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"That's all for today class, please ensure you study for the next two days, as I might give you a pop quiz."

Master Beq dismissed them, though Anakin and Barriss remained behind, mostly because they preferred not exiting at the same time as Olin.

Said boy had been giving two new students, the Opress brothers, looks, though didn't say or do anything, in part because he feared punishment from the council, and the other half because master Beq had practically singled him out when giving the class a warning not to mess with them.

Not as in don't talk to them, but you know, don't mess with them.

The two had already formally met Feral, he was very shy, but he seemed comfortable with them.

Anakin was surprised the council agreed to let them into the order, given Anakin was said to have been too old, at nine. But Feral was twelve, and then Savage was 22.

And they claimed him too old?


He looked to Barriss, scooting in close as she whispered.

"I think I've only seen three zabrak Jedi before, but they were Iridonian."

He nodded.

Master Beq walked over.

"Is there something you need?"

Anakin nodded.

"Well I've been wondering, about something my master mentioned once."

Kelleran initiated a search in his mind, preparing to answer whatever the question may be.

"That is?" He kindly beckoned the boy for an answer.

"About a force bond."

Kelleran nodded in understanding.

"I see. What about it?"

"What is it exactly? I mean I mostly understand how the force works, or at least I think I do. But a force bond..."

Master Beq nodded.

"Well a force bond is like a regular bond with someone, though a bit stronger in a way. A force bond is a bond between two force sensitive individuals, which often allows for these individuals to communicate telepathically and across long distances."

"Okay. Thank you master Beq."

The man nodded.

"Would I be correct to assume there's something else?"


"Okay yes."

Master Beq chuckled lightly to himself, children sometimes.

Though their curious young minds and eagerness to learn is why he loves teaching them.

"And what is it?"

"I was just wondering."

"About Savage and his brother?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?" Anakin questioned.

"Well Anakin, you're not exactly subtle in your curiosity." Kelleran replied with a slight grin.

Well yes, Anakin realized that now, seemed he never was nowadays.

"Excuse me, uh, master Beq?" Kelleran turned to find the zabrak brothers, Feral nervously asking something.

"Oh yes, is something the matter?"

"Not really. Um, do you know where master Koth is?"

Kelleran hummed in thought for a moment.

"At the moment, I believe he's in a council meeting. Though it should conclude shortly. While master Yaddle should be in her chambers."

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