Game of Thrones - The Rose of...

By spikesgirl613

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Winter is coming, the words of House Stark. Ilyanna Stark, the first daughter, born to Lord Eddard Stark and... More

Dark Wings Bring Dark Words
Preparations for a King
The Arrival of the Stags and Lions
She-Wolf Meets the Golden Lion
Awkward Encounters Between Houses
A She-Wolf Prowls the Hall of Winter
Lions Verse Wolves
Caught Between a Dragon, Stag, and Lion
Wolves Hosting Lions and Stags
A Broken Pup
The First Snowfall
A Divided House
Preparing to Depart Winterfell
An Unwanted Goodbye
Journey Along the Kingsroad
The Inn at the Crossroads
A Wolf's Teeth Are Sharp
But The Lioness's Teeth Are Sharper
A Fracture From Within
An Unwelcome Arrival to King's Landing
A Small Council of Frustration
A Month South of Winterfell
A Talk with the Kingslayer
Unwarranted Proposals
Tournament for the Hand of the King
The Falcon Flys No More
The Golden Lion verse The Knight of the Flowers
Feasting, Dancing, and Confusion
Second Day of the Hand's Tourney
Knight of the Flowers rides Against the Mountain.
Another She-Wolf is Crowned Queen of Love and Beauty
Clash of Queens
Warning of Winters Arrival
A Stormy Prospect
An Uncomfortable Secret is Revealed
Confessions, Foolishness, and Uncertainty
The Warden of the North Summons the Warden of the West
A War Brewing Between Two Houses
The Lioness Captures the Wolves
A Conversation With The Lion Queen
The Trail and Death of Ned Stark
The Pack Must Survive

Discovering Fractures Within the Pack

70 1 0
By spikesgirl613

With a shake and a flash of light, I stared up at a terrified Lehna and Taria. Confused by their appearance, I attempted to push myself up into a seated position as I heard myself slur, "Lehna. Taria, why are you here?" I felt my body fall backward as they reached out and assisted me in sitting upright. Grateful, I muttered my thanks as I glanced about the room, only to find two vases of fresh blue winter roses. "Where is he?" I heard Lehna and Taria glance at each other as I moved to climb out of bed. "My lady!" Blinking, I felt a wave of nausea seconds before they grasped my arms before my legs could give out.

Shakey, I latched onto them, hoping the unsettledness would dissipate as Taria urgently said, "perhaps you should sit and explain what you mean by him." Breathing into my nose and mouth, I said, "Jaime Lannister entered my room through an unknown passageway. We spoke, and then I think he drugged me with something." Lehna sneered as I flexed my fingers against their bare forearms. "He must have left the vases before departing through the passageway." "Did he take advantage of..." I glanced away from their forearms and observed that I was still wearing the gown I donned this morning. "I do not feel any pain suggesting that he took advantage of my unconscious state."

Lehna sighed as Taria gently guided me to my vanity. "Sit, and I will seek out the Grand Maester to tend to you after he has seen to..." Blinking, I asked, "seen to whom?" She glanced away from me to look at Lehna. "Who is the Grand Maester seeing?" Lehna breathed out and said, "your Father. He is here to see to your Father." Anxious, Taria gently said, "several of Lord Baelish's men brought him back to the Red Keep injured after he fought Lannister men outside one of his establishments." Breathing in and out, I vaguely recalled Lannister mentioning a fight after I spied blood on the sleeve of his surcoat. "Did anyone else return with injuries?"

They grew quiet until Lehna bent down in front of me. "Are you certain you wish to know?" I nodded as she took hold of my hands while Taria grasped my shoulders. "Two guards and Jory Cassel were killed in the schism. Lord Stark was the only one to survive because he was spiked through the leg and left in the street." I felt my eyes well with tears as I asked, "where is my Father," realizing that it was likely Jory's blood-staining Lannister's cream Kingsguard surcoat. "The City Watch and Lord Baelish returned him to his room. Maester Pycelle should be there tending to his wound now." Nodding, I released Lehna's hands and dried my eyes. "I must see to him." I moved to stand when Taria shakingly said, "he was calling out a name as they brought him inside, my Lady." Blinking, I glanced upwards and asked, "what was the name?"

