*Shaak Ti's Fury*

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Yoda, like the rest of the council, took his seat.

He was confused as to why Shaak Ti requested a meeting with them, but he could tell it was of an important matter.

Though he didn't miss earlier how he could feel a small amount of anger within her, directed at him, which had him more confused than before, but he assumed he'd get an answer shortly.

"I wonder what master Ti has to talk with us about." Eeth Koth mused from his seat, looking curious and genuinely intrigued this time around.

"Perhaps something has happened with Skywalker. Wouldn't put it past the boy to have caused trouble already." Saesee chimed in.

Mace frowned, silently turning to glare at Saesee.

Though they were friends, there were some major things they didn't agree on, this situation with Skywalker being one of them.

"Now master Tiin let's not be quick to assume that. Master Ti would have kept him in line to prevent such a conflict, and I don't doubt her abilities to do so." Ki-Adi added, not taking Skywalker's side, but also not rushing to a judgement as before.

Mira nodded in silent agreement, again saying nothing.

Then finally the doors opened and in walked master Ti, to the center of the room.

She did not bow in respect however, which was strange.

"In a bad mood, you seem to be, master Ti." Yoda said, looking at her with some concern.

She looked down at the floor, frowning.

Also odd.

"If that's what you want to call it." She replied.

After a moment of silence, she looked up, then looked at all of them.

"I'm disappointed in you."

Yoda blinked.

"Why disappointed in the council, are you?"

"You mean to tell me you don't even remember? Have you gone senile in your old age, master Yoda?"

Okay, that coming from her was definitely not normal, or good.

"Erm...well, what have we done wrong?" Saesee questioned.

Shaak looked at him and her frown only deepened.

She shook her head as she looked away.

"Nothing. At least that's what the council always likes to believe."



Tense silence.


"I just find myself so disappointed in all of you following a conversation with my newest student, whom you all know. So imagine my surprise when he expressed to me that he actually feared you, and that you actually feared him."


Yoda suddenly realized he had messed up, and very badly.

The way they'd looked at the bo-Skywalker, when he was first brought before them.

First impressions were clearly horrible on both sides.

Mace also looked guilty.

Yarael, Depa, and Plo never looked at Anakin like most of the others did, so had nothing to be guilty about, but even so, they too felt guilty about it.

"And how dare you for that. It doesn't matter if he's the 'chosen one' or not, he's still only a nine year old child. A child. He should be a happy, carefree little boy and yet, he's already been traumatized, and by you, the high council of this order." She continued.

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