Falling Stars ✧ Regulus Black

By Hauntedhues

580K 17.7K 5.2K

Josephine Potter was different from her family. Maybe that's what led to her befriending Regulus Black. FemOC... More

~Character Profiles~
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
~Chapter 38~
~Chapter 39~
~Chapter 40~
~Chapter 41~
~Chapter 42~
~Chapter 43~
~Chapter 44~
~Chapter 45~
~Chapter 46~
~Chapter 47~
~Chapter 48~
~Chapter 49~
~Chapter 50~
~Chapter 51~
~Chapter 52~
~Chapter 53~
~Chapter 54~
~Chapter 55~
~Chapter 56~
~Chapter 57~
~Chapter 58~
~Chapter 59~
~Chapter 60~
~Chapter 61~
~Chapter 62~
~Chapter 63~
~Chapter 64~
~Chapter 65~
~Chapter 66~
~Chapter 67~
~Chapter 68~
~Chapter 69~
~Chapter 70~
~Chapter 71~
~Chapter 72~
~Chapter 73~
~Chapter 74~
~Chapter 75~
~Chapter 76~
~Chapter 77~
~Chapter 78~
~Chapter 79~
~Chapter 80~
~Chapter 81~
~Chapter 82~
~Chapter 83~
~Chapter 84~
~Chapter 85~
~Chapter 86~
~Chapter 87~
~Chapter 88~
~Chapter 89~
~Chapter 90~
~Chapter 91~
~Chapter 92~
~Chapter 93~
~Chapter 94~
~Chapter 95~
~Chapter 96~
~Chapter 97~
~Chapter 98~
~Chapter 99~
~Chapter 100~
~Chapter 101~
~Chapter 102~
~Chapter 103~
~Chapter 104~
~Chapter 105~
~Chapter 106~
~Chapter 107~
~Chapter 108~
~Chapter 109~
~Chapter 110~
~Chapter 111~
~Chapter 112~
~Chapter 113~
~Chapter 114~
~Chapter 115~
~Chapter 116~
~Chapter 117~
~Chapter 118~
~Chapter 119~
~Chapter 120~
~Chapter 121~
~Chapter 122~
~Chapter 123~
~Chapter 124~
~Chapter 125~
~Chapter 126~
~Chapter 127~

~Chapter 19~

7K 222 78
By Hauntedhues

Josie makes her way to the library, her scheduled meeting spot with Regulus to complete their essay. However, he seemed keen on ignoring all day, only engaging in necessary conversation during class. She ponders whether he will even show up.

As she approaches the library doors, someone unexpectedly calls her name. Davian, the other Ravenclaw Prefect, greets her. Their previous interactions have been limited, making this encounter unusual.

Davian steps closer, and Josie can't help but notice his attractive features—dirty blonde hair and captivating green eyes. Standing before her, he is a few inches taller than Josie.

With a smile, Davian breaks the silence, saying, "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me on the next trip, as a date?"

Surprised, Josie conceals her emotions. Davian asking her out is unexpected. "Sure," she replies, reciprocating the smile. They make plans, and he leaves.

Josie, still processing the unexpected turn of events, strolls toward the library doors. No one has ever asked her on a date before. Perhaps she could develop feelings for Davian; he seems kind based on their limited interactions.

Pushing these thoughts aside, Josie enters the library and spots Regulus at a table. Taking a seat next to him, she catches his attention, but he remains silent.

"When we turn in the essay, do you want to demonstrate the vanishing spell?" Josie asks.

"Yes. I already know how to do it," Regulus replies, his tone still cold.

"Alright," Josie acknowledges.

He slides the essay closer to her, and together they silently work on the final few sentences. Once they finish, Regulus simply departs.

Josie's lips curl, though she conceals the disdain she feels towards him. With a sigh, she ventures to a section of the library in search of more books on occlumency. To her surprise, there aren't many resources available.

Josie's gaze wanders to the restricted section. It seems plausible that occlumency-related books might be found there. However, accessing those books would require a professor's authorization.

Maybe Dumbledore when she asked for help on the subject? If he agreed.

After leaving the library, Josephine carries two books—one on occlumency and the other on legilimency. She heads back to her dorm, her mind now consumed by thoughts of the mysterious whisper she had once heard. Although she hasn't encountered it again, the curiosity about its source lingers within her.

This year seems to be filled with countless unanswered questions, adding to Josephine's growing list of uncertainties.


As the weekend before Hogsmeade arrives, Josephine and Regulus still haven't spoken, but he has stopped ignoring her and simply acts as if their fight never occurred. She wonders about the cause of his cold behavior, but she doesn't want to invest her energy into figuring it out.

Josephine, Regulus, Pandora, Evan, Barty, and Dorcas gather outside, a chilly breeze blowing through the air. Josephine holds an open book in her hands, while Dorcas rests her head on Josephine's lap, her free hand gently playing with her hair.

"What are your plans for Hogsmeade next weekend? I'm going shopping for a Halloween costume," Dorcas inquires, reminding Josephine that she needs to decide on her own costume.

"I need to find a costume too," Josephine chimes in, briefly diverting her gaze from the book.

"Are you guys seriously dressing up?" Barty asks.

"Yes, I want to go as something scary to give everyone a good fright," Josephine replies, a smile spreading across her face. She enjoys selecting costumes that are both fun and eerie.

Evan laughs. "That's it, we're all dressing up this year, including you, Black," he exclaims, pointing at Regulus.

"I am doing no such thing," Regulus retorts, his expression unchanged.

Evan leans closer to Regulus, sitting up and nudging him. "Come on, you should get one of those muggle vampire costumes," he suggests.