Closing her eyes, she uttered, "Lyanna.He was calling out to Lyanna. Maester Pycelle sent a servant off to inform theKing of what happened." Forcing myself to my feet, I shuffled to the door as Lehna said, "my Lady, please, you should rest. Tariaand I will see to your..." I shook my head no, muttering, "Iwill not abandon my Father to the jaws of circling lions poised to bring himdown for a folly caused by another." I grasped hold of the door handle, and with a glance back at my companions, I pleadingly uttered, "afterhe departed the Tower of the Hand, I learned that my Father resigned hisposition. If the King and Queen learn why he fought against Lannister men inthe street, I do not know if there will be a way to ensure he survives." I looked at them each in turn. "If you are true in your pledge to serve me,I beg of you to assist me in ensuring that the Warden of the North survives thenight to explain his actions to an ill-tempered King." With swift nods, they approached and gently wrapped their arms around my waist as they slung my arms about their shoulders. Taria opened the door, and we shuffled out of my room before walking to my Father's chambers.

The three of us sluggishly entered my Father's bedchamber moments later to find him lying across his bed dressed in the shirt and trousers he wore when he departed the Tower. Stepping away from my companions, I approached to discover a yellow cloth tied around his right leg just above his knee. Shuffling forward, I ignored Maester Pycelle and Littlefinger as I sat beside his left hip. Reaching out, I gently touched his forehead to feel that it was slicked with sweat as he burned feverishly. Groaning, he muttered, "Lyanna," before shifting away from me. Sniffling, I held back tears as a hand settled upon my shoulder. "My Lady, your Father, Lord Stark, is delirious with pain. He will not recognize you until the fever has passed." "I am well familiar with fever brought on by injury Grand Maester." Taking hold of Papa's hand, I gazed at the old breaded chained man. "And if you have not heard, an injured, feverish individual can recognize a voice of a loved one. Why else do you think he calls out for his lost sister?" The Maester huffed as another chuckled, saying, "well said, my Lady, but I believe the Maester is suggesting that you reside elsewhere as you allow him to tend to your father."

Ignoring Baelish, I gently squeezed Papa's hand as Taria hurried forward with a bowl of water and a cloth. Thanking her with a nod, I felt Papa squeeze my hand as she set the items down. "Ilyanna?" Smiling, I uttered, "I'm here, Papa." He slowly opened his eyes as I offered a saddened smile. "I'm sorry, my darling girl." Pushing past tears, I asked, "for what reason?" Reaching out, he laid his right hand on my cheek and said, "the Kingslayer killed him." Confused, I asked, "killed who, Papa? Who did Lannister kill?" In pain, he uttered, "Jory. He killed Jory."

My throat constricted at his honest reply. "I am so sorry; I know you cared for him. He was a good man and would have been a good husband to you." With tears running down my cheeks, I gently said, "he was, and I will mourn what could have been, but I am certain he was proud to give his life to keep us safe." He nodded as he fought to keep his eyes open. "I promise I will find your sisters and yourself, men that are good, kind, gentle, strong, brave, and worthy to be your mates." I squeezed his hand and uttered, "such finds can wait until you are well. Rest, and I will keep watch." With a sad smile, his eyes dropped close as his labored breathing evened out.

Content that he would rest fine, I released his hand and turned to gather the cloth that Taria placed beside the bowl. "You should take your advice, my lady, and rest." Wringing out the fabric, I reached across my Father and dried his forehead. "Thank you for your suggestion, my Lord, but I will reside as Maester Pycelle concludes his attention to my father's wound before handing over his care to me." Removing the rag, I turned to wring it out over the basin as he mockingly said, "that is a kind thing for you to do, but are you sure your Father would not wish for his care to be handled by a learned man in exchange for you looking after your sisters and the household?" Clenching my teeth closed, I uttered, "again, I thank you for your assistance, my Lord, but I am certain you have other matters to tend to then to observe my Father suffering from an unnecessary wound." There was a brief silence as I returned the cloth to my Father's damped skin until Baelis uttered, "I shall do as you command, my Lady." I waited until he left before asking Pycelle what he discovered and how he planned to treat my Father's wound.

For nearly three evenings, I sat and patiently tended to Father after being instructed by Maester Pycelle to care for the festering wound while trying to keep the growing fever down. On the morning of the third day, while removing the basin of lukewarm water, Taria cautiously asked, "do you require anything, my Lady?" I shook my head no as she left to retrieve a fresh basin of cold water. Breathing out, I reached out to gather his willow bark tea to reduce his pain when I heard the door open.

