My Strict Professor Husband (...

By Daydreamers1319

765K 44.3K 44.7K

This is the story of a innocent college boy and his super strict professor husband. Both of them are complete... More

Chapter -1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Author's Note
Author's Note :
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author's Note ( Birthdays 🎂)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note :
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Author's Birthday (19th June)
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
100K + reads Q/A
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Author's Note
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapters 82
Chapter 83
Happy New Year 2024
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Happy 1st Anniversary 🥳
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Author's Note
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapters 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Congratulations 🎉 & Author's B'day
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Congratulations 🎉
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122

Chapter 36

6K 289 341
By Daydreamers1319

  A/N  POV  : 

Taegi were very angry with Jikook . They both gave them punishments . They both weren't talk normally with Jikook which hurt them the most . Yoongi told Jimin that he will give him his next 2 punishments tomorrow whereas Tae brought something for Kook which shocked Kook . Let's see what he brought for him .

  In  Tae's  Living  Room  : 

Tae was standing in the Living Room and said ......

Tae (coldly) : See I brought something for you .

Kook (shocked to see the things) : NO .... THIS CAN'T BE POSSIBLE . TELL ME YOU ARE KIDDING ........

Tae : Look at me . Do you think I'm in mood of kidding ?

Kook (shook his head) : No . (in almost whispering tone)

( Things Tae brought for Kook )

You must be thinking why Kook shocked to see the suitcases ? Right ?????

These aren't normal bags . These are Kook's bag .

Kook (pleading voice) : Please don't do this with me . Pleaseeeeeee

Tae : I brought your all the things . From now onwards you are living with me . I already take permission from Eomma and Appa (Kook's parents) . I'm not going to listen you . So , take your bags and arrange your things .

( Kook doesn't want to do this but he doesn't has any other option . He has to listen him . He isn't his Tae - Tae who always fulfilled his demands . He is his professor Kim Taehyung who never gonna listen to him . He took his bags and went towards Tae's room but Tae stopped him . Let's see why did he stop him ? )

Tae (coldly) : Where you think you are going ?

Kook (confused) : In your room .

Tae : No, you aren't going to live in my room . Wait here I'm going to take other room's key . You will live there .

( Tae left from there leaving Kook dumbfolded . Tears started flowing from his eyes . )

Kook : Now he doesn't want me to live with him in same room . Am I that bad ? I guess yes that's why is he behaving like this . ( wiped his tears with his hand . )

Tae (shouts from upstairs) : Come here fast .

( Kook went there by holding his bags . Tae unlocked the Room . )

  Kook's  New  Room  : 

Tae (coldly) : This is your room . Arrange your things and study . I'm going to prepare dinner after dinner I will take your Maths test . I want good marks .

Kook : Ok Ta... Sir. I will do my best .

( Tae left from there without listening his reply . Kook went inside the room and start arranging his things with heavy heart . )

  Meanwhile with Yoonmin :

Yoongi prepared their healthy dinner and they both had it . It's the first time when Jimin had healthy food without throwing any tantrums . Yoongi was also shocked by his (Jimin's ) behaviour . He gave Jimin medicines which he gulped without any delay . Right now they both were sleeping in their rooms respectively . Let's see what happen next in the morning .

  Time skipped to the Morning : 

  In  Yoongi's  Room  : 

Yoongi was sleeping peacefully but alarm clock broke his precious sleep . It's 5 in the morning . He doesn't want to wake up but he did because of Jimin .

Yoongi : Kid , It's the time of your punishment .

He straight went to washroom for his morning routine and come back after 10 mins (without taking the bath) . He went to Jimin's room to wake him up .

  In  Jimin's  Room  : 

He came into Jimin's Room and knocked the door but for his suprise it wasn't locked . It's just closed . He opened the door and saw Jimin's angelic face . He looks so beautiful even in sleeping position too . He doesn't want to wake him up but he has to .

