In Magician's Embrace [BOOK 1...

Od Sylvia-Norcroft

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° ° ° AMBYS 2023 WINNER ° ° ° Eliza Price, daughter of the Duke of Hertfordshire, finds herself entangled in... Více

0. Prologue (It All Began With A Letter)
1. Chapter (January Of Affections)
2. Chapter (The Hand Most Sought In Matrimony)
3. Chapter (The Ball)
4. Chapter (At The Red Cat)
5. Chapter (A Valuable Visitor)
6. Chapter (Meeting Sir Dodger)
7. Chapter (Two Old Rivals)
8. Chapter (The Lovers)
9. Chapter (Old Gossiper's Ball)
10. Chapter (The Magician And His Tricks)
11. Chapter (The History Of The Three Families)
12. Chapter (About Miss Morris)
13. Chapter (One Solicitor's Woes)
14. Chapter (The Clash of Siblings)
15. Chapter (A Temporary Truce)
16. Chapter (Of Mice And Rodents)
17. Chapter (The Grays' Ball)
18. Chapter (Abduction)
19. Chapter (Rejecting A Nightmare)
20. Chapter (The Price Sisters)
21. Chapter (Being Tender May Cost You A Heart)
22. Chapter (A Confession Of An Old Friend)
23. Chapter (The Past That Stings Still)
24. Chapter (More Tricks For Your Mind)
25. Chapter (Frailty Mind, Broken Form)
26. Chapter (Vacationing In Hertford)
27. Chapter (Those Lovely Eyes Of Yours)
28. Chapter (Ah, Those Clandestine Affairs)
29. Chapter (Things You Do For The Family)
30. Chapter (A Sisterly Spat)
31. Chapter (Haughtiness In Hertford)
32. Chapter (Words That Incite Sentiments)
33. Chapter (My Dear Enemy)
34. Chapter (The Betrayal Most Unexpected)
35. Chapter (High Stakes Gamble)
36. Chapter (Weak, Feeble and Soft)
37. Chapter (The Chest)
38. Chapter (You Belong To Me)
39. Chapter (The Ravishing Of Lady E)
40. Chapter (To The Devil With The Scoundrels)
41. Chapter (Ladies Price)
42. Chapter (The Fallen Pretence)
43. Chapter (Good People In Danger)
44. Chapter (Heavy Revelations)
45. Chapter (Of Little Dove And Broken Son)
46. Chapter (Seeking Miss Morris)
47. Chapter (The True Deuce of Grays)
48. Chapter (The Battles Of Resolves)
49. Chapter (The Gallows Of Hearts)
51. Chapter (An Unlikely Rescuer)
52. Chapter (You Don't Choose Your Enemy)
53. Chapter (Returned From The Grave)
54. Chapter (A Sinister Shot)
55. Chapter (Almost Three Months Later)
56. Chapter (What Was Hidden In The Chest)
57. Chapter (The Wedding and The Feast)
58. Chapter (The Feast Continues)
59. Epilogue I (The Unexpected Betrayal)
60. Epilogue II (Isabella, I Implore You)

50. Chapter (Lord Gray's Musings)

62 9 83
Od Sylvia-Norcroft

Historical Insight:

*In the Georgian era and throughout the 19th century, a visiting card was a small, formal card used by individuals to signify a social call or to express courtesy. These cards were an essential part of social etiquette and were commonly exchanged during visits or left at a person's residence when the visitor was not able to meet them in person.

A typical visiting card was small in size, about the size of a modern business card, and often made of sturdy paper or card stock. It would bear the visitor's name, title, and sometimes a short greeting or message. Visiting cards played a crucial role in the elaborate rituals of calling and receiving visitors, especially in higher social circles. They helped convey social status, manners, and respect within the rigid conventions of the time.

Daniel gazed upon his mother, her condition remaining unchanged. Serenity graced her countenance as she succumbed to the embrace of sleep, a stark contrast to her eldest son whose inner turmoil raged akin to a tempest. It was not solely due to his father's transgressions, but also his brother Felix, who, against all counsel, embarked on a solitary quest to find their wayward patriarch. Daniel could only hope that Felix would not find himself entangled in fisticuffs or worse, a victim of an untimely demise at the hands of their very sire. Left to shoulder the burden alone, he steadfastly refused to abandon his mother's side, leaving his delicate matter with Eliza unresolved... or so he thought, despite her being resolute in the decision she gave him.

He adamantly avoided causing a scandal, refraining from seeking the intervention of Bow Street Runners or, heaven forbid, the magistrate, despite the allure of such recourse. His father, in his eyes, deserved nothing less than the cold embrace of a jail cell, but Daniel couldn't be the one to put him there. Thus, he maintained a vigil over his mother, attending to all family matters within the confines of her chamber. A table was brought forth, laden with carefully arranged blank papers, quills, and inkwells, which were for nought in his case, as he couldn't grapple with penmanship at all. Damn, he barely could read, making perusing the post an immense ordeal.

