*Exception & Acceptance*

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The next day, Anakin waited on a balcony that master...Billaba? Had guided him to.

Not long after, his new master came out onto the balcony.

"Forgive me for being a bit late, I was helping master Jocasta Nu in the archives."

"Archives? Isn't that where all your information on things is stored?" He inquired, curiosity taking over.

She nodded.

"It is. Ranging from galactic cultures, to politics, to the Jedi themselves."


Shaak Ti chuckled lightly at his curiosity.

"We'll get more into that later. For now we're going to have a conversation."

Anakin sat down, crossing his legs, his master sitting down across from him on her knees.

"Okay, what about?"

Shaak sighed.

She needed this conversation, because she wanted to understand her student, and do her best to help him with whatever problem may arise, and teach him how to control said problems.

"I wished to speak with you about your life."

Anakin tensed.

He didn't want to talk about it honestly but, he trusted his new master, he knew she cared, that much was clear.

"What do you want to know?"

"To start, perhaps tell me of how things were for you growing up, and we'll continue from there. I know you would rather not speak about it, however in order to help you progress further, I need to be able to understand exactly who you are."

He nodded.

Taking a deep breathe before beginning.

"It wasn't good. I mean my mom and I were slaves, it was all we ever really knew. It was hard, because mom had to balance working as a slave and taking care of me, which made it harder for her especially. Our owner, Watto, wasn't bad like most slavers, but he wasn't very nice. In a way I'm glad he was our slaver, we had it better than most."

Shaak nodded, she made a mental note about his mother.

"We had our own house separate from our work, but we made little money every week. We almost lost the house a few times, but, mom would stay at work later to try and earn more money each time. She tried to hide it from me, but I knew she was afraid."

He looked down sadly.

"Knowing my mom was scared didn't make me feel good. I had friends, well a few. Kitster and Wald were my best friends, but they were owned by other slavers."


"Kitster and his mom are owned by Gardulla the hutt, and Wald, I think is owned by Oruba."

Mm, she wasn't surprised. She only ever saw Gardulla once, but once was all for her to know how despicable that hutt was. As for Oruba, she'd heard of him, but never saw him before.

"I miss them. I hope they get freed." He added.

"Do not be troubled child, the force works in the most mysterious of ways."

Ah, how ironic and true she found that statement from herself.

"I've never had a dad though. Mom's still a slave on Tatooine. Honestly I...I hate it there, and I hate Watto."

"I understand. However, please be very cautious of that emotion. While okay for you to feel emotions like this, do not let them dictate your actions."

Shaak found that if you look at the Jedi code closely, you could tell that emotion was not forbidden, clearly, rather acting out with such negative emotion tends to end very badly, thus why the Jedi code itself was so strict.

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