Dad For One Oneshots || MHA

By Luna_Herobrine

152K 3.4K 3.6K

My collection of DFO Oneshots because I love the theory about Hisashi Midoriya being AFO. The Oneshots will c... More

Quick Introduction (Content Overview)
1 - Party at UA
2 - The devil (aka AFO) visits Aldera Middle School
3 - The piano incident
4 - The vault
5 - Birthday Boy / Surprise!
6 - Baby Izuku with a gun
Intermission - Crack Pics From The Movie
7 - I have a quirk?! - aka Izuku gets AFO
8 - My son / My nephew (AFO & OFA)
9 - DNA Test
9.2 - DNA Test (The Aftermath)
9.3 - DNA Test (The Aftermath part 2)
9.4 - DNA Test (The Aftermath Finale)
10 - Villain
11 - The grand reveal
12 - AFO kidnaps his child (because he can)
13 - Quirk rants (AFO and Izuku cry over quirks)
14 - Forever One (AFO & OFA)
15 - Custody War of Midoriya Izuku
Important! New Content Overview
16 - Green Bean breaks into Tartarus
17 - Little Nestling (Wings! AU)
17.1 - A Nests Shackles (Wings! AU)
17.2 - A father's choice (Wings! AU)
18 - Coming Home (Soulparent! AU)
19 - Nowhere to run (Yandere! AFO)
19.1 - Suffocating Walls (Yandere! AFO)
20 - The Midoriya-Shigaraki Family Reunion
22 - The Hair Dye Incident
23 - Deranged father breaks into hospital

21 - Rock Man finds Little Lord and cries

2.7K 72 75
By Luna_Herobrine


Heya- and welcome back dear readers. It's been... *checks calendar*

A month since I last updated... Huh. Oh well- Stuff's been happening, I guess ^-^

We've finally arrived at the highly awaited chapter of Gigantomachia finding Izuku!

As usual- I hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to leave a like and/or comment to let me know :)

Let's get right into this...


Edit: If you ever see this fic anywhere other than Wattpad or Ao3, please report it as stolen.


Ah btw- Manga readers, how are we doing so far...? Ouch, right? :)



"Alright everyone listen up". Aizawa rumbled out, staring down his class while he leisurely leaned on his wooden desk. "We'll be doing a field exercise today for which Class 1-B will be joining us. So get your suits and support items and go change. I'll be expecting you down by the front doors in 10. Anyone who decides to daddle and arrive too late will get the honor of playing as a training dummy for the whole exercise".

Immediately the students jumped up from their seats in a flurry, running to grab their suitcases from the wall drawers and dash out of the classroom down towards the changing rooms. Izuku followed along swiftly, fumbling with his suitcase as he rushed past both Kaminari and Kirishima, taking the lead alongside Bakugo and Iida.

He heard the blonde scoff at him but pointedly ignored it. They knew better than to get into a squabble now, especially since Aizawa was still pissed at them for getting into another argument over Izuku's newly developed quirk- Black Whip- during their last training session. And he really did not want to spend a whole afternoon cleaning the dorm from top to bottom alongside an extremely prissy Bakugo.

Just thinking about it made him want to cringe away.

So instead he quickly made his way to the lockers, pulling the newly reinforced suit out of its case. After swiftly removing the school uniform, he changed into the new suit, which had been sent to the Support Department for some new modifications on the gloves to enhance his Black Whip abilities.

Somehow, Hatsume Mei had gotten his gloves into her grasp and managed to finish them up fast enough for him to now use- which he was both very grateful but also quite worried about, as you could never know just what the pink-haired inventor would install. The incident with Iida's hero costume had already been bad enough for her to be restricted from touching any of their gear without strict surveillance.

Iida still hadn't recovered from the Sports Festival match against her...

Shaking his head, Izuku focused on pulling his mouthguard on and sprinting out of the changing rooms, followed closely by Sero and Tokoyami. As soon as he stepped outside, he looked around, his green eyes zeroing in on his teacher and Vlad King, who stood beside him with crossed arms. Aizawa nodded over at them, swinging the mustard-colored sleeping bag over his shoulder.

