No Regrets, Only Memories

By fullofliesanddreams

46.8K 1.5K 54

Fate is a funny thing. It can bring you unbelievable hardships and breathtaking views. As my best friend alwa... More

A funny thing happened on the way to the grid...
Ego in check or ego on deck?
Relief never tasted so sweet
I got will and I got faith
You look like shit
Promotional Diversion
Not. Even. Close.
The Beginning of The End
Hidden Disappointment
Caught in the Act
Hidden Feelings of a Different Kind
Existential Dread
I Was Wrong
The Nights
A New Challenger Approaches
Frayed Yarn and Two Idiots
The First Attempt
Time Apart
Missed Connection
El Plan
Close Calls of the Hidden Kind
A Revelation Unexpected
Breaking the Code
Podium Position
Support Unnecessary
The Royal Screw Up Has Arrived
Cross the Line
Bronze and Bubbly
The War Room
A Week in LA
The First Hurdle
A Misstep
One Thing
Birthday Boy
Anti Winner Winner's Club
A Brief Look at the Past
Cold Summer
Turning Point
The Deal Breaker(and She Doesn't Know It)
The Deal Maker
The New Deal
Oh Brother
The Snowball Effect
What do you want?
Our Side
Let's Make a Deal
Everything is Alright
Tell the Truth
The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth
Over Confidence
Russian Blues and Japanese Cherry Blossoms
When The Music Stops...
...Reality Sets In
Tell That To The Crowd
History In The Making
What's Gonna Happen
Wide Awake and Incoherent
A Selfish Decision

Give In

389 14 0
By fullofliesanddreams

A/N: Alright, how are we feeling everyone?! Daniel is back on the grid!!!!!

I want to be excited, but that AT04 is just a very worrying car and I don't know what that means for him. Also poor Nyck. 

Here's an update though! We're about to get into some serious drama. 😉
As always, thank you for reading and let me know with you think with a comment or a vote!💚💚💚


LA has been a good way to start our nice and relaxing few days off. Max had stayed at my house with us enjoying time away from the press and plenty of other distractions reaching out to him. Christian had even called, looking for an update on his state and hoping that he could bring Max into the car soon. Max was happy to deliver him the good news and promise that after Austin he'd be ready to try a free practice session. Past that, he even asked for a few days of alone time for mental preparations.

Past that, we were happy to show him around LA. Maeve wanted to show him all the places she visited when she still lived here. That included several hikes and visiting different bars we both enjoyed. Part of this was supposed to be relaxing though, leaving Max to enjoy my outdoor pool most of the time while we all lounged around the backyard. Maeve took up the patio table, finishing up her dissertation edits and getting slides for her presentation ready. I still worked out, but also invited over a few friends that I hadn't seen for awhile. It was fun to see them, but I was looking forward to some purely alone time with my girlfriend.

Something I wouldn't get when we were seated in the rented SUV on the way to Vegas. Max sat in the passenger seat talking about the week and trying to get any hint of what our plans were for him. I wasn't going to budge though, we had spent too much time planning to spoil it now. Maeve sat in the back on the short drive, drifting between sleeping and participating in the conversation. I'd know she's awake when I place my hand behind me on the headrest, her hand coming up and grazing my fingers before I could interlock our hands together for a few minutes. It was comforting to know she was there and trying to reach out.

"When is everyone else landing?" Max asked as we drove into the outskirts of the city. He'd been here before, but didn't hesitate to take a few photos. Maeve even leaned forward between the seats to take photos. Of both the skyline and the two of us in the front seat.

"A few of them are already here," Maeve spoke between us as she looked at her phone," Charles said they're having a problem checking in though since I did it as a group reservation." She read off the messages as I drove to the correct exit to get us to the MGM.

Maeve had booked every single Skyloft at the MGM complex. Several one bedroom, two bedroom, and three bedroom lofts that were divided amongst the drivers, trainers, girlfriends, and friends of the drivers that wanted to be here to celebrate and enjoy some time off. By absolute chance, Maeve and I were sharing a one bedroom, but Max had been given his own. We'd hoped that Dilara could make it, but she has exams this week.