The limitations imposed by his infirmity barred him from penning a letter, and he had no trusted confidant to whom he could dictate a heartfelt missive meant for her eyes only. Moreover, given Eliza's soured disposition, there was a significant chance that his missive would meet its fiery end within the hearth before she would even peruse it. Nay, he must engage her directly once more... or how many instances would it require for her to fathom that he genuinely held a profound affection for her and pursued justice for them both.

At the moment, Daniel longed to convey his sentiments, his intended apologies, and the means to disentangle the intricate threads of their existence to someone, anyone willing to lend an ear, for it weighed heavily on his conscience. The mere contemplation of their imminent meeting caused beads of sweat to form on his furrowed brow.

"Incomprehensible! I arrived with the intent to claim the mantle of Reginald's inheritance, and now it can all go to damned hell in these circumstances," he lamented aloud.

Drawing nearer to his mother, he clasped her cool, fragile hand within his own. How he longed for her presence, her well-meaning counsel that, although not always in alignment with his desires, he now yearned for with every fibre of his being.

"If only you could hear me, dearest mother. The whims of fate have cast me into a maelstrom of emotions, and you, dear soul, possess the wisdom to comprehend my plight. It is as if you preside over a tapestry where the threads converge and interweave to forge an unforeseen outcome. I, too, am taken aback by the tide that has swept us together. I fought against it, oh, how I resisted, but... in spite of my transgressions, she captivated my heart. In her presence, I experienced a depth of feeling I have never before encountered, not even in the embrace of Lady Joan. Only in these recent days have I come to realise that my affection for Joan was born of youthful folly. Her choice to unite with another suitor bestowed upon me the opportunity to encounter the woman I am resolute to share my existence with. That is, if she so grants me the privilege."

At the mention of Joan, he perceived a notable change - he no longer sensed the sting of pain from her rejection, the resentment of being discarded like a used rag; rather, it was as if Eliza filled his heart entirely with tranquil warmth and contentment. Daniel's countenance softened, an affectionate smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Yet, his mother remained motionless, her features untouched by the solace of slumber.

"I do believe that if you were to hear me, you would immediately deduce the subject of my conversation," Daniel continued, his words filled with sentiment. "It wouldn't take you long to unravel the truth. In fact, I am convinced that you had some inkling about our entanglement, which is why you insisted upon my presence and the avoidance of any evasion to meet her halfway. I am grateful that you convinced me to travel to Hertford, and for all the invaluable counsel you have bestowed upon me. Though I did not adhere to it in its entirety, even gravely diverted from being a proper gentleman, it is enough for me to announce with a lighter heart that I shall take Eliza Price as my wife. I confess my love for her, despite the defiance of rationality. I intended to teach her a lesson, only to find myself chastised."

It would have been a splendid sight if Rose had awakened during his discourse, perhaps even at its culmination, but she remained soundly asleep. Daniel gently released her hand and reclined against the back of the chair when a discreet knock sounded at the chamber door. Permitting entry, the majordomo stepped into the room, presenting a small piece of paper.

"My Lord, a visiting card* with a note has arrived from the Duke of Hertfordshire," the majordomo announced.

Daniel swallowed hard, a surge of unease coursing through him. "Please, open it and relay its contents to me," he requested, sensing the warmth of embarrassment spreading across his countenance.

In that moment, he would have given anything to possess the ability to decipher the written word swiftly, but alas, he relied upon the hope that the message would maintain a discreet nature. The majordomo cleared his throat, carefully unfolding the note, and began to read aloud:

Esteemed Lord Daniel Gray,

I beseech you to hasten your presence in my company. The matter at hand is of utmost importance and urgency.

With regards,
John Price, Duke of Hertfordshire

Daniel once again felt beads of perspiration form upon his brow. It appeared that Eliza slipped in her convictions, or perchance her father had somehow unravelled their secret, despite his precarious health. Expressing gratitude to the majordomo, he dismissed him from the chamber. Left alone, he took to pressing upon his temples with a sense of agitation. He knew this moment could arise at any time and had mentally prepared himself, yet he was loath to leave his mother unattended, with only the servants as her guardians.

Drawing closer to the bed, Daniel gazed upon her serene countenance for an extended moment. What guidance would she offer him now? He was certain that, if aware of the consequences of his actions, she would undoubtedly wield her maternal authority, propelling him forth with a sword. The notion provoked a wistful smile upon his lips. Oh, how he yearned for her sagacity, her instructions on how to approach the venerable Duke and Eliza... yet her visage remained unmoving. He sighed, settling back into the chair, for another prolonged night lay ahead, awaiting his ardent contemplations.

Indeed, his reflection delved into the recollection of the recent event when he visited the residence of the esteemed Price family. Daniel hadn't composed the words he intended to convey to either the venerable Duke or Eliza herself, and perhaps that was the gravest misstep he could have taken initially, foreshadowing his subsequent downfall. As he was admitted to the Mayfair House by the majordomo Jens, he suddenly felt unsure to whom the butler should announce his presence.

