My Strict Professor Husband (...

By Daydreamers1319

757K 43.9K 44.3K

This is the story of a innocent college boy and his super strict professor husband. Both of them are complete... More

Chapter -1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Author's Note
Author's Note :
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author's Note ( Birthdays πŸŽ‚)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note :
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Author's Birthday (19th June)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
100K + reads Q/A
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Author's Note
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapters 82
Chapter 83
Happy New Year 2024
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Happy 1st Anniversary πŸ₯³
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Author's Note
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapters 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Congratulations πŸŽ‰ & Author's B'day
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Congratulations πŸŽ‰
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 39

6.2K 293 384
By Daydreamers1319


Kook came into Yoonmin's Mansion to study . Jikook completed their all the assignments except Maths . Kook wasn't concentrate when Tae was teaching . He was helping other student . So , Jimin was trying to explain him some problems but he didn't understand anything because of Jimin's poor explaining skills . At the end they both went to Yoongi to ask his help . But Yoongi asked them why they didn't know how to solve the problems ? Let's see what will Jikook do now .......

In Yoongi's Room :

Right now Yoongi was sitting on his bed and Jikook was standing in front of him with their heads hang low . They are scared from Yoongi's strict professor side .

Jimin (looking down) : Yoon ! We are doing our assignments but couldn't understand some problems . Can you explain us ?

Yoongi (looked at them) : Why don't you understand ? Didn't professor explain well ? Did you ask this with him ? Did he refuse to explain again ?

( Yoongi start bombing by his questions . Jikook didn't know what to do now . They both stay silent which irritate Yoongi . )

Yoongi (little loud) : I'm asking something .

Jimin (whispering tone) : Professor explained well but I forgot now .

Yoongi (listen him by his cat power😺) : What ! I will talk to you later . Kook what happened to you ? Don't you also know how to solve the problem ?

( Kook didn't said anything . He just nodded his head . )

Yoongi (strict) : I want verbal answer .

Kook (scared) : Yes , I also don't know .

Yoongi (crossed his arms) : And why so ?

Kook (scared) : Because I wasn't .....

Yoongi : First tell me did you ask this from your professor ?

Kook (nodded his head) : Yes I asked .

Yoongi : Then , did he refuse to explain again ?

Kook (slowly nodded his head) : Yes .

Yoongi (angry) : What the hell ! How can he refused to explain you ? Tell me who is the professor ?

Kook (more scared) : S....Si....Sir....

Yoongi (confused) : Sir ? Who Sir ?

( Kook wants to speak but words couldn't came out from his mouth . Kook never faced this type of situation . He is a topper so , none of his professor shouts on him for his studies . He knows Yoongi is the most strict professor of the University . And he saw how he hit Tae for his mistakes . So , his mind automatically creates Yoongi's super strict and merciless Professor's image .

Jimin saw Kook and thought he was scared because Yoongi shouted on him . So , he said ....... )

Jimin (scared) : Ta... Tae... Taehyung Sir .

Yoongi (shocked) : Tae ! Tae refused to explain you again ?

( Kook slowly nodded his head . )

Yoongi : I can't believe this . Tae can't do this . Definitely you did something wrong . That's why he refused to explain you . Tell me what did you do ? ( raised an eyebrow )

Jimin : Actually .......

Yoongi (looked at Jimin by his cat glare) : Are you Kook ?

Jimin (immediately shook his head) : N....No....

Yoongi : Then why are you replying ?

Jimin : Sorry 😔

Yoongi : Kook I'm waiting .

Kook (more scared) : Be... Because... I'm n..not... con... concen.... concentrating wh... when he was teac... teaching .

Yoongi (got more angry) : Oh WOW 👏👏👏 What an amazing answer ! ( Said sarcastically )

Kook : Sorry !

Yoongi : Can you tell me what important work you do when he was teaching you ?

Kook : I was helping other student .

( He told him everything what happened with him . He told him everything till Tae left the house for professors' meeting . )

( Yoongi understood the situation and looked at Jikook who were still hang their head low . )

Yoongi : Go and bring your bag here .

Jimin (looked up with shiny sparkling eyes) : It means you will explain us ?

Yoongi : Hmm now go and quickly bring your bags here .

Jikook : Thank you..... (Immediately left from there . )

In the Living Room :

They both came into Living Room and quickly packed their bags and left from there . They forgot their mobiles in center table as they were working there .

Kook : Jimin-ah Sorry 😔

Jimin : Sorry ! But for what ?

Kook : Because of me he scolds you too .

Jimin : Ohhhh for that . No worries . It was my fault too . And don't worry about it . Yoon always scold me . It's not a big deal for me . If I didn't got scoldings from him then it's the big deal . 😂😂😂😂😂

Kook (shocked to see Jimin's happy face) : Are you happy to get scoldings ? How can you be happy ?

