My Everything (Scarlett Johan...

By ayemem215

259K 5.7K 719

You're a lawyer who used to be a top model when growing up. You stopped modeling to finish school and start y... More

Wedding Inspo


1.9K 40 3
By ayemem215

Y/ns POV
I step off the private jet and hold my hand out for Scarlett to step down off the stairs too. I turn around to walk to the car waiting for us and breath in the hot salty air. We just landed in Barcelona, Spain. Scar ended up getting the rope in Wes Andersons film and he had already started filming so Scarlett was needed on set asap. It took about a week to get everything settled and booked. So I just packed up some clothes and essentials and followed Scarlett onto the plane. Yes I freaked out when I saw it was a jet, but Scarlett said it was set up by Wes and she couldn't say no.

I helped the driver put our bags in the trunk and then Slid into the back seat with Scarlett. She was texting or emailing away on her phone and when I get in she puts it away smiling.

"I just let Wes and Tracy, the producer know we landed. I'm not due until tomorrow so we can settle into the rental and explore or just relax. Whatever you want to do" she says

"I don't mind exploring. I hope you like the house I picked" I say knowing she left the rental up to me. I took my time exploring the different houses virtually. I especially loved this one for the outdoor area. The pool was awesome and had so many different areas to hangout. Plus it came with a ping pong table. I had to choose that one.

"I'm sure anything you pick will be perfect. I love your style." She says kissing my cheek and looking out the window taking in the scenery.

We pull up to the villa and it's even more beautiful in person. It's located in Toledo which is only 4 miles from the set of the film. I told Scar we could've stayed on set but she insisted we needed something bigger and that she would want to escape the set at times so a rental would be better. Also, Rose would be joining us the last week she was here and the extra space would definitely help with her.

"Wow babe. You did great" scar says smiling looking around the outside of the front of the house.

"Wait until you see inside, and the back yard." I smirk dragging her inside. When you walk in it's pretty open. There's some closets and racks along the wall and then it's the kitchen and living room in front with sliding glass doors leading outside. To the back left of the kitchen is a door leading to the garage and before the kitchen in the left corner is the stairs for upstairs. I lead her around the kitchen watching her touch everything and look in all the drawers and cabinets. I then lead her to the glass door and she gasps looking outside.

There's a beautiful pool with chairs on one side of the pool and surrounded by grass and beautiful greenery and flowers. The mountains that surround the house easily seen in the background. It's seriously out of a catalog. I then bring her around the side of the house to show her the other seating areas and then ofcourse the garage with the ping pong table.

She has this huge smile throughout the entire time I'm showing her around. It makes me feel like I did a good job and I'm just glad. I wanted this to be a safe and comforting place so she can relax after a hard days work. I lead her back through the garage and into the kitchen and sit down at the kitchen counter. She snakes her arms around me and leans her chin on my shoulder.

"This place is amazing baby. Great pick" she says. "I can't wait to christen every inch of this house with you" she rasps in my ear.

"That sounds great. Want to get a head start right now?" I ask excitedly turning around to face her.

"Soon baby. I want to explore a little and get some local food." She says laughing and patting my chest. I pout jokingly and when she scrunches up her nose in her smile my breath gets sucked right out of my lungs. She's so fucking ethereal in just her plane clothes, hair tied up with no makeup and the natural light from outside. Her skin is glowing and hey eye pop from her natural glow it's like I'm stuck in time and can't stop staring at her. My heart beats again and the air comes back in so I can regain my composure.

"You are so beautiful. I'm so inlove with you." I say to her and slide one hand up her cheek and towards the back by her jaw. My two finger brush by her ear and I feel her jaw tense a minute when my lips brush against hers. My smile stops me from kissing her so when she makes the move to kiss me she kisses all teeth. Which then makes her laugh.

"And I'm so inlove with you." She repeats to me and we finally close the gap and crash our lips into a meaningful and passionate kiss. I can feel her arms snake around my shoulders and her hand tangles in my hair deepening the kiss. When my tongue brushes against her lip she denies me and pulls back with a smirk.

"I don't want to start anything I can't finish." She says and pulls away from me  and walks away,looking into the fridge.

"Wow, using my own lines against me" I say chuckling.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game." She laughs and I cringe.

"Okay enough cheesy lines. I'm going to puke" I say laughing and she fakes being offended with her hand flying to her chest.

"I've actually never seen you throw up, or sick." She says looking around thinking.

