Awkward Encounters Between Houses

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Taking a deep breath, I stared at my reflection momentarily before nodding yes. With a gentle nudge, I tilted my head to the right, allowing her to weave an intricate braid, twisting it across the crown of my head and down the other side to curve around my ear. She quickly plaited the end into a thin single braid tucked behind my ear, allowing it to lay among my loose hair. Finished, she silently gathered the Winter Roses from the vase and, after snipping the stems off swiftly, began to thread the blooms into the braid, creating a floral crown. Smiling at my reflection, I gently tilted my head as someone suddenly knocked. Muttering, "come," I watched the door open to reveal Robb dressed as the next Lord of Winterfell should be.

Offering him a bright smile, I quickly said, "you know it's unbecoming to linger in the doorway, Robb. May I suggest you either come in or wait outside?" Smirking, he haughtily said, "and if I should decide to wait outside. How long will I have to wait for, little sister?" Happily, I said, "just a few moments longer until Sanira has finished so I can add a few jewels." With a nod, I watched him enter as Sanira threaded the last bloom into my braid. "If you do not mind me saying, I think you will be the most sought-after lady at the feast, milady."

Adjusting the tilt of my head, I stared at the reflection staring back at me from my looking glass only to hear, "if she was here, I think your aunt would be most pleased that you have honored her in such a way." Glancing away from my reflection and Robb's happy smile, I stared up at Sanira, offering her a bright smile. "Thank you again for your help, Sanira." With a nod, she stepped back to let me slip my earrings into my ears. With them in place, I gathered my necklace and stood only to hold it out to my brother. "Would you mind?" With a shake of his head, he took the understated jewel from me and gently placed it about my neck before clasping it. "Sanira, you are not wrong." Curious, I turned to face him as he uttered, "if our dear aunt were here, she would be proud of you." Placing a kiss on my cheek, he asked, "are you, ready little sister?" Nodding yes, I tucked my hand into the crease of his arm as he led me out of my chamber.

Holding tight to Robb's arm, we rounded the corner to find the royal family waiting beside our family. I took a deep breath before Robb and bowed to them, only to hear, "you look beautiful, Ilyanna." We stood to find Mother offering us a bright smile. "Thank you, Mother, but you should thank the individual who placed the blooms in my chamber. Without them, I am sure my beauty would be limited this evening." I watched her share a smile with Papa, only to have him release her arm and walk over before placing a light kiss on my forehead and saying, "they truly become you, my darling girl." Smiling, I released Robb and kissed his cheek in thanks as I asked, "was it you that left them for me?" He pulled back from me only to brush a piece of my hair behind my shoulder with a smile and a quick wink before whispering, "no, my darling girl, they are not from me." Nodding, he softly said, "though they were correct in assuming that you would look beautiful with them in your hair just like my sweet sister did." I glanced up at him with a bright smile. "Thank you, Papa," with another nod, he released me and returned to Mother's side as she reached out and took hold of his hand while King Robert growled out, "let's get this over with." Breathing deeply, I took hold of Robb's hand as King Robert, escorting his sullen Queen, left the corridor to enter the Great Hall as their children followed them. We watched Father and Mother trail after them as Robb asked, "ready, my twin?" Nodding yes, I allowed Robb to lead me onward as he softly whispered, "if it matters, I think Jon would agree that your beauty has eclipsed that of our Queens." Feeling a small smile pulled at my lips, I whispered, "thank you, Robb," as a pleasant smile tugged at his lips moments before we entered the hall.

Upon entering the Great Hall, we silently walked over to the table below the high plateau that the King, Queen, and our parents would occupy. Releasing Robb's arm, I sat across from him only to watch Sansa quickly assume her seat with Jeyne beside her. Offering them a glance, I turned to sit down when I heard someone say, "you look beautiful tonight, Lady Ilyanna." Turning my head, I blinked upon seeing Jory standing behind me as I heard Sansa and Jeyne giggle beside me. Shooting them a look of annoyance, they quickly turned away from me, flushed as I glanced back at Jory with a smile before saying, "thank you, Jory. You look quite handsome this evening, as well." With a nod and a soft "thank you," he walked away as I took a deep breath, only to turn my head to find Robb giving me a knowing look. I arched an eyebrow at him as Father brought our Northern neighbors to attention before announcing the start of the feast while encouraging them to eat and drink their fill. With a cheer, the feast began as we joined the people of the North in consuming the food laid before us. As I was chewing on a piece of roasted potato, I reached out to gather my cup, only to find Joffrey watching me with a dark look. Annoyed at the audacity of the young Prince, I held his gaze for a moment only to watch him glance away as a brief smile crossed my face.

Returning to my plate, I lifted my cup and sipped the mulled wine before moving to set it down when I heard, "and here I thought I might be the most beautiful lady after the Queen tonight." I turned my head to find Dacey Mormont standing behind me. Arching an eyebrow, I took in the dark gown with green detailing she was wearing before saying, "I was not aware we were competing. Tell me, what will we win once the victor has been named." With a smile, she quickly replied, "the undivided attention of the sons of the Northern lords, of course." Opening my mouth to retort, we heard, "Ilyanna, why are you not," as we glanced at Robb. He blinked as I smirked before saying, "Robb, you remember Dacey Mormont from Bear Island." He offered a nod before returning to his plate while Dacey happily said, "well, it seems I have won the attention of your brother Ilyanna."

Rolling my eyes, I said, "true, but he is only one of my brothers. May I suggest the winner be the one who gains Jon's attention and a dance?" I watched her smile grow before holding her hand out to me, saying, "agreed, the one who can gain Snow's attention, as well as dance, will win." I reached out and clasped her arm with a nod, only to hear, "Dacey, what are ya doing over here?" We both turned our heads to offer a bright smile to Lady Maege as we said, "nothing." She rolled her eyes at her daughter only to bow her head to me before saying, "if it is nothing, then you will have no reason not to resume your seat, my daughter." Dacey moved to speak only to have her mother say, "for if you do not, I might make a match for you this evening."

With a nod, I watched her walk back toward her table as I returned my attention to my food, only to find Mother staring at me before directing her eyes to the Queen. Taking a deep breath, I softly asked, "will you please stop staring at Dacey Mormont," he blinked and stared at me as his cheeks reddened. "I was not staring." I arched my eyebrows before leaning across the table to kiss his cheek before whispering, "you are the next Lord of Winterfell. Just ask her to dance." His eyes narrowed at me before saying, "perhaps I will."

Smiling, I pulled back and moved to swing my legs over the bench while he asked, "where are you going?" Frustrated, I uttered, "I have been summoned to talk with the Queen." He smirked, amused. "It is not funny, brother." He shook his head and uttered, "behave, little sister." I returned his tease with a flash of a playful sneer as I stood up from the bench. Smoothing out my gown, I began to slip and glide through the crowd until I approached the dais. 

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