Jimin (hold Kook's hands) : Kookie , Yoon doesn't know how to express his feelings . He never scolds me for nothing . His scoldings show how much he cares for me . So , don't take his scoldings on your heart . He is very caring person but behaves coldy . When I met with him for the first time . I took him so wrong . I thought he was very rude and strict person . He will beat me daily on every small mistakes but see he didn't beat me for once . He only scolds me . See , he brought Chimmy for me . It's just his aura is dark and strict . Otherwise he is very sweet and gentle person . So , don't think negatively . Now let's go otherwise he will definitely beat me . 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Kook (smiled) : Yeah sure .

In Yoongi's Room :

Yoongi was waiting for them . They both took more time to come . He can understand both Taekook's situation . Kook was helping other student which wasn't wrong . He was right on his place . Tae was also right on his place because he saw Kook was talking when he was teaching . Anyone get angry . None of them were wrong . It's just situation was like that . He was in deep thinking when he heard the knock on the door . He again maintained his strict Professor face and said come in . Jikook came inside .

Yoongi : Come and sit .

( Jimin sat on floor and placed his bag on the floor in front of him . Kook was standing there and looked Jimin with confused face . But Yoongi was so done with him . His love for floor is another level . Afterall she is his gf . 🤣 )

Yoongi (so done face) : Why are you sitting there ? Come and sit on the bed .

Jimin : I'm comfortable here .

Yoongi (mad) : For God's sake leave the floor . It doesn't go anywhere . You don't need to always stick with it .

( Kook smiled to see Yoongi's reaction over Jimin's silly action . )

Jimin (mumbles) : I'm scared . What if I do a mistake and you slap me then . It's better to stay far away from you . At least I can run .

( Kook heard his talks and smile brightly to see how much he scared from Yoongi . )

Yoongi (suspicious look) : What did you say ?

Jimin : Nothing.....

Yoongi : I can slap you there also . So , come and sit here . Before I come there .

Jimin (mumbles) : How can he always hear me ? (pout)

( Kook smiled more brightly and sit on the bed . Yoongi step down from the bed and Jimin got scared to see him . He immediately grabbed his bag and sat on the bed beside Kook who couldn't stop laughing . )

Yoongi : Open your book . I'm coming in one minute . (left)

Jimin (sighed in relief) : He gone. (hit Kook's shoulder) Stop laughing .

Kook (started laughing loudly) : You are a scaredy cat in front of him ..... OMG and what did you say ? I'm safe here . If he comes to me then I will run . Seriously run 😂😂😂😂😂

( Jimin started tickling him and he rolled on the bed . He was laughing loudly. After so many days he laughed from his heart out . He was very happy . In this meantime he was only crying and crying because of Tae's rude behaviour and words . Jikook laid on the bed while laughing hard . Yoongi was standing on the door frame . He saw them laughing so he stopped there and saw how happy they both were . He never saw Jimin this much happy before . He was lost in Jimin's pretty smile . After sometimes he knocked the door and entered inside his room with chair . )

Yoongi (placed the chair in front of bed and sat) : So , are you ready ?

Jikook (nodded their head) : Yes .

( Kook was feeling much better then before . He was scared but not like before . )

Yoongi : Before I start teaching . There is something which you have to understand . So , listen to me very carefully .

( Jikook nodded their head and listen to him . )

Yoongi : Kook you weren't wrong at your place . You did good to help other student . But You shouldn't help him in ongoing lecture . You should told him that you will explain him after the lecture . You were explaining him and Tae misunderstood you . Tae was also right at his place . Being a professor I also want every student listen to me when I'm teaching . It was disrespecting the professor . I know you didn't did this intentionally but you have to be careful next time . Okay ?

Kook (nodded his head) : Yes hyung . Sorry .

Yoongi : It's ok . Jimin , It goes with you too .

Jimin : But I didn't talk . (looked at Yoongi who was glaring him . ) But I will be extra careful in next time .

Yoongi : Okay . First give me your assignments . Let me check your assignments first .

Kook (gave his assignments) : First check mine .

Jimin : And why so ? (give his assignments too) Yoon check mine first .

Yoongi (looked at them and thought) : Why are they behaving like kids ? Isn't one kid enough for me ?

Yoongi : Stop this . I will check both of your assignments . I want complete silence .

Jikook : Okay .

Yoongi (checked their assignments) : Kook your assignments are incomplete. Why ?

Kook : I didn't know how to solve the problems that's why I didn't did Maths assignment .

Yoongi : Ok . I will teach you . BTW your assignments are good .

