The Fallen Idol And The Artist

By JewelzLibrary

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Xie Lian was once a child idol who was smart, talented and everything you can ask for in an idol. He seemed p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter summary previews

Chapter 19

261 8 3
By JewelzLibrary

The night of the exhibition comes sooner than expected, leaving Xie Lian to feel slightly nervous as he had done something different. Something that wasn't within the original plans for the performance. He never showed the lyrics for the song to anyone, not even San Lang. He had instead kept the words to himself, and had even told his composer to just trust him on being able to come up with something that would make everyone's heads turn. He wanted to surprise everyone, and wanted to show to the world that he was still around. He wanted the world to know that he could reappear at any moment to take the spotlight, but only on his own time. There was no one out there that could force him to be anywhere, force him to do anything, or even force him to hide. If he was going to gain attention then he was going to gain it through actual work, and not drama. 

'The world is going to see me once more. They're going to see just what I am fully capable of without any limits. I have never forgotten anything that was taught to me, and now I will be able to unleash it all without the eyes of my father staring at me ruthlessly. I hope that in all actuality, he smiles from wherever he is at....'

He sits before a mirror with his head held high as Mu Qing works a brush through his brown locks as he works to tie his hair up into a high ponytail without causing too much tension to his scalp. He carefully looks through the jewelry that was left for Xie Lian inside the room he was given at Paradise Manor.

"My god...what is this guy doing leaving these here like this?"

"I've asked about it too, and he doesn't seem to bothered by the fact that all of that is there. So I may just take most of it to the bank, anything that can be put together with any certain outfits in the future will be stored into a smaller jewelry box."

"Seriously....? Hm?" Mu Qing stares down at a head piece he felt would be perfect to place at the front of the ponytail. 

"What is it?"

"Let's just say that you will definitely need to owe me after tonight do you hear me?"

Xie Lian nervously chuckles as Mu Qing goes ahead and completes his look. 

At the casino, the massive hall was being filled with those who were invited from art collectors, investors, sponsors, and more. Those from the list of people to watch over Xie Lian were also coming up to the event. The first to arrive were the Lans. The second to arrive were the Nie's, and the third were the Jiangs. Soon after that Pei Ming arrived, along with another friendly face that had helped Xie Lian during his online classes. His name was Shen Yuan, a teacher who appeared to be quite young to be considered a professor. However, his history wasn't so much of a secret and neither was the end result of his previous year. Considering that he was rather young, being twenty-one years old— he had graduated from high school at an earlier age, and immediately went for a teaching role. He had a partner who happened to be one of his students, and was aged at 19 and currently sitting behind a cell door. A story that he himself could only tell. Shen Yuan was strict, professional, and carried a poor temper, but he was still someone who cared fairly well about his students no matter the age. 

Soon after the professors walk through, Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan walk in together with another man walking in behind them. Someone that Pei Ming happened to recognize, a man named Shi Wudu, Shi Qingxuan's elder brother. With permission Shi Qingxuan invited him, as he also wanted to get a chance to speak to Pei Ming as the two have a small history together. As much as San Lang didn't want to invite him, he figured it would be within He Xuan's best interest. 

The casino's main hall was dimmed with silver like bulbs hanging around with white light pouring out from them. The machines were covered in red sheets with fall like decor aligning them and the walls with strings of fall leaves lining up around with stands hanging around in the shadows behind the machines causing the illusion of massive trees in the shadows. The front entrance completely blocked and locked as the side door was used to lead to the main exhibition hall upstairs. The stairs were drenched with a pure crimson rug along its steps with silver like embroidery trailing on its edges with small designs of flowers and butterflies. A custom piece that Hua Cheng had ordered just for occasions like this. Normally he would choose coloring to fully match the seasons that were around, however he wanted some of the decor to feature more of himself and his true colors as it also fit the theme of the exhibition itself. The theme centered around him and him alone. The pieces he will be presenting will have subtle hints of who he is and how he came to be. Nothing too major as he didn't want people to question him too much, but the pieces themselves were enough to draw  a crowd. As the main guests had arrived the doors had begun to close to outsiders, however a single figure manages to get in on his own. He had slipped by during the decoding process and had managed to disguise himself as a worker.

Qi Rong hides himself among the servers as he tries his best to copy their movements and actions, but he was just not so elegant in any capacity.

'Tch! This is so FUCKING stupid! Why does the old bag do this himself?! He's the one who wants a piece of my cousin, I DON'T!'

