The Ghost of You

By fh_criedthewolf

93K 5.4K 1.4K

Samanun is a ghost trapped in her mansion from 20 years ago. Everything changed when she met the new owner of... More

Chapter 1 - The Mansion, The Owner And The Lost Love
Chapter 2 - I'll Die Once Again
Chapter 3 - Life And Death
Chapter 4 - The Book
Chapter 5 - The Line Between Life And Death
Chapter 7 - Empty Space
Chapter 8 - First (Part 1)
Chapter 8 - First (Part 2) πŸ”ž
Chapter 9 - Photograph
Chapter 10 - Pillow Talk
Chapter 11 - What If? (Part 1)
Chapter 11 - What If? (Part 2) πŸ”ž
Chapter 12 - Home
Chapter 13 - One Last Time πŸ”ž
Chapter 14 - P. S. I Love You
Chapter 15 - The Ghost Of You
Chapter 16 - Past, Present, Future (Epilogue)
Story Breakdown (BTS, Fun Facts Etc.)
The Ghost Of You : Continuum
Chapter 1 - The Red String Of Fate
Chapter 2 - Quantum Entanglement
Chapter 3 - The Eyes Chico, They Never Lie
Chapter 4 - The Theory Of Colours
AUTHOR'S NOTE πŸ°πŸ§šπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Chapter 5 - Enamored
Chapter 6 - Down The Memory Lane
Chapter 7 - Dear Diary
Chapter 8 - The Moon Is Beautiful Isn't It?
Chapter 9 - I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter 10 - I Wasn't Yours To Begin With
Chapter 11 - Apocalypse
Chapter 12 - Post Apocalyptic πŸ”ž
Chapter 13 - Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Chapter 14 - In Sickness And In Health
Chapter 15 - Make A Wish
Chapter 16 - Mistletoe (A Christmas Special)
Chapter 17 - Butterflies And Fireworks (A New Year Special)
Chapter 18 - A Little Piece Of Heaven πŸ”ž
Chapter 19 - Heartbeats, Stars And... (A Valentine's Day Special 🌹🀍🏹)
Chapter 20 - Nightmares
Chapter 21 - Sweet Dreams πŸ”ž
Chapter 22 - Kiss Me, Heal Me
Chapter 23 - Blood, Sweat and Tears
Chapter 24 - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Chapter 25 - Under The Rose
Chapter 26 - Not A Bed Of Roses
Chapter 27 - Kiss And Make Up
Chapter 28 - The Heart Wants What It Wants πŸ”ž
Chapter 29 - She Comes Undone πŸ”ž
Chapter 30 - Love Is In The Air
Chapter 31 - Ungodly Hour
Chapter 32 - Golden Hour
Chapter 33 - Burning Desires πŸ”ž

Chapter 6 - Time With You

2K 139 19
By fh_criedthewolf

Morning comes and the sun poured through the window of her bedroom. Mon rubbed her half opened eyes and went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. She then walked downstairs while tying her robe around her small waist. Her kitchen was filled with the smell of something fragrance with a bit of cinnamon and something sweet resulting in her stomach growling.


The golden hue of light from the kitchen windows lingered on Sam's profile making her looks like she was carved by Michelangelo. Sam turns her head to the sound of the voice.

"Good morning. I made you breakfast. Come and sit." Sam motion her to the kitchen island.

"It smells so good, what did you make?"

"Nothing fancy. It's just pancakes with maple syrup. It's been a while since I cook. I hope you don't mind?"

"This is perfect. Why are you making breakfast?"

"Think of it as.. me paying your rent!" Sam giggles.

"Oh so now you're paying your rent with pancakes? I'll take what I can get."

They both laughed while Sam puts three pieces of pancakes for Mon and cut some butter to put on top of it. The butter melted on the hot pancakes releasing buttery aroma making Mon's mouth watered. Sam then poured some sweet maple syrup to complete her creation.

Mon cuts them into tiny bits and was ready to put into her mouth when she realised Sam was staring at her.