He shook him a little and try to wake him up but Jimin is Jimin . Instead of waking up he turn to other side . This time Yoongi shook him with little force . And Jimin wake up . ( Not fully . He just opened his eyes a little and said ......

Jimin (in sleepy voice) : What happened Yoon ?

Yoongi : Wake up fast .

Jimin : Let me sleep naaa . (covered himself with blanket)

Yoongi (strictly) : It's already 5:20 am. We don't have time to waste . Come on , wake up fast .

Jimin (whines) : I wanna sleep .....

Yoongi (pulled his hand and forcefully made him sit ) : I want you in Living Room . You only have 10 mins . Go and wash up . Don't take shower .

( Jimin went to washroom while closing his eyes . He is still in deep sleep . He didn't remember anything . )

   In Washroom : 

Jimin started brushing his teeth while rubbing his eyes . He still doesn't open his eyes .

A/N : What is this boy doing ? At this speed , he will take 2 hrs to wash up . I have to do something otherwise Yoongi will become more angry .

A/N : Chim ..... Chim.....

( No response )

A/N (shook him a little) : Chim....

Jimin (flinched) : Ahhhhhhhhh

A/N : It's me Author . Why are you screaming ?

Jimin : Hey Author ! You scared me . But what are you doing in my washroom ?

A/N : I came here to wake you . You want to make Yoongi more mad on you ?

Jimin : Why would Yoon be angry on me? I didn't did anything wrong .

A/N : What are you talking ? Are you still in sleep ? ( Splashing water on him )

Jimin (irritated) : Ahhhhhh What are you doing ?

A/N : I'm waking you up . Don't you remember how much angry was he on you or you want to add fuel on his anger ?

Jimin (remembered everything) : Oh yeah (sad face) He is angry on me . He will be punish me soon .

A/N : Don't be sad Chim . He will be forgive you soon . Just take his punishments sincerely .

Jimin : I will try .

A/N : That's my Chim . You have only 5 mins . (Flew away)

Jimin (saw himself in the mirror) : I will do everything to gain Yoon's forgiveness . I know it will not easy but I will do my best . Fighting Jimin-ah ✊

( He motivated himself and started doing his morning routine . )

  Meanwhile with Yoongi :

  In  the  Kitchen  : 

Yoongi was in Kitchen . He was preparing Breakfast for them .

He wasn't looking angry as he looked last night .

A/N : Good Morning Yoongi .

Yoongi (without looking) : Morning Author ! I knew it you will come today .

A/N (shocked) : How ?

Yoongi : You didn't come yesterday to save Jimin , so I knew you will definitely come today .

A/N (nervously laugh) : You know me very well . If you know that much then you will know what am I going to say right ?

Yoongi (while cooking) : Of course ! I know . You want me to forgive him . Right ?

A/N (nodded his head vigorously) : Yes .

Yoongi : That's impossible . He did mistakes , now he has to bear the consequences . Don't teach him wrong things .

A/N : No , you took me so wrong . I'm not saying to not punish him . He deserves punishment after all what he did is not acceptable . But please don't punish him physically . He is too fragile to take your punishment . This time I'm on your side . That's why I didn't come last night .

Yoongi : Glad to hear that . Don't worry I'm not going to punish him physically . I will punish him other way .

A/N : Other way ? Means ?????

Yoongi : You will get to after sometime . BTW where is that boy ?

A/N : He will be come soon . Don't worry .

Yoongi : Hmm that's better for him .

A/N : Yoongi ........

Yoongi : Hmmm tell .

A/N : Can you talk to him normally ? He cried a lot last night because you are behaving coldly . He isn't used to it .

Yoongi : I know author . I saw him cry . I also don't want to talk with him like this . But he is taking advantage of my liberty . He should know who is Min Yoongi .

A/N : I can understand you . But please take care of him .

Yoongi : Don't worry Author . I will definitely take care of him .

( Author flew away and Jimin came into Kitchen . )

Jimin (Cheerful voice) : Good Morning Yoon !

Yoongi (coldly) : Morning !

Jimin : May I take the juice to the dining room ?