"We're only 10 from the hotel. Tell them to cool their jets and we'll be there in a second." I smiled at her while we were at a red light.

"I'm just not gonna respond, they're patient." She leaned to the side, placing a kiss on my lips, the last we'd share for some time.

"I think I'm finally getting used to being the third wheel." We laughed together at Max as the light turned green.

The hotel was there just across the street and I was quick to pull into the valet line. Max and Maeve went ahead to get the guys as I told the valet whose bags were whose since they'd be delivered to our rooms for us before joining them. Inside, everyone was exchanging hugs and saying their hellos as Maeve was standing at the desk to get the rooms situated.

I watched for a moment, Maeve flashing the man at the desk a dazzling smile before speaking. The man was saying something back, but I was focused on her. She'd dressed lighter today, it may be October, but it was still warm in Vegas. A pair of jeans, slightly oversized and full of so many rips they were basically shorts with fabric attached. The shirt she was wearing had been one of mine from years ago, an old, white band shirt of mine she swiped in our first meeting that ended up being cut into an off shoulder crop top. Her long hair was perfectly curled around her and sunglasses on top of her head. My eyes raked over her body as she spoke to him, there was something about her. She was glowing, happiness radiating from her that I hadn't seen in public in awhile. My thoughts matched when she turned her head to where I was standing about 5 meters from our friend group as if she knew exactly where I was in the room.

"Daniel!" My eyes shifted to the group as Charles called me into the fold.

I smiled as I started hugging the group that I had seen just a few days ago. This was different, a celebration of what was to come. This was only about half the group. There were others flying in shortly from different parts of the world and we'd be able to start the festivities then.

"Gentlemen, ladies," Maeve came into the group then," Everyone's keys are ready." She started handing out the small plastic rectangles, handing me the one for our room.

"Here's the deal," I shoved one into my pocket as she spoke," The other plane lands in 10 minutes. Everyone can get situated in their rooms and in," She looked at the watch on her wrist, one that actually belonged to me," in an hour we're doing dinner at Hakkasan. Think upscale casual because if I have to wear a dress, y'all certainly have to dress nice." There were a few laughs as I just smiled at her.

"And tonight's gonna be an early night since we know some people are experiencing some jet lag. Tomorrow we leave for our first activity at 9 AM though so light on the drinking tonight." There were some scoffs and others calling me out because I was the one they really had to watch.

"So everyone can go get ready and we'll meet at the restaurant shortly." She smiled as they all dispersed. Some people didn't head towards the rooms which would be concerning, but they were all adults.

Maeve and I ended up in an elevator with Max, Pierre, Carlos, Charles, Marcus, and Michael. There were some light discussions about the plans for the week and mentions of some things others wanted to see or do. I couldn't help but be satisfied at hearing them discussing things we already had on the plans for the week. We had worked hard in what little free time we had to make sure everyone would enjoy their time here.

"I think we planned this out pretty well if that elevator ride up here is any indication." She smiled at me as I opened the door for us both.

"Oh yeah, we did good, baby." As the door shut behind us, I wrapped my arms around her waist as she went to explore the room.

We made it down the short set of tile stairs and she made her way straight to the large window. From where our room was, we had a perfect view of the south side of the strip in the setting sun behind the New York New York hotel. She stared in wonder as her hands rested on my forearms. I could've stood there all night watching her eyes as she saw the same things with new fascination. Part of me wished that we could run away, travel, get to see all new things together and be in our own bubble.

"We have to get dressed or we'll be late..." I whispered against her ear before placing a kiss below it. She just sighed, pushing herself farther into my arms as if that was possible.

"If we hadn't planned this whole thing, I'd say let's skip it." She chuckled.

"Yeah, I'd say the same thing."

Though we didn't really want to, we went upstairs to change. They had brought our bags to the closet area of the room, ready for us to grab clothes and change for our planned dinner. Maeve grabbed clothes and practically commandeered the bathroom to get dressed. For me, it was easier. I threw on black dress slacks, a white button up, and some dress shoes before I realized I needed to get into the bathroom. Trying to be patient, I sat on the bed while checking the group chat to make sure everyone was good in their rooms that had arrived after us. A few mentioned that they'd be a few late to dinner, but everyone was doing ok. Except for us, as we had 5 minutes before we had to be downstairs at the dinner we planned.