Smiling back nervously, Izuku fell into line with the other students that had just arrived, his eyes jumping back and forth between the two teachers. They waited for another few minutes for everyone to arrive- Aizawa glaring daggers at the ones that barely made it to the front doors in time- before they began their march over to the bus station located at the side of their campus.

Izuku fell into step next to Todoroki, sending him a small smile while the taller nodded at him. "What do you think they'll make us do for this exercise, Todoroki?". He asked casually, his attention falling onto the singular bus waiting at the parking lanes. Todoroki hummed, tilting his head in thought. "Who knows. Maybe something that has to do with those training dummies Aizawa-sensei mentioned?".

"Yeah probably, it could be a rescue mission?" He suggested, coming to a stop when his teachers slowed down and turned back towards the students. "Alright, everyone. We only have one bus this time, so line up in groups of two and file in". Vlad King called out, gesturing towards the dark blue bus with U.A.'s logo painted on the side.

Fidgeting slightly, Izuku nervously glanced toward a certain ash-blonde, who seemed to be flipping off a rather agitated-looking Monoma. "Oh no". Izuku grimaced, letting Todoroki tug him along into the bus. "Come on Midoriya, I managed to smuggle in one of those protein bars you like". Choking slightly at the sight of the protein bar, Izuku twisted to look at his friend with wide eyes. "Todoroki-kun? But why would you-...?".

The taller simply shrugged, handing over the bar before dropping down into his seat. "I noticed that you didn't eat anything with us this morning and took it with me just in case. Anyways- want to hear my newest theory about Mina being an undercover alien?". The green-haired teen groaned, sliding into the seat next to Todorokis while bracing himself for the incoming thesis his friend had come up with.

Just as he was about to answer him, Monoma's taunt of: "We'll see just who is superior out of us, then! The last exercise doesn't count since I wasn't even trying!" reached his ears, followed by a "The fuck you mean you weren't trying you bleached-out copycat?! Fight me!", roared by none other than their angry, explosive pomeranian. Izuku sighed at the two arguing blondes, shrinking further into his seat.

He just hoped that this training exercise wouldn't end in a disaster.




Roughly sixty kilometers away, a group of deer was leisurely grazing the forest, when all of a sudden the mountain next to them moved. Immediately, the animals fled into the nearest bushes, alerting other critters in the area and sending the birds into a panicked flurry. The gigantic mountain huffed lowly, kneeling down on the dirt as it reared its head.

Its brown hair was spiky- almost like a hedgehog- and its eyes were pupilless but could still see. However, the most disturbing thing about its appearance was perhaps the massive maw holding many sharpened teeth. Sniffing the air, the titan rumbled out a growl. "Lord... Lord still not back... Lonely. Squashed the fake lord...". He grumbled lowly, a hand reaching up to the radio around his neck.

He didn't know for how many years his lord had been gone now, leaving him in these woods with the singular order to stay here and wait. But Gigantomachia was tired of waiting, wanting to find his lord and aid him. And then the Fake had appeared, rudely waking him up and calling himself Machia's "new lord". Of course, he had lashed out at the small man and the other pesky ants, eventually making them run off and leave him alone.

They weren't worthy of his Lord's title and he would only listen to Lord himself! Standing up from his place on the forest floor, Gigantomachia growled, turning to march through the oak trees standing in his way, bulldozing them over with ease.

"I'll find you, Lord!" He decided determinedly, beginning his descent down the mountain range.


As soon as they arrived their teachers ushered them out of the bus, into the small clearing of the forest. Izuku stretched his sore muscles, his eyes glancing around to the stack of training dummies laying near a bush. Further away there was a small course built into the trees, which would probably test their movement and agility, which would be perfect for him to practice swinging around with Black-Whip.

Vlad-King clapped his hands together loudly, gaining the attention of the excitedly chatting students around him, successfully making them quiet down as he cleared his throat. "Alright, everybody! Today we'll be training for a hostage situation in uneven terrain! We'll divide you into groups of eight, with five members in each group! While two groups are facing off against each other, playing villains and heroes, the others will be working on their agility in the course setup!".

Ah, there it was, that damned feeling of forewarning growing in his gut. Nervously glancing around, he caught the eyes of a certain blonde, who snarled angrily at him. Great. Ducking away, he inched closer to Todoroki and Tsuyu, who stood about a meter away from him. "Please don't put me against Kacchan. Not again". He prayed silently, getting a concerned look from Jirou, who he sheepishly waved off.