Yoongi (coldly) : No , We aren't going to have our Breakfast yet .

Jimin : Why ?

Yoongi (finally looked at him) : Because We are going somewhere .

Jimin : Oh ! Give me 2 mins I will change .

Yoongi : No need to change . Come now .

( Yoongi left from there and Jimin followed him like a lost puppy. )

   Time skipped after 10 mins  : 

Yoongi take Jimin nearby Public Garden (Park) . Jimin was following him with his head hang low .

  In the Public Garden : 

It's 5:40 am now . There were few people . Some were doing morning walk . So , some were doing Yoga . Yoongi went to empty seat and sat there . Jimin looked at him with confused eyes .

Yoongi : Don't look at me like this . It's the time of your first punishment . “You have to take 5 rounds of this Garden for next 1 week . ”

( This is requested punishment for Jimin . )

Jimin (shocked) : 5 rounds ! ( Blink his eyes 2 times )

Yoongi : Yes 5 rounds . Now start running . You don't have much time . After that you have to go College too .

Jimin : But .....

Yoongi : You have 45 mins . I think it's enough time to complete the 5 rounds .

(Yoongi started the stopwatch ⏱️ in his mobile and started reading book . Jimin start running . He doesn't has any other option rather than accept his punishment .)

It's a normal small Garden . Yoongi knows It's Jimin's first time , when he ran . That's why he told him to take only 5 rounds . He gave him 45 mins so that he can run slowly . But Jimin is Jimin . He start running with his full speed and in just 5 mins he completed 1 round . Because of running he start sweating a lot . That's why Yoongi told him to not take bath . Now his legs start paining . But being stubborn , Instead of slowing down his speed , he increased his speed even more . He completed 3 rounds in just 15 mins . But now he start having breathing problem due to over exercise .

Jimin (while panting hard) : I can't stop . I have to complete this before the time . I have to gain his forgiveness .

He was running while chanting this . Yoongi noticed him and immediately went to him and said

Yoongi : Slow down your speed . You still have 30 mins .

He shouts so that Jimin can hear him . Jimin wasn't listening to him . He only wants Yoongi's forgiveness . And for that he can do anything . Yoongi was worried for him .

Yoongi (to himself) : This boy is completely mad . I gave him 45 mins to complete 5 rounds and here he is about to complete in just 25 mins . Insane ! Who the hell told him to do this ? Let him complete the rounds then I will talk to him . (Angry)

( He is fully committed to gain Yoongi's forgiveness . That's why Yoongi's parents choose him for Yoongi . They know only Jimin can change Yoongi . They both are same in some things . )

Jimin finally done with completing 5 rounds . He stopped and put his hands on his knees and started taking deep breaths . He started panting hard . He was having hard time while breathing . Yoongi went near him and gave him water bottle and hand towel . But Jimin's body is shaking due to abnormal breathing . Yoongi opened the water bottle and pour it on his head it . It will help him to get normal his breath . Yoongi put towel on his (Jimin) head . Water was dripping from his hair which was wetting his Tshirt . Yoongi started drying his hairs from the towel .

Jimin (panting hard) : A..Am... I.... f..o...r.. forg.. forgiven... Or...n.. not ?

Yoongi (mad) : SHUT UP ! Just Shut Up ! Don't you dare to say a single word . Who told you to run like this ? I gave you 45 mins and here you completed it in just 25 mins .

( He start scolding him for his impulsive behaviour . He hold his hand and said ..... )

Yoongi : You can walk ? Tell me by nodding or shook his head . Don't you dare to say a single word .

( Jimin nodded his head slowly . His eyes got teary because he can't breath properly . Yoongi noticed this and slowly dragged him towards the bench and made him sat . He started rubbing his back to smoothen his breath . )

Yoongi : Close your eyes and take a deep breath .

( He guided Jimin and Jimin followed his instructions . After 10 mins of breathing exercises , Now his breathing is normal . )

  Time  skipped  at  home  : 

  In  the  Living  Room  : 

The whole car ride was silent . Yoongi  is now more angrier then before .