"Babe? Do you mind if I step in to brush my teeth and do my hair?" I asked her, not wanting to intrude on her privacy.

"You don't have to ask, this is your room too!" She called back. It made me smile, grabbing my toiletries bag and moving towards the large area.

I had to stop in my tracks though. Maeve was standing in front of the vanity, her curling iron in her hair as she tried to finish how she wanted to look for the night. One problem though, she was only in a lacy black strapless bra and matching underwear. I was staring, amazed that she just walked around like this while I had been seated in the room for the last fifteen minutes.

"Don't even think about it. We have dinner to get to." She called him out as he stared at her in the mirror.

"What are you even talking about?" I spoke after clearing my throat and stepping up to the vanity next to her.

"That look you get when you want to pin me to the wall," She smirked as I dug through my bag to find my comb and hair gel," I hadn't seen it in a few weeks. I was starting to think you don't even want to sleep with me anymore..." She chuckled as she placed the curling iron on the counter.

"First of all," I turned to her as I dropped the things in my hand on the counter," I would fuck you 25 hours a day if I could." She rolled her eyes, trying to turn back to her own toiletries bag. I was quick to reach out, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her flush against my chest. She made a surprised noise and I held her by the hips.

"Second, I will prove that to you as soon as we are done with dinner and back in this room. Hope you got enough sleep..." I leaned down, giving her a rough kiss.

She smiled into the kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck before pulling back.

"We're going to be late. Why don't you head down and I'll meet you there?" She kissed me again before grabbing for the makeup bag next to the sink.

"I'm going to tell everyone you're stuck in the bathroom." She gasped, swatting at my arm as I picked up my hair gel.

We both shared a good laugh as I quickly did my hair before placing a kiss to her cheek and heading downstairs. Most of the guys were already there, waiting for someone that actually knew what was going on to arrive. They greeted me with jokes, asking the usuals like how was everyone's trips were and what they were looking forward to this week and next. I lead everyone inside, getting the host to bring us to our table. Maeve and I tried hard to figure out where we could bring everyone to eat given all the different things people ate. Hakkasan was an easy one. It was in the hotel and had a wide range of dishes. They also had a private room that fit all of us and that alone was no easy feat as we were situated amongst the long table with nearly 40 of us.

"So where's Maeve? She did help plan all of this didn't she?" Michael asked farther down the line as he ended up sitting with some of the other trainers.

"She was still getting dressed when I left," I said without looking up from the menu. I'd already ordered drinks for her and myself, but I wanted to see what we had for food options.

"Did you hog the bathroom?" Brendon asked with a chuckle.

"Actually I did." My head looked up to where Maeve had entered the room.

She looked stunning. She was wearing a dress I not only had never seen before, but could never imagine her ever purchasing and wearing herself in real life. It was short, coming to her mid thigh, with a square neckline and off shoulder long sleeves. It had horizontal bands of what looked like black velvet, concentrating to cover her where it mattered most, but with a nude mesh showing her tattoos in most places. She had paired it with a pair of black stiletto heels with a thin ankle strap and a small clutch purse that I'd also never seen before. Maeve had done her makeup to perfection, highlighter accentuating her face and a dark beige matte lipstick swiped over her lips. I couldn't help but stare. In the moment, I'd never been more thankful for Max sitting next to me as he harshly elbowed my side.

"Who are you?" Kevin joked as he stared at my girlfriend, jealousy growing in my veins even though I knew most of the guys here were happily taken.

There were other words of agreement, some of the girls in the group yelling out compliments as she breezed around the table to the open seat next to me. A few of the guys jokingly asking who she was dressing up for or if she had a hot date only made the little green monster in me grow more. I could tell she both loved and hated it, a cheeky smile on her face as she blushed.

"We don't get to go out often and this is a big deal. So if anything, I'm dressing up for Max." She gave the man of the hour a pat on the head as she passed, making him immediately push her off and fix his short hair.

"You're far too old and annoying for me." The table laughed as she sat down to my left.

"With you being a lion and all, I thought you'd be into cougars." She hit back, making Max's face heat up this time.

