Flesh and Bone

By FrozenFlamettfoi

7.9K 253 37

"There is one rule all werewolves most follow. Human must never know about them." Victoria was only four yea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 7

411 13 1
By FrozenFlamettfoi

Slowly I looked up to Andrew as growls filled the room around us. My heart raced now as I looked at the hate that was shining in King Amory's eyes. His wolf forced himself out as his canines pushed out of his lips. His eyebrows were pushed together and his face looked flush as he shook his head quickly, "That is impossible." He said, "Your chosen is promised to be a royal. This is nothing but a weak human!" King Amory said as he started to walk towards me.

"She is my daughter." Sheila said and looked at King Amory, "That makes her a royal."

"She isn't a werewolf. And she is not blood." King Amory replied in an irritated tone.

"Do you question the Moon Goddess's decision?" Alpha Ralph asked loudly.

"She is not a royal!" King Amory said.

King Amory glared at Ralph as everyone softly whispered. I was trying to understand what had just happened. My head was still spinning from the beating I just endured, and now the man that was about to kill me was admitting that I'm his mate? Is this because I helped him up? What was the angle, the purpose of announcing that I was his mate? Sheila didn't meet my eye, so I couldn't tell if this was her plan or not. But, I did know one thing King Amory had the look to kill. And his stare fell on me when I stepped away from Andrew. My body ached and my knees were willing to give out at any moment.

Amory must have seen the pain in my face. Because once I stood up again, his nostrils flared and he turned towards the man, "Andrew, you are my personal guard. You know the rules." He said and then turned to glare at me. I stared down at the floor as I felt my body shake.

"I know the rules." Andrew said in a soft tone.

"Will you kill her?" King Amory asked, I looked up to the men who spoke feet away from me, "Will you kill her for your King, Andrew?"

Andrew breathed heavily as he looked between King Amory and then to me. His body turned towards me but twisted towards him as he clenched his fists and quickly unclenched them. After a moment he closed his eyes and let his head bow to the man in front of me, "I will not interfere in your decision. I only ask of you King Amory, not to order me to kill my mate. I'm sorry I show this weakness and I will take your punishment." Andrew said and placed a closed fist over his heart as he bowed his body towards the King.

King Amory looked at Andrew shocked and then glared at me. His body shook in anger as he turned back to Andrew, "Lift your head." King Amory said, Andrew quickly obeyed his words, "If what you say is true, then as the Alpha King and as your friend I will allow your mate to live until the next clear full moon. On the next full moon she will shift if she is ready or not." He said and then took a step back, "In that time you will be taken off of my team immediately. And you will teach your 'mate' about us." He said in a sour tone, "And if your so-called mate dies during that full moon, you will die as well." He threatened.

"Of course your majesty." Andrew said with confidence as he looked towards Amory's brown eyes. Quickly those brown eyes found me, Amory walked more like a cat than a wolf.

"You're a very lucky little human." He said as he touched my swelling cheek. Andrew clenched his fist as his eyes found mine. Amory pulled his hand back and examined the brightness of my blood on his long fingers. He looked disgusted as he continued to speak, "Next time we meet, you might not be so lucky." He said. He turned away and walked to Sheila. He stopped in front of her and softly smiled, "And as for you big sister. I will also see you on the next full moon. And if the girl dies, you will follow her as well." Sheila didn't say anything as she watched King Amory walk back to his seat and sit down. And with one nod of his head, the party was resumed.

My head was spinning as I listened to people talk around us, the silent hall was now booming with voices and music as King Amory smirked towards me until couples started to dance over my fallen blood on the floor. So many thoughts filled my mind as I tried to process everything that had just happened. Taking in a deep breath I tried to concentrate on what my next move should be. Should I go to Sheila? Should I try to act as if nothing had happened, and hide in the shadows, something I was used to?

But, now it didn't matter where I would go. I was in the center of attention as I looked at the eyes that looked towards me. My body grew warmer and warmer as emotions filled it. Embarrassed, angry, humiliated, and so many more seemed to hang over my head. My body slowly started to feel every punch, every kick, and every bruise that was arising. I was in pain and feeling so vulnerable I knew where I wanted. It was the only place I felt safe.

