*Welcome To Kamino*

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Anakin hadn't liked leaving Savage honestly, but he knew it was inevitable.

Especially since they were now technically a couple.

He wondered how the council would feel about that (if they didn't already know that is).

He and his master got on board one of the Republic Star cruisers, he mentally deemed its name as The Resolute.

The ship lifted off afterwards and flew into the space above Coruscant.

On the bridge, Anakin and Shaak Ti saw a chiss man in a uniform with bars that made it clear he was an admiral.

He immediately turned around to face them as they approached, bowing in respect.

"Master Jedi. Admiral Thrawn, I will be taking you to Kamino, though I was assigned to be under general Skywalker's leadership."

Anakin nodded.

"Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and my former teacher, master Shaak Ti. I'm honored to serve alongside you admiral, hopefully this war can end more swiftly with our combined intellect."

Thrawn nodded, seemingly content with the Jedi he'd begin serving under.


Then over came a clone with armor that was a blueish color, maybe teal. He also sported armor and gear similar to that he'd heard that most clone captains wear. And his hair was prominent, a low mohawk.

He stopped in front of them, and stood at attention, and saluted.

"CT-7568, Clone Captain Howzer of the 522nd. At your command general."

"Hello captain, but just call me Anakin or Skywalker." Anakin waved him off.

Howzer looked at him.

"But sir, uh, our training-"

"Contrary to what your creators may tell you, I do not share such strict and inhumane values. Just call me by name captain, please, I'll have it no other way."

Howzer eased, saluting again.

"Yes sir."

He already liked his newly assigned Jedi general.

Afterwards, a few other troopers came over.

All saluting and standing at attention.

"CS-1004, Clone Sgt. Kano sir." One said.

"CL-7613, Clone lieutenant Barrage." Another said.

"CC-7607, Clone Corporal Evo." The last one said.

Anakin was already a bit annoyed with the numbers.

The Kaminoans clearly didn't look at the clones as men with equal rights.

"I'm Jedi Knight and general Anakin Skywalker, please just refer to me by name. Also I will refer to you by your own names, instead of numbers."

Kano looked to Howzer, who nodded.

"Very well general. What's our first assignment sir?"

"For now we are to head back to Kamino. My former master and I are to oversee the training process, to ensure everything runs smoothly."

Kano nodded in understanding, for him returning home was bittersweet, as he'd be happy to see some of his other brothers, especially Alpha-17, but he'd loath seeing the Kaminoans again, and so soon.

But he already trusted their new general.

"Roger that sir."


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