The Trail and Death of Ned Stark

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Eventually, we retired, and upon waking the following morning, I discovered that Lehna and Taria had decided to reside in my room. Grateful for their company, I slipped out of bed and relieved myself, allowing them to rest. Once finished, I walked across my moderately sized room and sat at the small desk. Pulling out a drawer, I prepared myself to move things aside to locate a piece of parchment and was pleasantly surprised to locate a leather-bound empty book. Removing the book from the drawer, I sat it on the tabletop and returned to searching the desk for a writing implement. Locating a quill and ink in two other drawers, I sat them beside the book. Breathing in, I opened the leather book, uncorked the ink, and began to write what I had known to occur within the last twenty-four hours with a dip of my quill.

When Lehna and Taria woke later, I finished writing and recorked my ink. Gently closing the bound book, I heard Lehna utter, "Ilyanna, have you been awake long?" Humming, I glanced at the tall windows to discover the sun sitting high in the sky. "I must have woken before sunrise." She opened her mouth to speak when Taria uttered, "what is that?" I glanced from her to the leather-bound book I held. "I discovered it within one of the desk drawers and needed to write what occurred. Would one of you place it with my letters?" Taria nodded as she slipped out of bed and took the book from me as Lehna approached. "Come, let us prepare you for the day." With a nod, I stood and followed her toward my vanity.

Moments later, I stood before a full-length looking glass dressed in one of the few Southern-style gowns. Draped in the uncomfortable soft green overlapping fashion, I observed Lehna and Taria mold my hair into the style the Queen Regent favored as I unconsciously held tight to the pendant Jon had gifted me so many months ago. "We are done, my Lady, if you would like to take a look." Inhaling and exhaling, I lifted my gaze and found a ghost reflecting at me from the looking glass. "Taria, would you mind unclasping my necklace and reclasping it with the last link of the chain?" She nodded as I asked as I watched the pendant descend beneath the top of my corset, ensuring the symbol of my house was hidden. Keeping my head high, I turned as they observed the ground once more dressed in their Southern court gowns. Leaning forward, I embraced them as they, in turn, embraced me. "We may be their hostages, but it does not mean we will allow them to break us." Squeezing me, I heard Taria utter, "we have pledged our loyalty to you and House Stark." With a watery smile, I softly said, "the North and I remember the good deeds done for us."

Breathing in and out, we left our room, and upon discovering an anxious Sansa waiting at the end of the corridor, we silently walked to the throne room. Entering the throne room, I was not surprised to find Joffrey lounging on the chair of swords guarded by his white cloaks while others spoke for him regarding his plans for the kingdoms and his coronation that his mother advised would take place within a fortnight. Standing amongst the crowd, I silently observed the young King and discovered he had no appetite for governing Westeros as he ordered my Father to remain locked away in the Black Cells beneath the Red Keep.

The day following his coronation, Sansa and I entered the throne room dressed in another gown of pale fabric styled in Southern Fashion. Choosing to wear a simplified version of the favored hairstyle, I brushed the soft periwinkle skirt of my gown aside as we walked past some of the courtiers. Keeping my head high, I did my best to ignore their whispers as we descended from the upper balcony hearing Pycelle utter, "it is also the wish of His Grace that his loyal servant Janos Slynt, Commander of the City Watch." Breathing, I felt Sansa take hold of my arm as we glided forward softly, greeting the knights, ladies, and lords we passed. Stopping on the outskirts of the assembled group, I felt Sansa release my arm as Pycelle said, "be raised to the rank of Lord and granted the ancient seat of Harrenhal, and that his sons and grandsons shall hold this honor after him, until the end of time." Quietly watching, I spied Cersei smirking, amused, while the Hound stood behind the Iron Throne as Baelish and Varys observed silently to his left.

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