"Err.. Aren't you going to join me?", Mon asked.

"In a minute. I wanna know what you think first." Sam replied.

Her eyes sparkled waiting for Mon to taste what she just made. Mon take her first bite of the pancakes. And it was not what she expected.

"This is.. really hard to swallow." Mon said in her head.

It was quite salty and she can taste the slight burnt. It was hard to chew let alone to swallow. But it's the thought that counts. She thought it was really cute of Sam trying to make her breakfast. Sam was still waiting for her response with puppy dog eyes. She would hate it to break Sam's heart.

"Oh. My. God. This is really good Sam.", Mon exaggerates while still having trouble chewing.

"Really?? I'm so glad you like it."

Her face lights up hearing the validation from the human. She then took her own bite from her plate. Mon was nervous to see Sam's reaction when she finds out the truth.

"Blurghh! This is disgusting!" Sam spit out her pancakes.

"You don't have to lie Mon."

"Whattt.. No! This is good I swear!" Mon replied in panic.

"You're still chewing your first bite Mon. Come on, spit it out! You'll probably die for the second time because of it."

Can't chew anymore, Mon spits her pancakes also. Feeling guilty, she locked eyes with Sam apologetically who's watching her with a stern look. Sam burst into laughter and eventually Mon follows.

"Hahahahhaha I'm so sorry I almost kill you with pancakes!" Sam keeps on laughing holding her stomach.

Mon never thought Sam could laugh this hard. She can see that her sorrow was lifted even just a bit.

"Why did you lie though?", Sam added.

"You're not mad? I was trying not to hurt your feelings! You put so much effort on it."

"Not at all. I warned you, it's been a while since I cook. Thank you for making me laugh. I haven't laugh this hard since..", Sam stops her sentence.

"I know. It's okay Sam. I'm glad that I made you laugh. I'm starving. I'll make you breakfast."

"What are you making?"

"Cereals.", Mon winked at Sam and she poured the cereals and some milk into two bowls.


Mon was spending a lot of time at home that day. So Sam was curious.

"Aren't you going to work today?"

"I took the day off. Doesn't feel like going anyway."


"Because.. I already have a plan for today."

Mon left a mischievous smile to Sam.

"I have something for you. Come here." Mon asked Sam to follow her.

Sam can't help but wonder. She follows the mortal upstairs and into the bedroom.

"Here, it's for you. Open it." Mon said excitedly holding out a few paper bags to Sam.

Sam rummaged through what's inside the bags. It was a few branded dresses and some new clothes for Sam.

"I don't know what you like so I got you a few to choose from. But it's all yours. I figured your size was quite similar to mine so I hope it fits."

"Mon.. These are so beautiful. And too expensive. I don't even need all this, you really don't need to spend your money on me. Oh god, please tell me you're rich. You're rich right?? I don't want you to spend your life saving or anything."

"Sam, I bought you clothes not a house. It's not that expensive. You do know I bought this mansion right? And I drove a Porsche."

"R-right. Thank you."

"You are very most welcome. Try it on! Please.. I know you'll look good on them.


"No, in the kitchen. Of course here!"

"Okay, okay! Let me change in the bathroom."

"Just do it here Sam, I'll turn the other way around. It's gonna took much time in the bathroom."

"Fine.. Turn around please. And don't peek!"

"I won't!"

Sam started to strip when Mon closed her eyes and turns around.

"Are you done??", Mon asked.

"What do you mean done?! It's not even a minute!", Sam hurriedly put on the new dress afraid of Mon turning around while she's naked.

"You can turn around now."


Mon was left speechless. It was a sight for sore eyes. Mon probably forgot to blink.

"Mon, you're staring."

"I'm sorry, I was so caught up with your beauty. You look good Sam. Too good. You're the most beautiful ghost I've ever seen." 

Sam blushed bright red with the compliment.

"And how many ghost have you seen?", Sam raised her eyebrows.

"Uhmm.. One?", Mon laughed.

"Doesn't matter. You're perfect. Great, now all you need to do is your hair and makeup. You can use mine. Just use anything you want.", Mon added.

