The one who stood at the peak...


8.6K 129 40

intelligence,strength,money I had it all but never once felt fun in doing those things others envied me for... More

The one who peaked...
The path to become the bomb
Living with a demon isn't that bad... at least
A typical day in the void
The reason he burns to stand at the peak
Freedom from the Void
Welcome to hell Y/N!
Y/N the big brother demon
Y/N gets a Job as a monster hunter!
First quest completed!
Dungeon! Dungeon! Treasure!
INSIDE THE DUNGEON why do I hear boss music
Taking down the three headed dog
The Aftermath of the battle
First day of School be like
A Test to see how strong he has become
The duel test Y/N Vs the current high prosecutor
A weird class but unique nonetheless

A lil history lesson before dungeon quest!

146 2 3

Y/N why are you hiding? *Desidia stared at Y/N who was hiding in the tub*

Don't worry about that just know you never saw me here ight? ... she's gonna kill you regardless you know that right? *Y/N sighed as he got up from the tub* yeah I know that, but what if I just act like I had another quest to do? *Desdia shook her head as she walked out* you know you shouldn't be so mean to me as your brother. I'm not mean to you I just find you stupid sometimes actually most of the time love you too sis *Y/N slide down on the railing and entered the kitchen*.

Mhm we cooking it up in the kitchen *Y/N grabbed three bowls filling them up and walked into the living room* (Aww look at em!) where'd you get this geko?

Gale was a late gift from my brother to me I see... *Desdia slightly smirked as Y/N placed down the stew* so what are we going to do before we have to go and do a quest nothing much really we can just relax Pan said something about hella paperwork why? no fucking idea language watch it fine... *Gale jumped onto the table and started eating from his bowl*. know what I feel like we need? what? some family time! *Y/N ran upstairs grabbing something* we shall play something that carried my child-hood.

WII-SPORTS! *Y/N extended his hand holding two wii remotes and the disk* what is Wii-sports? Wii-sports is a god-send It seems fun..

you're pretty good not gonna lie this is fun,never thought mortals could make such a fun game like this trust me there are tons of things in the mortal world that are fun, have you seen anime? whew now that's something what's that? does hell really not have anime damn *Y/N paused the game as he looked out the window* whats wrong?

go get dressed and wear something formal... *Y/N slightly smirked* something interesting is gonna happen today I can feel it I don't have anything formal though.. *Y/N snapped his fingers* but aren't these your clothes eh men have many things to wear, (well at least I do since I was living with a tailor). Also where'd did you get such clothing, there are pretty durable and these seem to have some en-

why you asking so many questions?, you the feds? ... *Desdia walked out the door slamming it as Y/N scratched his chin*.

where the hell is Y/N *Desdia wandered around a cavern*.

had this not been such an important quest this place would be cool to stay and explore *Desdia walked down the stairs as she spotted Y/N* behind you Y/N eh?


Hm so this is what an A class monster is like eh? 

Few minutes ago

what took you so long hey I had to find my coat *Y/N showed off his new outfit* why red? cause Pan red is in this year! was that a Scott pilgrim reference? I thought hell didn't have you said anime, never said we didn't have comics peak movie and comic. But yea why are we here considering *Y/N dodged a knife thrown at him* HEY WATCH IT next time you try and hide Y/N I'll *BEEP* your fucking *Beep* *Beep* and *Beep* am I understood you *beep* *Beep*.

*Y/N jaw was dropped as he covered Desdia ears who looked confused* another reference but damn was it needed to call me all that!? just listen up damn it *Y/N sat down as Desdia laid on the couch* a new quest came in today oh cool this quest is posted damn near every fucking where why? its a weapon of "him" which he left there *Y/N tilted his head as Desdia eyes widen* who's "Him"? do we know which one it belonged to? no idea WHO THE HELL IS HIM!? you really need to attend school.

Before hell became how it is today hell was chaos, fights,war,flames... damn y'all make it seem like that isn't normal it wasn't hell was hell but during the war it was destruction well keep talking I was haaa, like I was saying there was war due to the old king of hell. Satan wait I'm confused I thought lucifer and Satan were the same people no their two different people so who's stronger? I can't touch on that topic okay...

The war lasted quite some time, so who ended it? I was getting there during the war two new demons appeared, wielding powers that could rival Satan even god himself so who were they? no one knows, never knew their name they just appeared sealed away Satan and vanished but not before leaving something behind. that being? other then leaving their weapons they said something about some guy coming to stop Satan and those evil again sounds like me not gonna lie in your dreams most people believe they were noble due to their white hair.

What's this thing with nobles being higher then other demons? most demons are able to use magic but some blood-lines have higher affinity with magic then others, some unique to only that family what was your's des? spatial affinity I see whats your's pan? stop calling me pan nu uh. Mine is poison makes sense What's yours? slime pervert BRUH I DON'T EVEN USE IT FOR THINGS LIKE THAT anyways back to the quest I heard most of the demons there are A-rank ranking demons is crazy.

Just stay safe and don't and I mean Don't get involved with the others there consider it done *Y/N jumped up bowing as Desdia opened a portal* we'll be back.

Back to present time

Woah isn't this a feisty one eh? yeah that's how most chaos demons are you know I would have thought every demon could talk and have intelligence not every demon can be blessed with that, pretty sure those who are very evil don't really get the ability to speak like us *Desdia jumped back opening a portal tossing a chaos demon into another*. was it needed now look at him, turning his own brother into a damn mess not my fault lets just do this and clear this before anyone else does.

(Plus I sense something down here something strong...)

I smell

I smell his blood...

End of Chapter

Yeah... I'm back kinda lol

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