"That's because I don't get sick." I say and cross my arms over my chest.

"I call bullshit. But sure we'll go with that." She says laughing and pulling her phone out.

"Serious. I don't get sick. Not from drinking and not from a virus either. I couldn't tell you the last time I was sick." I say proudly.

"I hope your good juju rubs off on rose and I because when school starts it usually starts with her then passes to me. So I guess we will just sit and see." She says.

"You act like I haven't been around her while she's been at school." I laugh a little.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Cmon there's a restaurant with great reviews not far. We can walk and see what's around here." She says changing the subject and walking towards the luggage's to bring them upstairs and change.

A little while later we are changed a ready to go. I am wearing loose jeans and silk button up shirt that is also loose with a tank top under because it's currently 80 and it's not at the high temp yet. Scar walkds down in short jeans shorts and a crop top white tank that frames her shoulders perfectly. We both throw on some sunglasses and hats and set off for a little adventure.

We start walking down the road following the directions to the restaurant and I take in the scenery. The trees look greener and the flowers look more vibrant. Maybe it's just in my head but I can't help but stare at the plants around us. All the building we walk past are old, but standing strong and I admire how well the city was built.

"Look at the streets" Scarlett scar pointing at the cobblestone. The pure joy in her face makes me fall harder for her each and every time I see it.

"So beautiful" I say and look up at her smiling. She tugs me along and we see a fruit vendor on the side selling beautiful pineapple and melons. I make a note to buy some on the way back.

When we turn the corner I see the restaurant and it's adorable. It's small and has a homey feel too it, Like it's owned by a family. When I open the wooden door with holes in the wood the creek of the door alerts the people is die of us coming in. I see an older woman and younger woman behind the counter. The older woman puts on a smile and the younger one doesn't even bother to look up.

"Hi" Scarlett says walking up and I come up behind her and stand right next to her. I see them eye my tattoos and then look at me and smile. That's okay some cultures don't like tattoos, I do so I don't mind if people stare.

"Hola" I say to the older woman and she nods with a smile. 
"Cómo puedo ayudarte?" (How may I help you?) The older woman says looking between us and I hear scarlet suck out a breath. It's hard not understanding what other people say when there's a language barrier I'm just glad I happen to understand Spanish.

"¿Hay algún menú que podamos ver?"(Is there a menu we can look at?) I ask and see Scarlett whip her head at me surprised and the older woman's eyes go wide knowing I understand her.

The woman hands is each a menu and I walk Scarlett over to a small 2 person table, 1 of 4 that are in the little shop, so we can look at the menu.

"I forgot you knew other language. I'm so used to you talking to me in Italian." Scsr says right away befor glancing at the menu.

"They are very similar languages. So it was east to learn both. Why? Do you like?" I ask and wiggle my eyebrows.

Her lip goes between her teeth and she looks be up at down as I cross my legs and lean back in the chair to look at the menu.
"More than you know" she says lowly but I hear her. I just give her a smirk and look back at the menu. I already know I'm going to eat something good and hearty because I want to explore the city the rest of the day. I choose paella and glance up to see if Scar is ready to order. She has a confused look on her face and I laugh a little at how cute she looks.

"Need some help my love?" I ask her and she looks up shyly and nods.

"I want that" she says pointing at a picture of a steak sandwich with a salad on the side.

"Okay I can order that. And to drink?" I ask and she thinks a second. "Surprise me?" She says and I nod walking up to the counter again.

"Hola. ¿Puedo tomar la paella y el sándwich de bistec con una ensalada?"
(Hello. May I please have the paella and the steak sandwich with a side salad.)

"Sí, ¿algo más?" (Yes anything else?)

"Dos aguas, por favor." (Two waters please.)

"No hay problema. Lo sacaremos cuando esté listo. Puedes pagar cuando termines." (No problem. We will bring it out when it's ready. You can pay when your done.)

She hands me the two waters and I go back to sit at the table. I hand Scarlett her water and she giggles a little.
"I like water, thanks." She says

"I totally blanked on how to say any other drink besides water" I say laughing and she joins in on laughing at me.

"It's okay really, I love water." She says opening the bottle and taking a sip. The food comes out piping hot not long later and we both moan at how amazing it tastes.

"Kate just emailed me saying the investigation was filed from your sister about Thomas. She helped her with the police part and as far as I know I think they will settle and he will pay her back the money" Scar says reading an email off her phone.