Regulus stares at him with a blank expression.

"We should start at the Three Broomsticks this time and then go look for our costumes," Pandora suggests, her voice gentle. Regulus glances over at her.

"I can't join you guys at the Three Broomsticks," Josephine interjects, glancing back at her book as she speaks.

"Why?" Dorcas whines, lifting her head from Josephine's lap.

Josephine laughs and looks down at her. "Someone asked me on a date, so I'll be with them."

"What?" Dorcas exclaims, grabbing the book from Josephine's hand. "Why didn't you tell me?" She pouts.

Josephine shrugs. "It's not that important."

"Yes, it is!" Evan's shocked voice approaches them.

"Oh, my little Josette is going on a date," he teases.

Josie rolls her eyes. "Listen, it's probably not gonna go anywhere anyway, so it's not that important."

Her gaze meets Regulus's stare, his face seemingly hidden behind his usual mask once again.

She turns her attention back to Dorcas, who is already excitedly planning her outfit for the occasion.

"Who's the date with?" Regulus asks, his tone sharp. Pandora tries to catch his attention, glancing at him several times.

"The other Ravenclaw prefect, Davian."

"Oh, he's cute," Evan chimes in.

Josie chuckles, then remembers her purpose for the day—meeting with Dumbledore to discuss occlumency.

"Anyway, I've got to go. I'll see you all later," she says, packing up her belongings and making her way out.

As she navigates toward Dumbledore's office, Professor McGonagall intercepts her.

"Miss Potter, Dumbledore would like to see you," McGonagall informs her, conveniently saving her the trouble of seeking him out.

"Thank you, Professor. I'll head to his office now."

McGonagall leans in to whisper, "The password is 'Acid Pops.'"

Josie smiles at McGonagall. "Thank you."

Josephine continues her journey toward Dumbledore's office until she reaches the gargoyle statue guarding the entrance.

"Acid Pops," she utters, and the gargoyle groans as it turns aside. She ascends the stairs and gently knocks on the door, nervously picking at her nails.

"Come in," Dumbledore's voice beckons, and the door swings open.

His office intrigues her, despite being there only a few times. The circular room boasts a grandeur of size and beauty. Delicate silver instruments adorn spindle-legged tables, emitting whimsical puffs of smoke. The walls are adorned with portraits of esteemed headmasters and headmistresses, each engrossed in their own activities. A magnificent claw-footed desk commands attention, while a worn and tarnished Sorting Hat sits perched on a shelf behind it.

Dumbledore's piercing blue eyes lock onto hers as he adjusts his half-moon glasses.

"Please have a seat, Miss Potter," he speaks softly.

As she approaches, Josie fidgets with her nails, wondering why he has summoned her right after she started to seek him out.

Taking a place across the desk from him, she inquires, "You wanted to see me, Sir?"

"Yes, indeed," Dumbledore replies, shuffling some items on his desk before continuing. "As you may have heard, there is a dark wizard on the rise." Ah, so this is the reason. He intends to recruit her.

"There exists a special group aimed at countering his forces—a gathering of courage, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication to the fight against darkness. Our cause is noble, protecting the innocent and upholding the values we cherish. Together, we can stand against the encroaching evil, united by strength, resilience, and our unwavering belief in the power of love and friendship. I ask you to consider joining us, and together we shall forge a brighter future, where hope triumphs over despair."

Josie's eyebrows shoot up. Recruiting children into his fight? How cowardly.

"Your family has already aligned with our cause, and I extend the invitation to you as well," Dumbledore informs her.

Taking a moment to reflect, Josie speaks up, her voice filled with reservation, "Sir, this is a significant decision, especially during my fifth year with the O.W.L. exams approaching. I would like to weigh the options and make a decision after the exams, if that's alright?"

Dumbledore's response carries a hint of restrained annoyance. "That is alright, my dear. Just ensure you do not mention this to anyone."

Seizing the opportunity, Josie continues, "If you have the time, I would like to inquire about a subject I recently discovered called Occlumency. I'm sure you are familiar with it, and I find it intriguing. I was wondering if you or someone you know could teach me. I understand it's a challenging subject, but it would prove valuable for future endeavors and if I choose to join the group."

Dumbledore ponders for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "Occlumency is indeed a challenging subject, but I believe it would benefit you. However, I encourage you to thoroughly research the topic before making a final decision. Most books on the subject are in the restricted section, but I will inform Professor Pince to grant you access."

A grateful smile lights up her face. "Thank you, Sir. I truly appreciate this opportunity."

Returning her smile, Dumbledore remarks, "Miss Potter, you are a remarkable student, filled with ambition. Although I am surprised you were not sorted into Slytherin, I believe your wisdom surpasses any other quality."

He lightly taps his hand on the desk, lost in memories. "You remind me of a student I had before I even became the headmaster here."

Her eyebrows furrow with curiosity. "What was their name?" Could it be someone who achieved fame after their time at Hogwarts?

Dumbledore's posture becomes guarded, but he reveals the name. "His name was Tom Riddle. However, I am uncertain of his whereabouts now."

There is an unspoken weight behind his words.

"Once again, thank you, Sir. I wish you a pleasant day," she expresses before departing his office.

Now equipped with access to the restricted section, she realizes the potential of delving into the study of Occlumency.

Her mind wanders to Tom Riddle. Curiosity beckons her to explore old books and learn more about other students from that era. It was a time before Dumbledore became the headmaster.

Lost in her thoughts, she makes her way to the common room, still intrigued by the enigmatic figure of Tom Riddle and the guarded reaction it invokes from Dumbledore.

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