"The members of each team will be randomly chosen since in certain situations you cannot choose with who you'll be partnered up. So line up and draw one card out of this box". Vlad King explained, gesturing to the small wooden box he held in his hands. Groaning under his breath, Izuku got in line, a bead of cold sweat rolling down his brow.

Once he hesitantly pulled out his card, he retreated to the side, gathering his breath and flipping it over.





Bakugo's frustrated voice rang in his ears as Izuku's eyelid twitched. His other three teammates- Sato, Tokage Setsuna, and Shoji simply moved away from the furious ash-blonde, not looking happy to be grouped up with him. Turning away from his angry classmate, the green-haired instead focused on analyzing the group they had been put up against.

Monoma Neito, Tsuburaba, Ojiro, Kaibara, and Mina stood a bit further away, seemingly discussing a plan for the exercise, occasionally glancing in their direction. Monoma did not look very excited to have two students from Class-1A but at least he wasn't riling himself up like he did with Bakugo earlier. Speaking of Bakugo, Izuku really did not want to be anywhere near the two blondes if they decided to clash.

Sighing, Izuku straightened his back, watching as Aizawa walked up to their group and instructed them to follow him, as they were the first team to try out the villains vs heroes hostage situation. (Because of course they had to go first). The pro hero led them further into the forest before he stopped in front of a larger tree with a dummy tied to it.

"This will be one of the three dummies the hero team will have to locate and rescue. They are not to be destroyed- if that happens points will be taken off. If your team loses too many points or doesn't manage to rescue or defend the dummies, you will fail. You are allowed to attack one another, as long as you keep the injuries minimal. So don't even think of it". His onyx eyes blazed threateningly as Aizawa looked back and forth between Bakugo and Monoma, who were heatedly glaring at each other.

"Of course, Sensei. I wouldn't dream of harming one of the dummies, unlike that rabid ba-". Monoma was luckily cut off by one of his classmates- Tsuburaba, who jumped to cover his mouth. Izuku frowned with worry, watching his teacher suppress and eye-roll at the bleach-blonde from Class B. "Alright then. Bakugo, your team will be the villains, and the others will take over the role of heroes.

You will have a minute to prepare. Go".




Just like that, they had launched right into the exercise. So far everything was going smoothly. Izuku had easily taken out Ojiro before the tail user could even get anywhere near the second civilian dummy, which was hidden under a thick bush. Sato and Shoji were dealing with Mina and Kaibara, holding their ground a few meters away from the third dummy while Bakugo and Setsuna were busy with Monoma and Tsuburaba.

Izuku knew that both Sato and Shoji wouldn't struggle much against Kaibara but Mina might become a bit of a threat to them. So he finished tying up Ojiro, handing him over to Aizawa before he jumped back towards his teammates to go help them. Swinging himself onto a large tree, he scanned the forest for his teammates, only to be distracted by the loud yelling of one Bakugo Katsuki.

Something in his mind whispered to him to stop for just a moment and watch them, so he tried blending into the tree, watching as Tsuburaba excessively used his air quirk to try and contain Bakugo's fierce explosions- and to distract him from Monoma's advance. "Kacchan! Behind you-!" He called, startling the ash-blonde and making him duck away, but he wasn't fast enough to completely avoid Monoma's outstretched fingers.

"Got it! Back off Tsuburaba! Now I will blow you up so high you'll reach your ego-" Monoma cowed, igniting his palms and sending Bakugo's explosions right back at him. Wincing at this, Izuku shot a whip of Black-Whip at Tsuburaba, who was about to intervene again and throw off Bakugo's focus. "God damn this- Hey, watch and learn, nerd!" Bakugo barked out snarkily, sending him a side glance before jumping at Monoma, a wide snarl overtaking his dirtied features.

Mirroring his expression, Monoma lunged as well, reeling his right hand back as he screamed. Gripping onto the branch beside him, the green-haired teen gasped, a pit growing in his stomach at the sight of the two blondes running at one another.

He could feel that this wouldn't end well.

At all.