The basement was calling my name. And as everyone talked over the excitement that had just happened I found my escape route. Without Sheila noticing my strategy I calmly walked towards the exit door and slipped out into the cool night. My hands shook as I headed back towards Ralph and Sheila's home. Every step was painful, but I didn't allow it to show. Werewolves seemed to be everywhere, making it difficult to get to my destination. But, when I could see the house a strange feeling washed over me. A joy that I didn't want to understand. Even though I was happy to see the large blue house, I felt extremely uncomfortable barging in the way I was about to. But, I couldn't help but to run, ready to hide in the basement. Hide from any eyes.

So as I opened the door and stumbled in the darkness, I rushed towards the basement. In the darkness I allowed the tears to fall down my face as I rushed towards the open door that led to the basement. I touched the wall as I walked down the stairway and then stumbled in my sanctuary. I locked the door as I took a deep breath against the wood. The pain had finally taken over all of my senses as a ringing flooded my ears. I pulled against the shoes that were latched to my feet as I laid on the cold basement floor.

Since werewolves ran a higher temperature, the house was always cold. Most days, I disliked the coolness. But at the moment, it was welcoming as I laid against the floor. My forearms rested under my head as I started to relax. Before I knew it my eyes were closed and my body quickly became weightless.

In the sweet sleep I could feel myself start to worry, my dream wasn't worrisome and my consciousness wasn't worried. But something was spiking my anxiety as I felt my stomach twist painful. I wanted to get up, I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn't. I couldn't even peep out of my half closed eyes, my eyelids were glued shut and refused to move for me. I had no control of my senses, and they wouldn't wake up no matter how many times I tried to order them, was I dead? Did I die when I fell asleep on the floor? My heart raced as the panic filled my body and I could feel my nerves start to twitch.

* * *

My body shook as the panic slowly escaped my nerves. I gasped for air as I tried to force a few of my muscles to move. And all so slowly I could wiggle my toes to my surprise. I continued to move my toes until I could feel my fingers twitch on my stomach. I allowed my body to continue to move until I slowly found my eyes. I opened my eyes and looked up to the ceiling. As soon as the view started to clear up from my sleepy eyes, I could feel the pain crash on me.

My mouth opened as I softly groaned and closed my eyes, wincing from the pain. I tried to turn my body and realized I couldn't after a moment of trying. I looked down to the mattress I was laying on, I was on my bed. My purple comforter was pulled over my body and my arms rested over the fabric. Slowly I lifted my right bruised hand to see a white long sleeve rested against my wrist. My face soured as I realized someone had changed me, they had carried and tucked me.

My stomach twisted as I pulled the hot comforter off of my body. Looking down I stared at the white joggers I had been placed in. Very slowly I sat up on the bed, and quickly stopped my movement when I looked over to Andrew asleep in my computer chair. So it was him. He was the one who had carried in my bed and had tucked me, I couldn't see Sheila allowing him to change me.

And when I looked to see the dress I had been in hanging up, I knew she was also here. His fist held his face as he slept crouched in the black chair. His long legs rested in front of him and I felt my stomach twist. At the moment I didn't care how attractive he was, because all I could feel was the pain he had brought on my body.

My body felt as if it had been hit by a car. I didn't even want to see my face that felt way too hot to be normal. As I lifted my hand I could feel the large lumps on my face and closed my eyes. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream in frustration. I owed this man my life, if he didn't declare I was his mate Sheila would be burying me. But looking towards him I could feel the acidic taste fill my throat. I didn't want him as my mate, I didn't want him anywhere near me. And I wanted him out of the basement right now. If I had the strength I would wake him up and kick him out myself.