He looks into his hand carrying a small bottle filled with some form of a powder. He knew what his task was, but he didn't know what the drug was meant to do. While he was told that it would do something to his cousin, he wasn't sure as to what the affects were. For the time being he needed to find a way to sneak the substance to him. He glances around the exhibition hall before seeing the table of food and drinks. He looks to the trays the servers would carry and immediately comes up with a plan to execute.

Within just a few minutes, the doors close and all the guests are accounted for. However, no one was able to see Xie Lian as everyone knew that he was going to make an appearance as the partner of 'Hua Cheng.'

San Lang hangs back behind a set of large red curtains as he stares at the crowd that had gathered. He looks to the orchestra behind him and locks eyes with Mu Qing immediately.

"Don't give me that stupid look, he's ready and will come out when it's time. He said to tell you not to worry about him."

Feng Xin raises an eyebrow as he looks over to him.

"Is there a good reason to not worry?"

Mu Qing turns to him, "Yes."

'And it's not a reason that you'd like to hear. Neither would the man in Crimson red.'

San Lang merely ignores the rest of their conversation and steps out from behind the curtains as the lights dim from the entrance doors to the stage he was standing on. Along the walls smaller lights flicker on to illuminate the hall a bit as a light shines above him. He smiles to the crowd and lifts his arms in greeting. He gives a bow while folding his arms behind him.

"Welcome everyone, to our yearly autumn exhibition. This year is a bit different in regards to theme, while the season is still applied to the pieces here—I also took a therapeutic approach on my part with the pieces you will see today. This also includes the pieces that will be sold. The additional theme centers around an emotion of loss and grief. A path that can end in tragedy and darkness, or be filled with illumination. Before we start and you become free to look around and mingle, I have a special gift to you all. Music created and composed to give you a true feel to the atmosphere. Allow me to reintroduce familiar faces to you, faces you've seen so long ago and deserve another chance to shine in the light. They once were musicians and creators under the Xianle Agency, and have agreed to join us to perform. Please give your full attention to them, The Xianle Orchestra."

The curtains slowly open as the lights shut off completely with the maestro tapping on his stand. The crowd is silent as the music begins to play, but what seemed strange was the fact that the front center area before them was empty. It was as if someone was supposed to be standing there. This confused everyone and even the musicians. But regardless, they chose to continue. The music plays beginning with a soft sound. As the music gradually builds the lights around the area follow along gracefully, including lights that were surrounding the musicians with little butterflies attached to the areas surrounding them. The music intensifies and gains more power as the lights flash brightly creating the illusion of a swarm of silver butterflies.

The crowd is in awe so far as they silently watch. The music continues before dying down. As the music lowers and fades into a bit of silence the lights dim, but then a breath is heard faintly as a voice soft, powerful, and warm echoes fairly throughout the hall.

"La-la-la....La-la-la, la-la...—"

All eyes turn every which way to find the source of the voice, until a dim light shines to the entrance doors where a figure stands in the shadows before the light showers over them and changing to a dimmed golden hue.

Xie Lian raises his head as the light reveals his outfit. His top colored in white with his neck covered by a lightly loose turtle neck collar that fit perfectly along the sides. His sleeves were that of like a dresses hanging over his arms with the ends tucked in with a single layer of ruffles, while the sleeves themselves carried suits creating a small opening to reveal some skin while leaving his wrists covered. His lower body covered by a light grey set of dress pants with plaid designs layering in white. His feet adorning a pair of white heels, simple and formal. His hair tied neatly up as it used to be done once long ago as a child idol, only this time his hair pieces consisted of silver coloring instead of gold. His face covered in a very light layer of make up, just enough to cover over the small dark circles of his eyes. His cheeks dabbed with a tiny bit of blush, with his lashes stretched a bit with mascara and a small touch of eyeliner forming a small wing to the sides of his eyes.His lips carrying a light shade of lip stick and glass that allowed for the coloring to just match the natural tone of his lips. His are closed, until his head is lifted with the light shining down onto him.

A slight chill of a wind passes by him allowing his clothes to freely fly in small flickers of movement as he opens his mouth to continue his song.

"Gales of song... guide me through the sto~rm..."

Upon holding the note he slowly begins to walk as the music plays faintly before silencing once more.

"On the wings of a small, simple melody...."

With every step he takes the lights along the walls set up beside different paintings or sculpture, begin to flash as the pieces are revealed for a moment.