Gritting his teeth, Izuku watched as Bakugo and Monoma charged at each other, both their palms blazing with harsh explosions, which would no doubt cause significant damage if no one stopped them. Twisting his head to the side, he sent a worried look to his teachers, silently praying for them to just call the two hot-headed blondes off before they could-

That's when it happened. Something in the air spiked, lighting aflame with a loud cackle. Immediately Izuku reeled back, leaping up into the air, landing on a branch of a large oak tree. He watched with wide eyes as the two explosions somehow merged, causing a reaction with the dense oxygen around them, left behind by the air quirk of Tsuburaba.

His mind kicked into gear as he tightened his grip on the branch, racking through the list of possible outcomes. If the fire continued to react with the oxygen like that and the nitroglycerin wasn't canceled out-...!

Izuku blanched in horror. It would create a sub-type of thermobaric weapon, an aerosol bomb. They had to evacuate, fast.

Adrenaline rushed through his muscles as he tugged on One For All, storing his energy in his legs, close to his breaking point, before launching himself off of the branch, obliterating half of the tree as he pushed off of its wood, utterly shattering it in the process. His hair flailed around him as he sped at the shocked Monoma, who was backing away from the explosion too slowly.

Bakugo had already jumped back to the others with the help of his explosions, so the teen didn't have to worry about him, focusing solely on getting Monoma out of the explosion's range before it could go off completely. Reaching out, he felt his fingers graze Monoma's hero outfit, closing around the fabric and hauling him along, toward the rest of their class and their teachers.

"Wha-" Monoma spluttered, squirming in his grip, making Izuku nearly lose his footing on the tree he had jumped on with the help of Blac-Whip to gain some height. "I won't make it fast enough like this-" The green-haired stressed, eyes worriedly flicking from the smoldering flames on the brink of eruption behind him to the distressed faces of his classmates- hearing their cries for him to just get out of there-

Izuku ground his teeth together tightly, raising Monoma's body into the air and sending him a quick "Sorry" before throwing him as hard as he possibly could without actually breaking anything, sending Black-Whip after the blonde to make sure he would land safely. Now he no longer had an extra weight slowing him down, meaning that he now could take cover-

"DEKU! LOOK OUT". He heard Bakugo's roar of panic too late to react, green eyes widening as a loud crack rang across the forest, unbearable heat licking at his back. Time seemed to slow down at that exact moment. The unyielding warmth behind him grew more intense as he lifted his gaze, locking eyes with the inky black ones of his alarmed teacher before he curled up within a ball of Black-Whip, trying to brace to the best of his abilities.

But it wasn't enough.

The flames caught up, swallowing him whole.


Meanwhile, a certain giant was pushing his way through countless trees, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake, not caring for the nature surrounding him. He had to go find his lord, after all! Lord was more important than a few dozen uprooted trees. Once Machia spotted the city in the distance, he sped up his tempo, becoming more frantic in his advance.

But suddenly Machia slowed to an abrupt halt, his eyes turning away from the sight of the city buildings standing by the horizon, focusing on the weird scent he had picked up on. Focusing on picking apart the new smells, he tilted his head. There seemed to be a group of humans in the forest nearby... The various smells mixed together alongside the scent of nature, fire, explosions, and-...?

His face scrunched together in concentration as he took another deep whiff while the wind carried the many smells in his direction. Sweat, trees, fire... dirt... blood-

That blood smelled familiar.

His entire body locked up while his mind wrapped itself around the oh-so-familiar scent, letting it overtake his senses.



"Shit- god damn it Problem Child- Where are you?!" Aizawa hurriedly raced past burning bushes, vaulting over burning tree stumps with practiced ease whilst he restlessly skimmed the ground for any forms of his student. Cursing himself for not intervening earlier on, he ducked beneath a low-hanging branch that had broken off due to the explosion.

A low groan coming from behind a fallen tree made him nearly stumble over his own feet. His heart raced as he quickened his pace, eyes zeroing in on the small figure crumpled next to the burned tree. "Hold on kid- Midoriya, can you hear me?" He rasped out, falling to his knees next to his student's head. Blood was trickling down his forehead, painting his face crimson.

Turning to assess the damage, Aizawa gently moved aside the blood-clumped green curls, grimacing at the head wound. "'zawa...sen's...?" The pro hero exhaled shakily as he got Izuku's slurred response. "Hey kid, try not to move, alright? You sustained a nasty headwound and got quite scratched up from that explosion". Aizawa explained, watching as his student slowly blinked up at him, clearly disoriented.

