A Conversation With The Lion Queen

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Entering the vast room, I was not surprised to find Cersei Lannister sitting behind a large desk surrounded by Pycelle, Varys, and Littlefinger. Squeezing Sansa's hand, we approached as Cersei swept to the bench seats behind us. Taking the confirmation gesture, I lowered myself to the bench with a shaking Sansa beside me. The Queen stared at us momentarily, saying, "do you know why you two have been brought to me?" Sansa shook her head as the aging Queen turned her gaze to me. "My brother told me that you were a knowledge-hungry bird. Do you know why I had you brought before me, little bird?" Breathing out, I stared before asking, "could it have something to do with the guards you sent to storm the Tower of the Hand?"

Her jovial features darkened as I ignored Sansa's gasp of shock. "Where is our Father, Lord Eddard Stark, your Grace?" She observed me before uttering, "upon the death of my husband, King Robert, your Father sought to claim the Iron Throne from my son, King Joffrey. For his actions, he has been taken to the Black Cells to await trial for his treasons act." Sansa stilled as I reached over and grasped her hand. "Our Father would not seek to claim the Iron Throne against the rightful heir." Baelish tilted his head as Varys kindly uttered, "Lady Ilyanna, I regret to inform you that your Father has proved to be an awful traitor, my dears." I observed him until the Grand Maester half muttered, "King Robert's body was still warm when Lord Eddard began plotting to steal Joffrey's rightful throne." Before I could counter his suggestion, Sansa remarked, "he wouldn't do that. He knows how much I love Joffrey. He wouldn't." I squeezed her hand in warning before uttering, "your Grace, please forgive my younger sister." Cersei stared at me as Sansa uttered, "but Ilyanna, there's been a mistake. If they bring Father here, he will certainly..." I glanced at her before saying, "this disturbing news, mixed with the recent violence between our houses, has put a strain on her."

She looked confused as I looked at the Queen. "Sansa often makes decisions with her heart instead of her mind, and with your council's startling news, I wish to ask that she be escorted back to our chambers to the company of my ladies while we speak." Pycelle huffed as I shifted my gaze from the Queen to him. "As if it a manner of determining if these claims are true it is well within my right to shield her from knowledge that may cause her harm. Is that not right, Grand Maester?" Pycelle blinked, startled by my direct question, before stuttering, "you are correct, Lady Stark." Nodding, I turned to ask Cersei if Ser Barriastan could escort her from the room when she uttered, "Ilyanna, Sansa," in an overly sweet tone. Annoyed, she offered us each a small smile before saying, "sweetlings, we know that you two are innocent of any wrong doing. Yet you are the daughters of a traitor." Sansa gapped as the older woman coldly asked, "how can I allow you to marry my son?"

Sansa slowly glanced at the two of us. "Your Grace, if this is merely a concern of how you perceive the realm to view this possible marriage, I suggest that my sisters and I be escorted North. Our return to Winterfell will ease discomfort or further discord between our noble houses. With our safe return, we can ease our brother and mother into understanding that this was merely a misunderstanding." Cersei looked interested until Sansa uttered, "no, Ilyanna, please don't!"

Breathing softly, I uttered, "Sansa, please understand that this is about your safety and...." Cersei smirked as Pycelle muttered, "she is right, my Queen, a child born of a traitor's seed is no fit consort for our King." Sansa sniffled as her chin began to quake while the ancient man prattled on, saying, "they are sweet things now, your Grace, but in 10 years, who knows what treasons they may hatch." Sansa broke free from my hold, uttering, "no. We're not. I'll be a good wife to him, you'll see. I'll be a Queen just like you, I promise. Ilyanna and I won't hatch anything." Cersei looked startled by her words while Baelish leaned forward. "The girls are innocent, your Grace. They should be given a chance to prove their loyalty." She huffed and lowered her gaze momentarily. "My little doves."

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