There was suddenly a hand on my thigh, a short squeeze told me it was her. I looked over to her as the waiter came back to take orders and she was already smiling at me. There was a short bit of unspoken conversation. My eyes shifted down before meeting her face again as a comment on what she was wearing. Her cheeks flushed ever so slightly more red at that and I knew it was received.

There was Maeve, again surprising me more and more everyday. She hated dressing up. Even when she didn't and she felt like being a bit more on the girly side, this was far beyond what she'd ever done. It brought me back to Monaco and the dresses she'd practically been forced to wear. As much as she hated them, they were gorgeous on her and this was no different. It was revealing and intoxicating. I couldn't help but steal glances all through the night.

She knew it too, her hand staying on my thigh most of the meal and giving it a squeeze anytime I looked at her while conversing with those around the table. Everyone else was in great spirits around us, drinking into the night as food was served. She didn't get a chance to speak to me privately until dessert was served. Even then, we were sly about it, me leaning behind her to pretend to look around as I spoke into her ear.

"Do I get to know who you're dressing up for?" A smirk on my face as I used the position of my body to place my right hand over the one on my leg.

"I don't know if you've ever met him?," She feigned innocence as I moved back into my seat normally and looked to the table as she leaned in slightly, "He's probably the most incredible man I've ever met and he looks down right sexy tonight. It's something about an unbuttoned white dress shirt that just really accentuates his body and everything he works towards." She whispered as she leaned in to me slightly.

"Anything else? He sounds familiar but I just want to be sure." I smirked. She raised a single eye brow then, leaning all the way in and placing her lips next to my ear.

"I really thought about what he'd like to see me in. Since he's been so incredible. I thought about just coming down here in something with his name across it, showing everyone that I was his and only his," I swallowed as she spoke in a sultry tone, turning my head slightly to make sure no one was looking at us," But you know what I realized? He prefers it when I'm in nothing at all..."

I took a deep breath as she settled back into her seat and reached for the wine glass she'd been enjoying all night. Just one she had been nursing since we'd been here. She was playing dirty again and I loved every second of it. My hand landed in her leg this time as I turned to her.

"When should we call it?" I asked, hoping we could hurry this along.

"When we're ready? Why? Have somewhere to be?" She smirked as she swirled the last sip around her glass before drinking again.

"There's definitely somewhere I'd like to be settled in right now..." She giggled at the dirty comment before looking around the table.

"It's already 11? Where has the time gone?" She asked loudly, making a few of the guys turn to her.

"I don't know, but I think it is time for bed." Seb yawned as if he'd been trying to leave this whole time.

"Yeah, 9 am tomorrow?" Stoffel asked as he placed his napkin on the table.

"Yes. 9 am in the lobby. I have cars for all of us, but you are on your own for breakfast." She smiled at everyone around the table as we all prepared to get up.

"Are you also packing us a lunch, maman?" Pierre asked for another round of chuckles.

"If you can't feed yourself I can mon fils." There were a few chuckles at the table as people noticed she called him her son. The little boy just blushed at her words as she moved to stand.

"All jokes aside," I spoke, standing myself, "We also have plans for lunch tomorrow since we're doing activity to activity. Just dress comfy, closed toed shoes everyone." I gave the reminder as everyone else gave in and stood.

We said our goodbyes to everyone before heading upstairs. At least I thought that's where we were going. As we exited the restaurant, she pulled me to the left and out to the strip. Once outside, she let go of my arm and walked next to me as we made our way down the strip.

"I thought you'd want to go upstairs?" I questioned as we walked, my thumb rolling a ring on one of my fingers out of anxiety as she led us to whatever our destination was.

"I do want to go upstairs. Just not that upstairs..." She smiled at me in the dazzling lights of the strip.

"There's a different kind of upstairs?" She shrugged, a hand delicately tapping mine as she walked.

"There's a few different kinds of upstairs in Las Vegas. Consider this one returning a favor..."