"God, you're as reckless as always, Problem Child". He huffed, a twinge of affection leaking through his tone. Izuku simply smiled blearily, his head slipping to the right as he winced. He drifted in and out of it for about a minute or two, letting everything around him fade into the background as he concentrated on his aching body, only to blink in confusion as he felt the whole ground begin to vibrate underneath him.

Scrunching his nose up, Izuku's mind caught back up to reality, his green eyes finding the worried faces of his classmates a few feet behind Aizawa, who was working on patching up his head injury. Did no one feel the vibrations getting more intense? Or did he just have a concussion? "Mr... 'zawa...?" He coughed out questioningly, trying to sit up only for his teacher to gently push him back down again.

"Seriously Midoriya, stay down so you don't aggravate the wound anymore. Then we can get you back onto the bus and drive you back so Recovery girl can get a look at you-". The pro hero slowed his explanation, his eyebrows scrunching together in confusion as he glanced down to the ground he was kneeling on. "An earthquake...? No, what is-".

Screams filled the air.

"SENSEI SOMETHING IS-" Yayorozu cried out, choking midway through.

"OH MY GOD RUN" Jirou yelped, frantically backing into a tree.

"EVERYONE MOVE BACK TO THE BUS NOW!" Vlad-King ordered loudly.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Sero screamed, stumbling toward the bus.

Izuku quickly whipped his head around, trying to ignore the pounding headache pressing against his temples as he forced his eyes to unblur and zero in on the direction the increasing rumbling was coming from. There was something big running towards them, easily bulldozing over the many trees standing in its way.

Cold chills broke out over his whole body as he frantically glanced back to his teacher, praying that the adult would just pick him up and run as well. They had no chance if this thing had a mutant-type quirk, which Aizawa wouldn't be able to turn off with his Erasure. "Oh... We need to go- Mr. Aizawa- we need to-!". Setsuna whispered, horrified. Her voice broke as she shook while using her quirk to see what was approaching them.

The black-haired teacher grimaced, moving to quickly pick Izuku's body off of the ground only to reel back in the last second as a small boulder sailed through the air, narrowly missing him. "Fuck-!" He bit out, throwing out his capture weapon in a hurry, only to freeze as a gigantic man burst through the trees, close to the height of a three to four-story building.

Izuku grunted in pain, his head spinning as he let Black-Whip slip out and push his teacher out of the way just before the giant could squash him. "MIDORIYA NO-!" He heard the pro cry out just before the booming footsteps overtook his voice, ringing loudly in his ears.

The teen squeezed his eyes shut, One For All coursing through his body as he tried to roll out of the way last second-

He wouldn't make it- Oh god he was going to get crushed!



The whole ground shook as the giant fell to his knees, slipping to a rough stop a few meters next to him. The earth below him ripped apart, being shoved away by the sheer pressure the giant applied to it. Izuku curled closer together, warily eyeing the sobbing, brown-haired man as he bowed his face down to where he was laying.

Now somewhat eye-to-eye with the hulking Titan, Izuku simply stared, forcing down his rising hysteria to concentrate on what he should do next because why in the world was this giant just staring at him like that- "Lord...? No, not lord...? Shrunken Lord...?". The gruff, questioning bellow of the giant shook him as he slowly tried to sit up. "U-Uhm... Hello? I'm- I'm Midoriya Izuku- and who are you...?".

Ah yes, you've almost been squashed to death by this man and your first thought is to introduce yourself? Fantastic idea, Izuku.

Tilting his head, the giant's milky wide eyes widened a fraction, almost as if something in his mind had just clicked into place. Shuffling back to lean on his lower arms, Izuku nervously glanced over to the direction he had thrown his teacher in, hoping for any kind of instruction on how he should handle this situation.

But before he could even spot his teacher, the giant suddenly shrieked out a loud wail, his hands coming down around his injured body and raising him in the air. The teen groaned in surprise, his head throbbing at the hectic motion of being lifted so fast. "LITTLE LORD! LORD HAS A LITTLE LORD! MUST PROTECT THE LITTLE LORD!". He cried, stubbing his nose gently into Izuku's stomach.

