The Golden Lion verse The Knight of the Flowers

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After our meal, I returned to the tourney accompanied by Jory, Lehna, Taria, and three additional guards. Grateful, I discovered that Lord Baelish was not present, allowing the remainder of the tourney to pass without forcing myself to endure his presence. However, I did have to watch Jaime Lannister joust against several knights until his last opponent for the day was Ser Loras Tyrell. Breathing in and out, I offered a kind smile to Ser Loras as he rode past dressed in silver armor embossed with gold to reflect his family's rose sigil astride his white mare to honor King Robert. Unfortunately, I could not overlook Jaime Lannister as he rode past, seated on his white stallion, dressed in black armor littered with crimson red, gold, and lions.

Both men stopped and bowed to the royal family before returning to their waiting positions so they may begin the tilt. Breathing in and out, I felt Lehna link her arm with mine while Taria calmly took my other hand in hers. With the sound of the horn, they rode toward each other. Anxious, we watched them strike each other, causing both lances to break. Ser Loras's lance splintered against Lannister's arm, and Lannister's lance broke against Loras's shield, putting Lannister in the lead with three points to one. They remained seated on their mounts as they tossed their broken lances aside before returning to their positions for another ride. "Remind me, if one unseats the other, it is an automatic win. Correct?" Taria nodded as Lehna softly uttered, "I fear Ser Jaime is anxious to prove he is the better challenger after what occurred at Prince Joffrey's name day celebration a year ago." Curious, I turned to ask what she meant when we heard another crack. Blinking, I turned to observe Ser Loras breaking his lance against Lannister's chest, increasing his total to three points compared to the six points held by the golden lion.

As he rode past, I found Lannister observing me through his helm. Breathing in and out, I calmly watched them return to their positions. Their squires approached and gifted them their last lances. Lifting my chin, I silently watched them ride toward each other with their lances pointed at the other. With a crack, Lannister struck Loras across his shield while Loras's lance again struck Lannister's chest. The crowd roared at the Golden Lion's win over the Knight of the Flowers. Clapping, I leaned back to ask, "I would like to retire to the Tower of the Hand before we are expected to attend the feast tonight." Jory nodded, stood, and walked down the steps to hold his hand to me. Grateful, I untangled myself from my companions and placed my hand in his. Standing, I allowed him to lead me down to the bleachers and back to the safety of the Tower, unaware of Lannister observing my retreat.

Upon returning to the Tower of the Hand, I appraised my Father of what occurred before retiring to my room to prepare for the evening feast. Entering my room, I discovered a sea of Winter Roses with a folded piece of parchment resting against a vase of mixed red and blue roses sitting on the edge of my vanity. Cautious, I approached the vase and lifted the folded parchment. Opening it, I nearly growled upon seeing the sigil of House Lannister and an uppercase "J." Folding it, I pivoted and tossed it into the fire before sitting at my vanity. Breathing in and out, I forced myself to remain calm as Lehna approached. "What do you wish to do, Ilyanna?" Opening my eyes, I stared at my reflection before saying, "I want to remain here and not go to this feast that will put me in an awkward position with the various suitors claiming to want my hand." Taria gently touched my shoulder as I reached up and touched her hand. "But as I am obligated to attend, I will do so with a smile." They nodded and began to unwind my hair to braid it in a crown-braided hairstyle accented by a long thin chain of silver.

With my hair styled, I changed out of the green, slightly off-the-shoulder gown and into an ivory cream gown with blue, green, and grey detailing that sat on my shoulders. Compared to my other dresses, the sleeves flowed from the cups of the shoulders into two split sleeves that fell to my elbow, where they cinched before flaring out to slip around my wrist compared to my favored fitted sleeves. Breathing in and out, I brushed my hands down the front of my gown, ensuring the silk and satin remained wrinkle-free. In the interim, Taria silently slid interlocking silver and sapphire earrings into my earlobes while Lehna removed the pendant Jon gifted me. She sat it on my vanity top. "There is a silver braided torque decorated with howling wolves in my chest. I want to wear that this evening." Nodding, she opened the small chest sitting on my vanity and removed the thickly braided torque before gently sliding it around my pale neck. Feeling the howling wolves settle in the hollows of my neck, I relaxed moments before a knock at my door. "Come!"

I smoothed out my dress as the door revealed Father dressed in one of his better surcoats and tunics. "You look beautiful, Ilyanna." Embarrassed, I breathed in and out before saying, "thank you, Papa." With a sad smile, he cupped the back of my head and gently kissed my forehead. "All will be well, my darling girl." Nodding, I kissed his cheek before squaring my shoulders. "We should go before Sansa begins yelling." With a laugh, I took hold of his arm and followed him out of my room. 

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