Second Day of the Hand's Tourney

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A door closed, and I opened my eyes to find Lehna walking about my room, opening curtains while Taria tended to the fire. Blinking, I pushed myself to sit while the rising sun filtered into my room. "Good morning, my Lady." Smiling, I uttered, "good morning Taria and Lehna," before pushing the blankets covering me aside. Lehna approached and guided the blankets out of my way, allowing me to climb out of bed. Standing, I hastily completed my morning routine before sitting at my vanity. Breathing out, I sat up straight so Taria could run a comb through my locks while Lehna finished making the bed.

"I think you would look lovely in a pale blue gown, my Lady." Nodding, I uttered, "could you retrieve the pale blue gown embroidered with purple and white flowers? The neckline is a tad lower than I am accustomed to, but it will be fine with a chamise beneath it." Lehna nodded as she turned to retrieve the v-neckline gown with gathered upper sleeves that tapered into a fitted lower sleeve and an equal embroidery decorated chamise to wear beneath. "Do you wish to wear your hair down today?" I heard the brush Taria held set aside as I looked at my reflection. Breathing out, I uttered, "partially down with the front pulled back." She nodded and began to weave my hair into an elegant interlocking braid.

Moments later, I brushed my flowing locks over my shoulder as Lehna carefully belted an interlocking circular silver sash about my waist. Satisfied, I turned to ask them if they were joining me when someone knocked. Surprised, I uttered, "come," and watched the door open to reveal Steward Poole. Facing him, I asked, "is something wrong?" He breathed out before saying, "your Father, Lord Stark, asked that I inform you that he rose early this morning to speak with Ser Selmy, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard." Stunned by the announcement, I asked, "did my Father say why he wished to speak with the Lord Commander?" He merely shook his head no. "Please let my sisters and Septa Mordane know I will meet them at the tourney grounds." With a nod, he left as Taria asked, "you don't mean to go..." I nodded. "Father would only journey to the tourney field if he required an answer." "You believe he questions Ser Hugh's death." Moving towards the door, I said, "no, not the death itself, but who may have benefited from it." Before they could halt me, I opened the door and left as they hurried after.

The three of us made it out of the tower and to the tourney field a few moments later to discover Ser Selmy walking toward us with my Father. Breathing out, I felt my shoulders relax as Father said, "my Father once told me you were the best he'd ever seen. I never knew the man to be wrong about matters of combat." I felt a smile tug at my lips at his honesty regarding Grandfather until Ser Selmy uttered, "he was a fine man, your Father." Father nodded until the older man softly murmured, "what the Mad King did to him was a terrible crime." I watched Father tense at the mention of Grandfather's end before he asked, "and that lad?" Ser Selmy glanced at him as Taria reached out to pull me back. Blinking, I glanced at the ground, surprised I was a few steps ahead of them. Breathing out, I stepped back as Father said, "he was a squire until a few months ago. How could he afford a new suit of armor?" Selmy shrugged and remarked, "perhaps Lord Arryn left him some money."

Father hummed as they approached. "Good morning to you, Lady Ilyanna." Smiling, I uttered, "good morning, Ser Selmy," as he offered a courtly bow. "Ilyanna, what are you doing here?" I glanced at Father and uttered, "Poole said you were at the tourney grounds, and I was curious if I could convince you to allow me to enter the archery competition." Selmy smiled, amused by my request, as Father groaned. "Ilyanna, as I told you days ago. You..." Interrupting, I said, "cannot enter as it would offend the poor knights and lords that your daughter fares better than they."

He huffed while Selmy laughed. "You've had this conversation before." I turned to reply when Father uttered, "far too many times." Huffing, I glanced at the two of them with a pout. "You make it seem like I want to dress up in armor and ride in the joust." Father sighed and embraced me before kissing the top of my head. "It is not that I do not believe in your skill. I want you to remain safe." Humming, I squeezed him and uttered, "I understand." He released me as I turned to ask Ser Selmy if he was retiring to the Keep when he spoke, "I hear the King wants to joust today." Father huffed and said, "yes, that will never happen." Surprised, I turned to ask why he could not compete when Ser Selmy uttered, "Robert tends to do what he wants."

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