Yoongi : Go and take shower .

Jimin : Yoon ......

Yoongi (little loud) : Go now .

( Jimin got scared and immediately went to his room . Yoongi also went to take shower . )

  After 10 mins in Dining Room :

Yoongi was placing the dishes on the table . Jimin came there and sat on his seat . He was silent now . By looking into his eyes anyone can easily say that he cried a lot . His eyes were red and puffy which didn't get unnoticed by Yoongi . He placed his breakfast in front of him .

It was healthy breakfast full with nutrients . It wasn't regular grass . Yoongi gave him Juice to drink which obviously he doesn't want to drink . He take the bottle and sip a little . He wants to spit it because it was very bitter in taste but can't do that . He has to drink this .

Yoongi : Don't just put in your mouth . Gulp it too . You have to finish this juice and that breakfast too .

( Jimin started eating his breakfast which was surprisingly good in taste but that Juice was very bitter . After finishing the breakfast Yoongi gave him some medicines which he gulped with the help of water . )

Yoongi : Have you brought your bag ?

Jimin : Yes , it is in the Living Room .

Yoongi : Go and wait for me near the car . I'm coming after cleaning this .

( Jimin went to Living Room and picked his bag . He saw Chimmy there . He stopped near him and said ..... )

Jimin : Chimmy , you know Yoon is still angry with me . What should I do to gain his forgiveness ? I don't like it . Please help me na . I tried my best to make him happy today by completing the 5 rounds within 25 mins but instead of being happy , he started scolding me . (pout) I think I make him more angrier than before .

( Yoongi was passing by the Living Room . He heard Jimin's conversation . )

Yoongi : Are you planning to stay here or wanna go to college too ? ( left from there)

Jimin : No.... I'm coming too . Wait for me ...... (shout because Yoongi already left) Chimmy , I will talk to you later . Till then think the way, how to gain his forgiveness . Ok . Bye ......


  Questions :

1 . How's the Chapter ?

2 . Should Jimin continue to his impulsive behaviour or not ?

3 . What his last punishment ? Give me some new ideas .

4 . Should Tae forgive Kook because he punished him enough ?

5 . Why Tae gave Kook separate room to live ?


Word  Counts : 2887 

Author's  Note :

That's it for today . I hope you all like it . I got many suggestions regarding Jimin's punishment but that all are related to physical punishments like Bare spanking , Bed time spanking , strokes from cane etc...etc.... But everyone do this . You all read this many times in many books . So, please give me some fresh and new idea . It's not like I will not add punishments like this . I will definitely add but for now I want something different . I hope you all understand this .

So , please help me to find good idea . I'm thinking but couldn't get any idea . As Jimin is fragile . If Yoongi punishes him physically then he will become sick which I don't want . Yoongi will make him strong but slowly slowly . So, start thinking 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 .

I really love to talk with you all because I feel more comfortable and connected with you . You all are very young but still now how to respect elders . I saw many young people (under 20 yrs)  in my life who don't know how to respect their elders , they think , they are enough strong and capable to live alone . If the person talked to them sweetly and care them . They thought it's boring and useless . Well what can we do in this right ? It's their thinking .

I advice you to always listen to your elders before taking any decision . If they tell you something then definitely they say that with their experience . They aren't useless . When you become adult you realised that your elders are right . Now it's your choice . It's your life . You can do whatever you want .

( And yeah elder means , each and every person who is elder than you in age . Even your online & offline friends too . And sometimes elder in experience too . )

My Instagram account is now working properly . You can talk to me there . I already shared the link on the massage board . If you are new reader then please subscribe my YouTube channel too . You can find my id from my profile . I attached my Channel's link there . Support me there too .

We will meet on 29th June on Misba Dundasi's Birthday . Till then please Vote for story . Take care of yourself . Love you so much . ❤️

Target : 160 Votes .

If you like the story then please Vote for the story . Follow me 🔪

  Thank for reading 💜

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