Frustrated that one of my sisters was likely trying to badger me on Father's health and what was happening, however, when I lifted my gaze, I discovered Ser Barristan Selmy and Lehna observing us. "Ser, what are you..." He blinked and uttered, "I apologize for interrupting, Lady Ilyanna. After learning one of my men harmed him, I came to ask about your Father's welfare." Nodding, I softly murmured, "would you mind waiting for me outside, Ser?" He nodded and stepped outside while Lehna approached. "I am sorry. I was coming to give you the messages Steward Poole received when he asked to accompany me to see how your Father is progressing with his injury." Taking the scrolls, I softly uttered, "it is all right. Taria went to retrieve a fresh basin of water. If you believe his pain has increased, can you ensure he drinks his tea?" She nodded as I stood and smoothed out my gown before leaving to join Ser Barristan.

Exiting the room, I motioned for the older knight to join me as we walked down the corridor. "Thank you for coming by to visit, but as you have seen, my Father is not up to entertaining visitors at present." He nodded and softly said, "understandable considering it was one of my men that attacked him." Fighting against my anger, I cautiously asked, "has he returned to the Kingsguard Tower?" Barristan shook his head no. "I have searched, and it seems the Kingslayer left the city with a company of his Father's men. Whispers have spread that he is expected to join Lord Tywin's army on the boards of Riverland in retaliation for your Mother's capture of Lord Tyrion." Sighing, I uttered, "I understand the reason behind my Mother's actions, but I wished she did not act irrationally. It is almost as if she only wishes to ensure the continued support of her male children rather than my sisters and myself, who are forced to reside with the siblings of the littlest lion." Barristan hummed. "I do not doubt your Mother cares for your sisters and yourself." I glanced at him and uttered, "I do not doubt her love for you. I am aware that my sisters and I are simply pawns to ensure the loyalty of our Father's bannerman. Or a means to bring slash to solidify an alliance just as she did."

Breathing out my frustration, I entered an adjacent room to discover a servant hastily setting up a tea set and food for us to enjoy. "Do you have a moment to sit with me?" He nodded as we walked over to the low table and couches. Sitting on the couch, I reached out and poured us a cup of tea while he adjusted the placement of his sword to lay flat against the sofa. Setting the tea cup before him, I applied the messages beside my cup as he nodded his thanks. "I am glad you stopped by, as I wanted to ask your opinion on how to respond to the influx of marriage proposals I have received since our arrival." He blinked and muttered, "my opinion?"

Nodding, I poured sugar and honey into my tea before gently stirring it. "What can I offer my opinion on, my Lady?" Breathing out, I lifted my spoon from my teacup and set it aside before lifting the cup. "We have been acquainted for nearly six moons." He nodded patiently, sipping the warm liquid before swallowing. "Aye, I would say that." Sipping my tea, I drank before saying, "of the length of our acquaintance, do you foresee me marrying Lord Renly, Ser Loras, or even Lord Baelish?" Coughing, he lowered his teacup and muttered, "Littlefinger has asked for your hand in marriage?" Nodding, I glanced at the scrolls beside me. "The scrolls Lehna gave are requests for confirmation of what my Father decides. I find that I require assistance from a man's perspective on how to reject their requests in a polite manner that will not lead to one or more of them being offended that I have no desire to wed until I am certain of my Father's wishes."

He tilted his head in confusion. "Your Father's wishes?" I lifted an eyebrow as I casually sipped my tea. "I have recently learned that our good King Robert asked my Father to ensure his son has no competition for the Iron Throne." Barrastian breathed in and out as I recognized his discomfort. "Ser, I did not mean to..." My words died as I set my cup down and touched his hand. He offered a sad smile and gently patted my hand, saying, "thank you, my Lady." Nodding, I squeezed his hand. "If you wish to speak of your shared past with him, please know I will listen." He took a shaky breath before saying, "you are far to kind." I wanted to disregard the sentiment when he uttered, "regarding your suitors, I have often found that honesty laced with honey words can diminish even the hardest of hearts." Grateful, I felt a few giggles slip from my lips as he offered me an amused smile. "You remind me of my brothers and their constant urging to respond to wine-soaked words with a sharp kick between the legs and a well-placed punch." Barrastian laughed before we resumed drinking our tea as he uttered, "wise brothers you have." I offered a happy laugh for the first time in six moons.

