*Bonding With The Kel-Dor*

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A week later, things were going...curiously.

Anakin had gotten to personally meet a few members of the council the week prior.

Being Ki-Adi-Mundi, Eeth Koth, and Mira Wurhui.


They were...nice, he supposed.

He didn't know what to think of Mundi, the cerean Jedi master seemed more cold than anything, but he had been surprisingly nice.

He did not know the man apparently had multiple wives back on his homeworld, and children.

Though that was apparently just part of his species' tradition in repopulating given there were not many of his race left, which Anakin understood.

The man held no feelings for any of said wives, but he did actually care, he contacted them at least three times a month to check in.

Eeth Koth was similar, but he was a zabrak, so Anakin had been kind of frightened by him at first.

But like Mundi, he'd been kind.

Anakin was much more curious to learn about all the differences between Iridonian and Dathomirian zabraks, considering while they are similar, their cultures are very much different.

As Iridonian zabraks are usually peaceful farmers, while the zabraks of Dathomir are warriors through and through.

As for Mira Wurhui, there was more there than meets the eye.

Anakin learned the Togruta woman had been alive for thousands of years, since the times of the Old Republic.

He did know of some ancient text of sorts that she was a species of Togruta similar to his master, but also highly different in nature.

He didn't know her Togruta species' name, but Mira's species was almost extinct as far as he knew, she was one of the only two of her species remaining.

Now it was only her, as Anakin learned her sister, Aria, had been killed just last week, while he'd been at master Qui-Gon's funeral along with the council.

He felt sad for her, Aria had apparently been the only family she had left, as her human daughter, grandmaster during the days of the Old Republic, Satele Shan, had perished during a battle near the end of those times, as did Mira's ex son-in-law.

He knew it had to be hard on her, no longer having her sister, her only family left, around, it just left this empty void in her life.

And he understood that.

He was still without his mother, though his new master was a close second, but it was just this void that could never be filled by anyone.

So while he was fine with all three of them now, he understood Mira.

He'd also started learning the most basic lightsaber form from his master.

He wouldn't get his own lightsaber for another few years, but, the one currently given would do.

Oh, and there was that girl, Barriss. She was only a couple years younger than him, and she was pretty nice.

Also she was the only other kid here that talked to him.


And without bullying him.

That was courtesy of Ferus Olin.

If it hadn't been for the fact Anakin felt he'd disappoint his master, he would have fought the other boy.

Given a couple days ago, Olin had not only insulted him about his circumstances and his apparent title, but had referred to him as being "a slave to his emotions".

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