*Disturbing Developments*

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The supreme Chancellor sat in his chair behind his desk in his front office.

The Jedi standing and sitting in front of him.

Seated were masters Yoda, Mundi, Windu, and Plo, while masters Unduli and Fisto remained standing, along with Anakin, Nicholas, and Barriss.

"I don't know how much longer I can hold off the vote my friends, more and more star systems are joining the Separatists." Palpatine said.

"If they do break away..." Mace began, only for Palpatine to interject.

"I will not let this Republic, that has stood for a thousand years, be split in two. My negotiations...will not fail."

Palpatine didn't seem so sure of his own words though.

Mace frowned.

"If they do, you must realize there aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic. We're keepers of the peace, not soldiers." He pointed out.

Conflict was inevitable at this point.

"Master Yoda."

Yoda turned to look at the Chancellor.

"Do you really think it will come to war?"

Yoda hummed.

"The dark side clouds everything. Difficult to see, the future is."

No one likes the answer, but it was true, the dark side was almost suffocating lately.

Palpatine answered a transmission from senator Farr, and soon some senators began filing into the room.

"Please excuse me my friends, we shall continue this another time." Palpatine said politely as he rose and walked around his desk.

Most Jedi left, minus Yoda, Windu, Mundi, and Anakin.

At the forefront of the group of senators was Padme.

Anakin had been greatly worried following an assassination attempt on her at a landing platform.

"Senator Amidala. Your tragedy on a landing platform, terrible. Seeing you alive, brings warm feelings to my heart." Yoda said.

"I appreciate that master Yoda. But I need to know who's trying to kill me." Padme bowed in respect before continuing on.

"Perhaps one of the pro war senators?" Twi-lek senator for Ryloth, Eela Valotta, mused.

She had replaced senator Orn Free Taa, after it was discovered he used two aides, Supi and Pampy, as unwilling sex slaves. Their testimonies in court sealing his fate. He got life in prison for his crimes.

Though he turned up dead in his cell one year later.

The Twi-lek people, as well as senators Amidala, Mothma, Organa, Chuchi, and Robb, strongly advocated for her to replace him, and soon enough she'd been elected.

The woman actually cared for her people, and their planet fared better under her leadership than her predecessor.

Padme shook her head.

"I think count Dooku was behind it."

Anakin wasn't so sure, he wouldn't rush to a judgement there, but he also wouldn't put it past Dooku.

"Dooku is a political idealist, not a murderer." Ki-Adi said while shaking his head in disagreement.

Mace agreed.

"You know my lady that count Dooku was once a Jedi. He couldn't assassinate anyone, it's not in his character."

"But for certain senator, in grave danger, you are." Yoda added.

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