We talked and worded a few responses to Renly, Loras, Littlefinger, and the other suitors advising that all prospects of marriage for myself were postponed until further notice before he excused himself to return to his duties. With his departure, I spoke with Septa Mordane and Syrio Forel regarding my sister's progress. "Lady Arya has become distracted as of late." I observed the Braavosian. "Distracted? How so?" He breathed in and uttered, "She does not contract on the here and now." Humming, I clasped my hands before saying, "I hold no secrets from my sisters on the condition of our Father's health." He nodded. "She should not be kept from decisions but must learn to move past them." "What is your suggestion, Master Forel? Do you believe we withhold lessons? Or increase them as a means to occupy her thoughts."

The dark-skinned smiling man observed me momentarily before saying, "you are unlike but like your Father." I arched an eyebrow. "I do not believe my sister should be withheld from learning a skill that may save her lift." He continued to observe me before motioning for me to give him my hands. Curious, I did as he purposely turned them over to view my palms. "You are an archer but are familiar with daggers." I nodded yes. "I learned first in secret until my Father discovered. He then taught me himself. The lessons, unfortunately, were halted after the birth of Arya." He arched his eyebrow as I withdrew my hands. "But your lessons did not halt." I smirked, partially amused, "no, you are right. I continued learning on my own until our Master of Arms discovered it. He spoke with my Father, and I continued my lessons until he felt I succeeded in his teachings." He smiled amusedly before saying, "she must learn to work through distractions. I will continue instructing her lessons until we have spoken to Lord Eddard." Nodding, I uttered, "I will instruct her maids to ensure she is properly dressed for her morning lessons." Smiling, he stood and kissed my knuckles before departing to return to his chambers likely.

Moments later, I calmly listened to Stepa Mordane speak of her concerns regarding Sansa's growing rudeness and what appeared to be an unprecedented self-centered tendency as I sipped a fresh cup of tea. At the same time, some portion of me wanted to point out that this behavior was not uncommon with my sister's personality. I instead chose to listen to her concerns. "Septa, how do you recommend we redirect this change into something more productive?" She breathed in and out before saying, "I believe your sister is too young to consider marriage and ruling if something should happen to King Robert." Nodding, I set my cup down. "I am also concerned by the grown animosity shared between Sansa and Arya. Perhaps, we should consider a prolonged engagement and revisit the option when she reaches her seven and tenth name day." With a nod of agreement, I said, "good. I will bring up your concerns to my Father once he has woken. I do not foresee him disagreeing with a prolonged engagement. He may consider having Sansa and Arya fostered by relatives. Hence, they extend their knowledge of the various regions as he was."

Nodding, she breathed out and asked, "how are you faring, Ilyanna?" I opened my mouth to reply when she reached out and touched my arm. "I have seen how much you have been forced to endure since the King's arrival to Winterfell." Breathing in and out, I contemplated telling her of the moments she was not privy to when she said, "I know you are no longer my change, but please know that I am here for you just as I am here for your sisters." Nodding my thanks, I placed my hand over hers and uttered, "thank you, Septa. If I should require your wisdom, I will reach out." She nodded and released me as Taria silently entered the room. "Taria, is something the matter?" She shook her head no. "Your Father is resting peacefully while Lehna observes him for any discomfort." Grateful, I glanced at Septa as she gently murmured, "I will seek out Poole to see if supper is available for your sisters and have a tray sent to your Father's chambers so you can eat while caring for him." Relieved, I said, "thank you again for your assistance Septa Mordane."

She nodded and left as I glanced at Taria. "Come, I want to see my Father and know what has happened since I left this morning." Bowing, we left the antechamber to return to my Father's room. Taria and I returned to my Father's room, where I took over for Lehna. She told me what occurred throughout the day as I dipped a piece of cloth into the basin beside his bed. Wringing it out, I leaned forward to place it against his forehead drying the sweat from his heated brow. "Thank you for looking after him." They nodded as I urged them to rest and eat. Moments later, they left, promising to return as I returned my attention to tending to Father.

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