Doctor Who One Shots

By _lexi_lee

18.4K 242 65

Some one shots of our beloved Doctors. The Doctor in these stories is your best friend and it's all platonic... More

10- Those scars (TW)
11- He's my everything (TW)
10- It's raining blue
12- Eye for an eye (TW)
11- I thought I lost you
10- You are going to bed
11- I'm not from here
10- Doctor's orders
11- So perfect
11- Not dead yet
12- Running is better
10- Time Travelers
10- Just keep walking
11- You?
10- Don't go without me
10- Don't blink
11- You have me now (TW)
10- Aren't you cold?
10- They always break her: Part 1(TW)
10- They always break her: Part 2
10- You've drank it too
10- Don't do this please
10- How long?
9- The Doctor Dances
14- Why are you scared?: Part 1
14- Why are you scared?: Part 2(TW)
10- Right smarty
10- You are so loved (TW)
14- You tell me(TW)
10- Cannot leave my precious

10-What did she do? (TW)

557 9 0
By _lexi_lee

Words: 1451
TW: cursing, mild violence

The Doctor finds Y/n crying after she ran away from an argument with her mother

All her life Y/n has always thought about her family and they were the only ones who never cared. She did everything for them, sacrificed her own dreams for their good and it still wasn't enough. Her family always called her selfish, careless, childish, dumb and mainly a disappointment.

Y/n ignored it but the feeling of hate towards herself was always present. The world had pained her so much that she actually started to think it was all her fault. And then she met the Doctor. He showed her that it wasn't her fault and that she did deserve good things. He showered her with utmost love and affection.

"Here we are", the Doctor exhaled as the TARDIS landed on Earth. "I won't be long", Y/n spoke and went out of the TARDIS. The Doctor watched her as she left. Something didn't feel right to him. He knows how her family is like but he also knows that Y/n can handle it.

He stared in the empty space where Y/n was a second ago but kept his negative thoughts aside. He was telepathic in a way. Y/n saw her house in front of her and reconsidered whether to go in or not. She had left months ago without leaving any message. She took a deep breath and decided to face whatever was waiting for her.

She entered her house silently and found her mother sitting on the couch. For some reason she always looked pissed. She glared at Y/n when she slowly stepped towards her. "Mum I-", "No Y/n. You have any idea what you've put us through? Where have you been? What have you been doing and who are you with?", her mother interrupted.

"Let me explain", Y/n breathed. She was already shaking and her heart quickened it's pace. "Y/n, we raised you. We put so much money for your education only for you to return nothing. Why don't you listen? Why are always such a bitch Y/n?", she continued violating Y/n.

Y/n's eyes didn't water yet until she was pushed back. Her mother kept on shouting profanities and kept on pushing. "You're such a disappointment. I wish you had died on the day you were born. I WISH YOU WERE DEAD!!", her mother screamed at her and whacked her.

Because of the strong impact she fell down. That's when her eyes started watering. The slap was hard and it broke her completely. At this moment, she knew nothing but pain; both mental and physical. Then she felt something warm in her mouth...she wiped her hand on her mouth and saw blood.

With wide eyes, Y/n turned to see her mother standing there like she was the one who was hurt. Y/n immediately stood up and ran out of the house. She heard her mother shouting something but that didn't stop her feet. She ran and ran and then disappeared.

Meanwhile, the Doctor was fixing the seat in the console room when he heard a scream. He instantly left his things and rushed out of the TARDIS. He spotted a woman standing on the road, shouting to someone who wasn't even there. "Ma'am are you...", he stopped when he saw Y/n's mother.

"You're Y/n's mother aren't you?", the Doctor asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. She looked angry and enraged. "Oh I wish I weren't! I don't give a fuck! I hope she fucking DIES!", she screamed in the direction Y/n ran and then she went back to her house.

The Doctor's was shocked at her words. He gazed in the direction the woman shouted and quickly sprinted that way. He was mad worried now. Y/n was the best daughter anyone would ever have. What made her mother say such things? "Y/n!", he called out hoping to find her.

The Doctor knew she was strong but sometimes she wasn't, just like any other human. In the chill of the night, he ran through the streets looking for his best friend. He stopped in the middle of the road to take a breath and thought about the places Y/n loves to go.

And then the Doctor thought of the park they had visited before. The park where they danced inside the fountain while it was raining blue. He remembered and immediately took off. After a while of running, he reached the park but Y/n wasn't there.

He gazed around to look for any sign of her and there wasn't any. "Y/n...where have you gone?", the Doctor whispered under his breath as his hearts ponded. And as if the universe heard him, he saw a figure sitting behind a tree. He instantly sprinted towards the figure and saw that it was Y/n.

She was hugging her knees and her head was dipped in her arms. She was crying silently. "Y/n...hey it's me. The Doctor look", the Doctor uttered as he slowly took her shoulders. When she raised her head at his voice, he stared at her red cheek and blood on her lips.

"What did she do Y/n?", he questioned Y/n and she simply answered, "She whacked me". It was like she had no emotions left in her as she spoke. He was angry now. How could her own mother do this to her. "Why didn't you fight back?", he asked by brushing his thumb over her hurt cheek.

He kept his eyes on hers the whole time. "She is really shit I know but she's my mother unfortunately. I can't just hit her back", Y/n sighed and dropped her head. The Doctor wasn't going to let her feel bad for this. Not ever. He cupped her face and raised her head.

"Y/ matter if it's family. It is wrong of her to raise her hand like this", he explained trying to get Y/n out of her head. "Doctor? What did I do wrong to deserve this?", Y/n asked tearfully. The Doctor's anger washed away. He couldn't stand to watch his friend this way.

"Hey, you don't deserve any of this", the Doctor assured and wrapped his arms around her and she weakly hugged back. "And you didn't do anything wrong. She did", he whispered as he stroked her head. "Doctor I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry", Y/n pleaded.

"Y/n, it's not your fault. Please, don't apologize. Now let's get you back home, in the TARDIS. It's getting cold don't you think?", the Doctor whispered not leaving his eyes from Y/n. She nodded and wiped the blood off her mouth with her sleeves. The Doctor helped her up and rubbed her hands.

Without saying a word they both walked back to where the TARDIS was, which was near Y/n's mother's house. He glared at the house when they got nearer and kept Y/n as close as possible. Y/n kept her eyes straight as she didn't want to see the place where all the shit happened.

The moment they both reached the TARDIS doors, Y/n's mother came out. She saw the Doctor and Y/n outside a blue box but didn't say anything. "Y/n, go inside I'll be right back", he kissed Y/n's forehead and she nodded and went inside.

The Doctor turned. His eyes glared at her mother. He quickly went towards her and before she could speak he warned, "Don't you dare! What did she ever do to you that you had to hit her? You don't deserve such a great daughter. Y/n is my best friend and I will do everything possible to keep her safe... from You or any other threat. Shame on you!", he spat and left.

Her mother surprisingly didn't say anything and went inside her house. The only person that needed kindness for now was Y/n and no one else. Especially not her mother after what she did. It was his warning. No one hurts his companion, no matter who. He mentally promised himself to protect Y/n.

He entered the TARDIS and saw that Y/n was already asleep on the half broken chair he was repairing earlier. She looked tired and exhausted so he let her be. He removed his coat and placed it on her. And then he set the TARDIS in hover mode so that Y/n is away from her mother. He promised to himself that he would always keep Y/n safe.

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