"Uuh- Excuse me Sir- why are you calling me that?". Izuku coughed, bewildered, his hands coming down on the rough skin of the Titan holding him. "Little Lord does not know?". The Titan asked, cradling his body in the palm of his right hand as his left brushed over Izuku's mussed-up, bloodied green curls.

Scrunching his face up, the teen slowly shook his head, watching the giant still and sit upright on the forest's earth. "Lord must have been hiding you to protect you, then! But Gigantomachia will now take over and keep you safe!". Izuku blinked owlishly at the proclamation of the Titan- or rather Gigantomachia.

"I don't understand any of this. But it might be better to just continue asking and distract him so the pro heroes can come up with a plan?" The hero student mused silently, nodding as he studied the Mutant. "Right... You will protect me? Wait- who even is this Lord you're talking about- and why do you think I'm...? Little Lord?".

Machia huffed, smiling broadly as he exposed his sharp teeth. "Lord is my Lord, of course! And you're little Lord!" He proclaimed proudly. Izuku deadpanned. "Oh yeah, that totally explains it". "Of course..." He settled on replying, his eyebrows knitting together. "And how did you know where to find me, Machia?". Izuku questioned, now curious if this was part of the giant's quirk.

"Machia has a very good sense of smell thanks to Lord! Lord is so gracious... I smelled Lord's blood and found you here!". The Mutant rumbled out before narrowing his gaze to eye the dried blood on his freckled face. "Blood..." Izuku blinked, his stomach tightening with dread.

"Oh no"

Machia reeled around, spinning to snarl threateningly at the utterly terrified students hiding behind the trees and bushes near the bus. "WHO HURT MY LITTLE LORD?!".

Frantically jumping up, Izuku waved his hands around to gain back Machia's attention. "They didn't hurt me! It was an explosion! Don't hurt them!" He yelled, his heart pounding harshly in his chest as he knew that if Gigantomachia decided to attack them they would suffer severe injuries- if not losses- before they could try to restrain the giant.

Sure- they were heroes in training but not all of them would be able to react fast enough if Machia decided to promptly lash out at them.

Machia slowly settled back down, his eyes still lingering on the students in a glare as his muscles twitched. "Really, it's alright. They're friends, Gigantomachia. They're my classmates and teachers. Not enemies". Izuku soothed the giant, feeling his head spin slightly at the sudden adrenaline spike. So he leaned against the claws of Machia's right hand, sighing as he massaged his temples.

"Is Little Lord alright?" The Titan asked carefully, focusing back on the injured student clinging to his index finger. Izuku simply sent the giant a quick, shaky smile and a thumbs-up before sliding back down into the palm of his hand, wincing in exhaustion. "Midoriya, kid! You alright up there?". The voice of his teacher called out from below, making Izuku un-tense a bit and look over the edge of Machia's right hand. "Yeah, I'm alright! He's not going to hurt me- But I think I'm starting to pass out from blood loss".

Seeing his teacher grimace with worry, Izuku sent him an apologetic smile. "Blood loss? Little Lord is dying?!". Machia cried out, jumping up from the floor he was sitting on in a hurry, which almost threw the injured student off-balance. "Woah- I-It's fine- Machia wait-!". Izuku yelped, clinging on tighter as dark spots appeared in his vision.

"Machia has to get Little Lord to Lord! Lord can fix you up with his quirks!" - "Quirks?"

"And Lord's wife will be so worried!!" - "Wife??"

"Machia can't let Lord's son die!!!" - "SON???"

Hanging on tightly, Izuku grunted at the headache thrumming through his head, beating against his skull. "Machia- MACHIA! Listen to me! I don't know where Lord is- But U.A. is stationed at the foot of the mountain- Recovery Girl can patch me up there!". Izuku yelled out, feeling as his energy drained from him.

Slowing to a stop, Machia whined down at him, worriedly closing his clawed hand around him in a protective manner. "Is Little Lord sure? Lord has a good healing quirk that would help". He explained, but Izuku just shook his head- only to regret his action as a spike of pain shot through his skull, making him groan. "Yeah- just let my teachers guide you- I hope that it's not a problem, Sensei?". He called out, waiting for Aizawa's response.