My anger slowly started to boil in the imaginary pot I placed in my head. I wanted this man gone from my room, yet he looked so damn peaceful. Slowly I moved my burning limbs to move as I walked towards the bathroom. I closed the door and locked it before I turned to look at the mirror. My hand rushed to my mouth to silence the scream that I was about to make. My face was a mixture between black and blue. I had large ugly knots along my cheek bones. My nose was a deep purple with a cut across the bridge, and under my eye was black. I had a large gash on my forehead and from what I could see a large bruise across my chest. I looked disgusting, almost like a monster, with large curls falling over their chest.

Never have I worried about my appearance before. But, I was in the presence of a werewolf. How could I not worry? I wondered silently how long I've been sleeping. This wasn't a sleeping beauty movie, that was the one thing I was sure about. Taking in a few deep breaths I sat down on the floor and softly touched the painful areas. Before I could really assess the damage there was a knock on the door, "Victoria?" Sheila asked in a soft voice, "Are you in there?"

"Yes." I whispered and leaned my head back.

"We need to talk." Sheila said after a moment. Slowly I lifted myself off of the floor and opened the door, "We can go to the kitchen." Sheila said as she started to walk towards the door.

There was something off about her, I couldn't tell exactly what it was. But, she didn't look back to see if I was following or not. After a moment I realized it was better than being here alone with Andrew. So I slowly moved towards the stairs and walked up to the main floor. When I walked to the main floor, I was surprised at how bare it looked. Something was extremely wrong, and I couldn't put my finger on it. I followed Sheila into the kitchen. She handed me a hot mug and offered me a chair beside her.

Her beautiful self looked older than before. Her hair hung around her face, which somehow looked to be aging quickly. Her lips rested in a line as she took a sip of her coffee. We sat in silence for a moment as I waited for her to start the conversation. I never been up here without someone else being in the house. But, not even little May was running around. Sheila took a deep breath and started to speak, "Ralph took the children away." She whispered, as if to answer the question I just started to ask myself.

"When are they coming back?" I asked her.

"Next week." She said and then looked at me, "But, there has to be a few changes."

"Changes?" I asked her, confused.

"You have a month to prepare for the shift. Your training is going to be intense." Sheila said and looked at me, "But I have no doubt you will survive." She said and took in a deep breath, "During that time you will be going with Andrew-"

"No." I said.

"You and him will be going-"

"No." I repeated.


"I'm not going anywhere with him!" I said and stood up quickly, wincing from the movement.

"Victoria, he is your mate." Sheila said and looked at me, "He will protect you-"

"I don't need someone to protect me!" I said and looked at her, "I don't want to go with him, Sheila. I want to stay with you."

Sheila looked shocked at my confession. Truthfully I was surprised by the words that fell from my mouth. Slowly I took a deep breath. I looked at the hot mug and glared at it, "Look what he did to me." I said and touched my damaged face, "I don't want him anywhere near me. I will leave your house if you wish." I said and looked up to Sheila, "But I won't go with Andrew."

Sheila looked at me and pushed her lips to a line, her hand reached out for mine. And slowly I grabbed her outstretched palm. There was something in her brown eyes, an understanding maybe. Alpha Ralph took her against her consent, was she remembering her past? But, slowly she only shook her head as she exhaled loudly, "Victoria, you have to." She whispered.

"Not with him." I pleaded softly and looked at her, "Please Sheila." I begged.

"Victoria, I think-"

"That's the problem!" I shouted and yanked my hand back, "I didn't ask you what you thought. I told you-"

"Don't give me that tone!" Sheila said and looked at me, "You will-"

"I will not!" I shouted, "If you make me leave with that man, I will never be able to forgive you. Let me go by myself!"

"I can't!" Sheila said and looked at me with wide eyes, "They will come for you." She tried to stress out, but I only pulled my hand towards my chest as I ignored her.

"The same way you came for my parents?" I asked her, her eyes widened but she didn't speak. "You took me, Sheila. If you didn't kill my parents, god if you didn't take me, I wouldn't have to do any of this! You're the reason why I have to shift!" I shouted loudly. Taking in a deep breath I shook my head. Closing my eyes I then lowered my voice, "I don't understand you Sheila. Just tell me-"

"Good morning Andrew." Sheila said in a sudden voice.

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