All Is As The Force Wills

Od Valentine2085

2.1K 24 5

The light dims, and darkness lurks around every corner, ready to strike like a serpent. With the death of the... Více

*Kenobi's fury*
*Establishing Mentors*
*Exception & Acceptance*
*Shaak Ti's Fury*
*Bonding With The Kel-Dor*
*Master of The Order*
*Disturbing Developments*
*War Begins*
*Hypori & Loss*
*New Assignments*
*Welcome To Kamino*
*Soldier Keep On Marching*
*Invasion on Kamino*

*Council Meeting*

228 2 1
Od Valentine2085

The council here (in this AU):

Yoda, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Mira Wurhui, Eeth Koth, Depa Billaba, Yarael Poof, Adi Gallia, Yaddle (stepped down), Aria Wurhui (stepped down), Saesee Tiin


The council reconvened in the council chambers, taking their usual seats.

Both Aria and Yaddle stepped down right after Qui-Gon and the others had gone back to Naboo, so now two seats were open.

The council agreed on one to possibly be filled by master Oppo Rancisis.

But on to more important matters.

"Master Yoda, you seem troubled." Master Depa Billaba spoke, looking to the grandmaster with slight concern but mostly curiosity as to what seemed to be on his mind.

Yoda sighed, now was the best time.

"Learned on Naboo, that promised Qui-Gon before he died that train Skywalker he would, Obi-Wan did."



Depa and Plo didn't look as if they had any issue with it, neither did Yarael.

The rest of the council was not the case.

"Are you serious? So what, he just defies the council now?" Saesee scoffed, feeling disgusted towards Obi-Wan for defying the council on the matter.

"Whether it be master Jinn's dying wish or not, we already decided the boy will not be trained. You said it yourself master Windu."

Mace frowned towards Mundi, initially he'd disagreed, but he'd realized how hypocritical he'd been by giving into fear of the unknown, or fear in general.

"Initially yes, however, things have changed."

"Mace..." Saesee began.

"Things have changed. We all know this." Mace interjected sternly.

Plo nodded in silent agreement.

Yarael spoke up softly but clearly after a moment, uncharacteristically chiming in.

"Will the council honor his wish?"

Yoda mulled this over.

Hm, perhaps they'd been wrong initially, they'd given into their own fears, thus being hypocritical of their own values, Yoda, like Mace, saw this fact.

So, he decided.

"Honor the wish that the boy be trained, we will."

Mace then looked at him.

"There's something else isn't there?"

Yoda nodded.

"However, trained by Kenobi, Skywalker will not be."

Depa chimed in, uncharacteristically stern and clearly disagreeing.

"Master, with all due respect, Skywalker is most comfortable around Obi-Wan."

"Know that I do. But inexperienced, Kenobi is, not prepared for the trials, or a student, is he." Yoda pointed out.

Depa did not retort on this as even she knew it was true. Obi-Wan was not ready for the trials just yet but was getting there, and was far from ready to take on his own student.

Saesee hummed.

"You're suggesting we choose someone better for the role?" He asked.

Yoda nodded to that, having several candidates in mind already.

"Where would we begin? Who would want to train the prophesized chosen one?"

Yoda frowned at the statement from Ki-Adi.

Because...just why?

Mace sat in thought.

Yoda noted Mira was unusually silent at this moment.

"Might I make a suggestion?"

Yoda looked to master Poof, rarely did the Quermian master ever speak during these meetings, so Yoda knew it best to listen to his input.

He nodded.

"While she's finishing up her training of her current student, which will take at least another year and a half, I know of someone who'd fit the role perfectly."

Mace himself was intrigued.



She was almost forced out of her meditation.

Shaak Ti opened her eyes, looking at her current Padawan, Nicholas Kota.

He was quite a good Jedi, she'd been training him well.

He was essentially a sort of copy of his master, very soft spoken, very patient, wise and powerful beyond his years, especially for a Padawan.

Shaak was quite a powerful, wise, and skilled master, but like Plo Koon, and several others, she was extremely humble.

A trait also passed to her student.


Her padawan looked to her in concern.

Shaak thought of Nicholas like he was her own child, he may have been human, but this did not matter.

While Nicholas kept it more unspoken, he thought of her like she was his mother.

She had been the Jedi to find him on Earth.

Unlike his real family, she had shown him care, kindness, compassion, and most of all, love.

Though attachment was forbidden for a Jedi, his attachment to her actually only made him a better Jedi, and it was vice-versa.

She shook her head.

"I felt a type of pull through the force."

Nicholas looked at her a bit confused, though regained himself quickly.

"A pull?"

"I'm...not sure how else to explain it. A presence of...someone."

Nicholas had deduced an answer.

"Perhaps the chosen one? I'd never seen him, though I could feel his presence in the force."

True, all of the Jedi in the temple could.

She wondered about this answer though.

Could it be so?

If so, why was she feeling this pull?


"Possibly. Hm, I suppose time will tell."

Strangely, she had felt a small pain in the force earlier, she was unsure what it was though.

She would ask Luminara later if she'd felt it as well.


The council was now...well, not great.

Yaddle had entered moments ago, giving a report of the situation.

She and master Aria had gone to the industrial sector, following Dooku, only to find him with a sith Lord.

