The Warden of the North Summons the Warden of the West

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I must have fallen asleep in the chair I occupied beside my Father's bed after consuming my evening meal because I was startled awake by a thundering sound. Confused by the unwarranted sound, I lifted my gaze to discover King Robert and Queen Cersei's annoyed glares while a solemn Ser Barristan observed from the doorway. "Your Graces, what can..." Ceresi looked me over and sneered before saying, "leave." I arched an eyebrow at her blunted annoyance by my refusal to tremble in fear. "Apologies, your Grace. I fear that I still must be confused due to the unwarranted and startling method that recently woke me." Her nostrils flared in anger as Barristan flashed an amused smile before kindly saying, "the King wishes to speak with your Father, Lord Stark, my Lady." Nodding, I focused my attention on Robert. "As you can see, your Grace, my Father is not well due to an unfortunate injury he recently obtained..." Cersei sharply said, "by provoking my brother, a loyal Kingsguard, into a fight." Glaring, I calmly uttered, "by defending himself against an unwarranted attack that left him injured and three men from our household dead as your brother fled the city."

Snarling, she moved to take a step toward me as I prepared to be struck when Robert halted her approach by lifting his arm. Robert breathed deeply before saying, "please leave us, Ilyanna. What we have to discuss with your Father is not something you should hear?" Breathing out, I spied Ser Barristan nodding as I reluctantly said, "of course, I will leave you to speak with him in private, your Grace." Unfolding myself, I brushed my hands over the wrinkles from my gown before leaning over to kiss Father's damp forehead. Standing upright, I offered a glance to the others and a sneer of my own to Ceresi. "If you should require me, I shall be speaking with our steward on the accomdations and preparations for our departure from Kings Landing." With a quick curtsey, I walked around the edge of the bed and left the room only to hear the door slam shut behind me.

Breathing out, I turned to leave to search out Poole after sorting myself out when Barristan uttered, "I tried to convience him that your Father was still healing." Stopping, I glanced at the defeated knight. "Thank you for trying, Ser. I know my Father would be grateful upon hearing that you attempted to intervene on his behalf." He nodded, and before I could continue to my room, he took hold of my hand. Stopping, I glanced at the metal and leather hand encasing mine before looking at him. "I will continue to intervene on your and your Father's behalf as long as possible." Grateful, I nodded as he released me. With another breath, he ushered me outside, and I observed his return to a silent sentry as I hurried down the corridor toward my room.

A few moments later, I entered my room to find Lehna and Taria delicately packing my things. With the door slamming shut behind me, I watched them jump as Taria turned and gasped, surprised. Lehna blinked and uttered, "my Lady, what is..." Hurrying over, I spoke, "will you please find my grey gown with silver and pale blue detailing?" Confused, Taria hurried to gather my shoes, stocks, dress, and underclothing as I rushed to wash my face so Lehna could style my hair.

Moments later, I exited my room wearing a soft pale grey gown made from lightweight wool and silk. The oval neckline of the bodice draped partially on the dips of my shoulders before flaring into a three-quarter sleeve made up of light wool and silk. Breathing out, I gently brushed my hands over the elaborately decorated silver and white embroidery depicting the wolves of House Stark stitched to my bodice. Breathing in, I spied Lehna, fluffing my silk overlay and wool skirt while Taria finished adjuting the clasp of my wolf pendant. Forcing my shoulders to relax, I delicately lifted the skirts of my dress and exited my room with my head held high.

Calmly walking through the corridors, I tried to project an air of serenity as I passed various household members. Turning a corner to enter the passageway that led to my Father's chamber, I spied Poole exiting. "Steward Poole, is my Father up and dressed?" Stopping, he bowed and uttered, "yes, Lady Ilyanna. It seems King Robert refused his resignation and demanded he holds court while he hunts in the Kingswood." Nodding, I breathed out before saying, "will you please inform Septa Mordane of the recent events? I am sure she will inform my sisters of our Father's wellness." He nodded. "And if she should ask where you are, my Lady?" Breathing out, I fearfully said, "I will attend court if my Father agrees to my presence." With a bow, he walked away as I continued moving, grateful that Lehna and Taria a step behind me.

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