Kook (proud Bunny smile) : Thank you .

Yoongi : Hmm Jimin , Your assignments are completed but You did lots of mistakes in your Maths assignment .

Jimin : Mistakes (shocked) ! Where ?

Yoongi : See yours all the solutions are wrong .

Kook : And you taught me wrong solution . (angry)

Jimin : No , Sir taught me like this . (pout)

Yoongi (lightly hit his shoulder) : He didn't taught you like this . Now focus .

( Yoongi started explaining and they both fully concentrate . Kook understands in first time because he has sharp mind but Jimin .... He didn't understand anything . )

Yoongi : So , that's how we solved this problem . Do you understand ?

Kook : Yeah .

Yoongi : So , now do it next question .

( Jikook started doing the work . After sometime Yoongi told him to show their solutions . )

Yoongi : Now show me how many problems you solved ?

( Jikook gave their notebooks to him)

Yoongi : Kook your solutions are correct . You are doing great . Keep it up .

Kook (happily) : Thank you hyung .

Yoongi : Jimin your solutions are wrong . Why ? Didn't you understand ?

Jimin (slowly shook his head) : No ...

Yoongi (mad) : Then why didn't you ask me to explain you again ?

Jimin : I thought you will be angry .

Yoongi : And now ? Now I'm not angry ?

Jimin : Sorry .

Yoongi (strictly) : Focus here . I want honesty ok . If you don't understand anything then tell me immediately . I will clear your doubts .

( Yoongi was teaching Jimin and Kook was doing his assignments . He saw how Yoongi explain Jimin . He recalled his time when Tae teaches him patiently without any scolding . One tear drops from his eyes and he quickly wipe his tears before anyone can see it . He missed Tae a lot .

After 30 mins , Kook completed his assignments and showed to Yoongi . Yoongi praised him . Finally Jimin understand the problem after getting so many scoldings . )

Yoongi (saw the time) : It's almost dinner time . I'm going to prepare dinner . Kook you will eat dinner here ( as Kook told him that Tae will come late from his meeting . ) Jimin I want your assignments before the dinner . So , start solving them .

Jikook : Ok .

( Yoongi left from there and Jikook start doing their assignments . Jimin was solving the sums whereas Kook was practicing the sum as Tae told him to take test . )

Time skipped at the Dinner time :

Yoongi entered in his room and saw Jikook was doing his works . He knocked the door to grab their attention .

Yoongi : Dinner is ready . Come in the Dinning Room .

Jimin (went to him with his assignments) : Yoon ! I completed my assignment see .... (showed him)

Yoongi (checked his assignments) : Hmm that's correct . Now come for the dinner .

( Jimin was waiting for praising like he praised to Kook but he didn't said anything to him . Jimin's happy face became sad and small . )

Kook (went near him) : Jimin-ah What happened to you ?

Jimin (sad pout) : He didn't praised me .

Kook : Because he knows you didn't did this by yourself .

Jimin : What do you mean ?

Kook : I helped you to complete your assignments . That's why he didn't praised you .

Jimin : Oooooo . You are right . But how he always knows by himself . (complaining pout)

Kook (shrugged his shoulders) : Don't know . Let's go for Dinner .

( Tell me in the comment section how does Yoongi know that Jimin wasn't solving this by his own . )

In the Dinning Room :

They both entered inside the Dinning Room and saw Yoongi was placing the dishes .

Jimin : Let me help you .

Yoongi : No need , I already done everything .

Kook (sat beside Jimin) : So , May I start ?

Yoongi : Yeah sure . But tell me did you wash your hands ?

Jikook (showed their hands) : Yeah see this .

Yoongi : Ok . ( Gave them their dinner )

Jimin's food :

Kook's food :

( Kook was happy to see his dinner. Yoongi cooks special food for him . )

Yoongi (to Jimin) : You have to finish that juice too .

Juice :

Jimin : Not again ...... I had drunken it in the morning .

Yoongi : I didn't asked your will . Finish it .

Jimin (made weird face) : Okay .

( Yoonkook finished their dinner and Yoongi already cleaned the dishes . He cleaned whole Kitchen but Jimin was still eating slowly slowly 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢 )

Yoongi : Till the breakfast time will you finish it or not ?

Jimin (looked at him) : I'm eating naaa .... Then why are you taunting me ?

Yoongi (crossed his arms) : Yeah I see how you eat ? And what's this ?

Jimin : What ?

Yoongi : You didn't even touch the juice .

Jimin : I will drink that after finishing my food .

Yoongi : And when will you finish it ?

Jimin (whining) : I'm trying na.... You gave me so much portion .