Fortuitously, Eliza, as a testament to the convenience likely bestowed by Providence itself, emerged in the grand hall and nearly erupted in a tirade against the scoundrel who dared to toy with her sensibilities. However, she succeeded in maintaining her composure.

"Thank you, Jens. I shall handle this matter from now on. There is no need to announce Lord Gray's arrival, as I anticipate this will be a brief undertaking," she declared, her gaze possessing the potential to pierce deep holes into his person if it were possible.

She then requested Daniel to accompany her into the drawing room, where she closed the door behind them against all decorum and hissed, "Come to the hearth; our majordomo is surely eavesdropping on us."

He approached her, and soon, perhaps the most hushed and passionate argument in the history of Mayfair House commenced between two stubborn lovers.

"You... you... you! There are not enough derogatory words in the lexicons of the whole realm that I'd use for you and your conduct!" she whispered indignantly. "I should have refused your entry into this abode, you venerable scoundrel!"

Daniel furrowed his brow at her words and began to defend himself, saying, "I dare to surmise that it has to do with the revelation of my persona as the Magician. I implore you, Eliza, do trust me when I say that I indeed wanted to tell you about this during your celebration. But your assumption of the role of a seductress hindered me from doing so. Every time I tried to speak, you did everything to silence me, madam!"

She raised her long finger in indignation and gestured through the air in front of his countenance. "There was ample opportunity for you to tell me!"

He scoffed incredulously. "I venture to inquire when exactly was that ample opportunity—when you put your lips on mine? When you pushed me into your bed? When you unfastened my breeches and straddled my shaft?!"

"You could have returned to the ball!"

Daniel scrambled his arms in indignation as she lowered her finger. "Damn it, woman, you tore the buttons on my breeches off! Was I supposed to return with my cock in the open air for everyone to see?! Not to mention I already gave my apologies for my earlier exit to your esteemed mother!"

"You could... you could disclose it to me back at the orphanage," she said, now with tears welling in her eyes.

"My dear, but you could gaze into my countenance there, yet you refused so fervently. Which is also what I should be asking of you - why couldn't you take a glimpse?"

A pained expression crossed her face as she spoke, "Because I... I was confounded by my emotions. How could I experience the same depth with you and... the Magician, who turned out to be you as well! I genuinely held an interest in that masked man, and despite the familiarity I felt from his touch, I never imagined that you would subject me so cruelly to thoughts of my downfall and fleeting affections! I feared that once I gazed into the Magician's countenance, it wouldn't be you, but some other man who managed to seduce me so effortlessly!"

Eliza dried her tears and spoke on, "Perhaps it doesn't strike a chord with you, being a man with undoubtedly many conquests, but I genuinely wished for... I believed I found what I was seeking—a deep affection! There were moments, especially after you expressed your feelings towards me, that I believed I had found it. But now, I am uncertain—does disdain take the place of affection in your vocabulary? Is it that whenever you speak of affection, you actually mean disdain, Daniel?"

He briefly closed his eyes, as he understood her perspective. "My dear Eliza, I beseech you... there has been no disdain for quite some time on my part, and I'm certain you can sense it too. I certainly haven't bedded a lot of women, but one who caused me a profound heartbreak. The result of it was my clouded judgement of you and caused the subsequent mockery of your sensibilities."

A hushed stillness enveloped the air, and Eliza noticed the tightening of the muscles on his countenance. "However, in the current circumstance, it transcends our personal matters, doesn't it? You might carry my child, compelling our union, yet, honestly, I desire to wed you, offspring or no."

She briefly regarded the marbled floor before returning to his countenance. "If I find myself with child, then indeed, we shall wed. But if not, we shan't embark on such a decision."

This sparked his ire anew.

"Eliza! I'm affording you no choice in this matter, and why should I, after all?! You've partaken in amorous pursuits with me on several occasions! I shall reveal your actions to your father and brother, who will undoubtedly be pleased to discover that their esteemed lady is far from innocent and has been for quite some time!"

She reflected that anger equally.

"Very well! Tell whomever you wish, inform the devil himself for all I care! Is this your vision for our marriage, Daniel? A union mired in constant disputes?! Is that your desire?"

"Aye," he nodded his head in bewilderment, "for then I could drag you to our marital bed, where we would surely mend our understanding. Or do you dare to deny that it appears to be the only place where our minds align the most?!"

They exchanged gazes, filled with a profound desire, yet as Daniel took two steps toward her, she swiftly turned on her heel and fled from the chamber, nearly colliding with the majordomo who had been discreetly eavesdropping on their conversation.

Shortly thereafter, Daniel too departed from the estate, disheartened by all, his actions not excluded.

However, he was not ready to concede defeat just yet, and the Duke of Hertfordshire presented him with another chance to persuade Eliza into matrimony.

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