"What? Why? What for?" Sam questioned.

"You'll love it, trust me."


"Sam..! Are you done yet?"

Mon raised her voice a little to get the attention of the woman who's still in her bedroom. She was on her way upstairs when she stop and stare at the attractive figure going down the stairs looking so radiant that she can't even take her eyes off.

" Sorry to keep you waiting. I just wanna make sure I don't look like a clown.", Sam scratches her head.

"J-just give me a few minutes. I'm changing my clothes."

Mon can feel her heart starts to beat slightly hard than usual.

When both of them are ready, Mon took Sam to their backyard.

"I still don't understand what are you trying to do Mon."

"Shh.. Just wait and see."

Opening the door that leads to their backyard, Sam can see that Mon have been preparing for a picnic. It was spread beautifully on the greener grass.

"You prepared this? For me?"

"Well, I had some help but yes I prepared this for you. You've been trapped here for a long time. You must be bored. So I tried to make something that you'll probably enjoyed. At least you had company now."

"I love it! But aren't you spoiling me too much?"

"Did I?"

Mon ignored the question as she was busy preparing a plate of strawberries covered in chocolate.

"Here, taste it. They're really good."

Mon took one of the strawberry and feed it to Sam. Not having enough time to respond, Sam took a bite of it. The sweetness of chocolate with the combination of strawberry burst in her mouth. They spend some time relaxing and laying on the blanket watching the cottony clouds together.

They were lying head to head in the opposite direction.

"Sam..", Mon called for her.

"Hmm?" Sam answered with a hum.

"If you can get out of this mansion, what's the first thing you'll do?"

"I'll visit her grave.", Sam answered without hesitation.

"You must missed her a lot."

"Every day."

"What about other places? Don't you have anywhere else you've been wanting to go?"

"Hmm.. I missed the beach. Hearing the waves of the ocean, running with soft sands on my feet, the taste of the salt water. And you know that thing when the reflection of the sunset hits the water? I love that."

"I'll take you to the beach if I can. Maybe we'll share a dance while watching the sunset."

"You like to dance?", Sam asked.

"Sometimes. Or maybe if I have the right partner." Mon winked while turning her face to the other beauty.

"What else do you like? Other than me.", Mon continue to tease.

"I've never said I like you. I like photography. Capturing what I love so that I can keep it forever."

"Do you think you'll take a photo of me?"

"Of course!", Sam answered way too excitedly not knowing she was being tricked by the mischievous human.

"Hah! Gotcha! I knew you like me!"

"Wh- I- You tricked me! That's not what I mean!", Sam blushed really hard this time.

"Deny it all you want Sam I know you grew fond of me."

In the middle of their banter Mon positioned herself better to face Sam but unintentionally moved closer to her. They locked eyes as their faces were just a few inches away from each other.

Sam can hear how Mon's heart is fluttering rapidly in her chest. Sam's body went rigid as the only thing moving were her dilated pupils. The tension between them was high up the ceiling.

Mon's breath turns hotter as she tried to control her pounding heart. She keeps looking back and forth from Sam's plump lips to her eyes, and finally back to the lips. She lingers on the lips before her and without realising, she leans in closer like there was a siren called to her head.

"M-Mon..", Sam finally voice out.

Mon snapped out and clears her throat while sitting up.

"Ahem- It's getting late don't you think? Should we clean this up?", Mon changed the topic.

"Sure.", Sam answered shortly.

"Mon.." Sam called for the woman who hurriedly went inside the house.

Mon turns around hearing she's been called.


"Thank you. For this.", Sam said with a soft voice and a smile trying to ease the tension and the awkwardness.

The smile that Mon is going to remember for quite some time as what just happened before still plays in her head repeatedly.


A/N: Hye! Sorry for the late updates I've been busy with my new job. I hope you like this chapter.

I'll be adding some mature content for further chapter but I don't know yet which bcs I need to make sure it fits with the story. Hope you can have patience waiting for my updates 😭

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