A duel commenced, though Aria and Yaddle were trying to sway Dooku back.

In the end it failed, Yaddle escaped, and Dooku had struck down master Aria.

After she left, they were in deeper thought.

Mace felt guilty for it, feeling responsible for the situation, be it directly or indirectly.

Yoda was devasted his former student had fallen, he'd lost Dooku, and felt responsible for it as well.

Ki-Adi wasn't fond of Dooku, he mostly mourned for Aria, as she'd always been very kind even if she didn't always agree with him.

Eeth was the same as Mundi, mainly mourning for Aria.

Mira was completely despondent and already turning cold, having lost her sister.

And everyone else was a mix.

"Indeed, killed the apprentice, Kenobi did." Yoda spoke after a while of silence.

"Even so..."

Mace sighed.

"We must put this aside and finish our earlier topic before we get deeper into this."

Yoda agreed, as did the others.

"So then, if not Obi-Wan, who will train the boy?" Depa questioned.

She was not optimistic. She worried the council would stick the boy with Tiin or Mundi, who were very prejudiced against the child.

Eeth she could be okay with, despite his more indifferent or apathetic approach, the zabrak master did genuinely care about others, it would just take a while for Skywalker to get through to him.

Masters Plo or Yarael would be the best choices in her mind, both were soft-spoken, highly compassionate, and given what Qui-Gon said about the boy being conceived by the force itself, could prove to be good father figures for Skywalker.

Mace could go either way, if he was chosen, she hoped he would be compassionate towards the boy.

She did not know about Yoda.

And she didn't want to teach the boy herself, she wasn't against the boy being a Jedi like most, she just didn't feel as if she'd be an adequate teacher as she hadn't taught a student yet.

Yoda looked at his fellow council members.

"To the council chambers, summon Shaak Ti."


Depa stilled for a moment, recalling the Togruta master.

She and Shaak Ti were good friends, but she knew Shaak was still teaching Nicholas.

"You're certain of this?"

Yoda understood her immediately.

"Nearly ready for his trials, Padawan Kota is. Confident I am, that give Skywalker the training he needs, she will."

Depa found herself agreeing.

She knew Shaak heard of Skywalker, but had yet to meet him.

Shaak Ti wouldn't be against the boy either, Depa knew that. Her friend was particularly fond of children, especially those with any kind of rough background.

She smiled a bit and nodded in agreement.

"I see your point master Yoda."


Shaak stayed mostly still in the elevator up.

She wondered why the council summoned her.

Surely they weren't replacing someone so soon?

She always frowned upon them for that honestly, it was a slap in the face to the recently deceased member, as if they never mattered.

This bothered her.

She calmed and steadied herself though.

Soon the door opened and in she walked to the council chambers, standing in the center of the room.

"Masters, you summoned me?"

"Master Ti." Mace nodded his head to her in respect.

He respected her very greatly, as did all the other council members.

"This pertains to the chosen one." Adi Gallia spoke.

Shaak blinked.

"What of?"

Plo spoke up then, faint signs of a smile on his face.

"The council is honoring Qui-Gon's wish that the boy be trained, though not by Kenobi."


She had not expected that, but she immediately figured it out.

"You want me to train him?"

It was pure curiosity, no negative tone about it.

Yoda nodded.

Shaak shook her head.

"The boy would be more comfortable with young Kenobi."

Ki-Adi spoke up.

"True, however Kenobi is inexperienced. You however are experienced, and an excellent teacher."

She found that statement to be genuine, and nodded.

"I see."

In truth she felt as if the council was going behind Kenobi's back, which was wrong, though she saw their point that he was far from ready for a student.

"You have almost trained Nicholas into Knighthood, and had two students prior to him." Mace pointed out.

Mace felt Shaak Ti was an excellent choice to be the boy's teacher. She was humble, very kind, soft-spoken but strict when need be, compassionate, and she was someone that could probably empathize more with the boy than most.

The others all felt the same about it.

Sure, they were going behind Obi-Wan to do it, but, the chosen one had to be trained by someone with the experience and overall capacity to do so, and Shaak Ti was someone who fit the bill perfectly in their eyes.

Yarael especially.

He'd been the one to train Shaak Ti many years ago, having found her on Shili.

She'd been a curious child, wise and mature for her age, and powerful in the ways of the force.

And now that she herself was a master, all the more so.

Yarael was proud of his student and all her achievements, and he knew she'd be on the council herself one day.

"Yes. But, are you certain about this?"

Mace nodded to her question.

"We are. If this is the chosen one, the one prophesized to save the Jedi order, then he must be trained by an experienced master, not an inexperienced Padawan."

Okay, Shaak supposed she understood the logic.

Ultimately she decided she would accept the council's ruling, though she'd notify Padawan Kenobi of it shortly.

"Very well, I accept the responsibility to train Skywalker."

She bowed in respect to the council.

"Expected nothing less, did we." Yoda replied.

With that, Shaak Ti left the council chambers, unsure of her immediate future of what was to come.

*Idk who trained Shaak Ti in canon, so in my AU, master Yarael Poof trained her.

*Mira and Aria Wurhui are both Togruta and are sisters. Their looks are similar to Shaak Ti, but they differ significantly, in outfits, facial patterns, etc.

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