"That's good. I'm glad she's fighting for something." I say rolling my eyes.

"Why do you say that?l she asks.

"She didn't go to the doctor appointments I set up for her." I say and stab my fork into a shrimp head.

"Give her some time. A lot is happening." She says.

"She doesn't have time." I say and we fall quiet. My dish is so big I can't finish it so I have to get a Togo bag. The whole bill is $13 and me and Scsr are both surprised because something that good needs to be charged more. I leave a big tip and the smile on the older woman's face doesn't go unnoticed by me or Scarlett. The younger girl didn't say much, I'm not sure if she recognized Scarlett but she kept her distance unless she was serving us the food.

We continue our journey further into the city and I stop to find a map. After looking at it with Scarlett she points that she wants to go to a market she sees on the map and I see the castle is not far from it either so I agree. We hike up a couple hills but it's not too hard. The feeling of getting to the top of the hill and see the markets we were searching for makes me feel good.

I follow Scsr around the markets. She collects little fruits and spices she sees and when she looks at a beautiful handemade bracelet I stop to look with her.

"Don't you think Rose would love this?" She asks me and I nod agreeing with her.

"I think she's like that teal one, the gems look like the one on your bracelet she always steals" I say

"Oh hey you're right" Scsr say excitedly picking that one and paying for it.

I follow Scsr to another stand full of more jewelers and sunglasses and I feel my phone start to vibrate. I see it's Scarlett's friend, Sonia calling and in any other instance I would take the call infrom of her but I know why she's calling and for that reason I walk away from the tent she's in for a quieter spot.

"Hey Sonia! How are you doing?" I ask the older woman on the phone.

"Hi y/n dear. Everything's well thanks. I'm just calling to let you know it's just about done. I just wanted to make sure I got the wording right on the engraving." She says and I feel my heart rate pick up and I stsrt to get really excited.

"Really it's almost ready!" I ask her and hear her laugh.

"This is for my very best friend. Ofcourse I put this over every other piece of jewelry I have to make." She says laughing and I smirk at her. She loves Scarlett so much. They've been friends since they were kids and managed to stay in contact throughout the years. I met her at an event a couple months ago and we got a long well.

"Thank you! Okay what was your question again? Sorry" I laugh out.

"The engraving in the ring. What was it exactly you wanted written." She asks.

sei il mio tutto

The words that have been swarming around us our whole relationship.

"Okay perfect. It'll be done soon. I'll call you!" She says before hanging up. I put my phone away and shake my nerves. This is getting real. I find my way back to Scarlett but I think we have to cut our day short because the clouds coming in over the mountains tell me it's going to start raining any minute.

"I think we should head back before we get caught in this storm." I say and she looks up at the clouds and quickly agrees following me back down the path of the hills we took and through the little town. We pass the restaurant again and then I see the gorgeous trees and flowers again and know we are near. I feel the raindrops starting but I can see the house so I'm not worried.

Each step closer to the house the rain comes down harder and faster. Right before we enter the gate the sky opens up and ot starts raining in full buckets.

"Ahhh shit!" Scsr squeals and I laugh at her. "It's cold!!" She yells running inside the gate to the stairs.

I grab her hand before she can go up and pull her back flush against my front. "What are you doing babe we're getting soaked!" She shrieks and I just hold her tighter and holder her one arm up with mine in a dancing position.

"Dance with me" I say against her lips and feel her smile against me.

"Show me what to do" she says lowly and I slip my hand lower on her waist and start to waltz her around the rain. We glide with ease, her feet following my footsteps and we soon and slide together like we are professionals. Her back straightens and I spin her once and sip her down slowly bringing her back up to a standing position before I capture her lips with a soft and passionate kiss that makes her leg pop. I pull away from the kiss and lean our foreheads together opening my eyes to see her gorgeous eyes on me and her big beautiful smile radiating on her face.

"I've always wanted to do that" she says.

"Kiss me?" I say joking and she laughs.

"Dance and kiss in the rain. Big bucket list of mine" she says and I can't help but smile.

"I'll help you check everything off that bucket list my love" I say and she smiles. I usher us inside to get changed but when she oushes me back against the front door when we get inside I know she has other plans.

"I have something else on my bucket list." She rasps out while atandning between my legs. Her hands on either side of my head that's up against the door.

"What's that baby?" I say lowly.

"Pool sex" she says and pulls me off the door dragging me through the house towards the back. This should be fun.

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