name," Ajax says, "and she wasn't hostile like Addams usually is, so I'm pretty sure she's still her."

"Some kind of fucky magic personality swap thing then? Enid's mentioned seances before, maybe some weird Addams juju did this," Yoko says. She's worried for her friend, what if this is permanent? There's no way Enid's gonna be fun to hangout with acting like Wednesday all the time and somehow Wednesday's even creepier acting like a normal person?

The Nightshades spend the next few hours scouring the ancient tomes in their library looking for a cure.

In Ophelia Hall, after the door to their shared room closes with a resounding click Enid Sinclair bursts into giggles and Wednesday's bright smile flattens into a wicked smirk.

"Okay, that was totes more fun than I thought it would be. Did you see Xavier's face when you said good afternoon? He was so confused!"

"It was certainly enjoyable, as will be the ache in my jaw for the next few hours. I have no clue how you're able to smile so much all day, it's exhausting."

"It's about the facial muscles, and it takes more to frown than to smile!" Enid responds to her girlfriend.

Wednesday pulls Enid over to her bed, sitting and pulling the taller girl down until they're both seated against the wall, cuddling against each other. "I don't frown either, I keep my face neutral."

Enid kisses the top of Wednesday's head. "And I have no clue how you do it all the time. It's so difficult. I totally get the staring thing now, though. Massive power trip seeing everyone unnerved."

"You're learning. You'll make a fine Addams one day."

Enid giggles. "I'm surprised you wanted to do this, I mean it was supes fun but so totally not your thing."

It's simple, really," Wednesday says as she fights a yawn, "it's more fun if I wait until they think they're used to me then throw a curveball. Leaves them with a healthy dose of wariness."

Enid yawns as well and pulls the smaller girl into a lying position. Enid hums in acknowledgement as they drift off for a nap.

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