Preparations for a King

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When I woke the following morning, and for almost two weeks after the arrival of the Raven, I found myself following Mother about Winterfell while she and Maester Luwin surveyed every room within its walls as they attempted to determine who would reside during the King's stay. I silently wished I could return to my lessons with Septa rather than hearing Maester Luwin and Mother talk about candles, mending the tapestries, cleaning the chambers, laying out fresh bedding, and placing new kindling in the fireplaces. Nodding my thanks to one of the maids, who took down a tapestry in the Great Hall to mend, I turned to ask someone if my sibling's best garments were when I heard, "Ilyanna?" Taking a deep breath, I turned my head to find Maester Luwin and Mother staring at me as I quickly said, "yes, Mother." She motioned for me to approach her as I heard, "Lady Ilyanna?"

Turning toward the speaker, I blinked upon seeing Poole standing behind me as I asked, "yes, Steward Poole?" With a smile, he happily said, "I wanted to let you know that the garments you have chosen for your younger siblings have been laundered and will be amended accordingly." Nodding my thanks, I asked, "will you please ensure that Bran's cloak is lengthened to accommodate his growing height." Poole nodded that he would ensure it was done before saying, "excuse me," thus leaving me alone with Maester Luwin and Mother. "Will you find your brother and tell him he must see Thomas for a haircut?" I nodded that I would as I moved to head outside to the courtyard only to hear, "if Theon and Jon Snow are with him, I expect them to see Thomas as well." Nodding that I understood, I turned to head outside when I heard, "after you have completed this task, you will return to your chambers, were a bath will be waiting for you." Taking a deep breath, I nodded as I said, "of course, Mother," before swiftly leaving the Great Hall. Once out of sight, I gathered up the skirts of my pale blue gown before running through the corridors toward the courtyard where Robb and Jon were training under the watchful eye of Ser Roderick and his nephew, Jory Cassel.

Once outside, I took a deep breath before swiftly walking toward the sounds of clashing swords. Darting around a few people, I watched Robb spare against Theon for a moment before turning to see Jon fighting off two guards, only to have his sword trapped between them. Breathing deeply, I stood beside Ser Roderick, asking, "can Jon free his sword from such a position." Only to hear Ser Roderick say, "yes, if he tries," as I glanced up at the older man only to listen to a grunt. I turned my head to see one of the guards facing Jon bent over as he used the pommel of his sword to hit the other man in the face while Robb tripped Theon, forcing him onto his back before pointing the end of his sword at him. Smiling at their accomplishments, I clapped and said, "well done," as they glanced at me. Lowering my hands to my sides, I watched Jon take a deep breath before running his fingers through his hair while Robb asked, "are you not supposed to be with Mother helping her? Does she know that you have escaped her sight, She-Wolf?" I pointedly said, "she does because she sent me on an errand to find you, Young wolf."

Robb smirked as he pushed the end of his sword into the ground while someone asked, "what does your errand entail?" I glanced at Theon before saying, "Mother would like the three of you to seek out Thomas. She believes it will be in bad taste for the King to find the sons of the Lord of Winterfell and his ward masquerading as Wildlings." Ser Roderick chuckled and said, "it will take more than a haircut from Thomas to get this lot presentable for the King, my Lady." Nodding that I agreed, I tilted my head to the left before saying, "you're right. Perhaps Thomas should also shave their poor attempts at growing a beard." Only to hear, "poor attempt at growing a beard?" I smirked at Jon only to hear, "I'll show you a poor attempt" from Robb.

I quickly darted behind Ser Roderick, yelling, "Ser Roderick, Jory, please protect me from my foul-smelling brothers!" With a hearty laugh from the older man, I narrowly missed Robb taking hold of my arms as I moved to dart behind Jory only to hear, "I got you." I looked up to find Jon staring. I caught sight of sweat on his brow as he asked, "what do you have to say now, Ilya?" Blinking, I took a deep breath before looking up at him with a slight pout before saying I said, "well, Jon, I think...?" He nodded while I stood on my toes, only to say, "you smell worse than Robb." With an eye roll, he released me only to have Robb step forward and place his arm over my shoulders. I scrunch my nose in distaste, saying, "I was wrong. Robb smells the worst." They laughed as Robb gently kissed my head just below my left eye, saying, "we'll seek out Tommy for a trim She-Wolf." Nodding my thanks, I turned my head and kissed him just to the right of his lips before leaning forward as I kissed Jon's cheek while Robb's arm dropped from my shoulders. I said, "and baths as well." Free of them, I moved to slip around them before stopping and glancing at them while saying, "oh, Jon." He turned and glanced at me as I offered a smile and said, "will you please tell Thomas not to go too short with your trim." He provided a confused look while asking, "why not?" I quickly said, "it may be difficult for Arya, myself, or anyone to recognize without your dark curls." Walking away with a bright smile, I heard him say, "I will do my best, Ilyanna."

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