I was quiet after that, expecting we wouldn't go far given the heels she was wearing. She was exactly the same height as me in the black shoes, I wanted to watch her as she walked gracefully through the street. The sidewalk was crowded though, this was a tourist destination after all. It was hard to blame anyone else that was here to enjoy what the city had to offer, the lights were mesmerizing and the events and activities of the city were unlike almost anywhere else in the world. Right now, it was making me have to stare ahead to avoid others walking around and ruining the view I could be having of my girlfriend. We'd separate briefly, having to avoid certain tourist groups and other couples trying to enjoy their night. I almost lost her until she suddenly pushed me towards a hotel.

"The Paris?" I asked her as she walked towards the doors to the hotel under the iconic hot air balloon hotel sign.

"Well I told you we were going up right?" My eyes looked up, seeing the Eiffel Tower above us.

We didn't get to go to the actual Eiffel Tower when we were in Paris. It was early, barely a relationship then and I still threw out a hail mary to show that I loved her. This was a continuation of that and it left me in awe as my jaw dropped to the sky above us.

"Come on or we'll miss our viewing window." She suddenly pulled on my arm again, trying to open the door for us both. I snapped out of it, rushing ahead to get the door for her.

"Why thank you." She smiled at me again as she walked through the door.

It was only a few minutes later we were stepping out into a view of the city below us. I was surprised to see no one else on the floor even with the late night. It was a major tourist attraction and every picture I'd ever seen had been full of people.

"Wow, a private viewing deck?" I joked as we stepped out of the elevator.

"Well," She turned around, grabbing my hands now that we were alone," I may or may not have bought every ticket for the viewing at this hour, the last hour of the night before they closed." She smiled as she pulled me towards the fence covering us from below while still allowing us to view the lights and buildings around us.

"Oh, and I may or may not have bribed the hotel with my glorious smile to give us the ultimate level of privacy and a little bit of a surprise for tonight." She turned, letting me see a small table in the corner of the viewing deck.

The table contained a single lit candle, an ice bucket with champagne, two glasses, and a silver dome. This was clearly meant to be a romantic night out for us. She had planned a clandestine date night, away from our friends and the celebrations of the week. Even though she had been busy with school and work, she took time to make sure we could have the alone time I so desperately craved and never voiced to her. All I could do was pull her to me and kiss her again, conveying as much love and adoration as possible in that moment.

"You're incredible..." I whispered against her lips as I held her tightly.

"Well, you've been the most incredible person in my life," She pulled me towards the table as she bit her lip," I wanted to give you a night to remember..."

That she did. After opening the champagne and discovering the chocolate and strawberries beneath the silver dome, we spent the night talking. About nothing and everything, jokes about the last few years, picking at ourselves for things we'd done in the last few months that we never would've done before. We took photos of anything and everything, laughing as if no one was watching and happily kissing in the lights of the strip below. It was perfect and wonderful just like she was, the light of my life.

"You know, I wanted to take you to the real one..." She whispered as I held her in my arms.

"Oh, I'd love to take you to the real one." She chuckled, leaning back against my chest to look up at me.

"This was my idea, you'll have to get a new one..." I just smiled down at her, staring into her eyes in the moment as her head rested on my shoulder.

"I love you, Maeve. From the tarmac to the moon and back, you'll always be my person..." It was whispered, threatened to be lost to the sounds of the city below.

"I love you Daniel. From the tour bus, around the world, and always home to you..." She smiled back before leaning forward to kiss me.

"I don't want tonight to end, but our time is ending," She spoke as she pulled back.

"I have some ideas of how to keep tonight going." I smirked, making her chuckle.

"Of course you do, that was my intention for tonight after all." She laughed as she stepped out of my arms to grab her clutch from the table where she'd left it.

"To go back to the hotel and lay on the couch watching corny movies until we fell asleep together?" I asked her jokingly. She walked back over to me and just smirked as she brought her hand up to trail over the chain I'd been wearing since we left the house in LA this morning.

"If you really want to, we can, but I already told you I wore something special for you...," She leaned forward, placed a kiss on my cheek before whispering in my ear," Or rather didn't wear something for you..." She kissed down my neck, her hands gripping the sides of my shirt.

"You-," I cut myself off, realizing what she was saying and pulling back to look down at her outfit," All night? While we were at dinner with-" I cut my own question off, realizing she was serious when she smiled at me.

"Yeah. Fuck the movie, we have a few weeks of time to catch up on."

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