His arms raise up slightly to each side as he continues to reach the center infront of the orchestra.

"Words take fli~ght and soar...
They carry me...! A world we'll see...!"

As he steps closer, the lights around the built stage begins to form a pattern of crystals around the musicians and himself.

It was like the hall was overtaken by a magical setting that could exist in fairytale and fantasy novels.

"Looking for a farewell, I pull the threads..."

His back faces the crowd as the music picks up just a bit while the crystal like lights dim off, allowing a set of single string like lights to brighten before him at the sides of the stage like an entangled web of string. His hands raise as he looks up to a single portrait above the orchestra of a young child clinging to a white peach Blossom in his hands with his facial features darkened slightly as the background is dark with small droplets of rain surrounding him in a hug.

"A life without you...! I cannot accept...! I can't tell that lie..! I can't let go!"

The music picks up greatly as he turns to face the crowd and the light shines above him, giving him a heavenly glow.

"But now that you're gone, I have to move on! Seems like everyone! just smile staring at the sun!"

His hands are raised up high before lowering to his own heart as the lights twinkle along at the sides, as if dancing to the rhythm.

"But what about me?! Tell me how I will know where I should go?!"

His eyes close as he holds the note before reopening with his hands reaching out to the crowd before lifting up high above his head a gust of air brushing by.

"Oh gales, you sing and guide me!!"

The lights flash brightly as the curtains are pulled all the way back allowing the orchestra to be seen in bright silvery lights while maintaining the Heavenly glow above.

"I walk alone! There’s more to life I have to know! It's just me, lost so far away from home!  Alone I Shut myself in! Still the wind howl, they call!
And their voices lead me! Gales of song! Guide me through the storm! Let the melody lift me high! I'll be me!!"

With every word and note that left his lips followed shivers of shock through the audience and his musicians. Mu Qing and Feng Xin continued to play along with the others, but throughout it all they could only help but to feel a sense of nostalgia. It was like the light of their old idol never faded away.

Even when hiding in the crowd, Qi Rong felt like his heart shake to his core in both excitement and hatred at the sight of his cousin. He still maintained grace and beauty, and his voice carried the souls of the living to a world of his own design that was blessed by the heavens. And he could only loathe him for it.

Shi Qingxuan silently was cheering with tears running down their cheeks.

'I didn't realize just how amazing my friend is..!'

And from the side of the stage, San Lang watches in awe. His eye is brightened with a sense of amazement as the memory of their first meeting flashes before his eyes. He had no idea what to expect as the song's lyrics were completely hidden from him as was his outfit. His eye's gaze locks to Xie Lian's for a moment when he glances to him with his smile.

The music  is once again low and gentle.

"Gales of song....please stay by my side..."

His hands rest over his heart as he manages to slip a small silver butterfly like ring over his finger to symbolize his relationship, but to also symbolize the freedom of a butterfly.

"Winds of love....breathe into my life..."

At the very end his lips press to the butterfly gently as the lights spread out from above and behind revealing the rest of the artwork in the exhibition hall. The crowd at first is silent, until a single moment of applause turns into a wave of excitement. A buzz that had been lifted from their boring grounds of normalcy in their lives.

Xie Lian carefully moved the mic away from his lip as he gives a bow to everyone along with the other musicians.

San Lang approaches from the side with a smile that was filled with admiration and inspiration. His mind was overwhelmed and overflowing with a sense of joy that he had not felt in so long. A type of joy that made his heart race. He lifts Xie Lian's hand to his lips as he plants a small kiss to his knuckles while taking into account the scent of a floral perfume. Xie Lian blushes slightly, but then firmly holds onto his hand as he stands to his side. He gives off a loud whistle into the microphone, forcing the crowd to die down.

"Due enjoy your time here, and if you have questions don't be afraid to approach me. But....please don't approach me." He says with a smile that was just intimidating. The crowd finally disperses to take a look at all the art work, while the crew San Lang had listed earlier awaits for the couple to join them.

Mu Qing and Feng Xin are the first to walk over to the group just in time for Shi Qingxuan to pounce onto them.

"You never told us he could sing?!"

"What the hell back off! He was an idol! What did you expect?!"

Shi Qingxuan shakes his shoulders a bit.

"I didn't expect that?!"

Feng Xin removes their hands from his roommates shoulders with a glare.

"Relax will you? We're in a public setting with a bunch of people you don't want to get into trouble with. Behave."