"Jesus Christ, Probl-... Midoriya. Alright, everyone back into the bus! We're driving back to U.A". The pro hero ordered loudly, a few students shakily agreeing from behind the trees. Sighing in relief, Izuku settled down fully in Gigantomachia's calloused hand, his vision starting to blur around the edges. "You heard him, Machia. Follow the bus to U.A. so Recovery Girl can take care of my injuries, okay?".

A low grumble of agreement rang from the brown-haired giant as he stood up to his full height, marching over to the bus with steady steps. Izuku let his green eyes slip up to meet the blue, cloudy sky, before letting them flutter close. Focusing solely on the swaying motion of Machia's hands cradling him, Izuku drifted off into unconsciousness.

So much for hoping that this would be a normal training exercise...






*While Izuku is trying to distract Machia*

Kaminari: Dude. Is that like- a Titan?

Kirishima: Bro, I have no idea. It sure looks like one...

Sero: Do you think he has a... y'know?

Bakugo: Oh my fucking god you absolute idiots. Why do I even hang out with you?

Mina: Awww, come on Bakugo, you love us!

Bakugo: I despise you.


Aizawa: Why god. Why is it always Problem Child? Why.

Yamada (who he called as soon as Machia stopped crying over Izuku): Shou, breathe. And you know how the kid is. Always getting himself involved somehow

Aizawa: I'm starting to think that he is cursed by the gods, Hizashi. Or that it is some kind of dormant third quirk. Should I just keep him in my reach 24/7 with my quirk active?

Yamada: I am not sure how that would work- but Hitoshi and Eri would be happy to have Midoriya around. The two like him quite a lot.

Aizawa: *groans*




News Reporter: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! In today's news, we'll be looking over a curious incident from earlier this morning, in which a massive mutant-type person was seen trailing behind a U.A. school bus, holding an unconscious teenager! Who is this man and why was he carrying this injured student? We will be uncovering the truth-...

*An empty bowl clatters to the ground, shattering on impact*

Inko: IZUKU?!


All Might: *chokes* YOUNG MIDORIYA?! WHY-


Shigaraki: Oh what the fuck. He took my asset?!

Twice: Oh no! HA- Take that, fuckface.

Dabi: Imagine losing to a pipsqueak

Shigaraki: I will fucking dust you, burned bitch

Dabi: Try me, crusty *MC hands.

Toga: Look at all that pretty blood!

Spinner and Mr. Compress: *sigh*


All For One: Hm...

All For One: Something just happened...




Izuku: Ugh, my head feels like it's gonna burst...

Recovery Girl: Ah, you're finally awake, young man.

Izuku: Huh-?

Machia (peering in from the windows): LITTLE LOOOOOORD! YOU'RE AWAKE!

Izuku: Oh, so that wasn't a fever dream

Nedzu: So it seems!

Aizawa: I swear to god Problem Child-

Izuku: P-Principal Nedzu- Aizawa-sensei-! I- uh- I have no idea how this happened. I swear!

Nedzu: Don't worry, Midoriya! It's already been covered!

Aizawa: Yeah, he's your problem now, kid.

Izuku: Ah, thank yo-... wait what.






Heyaaa, how is everybody?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter :D

If you did then feel free to leave a like and/or comment to let me know!

Lots of things have been going on lately so I apologize for taking a whole month for this chapter.

I've been dragged back into multiple fandoms and am currently fighting for my life...

Also, One Piece has just completely taken over my focus.

Oh well, see you in the next one!


Word Count: 5083

Next Up: 22 - The Hair Dye Incident (White-haired! Izuku)



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🐱 This book is available in Polish (@_bluef0x) and Italian (@kamisamapotter4ever), thanks to these WONDERFUL people (you can also check them out on...
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【 OLD VERSION 】 You can find the rewritten version through my profile :) ❝ Did you just grow a fucking cactus on my ass? ❞ ➪ ⁱⁿ ʷʰⁱᶜʰ ᵃ ᵍᵃᵐᵉʳ ᵍⁱʳˡ ᵐᵉ...
350K 12.2K 38
What if Hisashi Midoriya is All For One? What if he was actually a decent dad? What if he gave up crime in order to protect the family he loves so...
5.6K 330 36
How can someone so fragile, be so strong? °☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°☆° Disclaimer: This book will mention adult themes such as racial slurs, sexual assault/abus...