( Kook smiled to see Yoonmin's drama . )

Jimin (threw the table cloth on Kook) :
Why are you laughing ? Stop it right now . (angry)

Kook : Ahhhhh Can't an innocent child laugh now ?

Jimin : Innocent child my foot . If you smile one more time I will..... I will..... (picked the jug of water) throw this on your head .

Yoongi (took the jug from his hand) : Stop scaring him . Finish your food .

Jimin (little loud) : Why are you taking his side ? Why don't you say anything to him ?

Yoongi (looked at him his by his cat glare) : What you say ?

Jimin (immediately regret) : No...not... nothing .... I said nothing . I said food is very tasty . (started eating the food)

( Kook falls on the floor by laughing hard . I think 🤔 Hobi's soul entered inside his body . Yoonmin looked at him . )

( Jimin looked at Yoongi with complaining eyes but didn't dare to say anything to him . )

Yoongi (understood what Jimin wanna say) : What happened to you now ? Why are you laughing ?

Kook (sat on floor trying to control his laugh) : Nothing..... I was just ..... (ran to Jimin's Room)

Yoongi : Now what happened him ? Why he ran away ?

Jimin (while eating) : Lucky he . He can ran away .

Yoongi (looked at him) : What did you say ?

Jimin : Nothing . I didn't said anything .

Yoongi : Finish your food now . You know birds will eat faster than you .

( After 10 mins Jimin finished the food and Juice . Yoongi gave him medicine which he gulped by making weird face . Yoongi told him to go in his room . )

Meanwhile with Tae :

He was coming back to his house . He was driving right now .

Tae's POV :

OMG ! I'm so late . (looked at his wrist watch) Don't know Kook has eaten anything or not ? I'm behaving very coldly with him . Today also I harshly scold him in front of whole class . After that when he came to my cabin I badly scold him again . I don't want to scold him . But don't know what happened to me . He did something like that which made me angry .

I can't see him crying . From past few days he was only crying . But nevermind I will teach him from today . I will explain him again today's lecture which he missed . He must be very sad and waiting for me .

Meanwhile with Jikook :

In Jimin's Room :

Jikook was doing pillow fighting in Jimin's Room while laughing hard . They both were enjoying their friendly fighting . Just then Yoongi shouts Jimin's name from the Living Room .

In the Living Room :

Yoongi (shouts) : Jimin-ahh come to Living Room .

Jimin (shouts back) : I'm coming .

( Within a minute he came there while running . )

Jimin : Yes Yoon .

Yoongi : How many times I told you don't run on the stairs ?

Jimin : Sorry . Next time I will remember .

Yoongi : I know that next time will never come . Leave it . I brought something for you but forgot to give you .

Jimin (happily) : What do you bring ?

Yoongi : Wait here I will bring it . It is in car .

Jimin : Give me car's key . I will bring it by myself .

Yoongi : No need for this . Stay here quietly .

Jimin : Ok . (Yoongi left)

( Jimin's mobile rings . He picked his mobile from the center table and attend the call . He only said yes and call cut . )

Jimin : Strange ! He cut the call .

( He was lost in his thoughts . )

Yoongi (shook him a little) : What happened ? What are you doing with with your mobile ?

Jimin ( Placed the mobile on the center table ) : Nothing .....

Yoongi : Okay . Now take this........


Questions :

1 . How's the Chapter ?

2 . What things Yoongi brought for Jimin ?

3 . Will Kook's smile stay longer or soon his smile turns into crying ?

4 . Who will save Kook from Tae's anger ?

5 . Who called Jimin ?


Word Counts : 3254

Author's Note :

That's it for today . I hope you all like it . Taekook's relationship is different from Yoonmin's . Then obviously their everything will be different from each other's . You will see the major difference between Taekook's and Yoonmin's relationship in next chapter .

I wanted to say many things but Yesterday I got bad news because of that I don't think it's the right time to say that .

There is a girl named Cherry (nickname) , my subscriber. She is my little sister . I'm really very attracted with her . Yesterday I got to know she was in hospital and had some problems which I don't know yet . So I want you all pray for her speedy recovery and long life . There is one more girl (my princess's sister) she is in serious condition . Please pray for her too .

We don't have anything in our hands . Doctors are doing there work . We will only pray . So , pray for both the girls . I want to see both of them healthy and happy .

Well I know they will be fine . They have to be fine . But still pray for them . I will be grateful towards you .

We will meet on 7th July ( Rhea's Birthday) . Till then take care of yourself . Love you so much .

I noticed nowadays you all aren't commenting like before . Maybe because of exams or school is re open now that's why . But if you are reading the Chapter then please comment down .

Target : 165 Votes .

If you like the story then please Vote for the story and Follow me 🔪

Thanks for reading . 💜

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