"I agree." All eyes look up to Shi Wudu who was dressed in a dark blue suit with a white tie, and a black long sleeved buttoned up dress shirt. His hair is combed back with his dark blue eyes being icy cold, and dark compared to the bright ocean eyes of his younger brother.

Pei Ming chuckles as he nudges him a bit.

"Now, Now it's okay to have a little fun yeah? They're still just a tad bit young."


"Been quite a while hasn't it?"

Shi Qingxuan sighs and turns away in disgust as they approach the others invited.

"I already see a few familiar faces. Good to see you. How are you guys?"

A young woman with golden eyes and black hair tied into a bun with purple like hair pins crossed into it with amethyst jewels hanging from the ends. Her dress simple and long to her lower calves with a transparent like clock over her shoulders. Beside her is her husband in a more mellowed out yellow like suit, a red tie, and brown shoes. His shoulder length hair tied back into a low ponytail and light brown eyes.

The girl smiles, "Thank you for inviting us. My brother doesn't really like these kinds of functions, so it was understandable for him to ask."

Her brother to her other side folds his arms with his dark purple eyes glaring toward their direction.

Shi Qingxuan pouts.

"Seriously, a lot of you guys share the same kind of glare. Will you lift up your cheeks and smile?!"

He Xuan shakes his head from behind them.

"Just ignore them. They're too much of an extrovert for their own good."


"To see some of my future students is a bit weird even if we are all almost close in age."

"Ah, Professor Yuan."

"Jiang Yanli, Jiang Cheng, Jin Zixuan, and Huaisang. Pleasure to see you. And Xichen I'm surprised."

He turns to Lan Xichen who was dressed in white from top to bottom. He steps over to them with a chuckle.

"This is quite interesting. We all are connected in many ways. I find it rather interesting. But Shen Yuan I hope you're well."

"Bout as well as I can be for the moment. And you?"

"Well, I'm alright."

"Good to hear."

"This is so weird and confusing, but considering we are all here—it has to be for a reason."

All eyes to Nie Mingjue's younger brother Huaisang who happened to be best friends with Shi Qingxuan.

"And you're correct." All heads turn as San Lang approaches with Xie Lian at his side with their arms intertwined around the other.

"Xie Lian! You look amazing! Mu Qing did such a good job! Who would have thought!"

"Uh, thank you Shi Qingxuan..." he says with a laugh.

"Forget the pleasantries for now. Why did you invite all of us?" Jiang Cheng asks.

San Lang gives him a sly smile

"This group is meant to be the one filled with people I know I can trust. Your jobs are to make sure Gege stays safe at all costs. Yin Yu and Quan Yizhen are guarding the entrances. Cameras are all recording and there are servants watching every corner. This place right now is filled with sharks. Now that Gege has put his face back out there with his performance, many will want to go after him. Your job is to keep an eye on him just in case. The two comrades already are wary so they know the drill. And you will be compensated for the work you've done with Gege's outfit. So don't question it later. Yin Yu will take care of all transactions."

Mu Qing folds his arms and sneers slightly, "Aren't you being a bit too paranoid?"

"Of course not."

"San Lang...?"

"Yin Yu had spotted two suspicious characters before the exhibition was opened to the guests. They had left but I have my doubts. Gege was also already warned before as well but—"

Xie Lian tightens his hold onto him a bit with a small smile.

"I can defend myself....but I appreciate the concern San Lang."

"I have some business to attend to so, have fun and I'll be back shortly."

All heads give their nod to him as he bows before pressing a small kiss to Xie Lian's cheek before leaving them. All held in breaths immediately release.

Xie Lian chuckles, "I appreciate all of you coming. But I'm still surprised that you all are connected in some ways..."

Shen Yuan clears his throat slightly as he opens up a fan to cover his face a bit.

"I owe him a favor actually..."

Jiang Cheng glares down slightly.

"I do too.....:

Xie Lian doesn't question them. It's their business and theirs alone. It would be best to not stir up any heavy emotions surrounding such subjects.

Qi Rong sucks at his teeth with anger.

"DAMMIT! That bitch just couldn't stay still earlier once she knew about Pei Ming  coming. Why is she so obsessed with his worn out rod?"

He mutters to himself as he helps to pass around drinks. He glances once more to Xie Lian, but then notices San Lang standing several feet away with a few other clients. If he couldn't reach Xie Lian then he would need to do the next best thing.

"I'll just change my target."


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